"china" tag

Jayadeva Ranade’s insightful observation on Dalai Lama’s declining situation

To paraphrase a news article by Jayadeva Ranade published in the Sunday Guardian Live on 28th July 2018, the Tibetan leadership’s ‘Five Fifty Forum’ is nothing but a futile pantomime, an empty charade…

The young 10th Zhabdrung Rinpoche

The Controversy of the 10th Zhabdrung Jigdrel Ngawang Namgyal (Pema Namgyal)

This piece is not an indictment of Bhutan’s practices and policies but rather an examination of the Tibetan leadership’s double standards, hypocrisy and obvious political machinations for their own benefit…


Will the Dalai Lama return to China?

Vijay Kranti, a senior journalist, Tibetologist, and Chairman of CHASE, has made great efforts to analyze the very important and pertinent question of “Will the Dalai Lama return to China?”


Dalai Lama corrects himself on Chinese Panchen Lama

The Dalai Lama has effectively admitted that he has erred on the Panchen Lama issue and his remarks recognize that the Chinese government has correctly chosen the reincarnation of the 10th Panchen Lama…


China makes it easier to report troublemakers

China has recently launched a new service, making it easier than ever for whistle-blowers to report activities which may endanger state security including corruption, espionage and other criminal activities that go against the laws of the country…


India Outmaneuvers Ungrateful Tibetans

The Tibetan leadership have damaged India’s relationship with China on many occasions. But now India is pushing back against this exploitation and are using the CTA and the Tibetans in-exile as a tool to improve ties with China instead…


The Tibetan Leadership’s Worst Nightmares Have Come True

March was a terrible month for the Tibetan leadership as they received bad news after bad news. All of this negative news has come from just one source, and it just happens to be their biggest and most powerful sponsor — India…

Union Minister Mahesh Sharma

Indian Minister Supports Dalai Lama Leaving India

During the opening of the ‘Thank You India’ campaign, Union Minister Mahesh Sharma spoke of India’s support for the Dalai Lama’s return to his country. The message is clear — India supports the Dalai Lama leaving and, along with him, the rest of the Tibetans…


India gives up ‘Tibet Card’

India has been playing the ‘Tibet card’ against China by using the presence of Tibetan refugees in their country to provoke the Chinese leadership. Recently however, a new perspective has been presented by none other than Phunchok Stobdan…


Nepal Arrests Activist for Holding Tibetan Flag

Recently, Nepal showed just how serious they are about the One China policy when they took Adak, a Tibetan activist, into custody after he posted a picture of himself holding a Tibetan flag in front of Kathmandu’s Boudhanath Stupa…

Tashi Phuntsok (born in Shigatse), was the winner of the "Sing! China" singing competition in 2017. He is just one of the examples that Tibetans in China are given opportunities to realise their dreams.

The Grass is Greener in China

Today, if one were to place oneself in any of the Indian border states of Arunachal Pradesh, Himachal Pradesh, Ladakh or Sikkim for example, it would be clear where the proverbial greener grass grows — on China’s side…

The President of the Central Tibetan Administration (CTA), Lobsang Sangay (center) is addressing media persons during a press conference at Dharamsala on Wednesday,March 28, 2018

Inconveniencing India? Then return to Tibet!

Sikyong Lobsang Sangay has announced that Tibetans do not wish to present any inconvenience to their Indian hosts. However, the irony is that the Tibetans have done nothing BUT inconvenience India for the last 60 years…

India’s Minister of External Affairs Sushma Swaraj (right) and her Chinese counterpart, State Councilor Wang Yi (left).

India presses Tibetan leadership to stop political activity against Beijing

In this article from the Hindustan Times, the Modi government has made it clear that it does not want the Tibetan administration to engage in political activities against Beijing. In fact, this message is now being conveyed openly and bluntly…

Chinese President Xi Jinping sits on a swing with Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi at a riverside park in Gujarat

Dalai Lama and Tibetans given the cold shoulder by India

Reuters news agency has confirmed that India is toning down its stance against China, in hopes of calming ties and averting stand-offs like the Doklam border crisis last year…

Original artist unknown

Indians express the truth about the Dalai Lama and the Tibetans

The Tibetans are starting to lose Indian support. From a grassroots level all the way up to the highest echelons of government in Delhi, more and more Indians have begun voicing their discontent in relations to the Tibetans…


Tibetans urged not to thank India – just grow up

Lobsang Wangyal of TibetSun.com paints a realistic but very bleak picture of the Tibetan leadership’s current state of affairs in relations to the latest developments in Sino-Indian bilateral relations….

Instead of being grateful for India's hospitality, Tibetans living in India always hold activities that jeopardizes the Sino-India relations.

