  • Kensur Rinpoche Lobsang Phende to Give Chakrasamvara Initiation and Commentary in April 2023
    March 22, 2023 · 357 Views · 1 Comments

    Kensur Rinpoche Lobsang Phende to Give Chakrasamvara Initiation and Commentary in April 2023

    At the request of Gelong Lobsang Thardoe from Nepal, and many other Lamas and monks within the lineage from around the world, the abbot emeritus of Shar Gaden, Kyabje Kensur Rinpoche Lobsang Phende has compassionately accepted the request to confer the initiation

  • Grand Prayer Festival to celebrate 25 years of the Dorje Shugden Society
    July 21, 2021 · 837 Views · 5 Comments

    Grand Prayer Festival to celebrate 25 years of the Dorje Shugden Society

    To celebrate the 25th anniversary of the Dorje Shugden Society, a grand prayer festival will be held on International Dorje Shugden Day (August 24) with various pujas that have been advised by the highest lamas of our tradition.

  • Der Dalai Lama Gibt Zu Dass Er Sich In Bezug Auf Dorje Shugden Geirrt Hat
    July 18, 2021 · 501 Views · 0 Comments

    Der Dalai Lama Gibt Zu Dass Er Sich In Bezug Auf Dorje Shugden Geirrt Hat

    The opinion piece below was sent to dorjeshugden.com for publication. We accept submissions from the public, please send in your articles to [email protected].     By: Shashi Kei Vor 25 Jahren begann die religiöse Verfolgung von Dorje Shugden-Gläubigen, angeführt von der Zentralen Tibetischen Verwaltung (CTA). Die Folgen dieses religiösen Verbotes des Dalai Lamas und der…

  • Dalai Lama Admits He Was Wrong About Dorje Shugden
    June 4, 2021 · 14,109 Views · 16 Comments

    Dalai Lama Admits He Was Wrong About Dorje Shugden

    After 25 years of religious persecution of Dorje Shugden believers, the Dalai Lama has admitted that it was a mistake to have discriminated against Dorje Shugden.

  • Tibetan Politics Threaten Mongolian Buddhist Heritage
    March 29, 2021 · 646 Views · 3 Comments

    Tibetan Politics Threaten Mongolian Buddhist Heritage

    Within Mongolian communities today, there is again renewed agitations to support the Dalai Lama’s narrative on the Shugden issue. This time, the provocations come from a Mongolian man by the name of Tsend-Ayush Batmunkh who runs a Facebook account under the nickname ‘Hunnu Mongol’...

  • It Never Gets Better
    December 20, 2020 · 2,749 Views · 138 Comments

    It Never Gets Better

    Lobsang Sangay, the current Sikyong (President) of the Central Tibetan Administration (CTA)  for the past eight years and the political successor to the Dalai Lama, is finally retiring after May 2021. During his two terms as the Sikyong, Lobsang Sangay brought little progress to the exiled Tibetans' cause. The relationship with China became more hostile, CTA…

  • The Tibetan People Love the Dalai Lama…But Not That Much
    November 17, 2020 · 401 Views · 0 Comments

    The Tibetan People Love the Dalai Lama…But Not That Much

    On September 22, 2020, a statement on the Dalai Lama's letterhead and bearing his official seal went viral. It directed the Tibetan people to support a particular Sikyong candidate in the upcoming Central Tibetan Administration’s elections...

  • What Tulku Orgyen Tobgyal’s Ordeal Tells Us About the Tibetan Leadership
    September 24, 2020 · 613 Views · 3 Comments

    What Tulku Orgyen Tobgyal’s Ordeal Tells Us About the Tibetan Leadership

    The Tulku Orgyen Tobgyal controversy is the most recent exhibition of a bogus Tibetan democracy. In May this year, Tulku Orgyen voiced his disagreement and concerns over the Dalai Lama’s decision to give online religious empowerments and tantric teachings...

  • The Dalai Lama Ends The Dorje Shugden Ban
    May 29, 2020 · 59,603 Views · 14 Comments

    The Dalai Lama Ends The Dorje Shugden Ban

    In January 2020, the Dalai Lama ended the ban on the practice of Dorje Shugden that the Tibetan leadership has pursued aggressively since 1996. This drastic reversal of official Tibetan policy...

  • Hate Crimes
    December 20, 2019 · 408 Views · 15 Comments

    Hate Crimes

    The opinion piece below was sent to dorjeshugden.com for publication. We accept submissions from the public, please send in your articles to [email protected].     Hate Crimes When we consider how the earth’s resources are dwindling quickly, how wars have plagued mankind for centuries, how incurable diseases have become more virulent and how melting Arctic…

  • US$1.5 million siphoned by Tibetan government
    November 18, 2019 · 2,578 Views · 104 Comments

    US$1.5 million siphoned by Tibetan government

    How much has Sikyong Lobsang Sangay received over the years that is undeclared, unaccounted for, and untracked? Has all of the financial contributions reached their intended recipients i.e. the Tibetan people? Who really knows? The opinion piece below was sent to dorjeshugden.com for publication. We accept submissions from the public, please send in your articles…

  • Should Religion Be a Condition for the Right to Livelihood?
    October 28, 2019 · 64,288 Views · 15 Comments

    Should Religion Be a Condition for the Right to Livelihood?

