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By: Shashi Kei
The Central Tibetan Administration (CTA), which is the Tibetan leadership based in Dharamsala, is in the process of losing another ally. In the recent regional elections in Taiwan, the ruling Democratic Progressive Party (DPP) was dealt a major defeat at the hands of the opposition Kuo Mintang (KMT). The defeat was so sweeping that the DPP even lost the Kaohsiung mayoral seat to the KMT for the first time in 20 years. Overall, the KMT won 15 out of 22 mayoral seats that were being contested, prompting the resignation of President Tsai Ing-wen as DPP Chairperson. And whilst the DPP is still officially the ruling party, the recent mayoral election result is a good indication of how the Taiwanese people might vote in the next Presidential elections in 2020.

Taiwan President Tsai Ing-wen
This election result is of particular interest to observers of the Tibet situation because Tsai Ing-wen and the DPP are strong proponents of Taiwan’s independence. It is here that the DPP has found coalescence with the CTA, as both oppose China’s sovereignty claims over their respective territories. Knowing this, the CTA has exploited this common interest to launch anti-China rhetoric on Taiwanese soil, most recently via a campaign spearheaded by Dhardon Sharling, the CTA’s former Secretary of the Department of Information and International Relations (DIIR). In allowing this, the DPP have not exactly won themselves many friends, both locally and internationally, as evidenced by the recent elections.
In a recent campaign disguised as a celebration to thank Taiwan for supporting the Tibetan cause, books on the Dalai Lama’s talks were printed and distributed in Taiwan. At the same time billboards with the Dalai Lama’s image adorned busy streets and bus stops in key Taiwan cities. But the CTA was not satisfied merely to keep the Tibetan cause visible to the Taiwanese people. In August 2018, the CTA-owned Snowland Publications launched what was disguised as an educational book on Buddhism.
The book accuses the Chinese government of having co-opted Buddhist groups in Taiwan via the practice of the Dharma Protector Dorje Shugden. Dorje Shugden is in fact an ancient and non-political Tibetan Buddhist deity whose practice the CTA subverted in its offensive against China. The rationale is simple – Buddhists (and especially Tibetan Buddhists) worldwide practicing in harmony does not help the CTA’s cause. On the other hand, if the CTA can harness people’s general ignorance about China, and convince Buddhist adherents that China is corrupting their religion, they assume these adherents would become natural supporters of the CTA’s cause, falsely thinking that doing so would be saving the Buddhist religion. It is a ruse that the CTA has exploited with some success.

Sikyong Lobsang Sangay launches new anti-Shugden book. The Central Tibetan Administration has been known to spend a lot of money engaging in activities that defame the practice of Dorje Shugden. Is this how a supposed “democratic” leader should act? Why is the Tibetan leaders criticizing someone’s religion? So much religious freedom infringements. They have so much money and time to spend degrading another person’s faith. This is why they have no peace and harmony within Tibetan society.
The CTA’s strategy in Taiwan follows much the same formula as its game plan against China on Indian grounds. In both cases the CTA leverages on long-simmering issues that both Taiwan and India have with China, and seek to further aggravate their host nation’s relations with China. This follows an old maxim on statecraft – ‘the enemy of my enemy is my friend” and so the more enemies China has, the more allies the CTA expect to make. However, just like India, Taiwan is now learning that there is no upside in supporting the CTA. Some quarters in the Taiwanese legislature have accused Tsai of breaking her promise to maintain cross-strait peace that is necessary for Taiwan to grow their economy; part of this failure to maintain cross-strait peace has arisen from allowing pro-Tibet groups to run rampant in Taiwan with their anti-China rhetoric. It is now clear that playing the Tibet card only backfires and ultimately it is the economy and people of countries that allow the Sino-Tibetan conflict to be played out on their land, who suffer.
The DPP’s closest political rival is the KMT and if the KMT is successful in regaining governance of Taiwan in 2020, as the recent mayoral elections seem to suggest, then it is certain that the CTA’s dalliance with Taiwan will end. The KMT holds the ‘One China Principle’ and seeks reunification with China. Therefore supporting the CTA is anathema to the KMT’s political goal and it is likely that by 2020, CTA activities will no longer be welcome in Taiwan. This may come even sooner if the DPP decides that it has to scrap its friendship with the CTA in order to turn around its declining fortunes.