Insider Mr Shakya explains candidly why Tibetans are losing Indian support

An article in India Today presents a succinct summary of the current situation between India and China and a clear and truthful picture of how and why the changing political atmosphere will impact the Tibetans…


Fed up of waiting, Nepal embraces China

It is not surprising to see Nepal and India taking the necessary steps to create a closer relationship with China, and distancing themselves from the “troublesome” Tibetan leadership…


Himachal Pradesh ​Minister is a no show for Tibetan government event

Himachal Pradesh state minister Kishan Kapoor failed to turn up at a significant CTA-hosted event after initially confirming he would be in attendance. Mr. Kapoor had been confirmed as the Chief Guest of an official event commemorating the 59th anniversary of the Tibetan National Uprising Day…

FILE PHOTO: Tibetan activists are detained by police during a protest held to mark the 58th anniversary of the Tibetan uprising against Chinese rule, outside the Chinese embassy in New Delhi, India, March 10, 2017. REUTERS/Cathal McNaughton/File photo

Reuters reports on India banning 2018 Tibetan Uprising Day rally

International news media favourite, Reuters, has recently published a report of India’s banning Tibetans from holding Tibetan Uprising Day rallies in New Delhi this year…


India’s confidential memo on the Tibetans leaked

On 26th February 2018, a classified directive from the Indian Cabinet Secretary discouraging Indian officials from attending events held by the Tibetan leadership in India was leaked to the press…


2018 International Buddhist Conference of Dorje Shugden Followers

In 2018, from 4th to 6th January, Gelugpa faithfuls from all over the world descended on the Yak And Yeti Hotel (Kathmandu, Nepal). They were there to attend what was one of the biggest gatherings of sons and daughters of Je Tsongkhapa who have been loyal to their teachers and persevered with their practice of Dorje Shugden…


Samdhong Rinpoche Caught Lying Again

The opinion piece below was sent to dorjeshugden.com for publication. We accept submissions from the public, please send in your articles to [email protected].     By: Shashi Kei There is now confirmation that the Dalai Lama’s personal envoy and ex-Prime Minister of the Central Tibetan Administration (CTA) lied about his visit to China. Professor Samdhong…

Is the Tibetan leadership gearing up for talks with China? The Dalai Lama has recently been reinforcing his belief that Tibet should come under Chinese rule and the latest revelation that Samdhong Rinpoche is currently visiting Tibet seems to confirm this.

The Dalai Lama’s Change of Tune

After over half a century of rousing Tibetan and global support against China, the Dalai Lama’s reversal in his stance and attitude towards China is not without some serious implications and repercussions…


Tibetan leadership allows 151st tragic self-immolation

The opinion piece below was sent to dorjeshugden.com for publication. We accept submissions from the public, please send in your articles to [email protected].     Dear readers, Why are the Tibetan government-in-exile not ordering their people to stop the self-immolations? For everything else, the Tibetan government acts as a dictatorship and not the democracy they…


ཕྱི་ལོ་༢༠༡༧ ཕྱི་ཟླ་༡༡ པར་ཀ་ལ་ཀ་ཏ་ནང་། ༧གོང་ས་མཆོག་རྒྱ་ནག་མཉམ་དུ་སྡོད་འདོད་ཡོད་ཅེས།

ཕྱི་ལོ་ ༢༠༡༧ ཕྱི་ཟླ་ ༡༡ ཚེས་ ༢༣ ཉིན། ཨེ་ཀོ་ནོ་མིག ཊེམ་ (Economic Times) ཞེས་པའི་གསར་ཤོག་ཏུ། རྒྱ་གར་ཚོང་ལས་ཚན་པ་ནས་གོ་སྒྲིག་བྱས་ཏེ་ཚོགས་འདུ་ཚོགས་པ་དེར་༧གོང་ས་མཆོག་གི་ཉེས་འཆར་གྱི་དཔྱད་གཏམ་སྤེལ་དོན་ལ།


The 14th Dalai Lama Angers Nepal

The opinion piece below was sent to dorjeshugden.com for publication. We accept submissions from the public, please send in your articles to [email protected].     By: Shashi Kei There are four places of pilgrimage that are considered a must-visit for all Buddhist practitioners of all traditions. One of these places is the Buddha’s birthplace in…


CTA Neglects Tibetans in Tibet

Amidst the petty bickering about who is right, who is wrong, who said what, which supporters are more violent and where did the money go – what everyone has forgotten is the welfare of the Tibetans in Tibet…


The CTA’s Walls are Crumbling

The opinion piece below was sent to dorjeshugden.com for publication. We accept submissions from the public, please send in your articles to [email protected].     By: Kay Beswick If you have been following the Lukar Jam saga, you will know that Lukar Jam Atsok is a vocal freedom fighter for Tibet’s complete independence. He is…

Nyentog Tashi Dargyeling Monastery in Tibet

Shugden Thangka Causes a Stir in Tibet

On 18 September 2016, Tashi Dargyeling Monastery in the Nyentog region of Tibet released an official letter warning of the monastery’s boycott of all Shugden practitioners and all who have connections with these practitioners…

The Dalai Lama loved and revered as both a god and a king to the Tibetan people.