    Although the Tibetan President Lobsang Sangay proclaims democracy, in reality his actions are very much the contrary, as he upholds segregation and discrimination against a segment of the Tibetan populace based purely on their religious faith. The opinion piece below was sent to dorjeshugden.com for publication. We accept submissions from the public, please send in…

Dorje Shugden – An Illustrated Story
January 28, 2010 · 15,724 Views · 60 Comments
Dorje Shugden – An Illustrated Story

http://video.dorjeshugden.com/videos/dscartoon.mp4 or Click here to download this video (MP4, 35MB) Now, everyone can travel back in time to learn how an Incomparable Lama arose to become an Uncommon Protector. Dedicated, talented artists and producers have invested many days and nights to bring this creation to life. Whether you are a senior practitioner or new, an…

Short Sadhana of Dorje Shugden
June 11, 2009 · 10,490 Views · 20 Comments
Short Sadhana of Dorje Shugden

To be performed for the welfare of all mother sentient beings after the Gaden Lhgayama or one’s Yidam practice Praise Before myself, as yidam deity, Amidst a wind swept dark red fire, On lotus, sun, and splendid, frightening Lion trampling enemies and obstructers, Is the supreme heart-jewel of Dharmapalas, Mighty Gyalchen...

Basic Information Kit
January 1, 2014 · 400 Views · 0 Comments
Basic Information Kit

Dorje Shugden is the Wisdom Buddha, Manjushri, manifesting in the form of a wrathful and worldly Dharma Protector and has been propitiated as such by the highest Gelugpa and Sakya masters for some 360 years...

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Latest on Tue, Jun 6, 11:45 am

admin: Oracle taking possession of Dorje Shugden in Ulan Bator, Mongolia http://dorjeshugden.com/wp/?p=13732

admin: Kalachakra by Panchen Lama’s guru, a direct counter to Dalai Lama?read here: http://dorjeshugden.com/wp/?p=13511

admin: Tribute to His Holiness Kyabje Ling Dorje Chang. All of us at dorjeshugden.com make this virtual offering of a butterlamp to the incomparable master His Holiness Kyabje Ling Dorjechang. Please read the biography of this master and his composition on Dorje Shugden: http://dorjeshugden.com/wp/?p=13361

admin: A Tribute to His Holiness the 4th Kalkha Jetsun Dhampa of Mongolia. He was instrumental for Tsongkapa's lineage to blossom in Mongolia. He is the surpreme incarnation of the Mongols. Did you know he practiced Dorje Shugden? Read here: http://dorjeshugden.com/wp/?p=13395

admin: THE DORJE SHUGDEN MOVEMENT IS DYING. Do you agree? Take a look at what someone expressed: http://www.dorjeshugden.com/forum/index.php?topic=1998.0

admin: Proof of the Dalai Lama's skillful means that by banning Dorje Shugden, He is actually promoting it: http://dorjeshugden.com/wp/?p=13134

admin: China may use dissident sect against Dalai Lama: Tibet. The Tibetan government-in-exile on Monday pointed its finger towards a splinter community among Tibetans - the around 5000-strong Dorje Shugden community - after the Dalai Lama had raised an alarm on Sunday over threat to his life...read more here: http://dorjeshugden.com/wp/?p=13098

admin: Very nice set of clear and high quality videos of Serpom Monastery opening, with the oracle taking trance of the Great King Dorje Shugden: http://dorjeshugden.com/wp/?p=12844

admin: A tribute to Domo Geshe Rinpoche: http://dorjeshugden.com/wp/?p=12617

admin: How Gen Nyima tried to save His Holiness the 98th Gaden Tripa This is the story of two great lamas, one with the highest recognition in the land and one without any ranks, titles or positions. It is also a story about Guru devotion, humility, bodhicitta, and the power of our Dharma Protector Dorje Shugden, combined with the very samsaric elements of selfishness and betrayal. It is a story known only to very few people and has never been made public before. read the full story here: http://dorjeshugden.com/wp/?p=12562

admin: A tribute to Gaden Trisur Jetsun Lungril Namgyal Rinpoche: http://dorjeshugden.com/wp/?p=12350

admin: Did you know Emperor Dhakong and 11th Dalai Lama both enthroned Shugden as a authentic protector? Read here: http://dorjeshugden.com/wp/?p=12303

admin: FOUR VERY IMPORTANT QUESTIONS that everyone Tibetan and especially NON-TIBETANS should understand and answer. It is important for Tibetans and those within Tibetan Buddhism to fully understand: http://dorjeshugden.com/wp/?p=12232

admin: We are sure that Geshe Kelsang has had a tremendous and deep impact on thousands of practitioners everywhere. If you have had any experiences or wish to exchange any thoughts about Geshela, we invite you to please share them with everyone here – either in writings or pictures. We would love to hear your experiences and celebrate in what you have to share. Beautiful: http://dorjeshugden.com/wp/?p=12185

admin: The Dorje Shugden practitioners around the world owe quite alot to Ven Geshe Kelsang. He with a good motivation spent so much to have organized international protests to let the Dalai Lama know the ban is not correct. Geshe-la and his people were very organized, committed and worked tremendously hard to help the world realize the rights of religious practice were removed from Shugden practitioners. Geshe-la recieved so much flack, bad press, accusations and bad reputation for the sake of Shugden practitioners which he did not care being a true Kadampa Geshe like Langri Thangpa. We were all inspired by Geshe-la's guru devotion and genuine hard work to propagate the sacred Buddhadharma all over the world. We at this website www.dorjeshugden.com sincerely rejoice in Geshe Kelsang's deeds and we offer our prayers for his long life, continued good works and his wishes may be fulfilled. We have always had profound respect for Geshe Kelsang. Mana What we are expressing here is short and no way justify the amount of praise Geshe Kelsang deserves. But it is our true feelings and sincere appreciaton for the incomparable master Geshe Kelsang Gyatso. Source: http://www.dorjeshugden.com/forum/index.php?topic=1705.0