Chiang Kai Shek
How Taiwan has progressed since its founding in 1949 also presents an insight into the sheer incompetence of the CTA and how the CTA could have done much better for the Tibetan people. There are some parallels between the two entities that allow comparison.
The government of Taiwan came about in 1949 after Generalissimo Chiang Kai Shek lost control of China to Mao Zedong’s Communist Party of China (CPC). He fled to the island off the south-eastern coast of mainland China. Chiang ruled Taiwan with an iron fist but in 1984, the country’s leadership opened itself to political reform which amongst other developments, saw to a free press, the lifting of bans on new political parties and the legalizing of street protests. With that Taiwan’s first opposition party, the Democratic Progressive Party (DPP) was formed.
In a similar way the 14th Dalai Lama’s government-in-exile that became known as the CTA was formed after the Dalai Lama fled Tibet in 1959. He was granted asylum in India by the then-Prime Minister Jawaharlal Nehru. The Dalai Lama’s escape from Tibet followed a failed uprising after Mao’s troops marched into Tibet in 1950 reclaiming what it regarded to be China’s territory. Until then, Tibet was a feudal theocracy ruled by the line of Dalai Lamas since the 17th Century. In exile the Dalai Lama promulgated the Tibetan Constitution that proclaimed the CTA to be a democratic government. The Tibetan struggle became cause célèbre and for a large part of the six decades since 1959, it commanded significant awareness in the consciousness of the Western world more so than the Taiwan issue. But unlike Taiwan, the CTA did not bother to develop a mind set and the corresponding skills to become self-sufficient. Instead it became comfortable with handouts and completely relied on the West to fight its battles. In the meantime, CTA officials behaved like little Napoleons more interested in personal gains than achieving collective victory for the Tibetan people. As a result, the Tibetan refugees continue to be suppressed.
Today Taiwan is a fully-fledged democracy with 185 registered political parties. It is a thriving trade and financial capital with a vibrant technology-based economy. Observers attribute Taiwan’s success to its investment in its people. Taiwan’s Human Development Index (HDI), a scale to measure the progress of the nation’s people is 0.907 that is comparable to Japan’s and Austria’s. It is the 7th largest economy in Asia and the International Monetary Fund (IMF) places the small island nation in the ‘Advanced Economies’ grouping. Taiwan is ranked 15th in the world by Global Competitiveness Report of World Economic Forum. In addition, Taiwan ranks 19th in Gross Domestic Product per capita (at purchasing power parity) out of 198 countries.
On the other hand, it is a very different picture with the Tibetan people-in-exile. After 60 years in exile and incalculable financial, political and moral support the Tibetan dream seems to be vanishing. As Taiwan surged ahead in the world by valuing its people and nurturing their talents, the Tibetan leadership remained entrenched in its feudalistic ways and continued to forbid the growth of liberal ideals. Tibetan ‘democracy’ was only a façade to beguile the West and the world public into supporting the CTA’s agenda and to keep donations supposedly for the Tibetan cause, flowing. The only Tibetan democracy magazine, Mangtso, was forced to close and under the present President Lobsang Sangay, election rules and procedures can even be manipulated mid-way through an election to disqualify rival candidates. The CTA remains the sole political party that has used its ‘democratic’ Constitution as a weapon against the people’s exercise of freedom instead of a shield for the protection of their basic human rights. For example, the CTA did not hesitate to use its Parliament to outlaw the practice of Dorje Shugden, declaring Shugden Buddhists to be “criminals”. Yet, in light of all this, the CTA continues to celebrate its triumph as a democracy in September every year.

On March 17, 2014 the Central Tibetan Administration (CTA; Tibetan leadership based in Dharamsala) published a resolution on the Dorje Shugden ban ( It, amongst other things, labelled Dorje Shugden practitioners as “criminals in history”. Tibetan government in exile is suppose to be democratic but no democratic government in the world will publish any condemnations on any religious faith because they allow religious freedom. CTA does not allow religious freedom as this is obvious. Click to enlarge.