6 Theories as to Why the Dalai Lama Imposed the Ban on Dorje Shugden

In this article, we will look at some theories that are frequently raised to explain the Dalai Lama’s perpetuation of the ban against the Dorje Shugden practice. Over time, one insubstantial reason after another was advanced to explain the ban but when tested against established Buddhist doctrines and also secular logic, they were easily debunked…


A Dalai Lama Insider Returns to China – Has the Defection Begun?

By: Shashi Kei The opinion piece below was sent to dorjeshugden.com for publication. We accept submissions from the public, please send in your articles to [email protected].     On September 2nd 2015 the Tibetan government-in-exile celebrated its 55th ‘Democracy Day’ with the usual grandiloquent speeches about how much the Tibetans owe the Dalai Lama and…

A thangka representation of Nechung Pehar

The Unreliability of the Nechung Oracle

It is widely believed that, since the time of the 13th Dalai Lama until today, the Nechung oracle has been under the influence of an evil spirit instead of Nechung/Pehar, thus causing much mischief and problems for the Tibetan peoples such as the untimely death of the 13th Dalai Lama…


My Friend Mao

The Tibetans have and are suffering from the Dalai Lama and the CTA’s actions with regards to Dorje Shugden. And no closer is the CTA in securing Tibet’s autonomy, much less independence. So why is the CTA condemning those who are trying to bridge the divide between China and Tibet when the Dalai Lama himself is still cooing admiration for Mao? Why the bias and double standards?


His Holiness the 11th Panchen Lama Welcomes Mongolian Buddhist Delegation

H.H. the 11th Panchen Lama Bainqen Erdini Qoigyijabu is being recognized more and more by the global Buddhist community. In July 2015, the head of the Mongolian Buddhist Association paid an official visit to the Panchen Lama in Beijing, China…


Why Sabotage Your Own Country And People

For all the accusations levelled at China by the anti-Shugden people, the statement issued by China in February 2014 made it clear that China only wants to protect unity within the Tibet Autonomous Region and Greater China. For example, China’s position on the Dorje Shugden issue states without doubt that, they [the CTA] immediately launched a new evil action by reviving the dispute over the propitiation or non-propitiation of ‘Gyalchen Shugden’ by relying on opposition to it, with the evil hope to promote discord among believers within our borders…

The people of the world supporting the fight for a genuine ‘Free Tibet’

The Ultimate Political Spinmaster, the 14th Dalai Lama

In 2010, the current affairs show Cross Talk hosted by veteran journalist Peter Lavelle made a number of observations which questioned the authenticity of the Dalai Lama’s Tibet as the world imagines it…


How the Dalai Lama’s Actions Are Affecting Religion

Recently, the Huffington Post ran an article written by Robert Thurman, “The Dalai Lama And The Cult Of Dolgyal Shugden” which although sensational by its title, was no more than a rehash of allegations spawned by Thurman over 17 years ago, against a 350-year-old Tibetan Buddhist practice that the Dalai Lama has been trying to destroy since 1996 with some, but incomplete success…


The Dalai Lama’s Secrets: CIA and the Dalai Lama

It is an open secret that America’s CIA had financed the activities of the Dalai Lama for years. We know this because America has a law that requires official government documents to be declassified after a certain period of time. In 1998, a series of documents came to light that revealed the CIA’s involvement in…

The baffling stance of the Dalai Lama

The Dalai Lama’s Secrets: The Baffling Stance of the Dalai Lama

Over the last 5 decades that Tibetans have been exiled from their homeland, the Dalai Lama has wavered between fighting for both autonomy within the China he loves and complete independence from the China he despises. His constant flippant and contradictory statements – though viewed as ‘skillful means’ by some – are now being questioned…

Contemplate This

.…Instead of turning away people who practise Dorje Shugden, we should be kind to them. Give them logic and wisdom without fear, then in time they give up the ‘wrong’ practice. Actually Shugden practitioners are not doing anything wrong. But hypothetically, if they are, wouldn’t it be more Buddhistic to be accepting? So those who have views against Dorje Shugden should contemplate this. Those practicing Dorje Shugden should forbear with extreme patience, fortitude and keep your commitments. The time will come as predicted that Dorje Shugden’s practice and it’s terrific quick benefits will be embraced by the world and it will be a practice of many beings.

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