admin: Take a read at the INTERESTING debates raging on about Shugden, CTA and the Karmapa. A great platform to discuss opposing views: http://www.dorjeshugden.com/forum/index.php?board=1.0

admin: Very interesting article regarding the similar situation between the Karmapa/Sharmapa and Dorje Shugden. The CTA are slowly eliminating themselves. http://dorjeshugden.com/wp/?p=12121

admin: visit our new e-shop and invite holy Dorje Shugden items today! go to http://shop.dorjeshugden.com/

admin: It is really uplifting to have this website and forum as a platform + one stop kiosk for Dorje Shugden EVERYTHING. I just thought we really need to ground ourselves and come together from all walks of life with ONE COMMON GOAL LOVE SHUGDEN (He is just so cool and alive) LOVE ALL LAMAS (Without them, there won't be Buddhism today) HEAL THE WORLD (With the above two blessing us, I'm sure we can do good in healing the pains of others) Cheerios HarryNephew

admin: It is definitely ok to introduce Shugden to everyone immediately. Shugden's whole body is representative of the paths and stages to full enlightenment. Every part of Shugden is a facet of enlightenment. Therefore viewing, thinking, meditating or contemplating even for a short time will plant the seeds of awakening within the viewer's mindstream. When anyone worships Shugden, he may grant your immediate pleas for help, but ultimately and eventually Shugden will lead you to a lama, lineage and pure Buddha Dharma. It doesn't matter what lineage you find, but Shugden will lead you there. Shugden should no longer be considered a protector of just Je Rinpoche's lineage, but a world peace protector as Gangchen Rinpoche mentions many times. So for those in difficult situations or trades that might be 'shady', all the more we should introduce Shugden to them from compassion. When people are in dire straits, addicted to intoxicants, engaged in vice, or simply desperate, they don't have the right frame of mind to listen to Lam Rim and all the beautiful teachings yet. If there's a man in a burning house, ask Shugden for help to rescue him first then introduce Lam Rim and et al when he is safe & comfortable later. Eventually Shugden will lead them to Buddha Dharma whether now or a future time. That is Shugden's vow and why he arose as a Dharma protector due to the kindness of Desi Sangye Gyatso. TK

admin: His Eminence Kyabje Yongyal Rinpoche is a student of Kyabje Zong Rinpoche and HH Kyabje Trijang Rinpoche. He is a very learned master with many practices. He is a most qualified teacher from Serpom and is Serpom Monastery’s first and current abbot. Here he is making his first visit to Shar Gaden Monastery to confer the novice monk vows on the Kyabje Domo Geshe Choktrul Rinpoche. He is recieved with the highest honors and respects as accorded to such a great master such as himself. You are fortunate to see this video of the Shar Gaden sangha with great respect receiving Kyabje Yongyal Rinpoche’s visit to their Monastery. video: http://dorjeshugden.com/wp/?p=11450

admin: Footage of the beautiful tenshug (long life puja) offered to Kyabje Yongyal Rinpoche and Kyabje Domo Geshe in Shar Gaden. The ritual master is the Abbot of Shar Gaden Geshe Lobsang Pende. Tulkus are highly treasured to this day and a Kadro Tenshug is requesting these accomplished reincarnated masters to not absorb their winds to enter clear light. But to remain with us to continue turning the wheel of Dharma. video: http://dorjeshugden.com/wp/?p=11454

admin: The grand opening of Serpom Monastery with the enthronement of it's historic first abbot Kyabje Yongyal Rinpoche. Beautiful pictures. A must view here: http://dorjeshugden.com/wp/?p=10965

admin: See monks forced to swear in against Shugden with a lay 'official' from CTA watching and other monks recording. If you don't swear in, you are excommunicated: http://dorjeshugden.com/wp/?p=10777

admin: His Holiness Kyabje Trijang Rinpoche's image spontaneously appeared on a marble piece on his stupa back in Chatreng, Tibet. See the miracle here: http://dorjeshugden.com/wp/?p=10798

Grand Prayer Festival to celebrate 25 years of the Dorje Shugden Society
July 21, 2021 · 837 Views · 5 Comments

Grand Prayer Festival to celebrate 25 years of the Dorje Shugden Society

To celebrate the 25th anniversary of the Dorje Shugden Society, a grand prayer festival will be held on International Dorje Shugden Day (August 24) with various pujas that have been advised by the highest lamas of our tradition.

Who saved the Dalai Lama’s life?
November 1, 2017 · 5,489 Views · 75 Comments

‘Democratic’ Tibetan leaders want to downplay consulting dangerous spirit Nechung for everything

When examining the failures of the Central Tibetan Administration (CTA; based in Dharamsala, North India), it is merely due diligence to examine their closest advisors too and one of the Tibetan leadership’s closest advisors is the spirit Nechung...