Today the third generation of Tibetan refugees languish in hopelessness as those who remain under the CTA face an uncertain future. Desperation has even led to some youths accepting funding from the Chinese in order to spy on the Indians. Of the 150,000 Tibetan people who voluntarily went into exile with the Dalai Lama, only 85,000 continue to rely on the CTA. That number continues to drop as many have realized that they are better off striking out on their own, with some even opting to return to China’s Tibet Autonomous Region. The Tibetan people-in-exile are no closer to regaining their independence promised by their government and neither is there a viable CTA blueprint in place for the Tibetan refugees to live meaningful and successful lives in exile. Whatever the CTA does now may well be too little too late. As the curtains come down on the disastrous play known as the Tibetan cause, it is appropriate to recall an event many years ago.
In 1981, China issued a five-point proposal to Gyalo Thondup, the Dalai Lama’s brother who represented the Tibetans in negotiations with China. Point 1 alludes to the fact that China has entered a new political and economic era. China signalled then that it intends to be a global force to be reckoned with and one that would be able to command the favor of nations of the world. Delivering the proposal to Gyalo Thondup, the then-Chairman of the Communist Party of China gave notice that the Tibetan leadership should not discount China’s resolve to be a world power, meaning to say that the longer the Tibetan leadership delayed coming to an agreement with China, the more difficult it would be for the Dalai Lama and his government to achieve their objective. 37 years later, as yet another supporter experiences the effects of supporting the Tibetan cause, it is clear that the CTA can no longer afford to keep ignoring the Chinese warning as the dragon rises.
Ross Chiang
December 26, 2018
Tsai and the Taiwanese must realize that there is no benefit in allowing the Dalai Lama or any Tibetan to use Taiwan as a rusty can opener political tool in their fight against the PRC.
Taiwan will only suffer if they let Tibetans conflate their struggle with ours because our background, our populace, our economics, business and politics are very different from that of the Tibetans. It is like a leech hopping onto a buffalo for a ride but at the same time sucking up their blood and irritating the animal. Don’t let this happen.
We must also remember what the Kuomintang have done in the past which has similarities to what the communists did in Tibet. Because of this, it makes me believe even more strongly that Tibetans are just opportunists, using us, and complicating our real need to take care of our own country first.
For those who do not know, the Kuomintang conveniently stole Taiwan after the Second World War and Chiang Kai-shek led the Kuomintang and 1.3 million refugees into Taiwan (invasion).
What followed was not nice either. Kuomintang ruled with an iron fist, lorded over the vulnerable Chinese refugees and Taiwan natives, installed an authoritarian government and placed Taiwan under martial law which lasted for nearly four decades.
Now that we have democracy in place, we should not let a bunch of self-serving, two-faced outsiders come in to take our focus away from out own needs of a strong economy, government and foreign representation. I remember the Dalai Lama recently saying that Europe is for Europeans and we must not forget that because it will backfire on us as the Taiwan natives can say that too.
Thank you.
Tenzin Kelsang
December 26, 2018
Tibetan leadership will be slowly singled out when everyone starts to realise that there is no benefit in not cooperating with current China. Each of the countries wishes to be prosperous and rich. When they see what China can bring to them, they will immediately go along with it because of Money talks.
On the other hand, the Tibetan leadership is just making everyone that has connections with them suffer. China punishes those countries who support them economically which non of the countries can afford. That is why Tibetans are losing their allies slowly and there is no way they can stop it.
In the end, Tibetan leadership HAVE to realise that the world is different now since China had risen to be so powerful now. They are obviously at the losing end because they had stayed stagnant for 60 years without any significant progress on their mindset, strategy and also moral values. They will not be able to outwit China and they will never be able to get back Tibet. They just have to accept and move on and stop wasting everybody’s time and energy on a lost cause, the Tibetan cause.
Joo Won
December 28, 2018
Who dare to say no to China in this day? Who want to say no to economic development? Even India is not going to offend economy giant China, what to say CTA a so-called country?
Let’s see how long CTA can keep ignoring and irritating China. There are prices to pay for continue to offend China. Taiwan leaders may be they are okay to be seem as not friendly with China, but not their citizen, individual, corporate people and businessmen.
