Don’t harass the Dalai Lama’s critics
As His Holiness the Dalai Lama’s reputation is increasingly lying in tatters, Tibetans are growing emboldened when it comes to voicing their opinions against him. Contextually-speaking, it is not easy for Tibetans to speak up against the Dalai Lama…

Is the Dalai Lama a Wolf in Sheep’s Clothing?
From Más Allá de la Ciencia Number 103/9/1997, by J.C. Deus (Translated from Spanish; scroll down to see scans from the original Spanish magazine) For the first time in history, the Dalai Lama is having to confront serious accusations made against him publicly for infringing the religious freedom and human rights of his own people….

‘Democratic’ Tibetan leaders want to downplay consulting dangerous spirit Nechung for everything
When examining the failures of the Central Tibetan Administration (CTA; based in Dharamsala, North India), it is merely due diligence to examine their closest advisors too and one of the Tibetan leadership’s closest advisors is the spirit Nechung…

The Unreliability of the Nechung Oracle
It is widely believed that, since the time of the 13th Dalai Lama until today, the Nechung oracle has been under the influence of an evil spirit instead of Nechung/Pehar, thus causing much mischief and problems for the Tibetan peoples such as the untimely death of the 13th Dalai Lama…

Oracles: Enlightened or Not?
This video highlights nuances in Tibetan Buddhist culture and ritual to make a distinction between worldly and awakened beings, through the tradition of oracles in Tibetan culture…

Death of the 13th Dalai Lama
Until today, no one is willing to speak the truth about who is responsible of the death of the 13th Dalai Lama. It was an uncalled for incident which blindsided a nation, who was at that time fighting a war for independence and stability…

Trehor Khangsar Rinpoche
During the time of the 13th Dalai Lama Thupten Gyatso, Trehor Khangsar Rinpoche was the Abbot of the Tantric College of Gyumey. Among his students were high lamas such as Jampa Chodak, who held the post of the 90th Gaden Tripa. Jampa Chodak was also the student who wrote a biography of Trehor Khangsar Rinpoche….

Rongchen Kirti Lobsang Trinley (1849-1904)
The Eighth Kirti Rinpoche incarnation was born in the Amdo region northeast of Tibet, just south of lake Kokonor in 1849 and rose quickly to fame as a renowned teacher of the Gelug tradition. He was also widely known for founding many monasteries throughout his life and for his many very respected writings, which included…

Ngawang Khedrup (1779-1838)
A very special boy was born in 1779 in Mongolia. The boy would come to be known as Ngawang Khedrup, one of the greatest Mongol teachers of the Gelug tradition. He received his novice vows in Urga (modern day Ulaan Bator) and was enrolled into Tashi Chophel Monastery. When he was old enough, he traveled…

Dorje Shugden is the Bad Guy?
Dear friends of Dharma, The Dalai Lama has been extremely kind to bring Tibetan Buddhism and Dharma teachings out to the world. Because of the Dalai Lama, millions now know of the peaceful methods of Buddhism, which is what the Dalai Lama represents. However, over the last 10 years or so, there have been drastic…

Enthronement of Dorje Shugden
As all rituals failed, the 5th Dalai Lama soon realised that Tulku Drakpa Gyeltsen was indeed not a spirit and had actually manifested as a Dharma Protector – Dorje Shugden. The Dalai Lama proceed to compose a praise in recognition of his awakened qualities. With this recognition by the Great Fifth, the calamities, dying of…

The Fulfillment of a Great Promise
Duldzin Drakpa Gyeltsen incarnated as the great master Panchen Sonam Drakpa, who was the first and only Lama to have become the abbot of all three monasteries, Gaden, Sera and Drepung. He was known throughout his lifetime for being an exemplary debater and for his incomparable teachings. To this day, monks in Gaden Shartse and…