October 2, 2017 · 6,941 Views · 165 Comments

MP Lhagyari Namgyal Dolkar embarrasses Dalai Lama, attacks his student

The opinion piece below was sent to dorjeshugden.com for publication. We accept submissions from the public, please send in your articles to [email protected].     By: Solaray Kusco MP Lhagyari Namgyal Dolkar, who was filmed publicly attacking an American-Chinese tourist In the latest shocking incident to take place in Dharamsala, the member of parliament (MP)…

September 18, 2017 · 532 Views · 71 Comments

Panchen Lama Speaks So Well

His Holiness the 11th Panchen Lama gives such an elegant speech at the Third World Buddhist Forum, the largest international Buddhist conference ever held in Hong Kong on April 26, 2012. In this video, the Panchen Lama speaks in perfect fluent Mandarin Chinese. He speaks so maturely, confidently and with great humility.   English Translation…

July 28, 2017 · 1,362 Views · 53 Comments

CUTS hero questions Tibetan Prime Minister

http://video.dorjeshugden.com/videos/CUTSstudent.mp4 The opinion piece below was sent to dorjeshugden.com for publication. We accept submissions from the public, please send in your articles to [email protected].     By: Jangchup Wangmo On July 14, 2017, the Tibetan Prime Minister Sikyong Lobsang Sangay visited the Central University of Tibetan Studies (CUTS) in Varanasi, India. Varanasi is known throughout…

November 13, 2016 · 5,527 Views · 25 Comments

Dalai Lama Criticizes the Kagyus

http://video.dorjeshugden.com/videos/HHDLCriticizesKagyus.mp4 By: Kay Beswick During a trip to Ladakh, India in 2012, His Holiness the Dalai Lama was filmed making fun of various lineages, most notably the Kagyu lineage. Around the world, the Dalai Lama is known as the paragon of love, kindness and acceptance. People go to him seeking his advice on how to…

June 6, 2016 · 1,012 Views · 38 Comments

20 Years of Suffering: Lift the Shugden Ban

This short video sums up 20 years worth of information about the unethical Shugden ban and the discrimination, fear and coercion faced by Shugden Buddhists on a daily basis, especially those who are brave enough to stand up, speak and fight for their Religious Freedom...

April 2, 2016 · 3,727 Views · 31 Comments

The WeChat Effect on 2016 Tibetan General Elections

By: Steve Lee   The article discusses the role of the Wechat platform in the recent Tibetan elections held within the exiled community in India. The apparent popularity of the Tibetan Wechat platform is due to its voice messaging function, which allows Tibetans from around the world to discuss political issues. But even on Weechat…

August 19, 2015 · 628 Views · 15 Comments

Dalai Lama The Peacemaker?

The Dalai Lama is the winner of many global awards, in recognition of his works to promote peace and harmony in the world. However, how real is the image of the peace-loving spiritual leader of Tibet?

  • ‘Democratic’ Tibetan leaders want to downplay consulting dangerous spirit Nechung for everything
  • MP Lhagyari Namgyal Dolkar embarrasses Dalai Lama, attacks his student
  • Panchen Lama Speaks So Well
  • CUTS hero questions Tibetan Prime Minister
  • Dalai Lama Criticizes the Kagyus
  • 20 Years of Suffering: Lift the Shugden Ban
  • The WeChat Effect on 2016 Tibetan General Elections
  • Dalai Lama The Peacemaker?
Kensur Rinpoche Lobsang Phende to Give Chakrasamvara Initiation and Commentary in April 2023
March 22, 2023 · 357 Views · 1 Comments

Kensur Rinpoche Lobsang Phende to Give Chakrasamvara Initiation and Commentary in April 2023

At the request of Gelong Lobsang Thardoe from Nepal, and many other Lamas and monks within the lineage from around the world, the abbot emeritus of Shar Gaden, Kyabje Kensur Rinpoche Lobsang Phende has compassionately accepted the request to confer the initiation

Editor's Choice
Der Dalai Lama Gibt Zu Dass Er Sich In Bezug Auf Dorje Shugden Geirrt Hat
July 18, 2021 · 501 Views · 0 Comments

Der Dalai Lama Gibt Zu Dass Er Sich In Bezug Auf Dorje Shugden Geirrt Hat

The opinion piece below was sent to dorjeshugden.com for publication. We accept submissions from the public, please send in your articles to [email protected].     By: Shashi Kei Vor 25 Jahren begann die religiöse Verfolgung von Dorje Shugden-Gläubigen, angeführt von der Zentralen Tibetischen Verwaltung (CTA). Die Folgen dieses religiösen Verbotes des Dalai Lamas und der CTA haben das tibetische Leben…

His Holiness Pabongka Rinpoche Dorje Chang
July 4, 2010

His Holiness Pabongka Rinpoche Dorje Chang

Pabongka Rinpoche Dechen Nyingpo Jampa Tenzin Trinlay Gyatso was one of the greatest masters of the 20th century and one of the most influential teachers in Tibet. He had acquired the teachings from...

Kyabje Domo Geshe Rinpoche
January 30, 2010

Kyabje Domo Geshe Rinpoche

The Largest Dorje Shugden Statue in the World!
May 10, 2015

The Largest Dorje Shugden Statue in the World!

This massive 24ft statue, the largest Dorje Shugden statue in the world, is housed in Kechara Forest Retreat, an hour’s drive from the capital city of Kuala Lumpur. This retreat center is the latest initiative of Kechara, a Buddhist organization founded by H.E. Tsem Rinpoche in the year 2000...