Why CTA keep disobeying His holiness’s wishes to return to China? Please stop saying you are supporting middle way and at the same time you keep criticising China’s policies and eveything about China, inside China?!😓😰
December 29, 2018
Political parties may have idealistic policies that in reality are not what the people live in. China is just too big and influential to be ignored. China has her fingers everywhere you go, especially the “Made In China” fact. Taiwan may not wish to be part of Chine in name but in essence, China is one of the heaviest influence in Taiwan. Many businesses have investments in China or trade with Chinese businesses. Many Taiwanese have relatives in China (the legacy from Chinese refugees during the Chiang Kai Shek era). Politically people would like to remain independent (who wouldn’t?) but socially and commercially, it is a web hard to untangle.
Whatever it may be, being involved with CTA is definitely a loser’s decision. Nothing good can come out of it as it is only a money draining relationship with no upside to it. The Dalai Lama’s name and fame is not what it is anymore and what is the point of antagonizing China when most countries will depend on her for their prosperity. Sad that until today CTA is blind to this fact and cling so desperately to that little drop of crumbs when they could have lavish meals in agreement with China. This comes from distrust in the Dalai Lama, not abiding by his wish to work with China for their return home. Instead, Lobsang Sangay and Dhardon Sharling wasted so much effort and money on creates so much sufferings for their people in the illogical and unethical ban against Dorje Shugden. Dorje Shugden practice is authentic and endorsed by the 5th Dalai Lama since 400 years ago. Using a religious angle to cover CTA’s failures is very demeaning and off base.
December 29, 2018
Stop using Tibet issue as a tool to go against China thinking it will bring any benefit. Look at the people, companies or countries who associate themselves to the CTA, they did not end up very well. The president of Taiwan has to resign from her position after a great defeat in the election. The defeat most likely is due to her decision to be associated with the CTA.
Like it or not, China has a very strong commanding power in the world due to its strong economic development. Many businesses want to go into the China market as it is huge. This is the kind of economic benefit one can get for making friend with China.
On the other hand, what benefit does CTA bring to those who are associated with them? They are only takers, they don’t give. Just take a look at India, they have hosted the Tibetans for 60 years, what did India get for that? Because of the Tibetans, the relationship between India and China cannot progress any further. There is no benefit associating with the CTA.
Tsering Ngodup
December 29, 2018
‘Karmapa’ Ogyen Trinley no longer recognised by Indian govt as 17th Karmapa. Indian government is not happy he did not show respect to India for all the years he took refuge in India. He simply renounced his Indian protectorate papers and took a Dominican republic passport. He could have had the courtesy to let Indian government know beforehand and thank them.
Read more at:
December 31, 2018
Even the Karmapa is leaving the CTA and the Dalai Lama! I wonder how did the Dalai Lama feel when the Karmapa announced he has a Dominican passport and will not travel back to India with the IC issued by India. The Dalai Lama and the CTA have spent so much energy and time to groom and try to control the Karmapa, but he still managed to ‘escape’ from them like how he escaped from China.
Will China approach the Karmapa to let him go back to Tibet to spread Dharma? The Karmapa is not a very political person, China might want him to fulfill his role as a spiritual head in China to give pure Dharma in Tibetans which will result in peace and harmony. If that happens, China will have 2 of the most influential Tibetan lamas on their side.
The Karmapa was supposed to be the successor of the Dalai Lama to command the Tibetans and be the next marketing tool for the CTA to make money. Now that he is gone, how is the CTA going to survive? No one in the CTA has the charisma like the Dalai Lama or the Karmapa to command people. The CTA’s position is quite shaky now.
I love Taiwan
December 31, 2018
Taiwan president is stupid. She’s arrogant and now she will see the result which is she is highly unpopular. 👎
I am sure more people will quit working for the Tibetan government in exile as it’s a dead end job that has no future and only serves to create disharmony. 😜
Sonam Choephel
January 3, 2019
As the so-called spiritual head of Tibetan Buddhists, the Dalai Lama strictly abstains from drinking alcohol in accordance to traditional monastic codes. However, it has recently been reported that the religious leader owns his own vineyard in Switzerland! Apparently, various celebrities, including the likes of Roger Moore, Sepp Blatter and Zinedine Zidane have all made trips to the vineyard. What will people say when they find out that a Buddhist monk, who promotes abstinence from alcohol, owns a vineyard that produces wine for sale? This is certainly not going to sit well with his image of a religious leader and member of the Buddhist monastic order.