A Sublime Aspiration is Generated
During the time of the incomparable Manjushri Je Tsongkhapa, a dove was once seen circling around the hall during a teaching session at Gaden Monastery. Gyaltsab Je and Kedrub Je, two of Je Tsongkhapa’s closest disciples, knew the bird was an emanation of the Dharma Protector Nechung but they didn’t say anything…

The Great Fifth Dalai Lama Ngawang Lobsang Gyatso (1617-1682)
In 1617, a promising boy amidst auspicious signs was born in Taktse in Southern Tibet to a family of Nyingmapa practitioners who were the descendants of the imperial line of the Yarlung Dynasty of kings. His father’s name was Miwang Dundul Rapten and his mother Kunga Lhadze. In 1622, the First Panchen Lama Lobsang Chokyi…

Dorje Shugden Enthroned by Chinese Emperor & the Dalai Lama
Here is the direct quote which is quoted directly from Kyabje Trijang Rinpoche’s autobiagraphy on page 123-124:- Enthroned as guardian of the Yellow Hat Teachings, By the Chinese emperor, the Dalai Lama, and his regent ~ Kyabje Trijang Rinpoche’s autobiagraphy on page 123-124 As for this, during the first period of the time of the…

Hindu Goddess gives prediction to the Dalai Lama
This is an interesting video. His Holiness the Dalai Lama is given advice by a young girl who is considered an incarnation of a Hindu Goddess. See for yourself and formulate your own thoughts on the prediction. Nechung takes trance according to a very zealous Geshe Dorje, that Dalai Lama will visit China, then everything…

History & Lineage of Dharmapala Dorje Shugden by Kyabje Zong Rinpoche
Please listen to the beautiful talk given by H.H. Kyabje Zong Rinpoche to students regarding the lineage of Dorje Shugden. Kyabje Zong Rinpoche’s student Geshe Tsultrim Gyeltsen of Los Angeles translates. Great beings such as Kyabje Zong Rinpoche and Geshe Tsultrim Gyeltsen practiced Shugden their whole lives. Masters of their calibre who are scholars, debate masters,…

Gaden Monastery was built by Dorje Shugden
A Brief History of Ganden Monastery Alexander Berzin, 1991 expanded with Tsenzhab Serkong Rinpoche II, September 2003 Original version published in “Gelug Monasteries.” Chö-Yang, Year of Tibet Edition (Dharamsala, India, 1991). The founding of Ganden Nampar-gyelway-ling Monastery (dGa’-ldan rnam-par rgyal-ba’i gling dGon-pa) by Jey Tsongkhapa Lozang-dragpa (rJe Tsong-kha-pa Blo-bzang grags-pa) (1357-1419) was prophesied by Buddha…

Dalai Lama speaks about Dorje Shugden July 11 2011
His Holiness speaks about the issue of those who worship Dorje Shugden, who he refers to as a worldly spirit. He says that this spirit presents a danger to himself, the unity of Tibetan Buddhism and the Tibetan cause. He suggests that rather than taking refuge in spirits one should take refuge in the Buddha,…

Duldzin Drakpa Gyeltsen (1374 – 1434)
What immediately comes to mind when we hear or see the name, Duldzin Drakpa Gyeltsen, are two things – he built Ganden Monastery, which stands to this day, and he offered it to his Guru, Lama Tsongkhapa. These two great deeds alone would be enough to illustrate what kind of Lama and disciple this extraordinary…

French Medium Meets Oracle Nechung
This is a trailer for a documentary on the State Oracle of Tibet (http://www.inspiration-productions.com/english/). Maud Kristen, a renowned French medium, visits Northern India, the bastion of Tibetan civilization in exile, to discover their oracle system. She meets Thupten Ngodup, the medium of Nechung, in Tso Pema and follows him on his pilgrimage to the sacred…

The 13th Dalai Lama
Excerpt from the video: It was during the time of the 13th Dalai Lama that Nechung’s prophecies started to falter. This supports the idea that Nechung’s time as a protector is ending and the time of Dorje Shugden to emerge as an universal protector is at hand. For example, a victory against the British promised…