Rabten Choeling Switzerland
October 10, 2014

Rabten Choeling Switzerland

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  • Tsering
    (Monday, Jul 20. 2020 07:21 AM)
  • David
    (Sunday, Jul 19. 2020 05:05 PM)
    Any news on Dalai Lama’s secret lovers and his children? Come on Dharamsala people. Admit it.
  • Khoo
    (Tuesday, Jun 2. 2020 04:39 AM)
    Hi there, my name is Kelvin Khoo from Malaysia.
    I want to learn / practice Dorje Shogden prayers (as a beginner), I need someone/guru to assist/guide me.
    Hope you can help ������. Thank you.
  • Kevin Alfred
    (Friday, May 29. 2020 05:15 PM)
    So these things are what puzzles my mind…As when Moses saw the burning bushes, which really are not burning bushes, only refereed to as that, he was in spirit and turned his face the other way in fear of not wanting to look at the face of God..So I have my alter and I am in spirit everyday, the very eyes of those statues in your temples are the ones over my alter watching me when he comes for his offerings on the hours of the zeniths, his white snakes coils around my body every day at my alter becoming one with me while he watches from over the alter, like Moses I have to look away as well for who can stare at the Lord? But those eyes that he watches me with, full of love and compassion, yet unblinking as he stand over my alter in his law, sometimes I have to ring my bell to get out of spirit because my heart wants to burst open, once he becomes one with me and i become one with the white snake we all start hissing in spirit,yes hissing, the communication of the very God you have as statues in your temples. I am in spirit everyday at my alter, so i know it is spirit that cracks up and bends the flesh upon his arrival, and it drains my very soul believe me, but yet i go in spirit everyday for my God is my Source for joy, happiness, love, compassion, information, and everything else, but from my experience I have never witnessed or experienced someone going into spirit at will, for no man has command like that over God. So my question is this…What is it that the yogis of India seek? And What is it that the Oracles of Tibet seek? for if it is enlightenment, then tell me, how is it that your oracles walk through the very temples, touch the very statues, yet are not enlightened as to what these temples and statues truly represent? How is it that when I go in spirit I can get all these information from my God…and do your oracles truly know what those breast plate they wear represents? and do they truly know the ways of ancient times,if so then they should be able to tell me what all these things truly mean that they wear when in spirit and if they cant then I can tell them for I am in spirit everyday as well, and do your oracles not know that these temples were lighted up in ancient times as bright as the sun in the heavens> the people have surely lost their ways of ancient times for these things are not to be praised and glorified by no man, but they are there to teach us what to do in life and what to build and how to build it, your temples and statues teach us all that, but not to be praised by man…So what is it that the yogis of India seek?, and what is it that the Oracles of Tibet seek when in spirit? Tell me Sir, so that I may understand the ways of this earth… Sincerely
    Kevin Alfred
  • Munkhuu lam
    (Thursday, May 7. 2020 06:01 AM)
  • Munkhuu lam
    (Thursday, May 7. 2020 06:00 AM)
    Сайн байна уу.Та бүхэнтэйгээ холбогдмоор байна
  • Dsnowlion
    (Wednesday, Feb 19. 2020 08:29 AM)
    The Nyingmas to stop appointing a head of lineage? Reading the opinion piece by Dzongsar Khyentse Rinpoche celebrating the decision makes me realise what a logical reason for it and so true, how things have change and so shall certain systems which are clearly created during the time it was needed. But, yes there is a “but”, this is not to say that the Gelug school should follow suit, but rather should follow what our original lineage master/founder Lama Tsongkhapa prescribed, which for the Gelugs, I do believe it is very democratic on how one ascends to the throne as Lama Tsongkhapa on earth, which is clearly based on one’s hard work, knowledge, discipline and merits. So having said that, we should all note that still, each students’ responsibility is to uphold and follow their OWN Guru, who is their Vajradhara, instructions. However, this is a good read and I do agree with Dzongsar Khyentse Rinpoche because he makes sense. What do u think? Discussion http://www.dorjeshugden.com/forum/index.php?topic=6447.0
  • Nemo
    (Wednesday, Feb 19. 2020 08:28 AM)
    For Tibetans – As Beru Khyentse Rinpoche wrote in 2018, ‘I am filled with great devotion, joy and happiness in the wake of recent events, with the two supreme Gyalwa Karmapas meeting and engaging in a free exchange of views and aspirations. I, and centres and monasteries associated with me, are enshrining both Karmapas without differentiation: furthermore, I encourage all students to honour and have devotion to both equally’.
  • Tibetans
    (Wednesday, Feb 19. 2020 08:25 AM)
    Wonderful News. The Dalai Lama who is always dividing people and creating disharmony lose. True Dharma teachers and master and leaders UNITE people not divide and conquer. It doesn’t work and it will never work. So this is good happy news to REJOICE. Truith shall prevail always. >>> Two Karmapas to Work Together in Search for Shamar Rinpoche Reincarnation – “It is extremely important that Shamar Rinpoche’s reincarnation be recognized without any mistake or confusion, without any “our side” or “their side.” Having a unanimous recognition is absolutely crucial for Buddhism in general and our lineage in particular, and with this in mind, Gyalwa Thaye Dorje and I intend to cooperate in the search and recognition,” Ogyen Trinley Dorjee said on Sunday at the 37th Kagyu Monlam in Bodh Gaya, India. http://www.dorjeshugden.com/forum/index.php?topic=6250.msg70205#new
  • DSnowlion
    (Thursday, Jan 23. 2020 05:24 AM)
    For Tashi – ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D[/move]
    What a huge slap on LS’s face… no more chance to con poor Tibetans in exile. I guess His Holiness has had enough of him. However, we need to watch to see if Penpa will run, it would just a bad and LS if he is going to attack Dorje Shugden Lamas and people. He is another one to be careful. He spoke really badly about Kyabje Pabongka Rinpoche our lineage father. I hope he does not run for President or if he has a change of heart on Shugdenpas? Maybe
  • Dragpa
    (Sunday, Jan 19. 2020 09:14 PM)