The Tradition of Oracles
In ancient times and throughout history, an oracle is a person or agency considered to be a source of wise counsel or prophetic opinion. It may also be a revealed prediction or precognition of the future from deities, that is spoken through another object or life-form (e.g.: augury and auspice). In the ancient world, many…

Nechung : The State Oracle of Tibet
Like many ancient civilizations of the world, the phenomenon of oracles remains an important part of the Tibetan way of life. Tibetans rely on oracles for various reasons. The purpose of the oracles is not just to foretell the future. They are called upon as protectors and sometimes used as healers. However, their primary function…

Arguments For and Against
The Dalai Lama has said that: Shugden is a worldly spirit. Shugden practice has the potential to promote sectarianism. Shugden practice harms the health of the Dalai Lama and is contrary to the interests of Tibet and the Tibetan people. The Nechung State Oracle (bound by Padmasambhava) stated that it is harmful. Tibetan people using…

The Wheel of Protection
Dharamsala February 14, 1981, 6:00 a.m. The Dalai Lama sits on his throne in the Central Cathedral. Outside, the night is black and still. A cold breeze blows down from Mun Peak. Two old women, up before dawn, circumambulate the temple. They cannot see within. The building’s curtains have been tightly drawn, its front door…

Tibet in Exile
In March 1959, the Dalai Lama, together with his two teachers and family, succeeded in escaping from the besieged Summer Palace in Lhasa. The escape route was secured by the guerrilla organization of the Khampas (East Tibetans), who suffered severe losses in the process. Approximately 100,000 Tibetans followed the Dalai Lama to India, and about…

Spirits in Dharamsala
As you can see this history of Pehar’s previous lives do not point to actions of higher level being. Part 2 of the video: According to Tibetan Buddhist myth, Gyalpo Pehar is a spirit belonging to the gyalpo class. When Padmasambhava arrived in Tibet in the eighth century, he subdued all gyalpo spirits and put…

Advice from Dorje Shugden that His Holiness should leave and that He guarantees H.H. safety
Watch this video to see proof of how Sera Monks recalls Dorje Shugden giving the actual advice Excerpt from the autobiography of Kyabje Trijang Dorjechang regarding the advice from Dorje Shugden that His Holiness should leave and that He guarantees H.H. safety When I was fifty-nine, in the year of the earth boar, on the…

Dalai Lama Relies on Spirits for Political Advice
A CNN video explains how the Dalai Lama relies on spirit oracles for political advice on Tibet and China, for instance, with the State Oracle of Tibet in Dharamsala. Dalai Lama asks Spirit Nechung for Political Advice Nechung’s advice on Tibetan affairs has been sough by HH Dalai Lama for hundreds of years.

Gelukpa Guru Tree, Updated by Kyabje Dagom Rinpoche
The Emergence of Dharmapala Dorje Shugden While Je Tsongkhapa was giving a Dharma discourse, Nechung appeared to Duldzin Drakpa Gyaltsen in the form of a white dove, urging him to manifest as a protector of Je Tsongkhapa’s teachings who are so sublime and precious that a special protector is needed to guard and further them…

Universal Protector of Future Buddhism
Part 1 – Great King whose Time has Come HUM Unimpeded in power and miraculous emanation, unrivaled in wisdom and compassion, Great King of Dharma Protectors whose time has come, Dorje Shugden, Five Families and Principal, and hundreds of thousands of millions of billions of entourage… It is a proverbial saying that nothing is stronger…

With deep faith I prostrate to you, Vajradhara Dorje Shugden. Although you have already attained the Buddha-ground and engage in the twenty-seven deeds of a Buddha, you appear in various forms to help the Buddhadharma and sentient beings. You have manifested in different aspects as Indian and Tibetan Masters, such as Manjushri, Mahasiddha Biwawa, Sakya…