    For Tashi – It is good news but look who may try again and may very take the lead too… the one who said very nasty things about the Great Holy Je Pabongka Dorje Chang… “Former North America Representative and Former Speaker of TPiE Penpa Tsering and former Minister for Security of CTA, Dongchung Ngodup are also said to be in contention for the top office of the Tibetan polity although such claims could not be independently verified at the moment.” Well, maybe this time he has turn a new leaf and decide to be democratic for real and not succumbed to do what is unlawful and against the constitution which is mixing religion (a very sensitive subject) with politics! I sure do hope not, for any new President, for the sake of the Tibetan people’s future.
  • Tashi
    (Sunday, Jan 19. 2020 09:04 PM)
    Is this good news or is it GREAT NEWS for exile Tibetans hu? “The incumbent President Dr. Lobsang Sangay who is serving his second term will not feature in the next elections meaning the top office of the Tibetan polity will have a new face come 2021.” Pasted it in the forum here: http://www.dorjeshugden.com/forum/index.php?topic=6084.msg70200#new Very interesting article here… according to this news, it is confirmed that the dear Sangay will definitely not be in the next election in 2021. Totally no chance to continue creating havoc!?!?! it is as if he is not allowed to run for President ever again. I wonder where this instructions came from… His Holiness the Dalai Lama? Most probably as we all know His Holiness still has the final say. Well, I’ll cheers to that, because honestly LS is such a huge disappointment! In the beginning we thought there is a real genuine thinker, someone who came from Harvard, surely he can be rational and not discriminate his own people and mix religion and politics, but he did you that all for the sake of probably some extra big pocket money. Sad to say, another corrupt snake that did nothing for the exile Tibetans nor the Tibetans in TAR oh except encourage their deaths! Disgusting, I hope he is proud of his legacy.
  • Lobsang
    (Sunday, Jan 19. 2020 08:51 PM)
    For JD – Looks dejected? R u kapil sharma? Lol ur infected heart will surely see dejected but keep it to urself lo. How on earth one can blanket one’s own narrow imagination to whole community.! Oh may be some phayul chikpa or relatives around you. But i & ppl around are relieved and our respect for PT grown many folds.
  • Tador
    (Sunday, Jan 19. 2020 04:36 AM)
    For Tenzing – Haha on your first point, you have answered yourself in the latter paragraph. Kashag was responsible and was at fault because they gave frivolous excuses for ousting Penpa la. They didn’t have to give the reasons and shouldn’t have!! Kashag should have kept both their loose mouth and conniving brains shut after the ousting. Penpa la didn’t fight the ousting, but the accusations born out of LS’s vendetta.
  • Alice
    (Saturday, Jan 18. 2020 04:47 AM)
    For Tenzing – Wow… I did not know that Penpa Tsering is Samdhong’s god-son. I see the Tibetan government in exile seems to be governed by all family members. Hmmm, I think it’s high time the CTA get some new blood. No wonder there is so much corruption and internal fighting and frictions.
  • Dsnowlion
    (Wednesday, Jan 15. 2020 11:50 PM)
    For Norbu – I guess there are still those who don’t believe Sangay cares, is regretful and truly sorry for his actions. And I will have to agree with this Norbu because that is just the ugly truth about CTA! They do not really care about their people. All they care about is how much funds they are gonna get to put in their fat bank accounts while they pretend to work for their people. Just think, look, see, and experience. C’mon, ask what really have they actually done for the Tibetan people in exile and in those in Tibet besides encouraging them to take their own lives, so the population of Tibetans becomes less? I mean how stupid can one government be to ask your own people to kill themselves? Like who cares? One more less burden to worry about for China. Such a dumb advise. On top of that, the lives of Tibetans in exile are always being threatened or guilt-tripped to do whatever the CTA asks of them. You have to give up your lineage Gurus, your practice, your protector, your family, friends and stay as an exile citizen, because you would be labelled a “traitor” if you decide to become an Indian citizen if you dare, while the CTA leaders themselves have foreign passports and homes like Lobsang Sangay – the biggest hypocrite of all! And he’s the so-called President of the Tibetan people? Give up his home in America and his passport first and he become just like the rest exile Tibetans then maybe he can be a good example. Geez, how twisted can Tibetan politics get? This is how twisted it is, and they wonder why they lost their country? Look at the leaders and how they operate, you will know. It’s a no brainer. http://www.dorjeshugden.com/forum/index.php?topic=6084.new#new
  • Norbu
    (Wednesday, Jan 15. 2020 11:32 PM)
    For Tsering – I think the written apology with no word of apologies but only regret and soe-soel in Tibetan is so much of wordplay and clearly trying to show displeasure and arrogance from the part of LS and his team of kalons wrt loss of #case20. An open press conference with tibetan and/or outside media to give audio-visual statements and interview will be the best possible relief to Penpa Tsering la, former Speaker of house and former Representative of HH for North America. Only then the true justice with case 20 will be served.
  • Tsering
    (Sunday, Jan 12. 2020 03:11 AM)
    For Lobsang – LS and his Kashag did not follow the full verdict of TJC, They just issued a written statement without any press conference but there is “difference between Regret and Apology”. They are so self absorbed or self centered that they are not able to say Apology through Verbal by press conference. This Skiyong and Kashag has created disunity, confusion among the Tibetans. It will be in Tibetan history.
  • Lobsang
    (Sunday, Jan 12. 2020 02:55 AM)
    For Jampa Dorjee – Tibetan parliament in exile failed to held Kashag accountable for all the turmoils in our Tibetan community but Tibetan supreme justice commission saved the day. First two pillars of Tibetan democracy fared poorly but TSJC stood firm and shown the only way to Kashag. This is a great victory of democracy and truth. Say no to regionalism and communalism, it only serves the purpose of corrupt politicians and not anyone. Case number 20 has shown us how self serving bad politicians and leaders has made bad moves which never helped to bring freedom and right to self-determination of Tibetan people.
  • Tashi J
    (Thursday, Jan 9. 2020 02:51 AM)
    For Jampa Dorjee – Wow you even dare to question the Justice Commission? I guess they have the right to Freedom of Speech though very silly, ignorant and basically shooting yourself on the foot. If u start questioning the justice then you tell the world your justice system is lousy and useless, so they are as good as nothing. So if that is the case, then why bother even having it? Is CTA above the law? I don’t think so. Because CTA has been very fishy and not accountable for many things they do. Not saying PT has not, but the point is CTA is not above the law and you should not say such silly things about your Justice Commission because it only shows your government inability to manage or run anything at all. Basically useless. If everything is useless, then why complain about anything like China taking over our country at all? It becmes pointless and u give validation that all the more better China took over cos u know our government and justice system and all is just crap. That’s what you saying – duh! It is fishy to read such fishy comments… must be CTA’s click don’t wanna show they lost and in shame now. Quite childish and if this is the kind of mindsets they have, then it is no wonder they lost Tibet and never getting it back. 8)
  • Jampa Dorjee
    (Thursday, Jan 9. 2020 02:44 AM)
    I wonder from where this effectiveness of the Tibetan Justice Commission comes from now!? When the Parliamentarian Mr. Dawa Tsering didn’t comply with its judgment, and dragged the Justice Commissioners to Indian court, but again the judgment of the district court went in favor of the Justice Commission, why didn’t the Justice Commissioner showed such effectiveness character of issuing notices and contempt proceedings etc against Dawa Tsering THEN???? I find the present effectiveness of the Justice Commissioner so fishy and politically-motivated against this Kashag and its Cabinet. And it’s so unfortunate to witness how people are misusing the system or the de-facto judicial system of exile governance, favoring an individual, putting the whole system at stake. General Tibetan
  • JD
    (Thursday, Jan 9. 2020 02:43 AM)
    For dsnowlion – This is a very funny apology; it expresses regret but doesn’t directly offer apology. It works still and it’s great. Thanks to Kashag for this timely, low-profile announcement. Now the next election will only get tougher. PT, although winning this case, looks dejected.
  • dsnowlion
    (Monday, Jan 6. 2020 06:03 AM)
    For Tashi J – Well, there is always two sides of the coin and definitely when it comes to this case and Penpa and Sangay are rivals and obviously have their regional issues mixed in. Well, this Tibet dude does have some embarrassing points but I must say I am glad more and more people are actually voicing out and speaking their minds without fearing a backlash. Quote:
    At last, the insurgency is over! It looks like it has left a bad taste in the mouth after all the hue and cry of “injustice”. Never before in the history of Tibetan Kashag had its own subjects riling, abusing, and turning against it. When Mao asked the Tibetans to rise against the Government of Tibet in 1949, Tibetans treated it as a blasphemy. However, after losing our country to foreign occupation and living on foreign soil riding on the good will of the host but nothing else, some had the temerity to protest in front of the Kashag when it came to “defend” their self-interest. This is at a time when we are facing poor attendance of protesters on 10th of March. Without any consideration for the adverse effect it will naturally have on the movement, the vested interests, either driven by their ego or worse acting on the behest of foreign saboteurs. The last year has been a self-destructing exercise that has no winners. Our unity has been severely damaged by the bad blood spilling in every facet of our existence. The vested interests left no stone unturned to demonise, discredit, and humiliate the Kashag and its leader. They inflamed the situation by incendiary accusations against the leader by unsavoury characters who sought to exploit it for their selfish purposes by driving a wedge between the Tibetans hailing from different parts of the country. HH The Dalai Lama has been in pains to tell Tibetans that “if you consider me your friend, never talk about cholka or Choeluk”. Unfortunately, the ragtag mob were tone deaf to such pleadings and instead used the cholka card to bludgeon their opponent and Kashag. They made a mockery of Kashag and ridiculed the members. We have to ask if these people have any loyalty to the Tibetan Government or agents of a foreign country?
  • Tashi J
    (Monday, Jan 6. 2020 06:01 AM)
    Looks like there are still who thinks Penpa sucks. Well, I do admit he isn’t a saint either and honestly I think the people needs a more level headed unbiased leader that does not discriminates anyone. Then we will see Tibetan united. Otherwise it will always be petty disagreements and remarks like this one… Quote
    “There is absolutely no need to apologize, the court decision was based on the fear of being accused of being biased, and the court had no alternative but to find in favour of PT. Penpa Tsering is a hypocrite, he gives speeches about Tibetans mustn’t migrate to the West, but he sent his wife and kids to make a fake asylum claim. The man is greedy, the family was living in the US but since they can’t get free social security in the US, they moved to Canada to claim free social security and live off the Canadian taxpayers. Everyone will soon forget PT and let him disappear quietly.”
  • Tenzin Damdul
    (Saturday, Jan 4. 2020 04:22 AM)
    His Holiness the Dalai Lama often says, “Truth will eventually triumph”. This is exactly what happened today when the Lobsang Sangay-led Kashag met the Tibetan Supreme Justice Commission (TSJC) deadline by saying Sorry to Mr Penpa Tsering (RE: loss of “Case No. 20”), through official Tibetan and English media. Whether this sorry or regret was expressed following the court ruling warning that Sangay and his colleagues would lose their eligibility to run for office and stripped of voting rights if they failed to meet 27 December 2019 deadline, or from pressure from Tibetan people and others, or from fearing the displeasure of His Holiness the Dalai Lama, or, as one commentator says, under pressure from his cabinet members “in order to save their future probable green pasture to feed in TIBETAN AILING politics”, the truth is that the Rule of Law and Democracy are the Victors. Even if China and the Chinese people are watching, there is nothing to be afraid of, as they will appreciate that even in exile we Tibetans enjoy true democracy and follow the rule of law. As for “Lay gyum dre” that Kalon Sonam Topgyal spoke about when he addressed the press on 14 October, along with now-disgraced “Cabinet lawyer” Lobsang Dakpa, is it fair to say “lay gyum dre” as truth has badly hit both Sikyong Lobsang Sangay and Lobsang Dakpa. SD must be regretting because this “lay gyum dre” thing has made them a laughing-stock and come back to haunt them! The Tibetan Supreme Justice Commission, the judicial wing of Tibetan Democracy, has further shown their integrity and capability to His Holiness the Dalai Lama, the Tibetan people, and the watching world, including China and the Chinese people, and thus further earned everyone’s respect.

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Countries Who Have Rejected Tibetans
Countries Who Have Rejected Tibetans

DorjeShugden.com regularly conducts mass mail campaigns to different organizations throughout the world to create awareness of the unconstitutional ban against Dorje Shugden’s practice. We have to speak up in the right way, and these are peaceful methods to achieve Dharma ends.

Below are some of the recent campaigns we have conducted.

Postcard: Koffi Annan with H.E. Gangchen Rinpoche

Postcard: Koffi Annan with H.E. Gangchen Rinpoche

Sent out: April 5, 2014

Lama Gangchen travels and teaches tirelessly to promote inter-religious dialogue. Instead of recognising him for his work, just like how…

Postcard: Best Friends in the Past

Postcard: Best Friends in the Past

Sent out: April 5, 2014

How can 350 years of attained great masters be wrong about Dorje Shugden, and ONLY the Dalai Lama be correct…

Postcard: Kyabje Zong Rinpoche prays for Lama Yeshe

Postcard: Kyabje Zong Rinpoche prays for Lama Yeshe

Sent out: April 5, 2014

Kyabje Zong Rinpoche and Lama Yeshe had a very close relationship. During the last days of Lama Yeshe's life, his…

Postcard: Geshe Rabten and Lama Zopa

Postcard: Geshe Rabten and Lama Zopa

Sent out: April 5, 2014

Both Geshe Rabten and Lama Yeshe practiced Dorje Shugden until the end of their lives, and both of their perfect…

Postcard: Rabten Rinpoche greeting H.H. the 14th Dalai Lama

Postcard: Rabten Rinpoche greeting H.H. the 14th Dalai Lama

Sent out: April 5, 2014

Before the ban, the Tibetan Buddhist world was harmonious and focused on the spread and growth of Dharma. Once the…

Postcard: Geshe Rabten with H.H. Trijang Rinpoche

Postcard: Geshe Rabten with H.H. Trijang Rinpoche

Sent out: April 5, 2014

Both of these lamas practiced Dorje Shugden, and both of their perfect incarnations are back. What happened to the Tibetan…

Postcard: Geshe Rabten’s Incarnation

Postcard: Geshe Rabten’s Incarnation

Sent out: April 5, 2014

The Dalai Lama recognised Geshe Rabten's young incarnation. Once the ban was in effect however, Geshe Rabten was blacklisted as…

Postcard: Young Rabgya Rinpoche with H.H. The 14th Dalai Lama

Postcard: Young Rabgya Rinpoche with H.H. The 14th Dalai Lama

Sent out: April 5, 2014

The Dalai Lama recognises Geshe Rabten's young reincarnation. In his previous life, Geshe Rabten relied on Dorje Shugden until the…

Postcard: Four Great Masters

Postcard: Four Great Masters

Sent out: April 5, 2014

Lama Yeshe, Gonsar Rinpoche and Lama Zopa were all students of Geshe Rabten, receiving innumerable teachings from him. After the…

Postcard: H.H. The 14th Dalai Lama and Geshe Rabten

Postcard: H.H. The 14th Dalai Lama and Geshe Rabten

Sent out: April 5, 2014

When there was no ban, the Dalai Lama was affectionate towards and greatly respected Gonsar Rinpoche and Geshe Rabten. Once…

Postcard: The Tutors of H.H. The 14th Dalai Lama

Postcard: The Tutors of H.H. The 14th Dalai Lama

Sent out: April 5, 2014

Both of the Dalai Lama's tutors, Kyabje Ling Rinpoche and Kyabje Trijang Rinpoche, relied on Dorje Shugden as demonstrated by…

Postcard: Geshe Kelsang Gyatso and Lama Yeshe

Postcard: Geshe Kelsang Gyatso and Lama Yeshe

Sent out: April 5, 2014

The world's two largest Tibetan Buddhist organizations, Foundation for the Preservation of the Mahayana Tradition (FPMT) and the New Kadampa…

Contemplate This

.…Instead of turning away people who practise Dorje Shugden, we should be kind to them. Give them logic and wisdom without fear, then in time they give up the ‘wrong’ practice. Actually Shugden practitioners are not doing anything wrong. But hypothetically, if they are, wouldn’t it be more Buddhistic to be accepting? So those who have views against Dorje Shugden should contemplate this. Those practicing Dorje Shugden should forbear with extreme patience, fortitude and keep your commitments. The time will come as predicted that Dorje Shugden’s practice and it’s terrific quick benefits will be embraced by the world and it will be a practice of many beings.

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