Dondrup Shugden
January 9, 2019
Nothing is permanent, especially when it comes to fooling others with deceptive issues. However, had CTA achieved some level of success to the betterment of the Tibetans in exile (refugees) then maybe, the level of deceit is more acceptable to donors.
As of today, except for the ban and discrimination against Dorje Shugden devotees, there is nothing for CTA to show in improving the welfare of the 150,000 Tibetan refugees. In the same breath, the ban and suppression of Dorje Shugden devotees is absolutely successful and many of these devotees are suffering the discrimination by CTA. This proves that CTA is very capable of power over Tibetans, only if they will be willing to use their powers for the Tibetans instead of for their personal agenda.
In the case of DPP of Taiwan, this political party may also be thinking that it is advantageous to be aligned to CTA with their Tibetan cause of independence from China. With the latest election losses, DPP must now realise that the Tibetan cause is nothing but a farce and people do not mix religion with politics.
Whether DPP will shift course and be more aligned to the One China Policy, the only thing they will lose is the elected right to rule Taiwan and the Taiwan nation will continue to grow economically and forward with Human rights.
CTA must now ponder if they can expect any further help internationally for their cause. What was sold by CTA 60 over years ago no longer makes logical sense.
At the same time CTA must also realise that suppressing Dorje Shugden and creating a divide among Tibetan Buddhists will no longer serve them.
January 9, 2019
A government in any country should always strive to benefit the people, prosper and not be in politics for their personal gains. One may win one election, two elections but in the long run people are not stupid and be taken for rides to nowhere. CTA is stupid to think that they can go against China. CTA is just like a speck of dust compared to China. Which other country can go against China and win. If CTA think that aggravating China is the way to win Tibetan’s independence they are darn stupidly naive and wrong. CTA can never win this war against China no matter how and China will not return tibet so good luck.
January 9, 2019
CTA got a wrong ally for this battle. No matter what CTA will fail and moreover the disharmony between China and Taiwan are between themselves. Each country has own issue to solve and it is bad to interfere into it. Obviously, Taiwan had no interest to cooperate with CTA. CTA should hand off with Taiwan and stop creating another political havoc with China.

January 9, 2019
More heads of countries of the free world are friends with China, but CTA still think they can go against the might of China. Soon, CTA would be left with only a handful of allies – not much they can do to rock the Chinese boat. When Taiwan merges with China, as predicted by some, it would weaken CTA in terms of support from its allies.😜
January 9, 2019
西藏流亡政府不应低估中国成为世界强国的决心,最近这年以来,各国领导人都开始意识到不与中国合作是没好处的, 所以藏人慢慢失去他们的盟友. 可惜的是西藏流亡政府却没有从中吸取经验,反而本末倒置,向全世界宣布他们是民主,但却把“民主“当作武器控制藏人包括控制宗教信仰,禁止多杰雄登修持,这不是在退步吗?
Belinda Mae
January 9, 2019
Karma is catching up with CTA. They are losing their support from Taiwan soon. In fact, they are already losing support from many other countries and they still have not wake up from their fairyland / dream. If they still keep on with this kind of thinking then they will only see themselves going down very soon.
Richard Paul
January 9, 2019
I bet Lobsang Sangay didn’t this coming. More and more countries are going to befriend China nowadays, be it for their own country’s economy sake or not, that doesn’t matter. The truth of the world is, smaller countries for sure will befriend and ally with bigger countries for the aid of economy or even politics. Go against China is not a smooth move anymore. It seems Lobsang Sangay still doesn’t see the truth of this. 60 years! 60 years down the road what have CTA done for their people? And yet, the so called government is still living in their dreamland, dreaming for independent. I think CTA and Lobsang Sangay should bag up and ally with China. And go back to Tibet.
January 9, 2019
It’s so foolish of CTA to think they can overpower China. It’s like you against the world. Looking at the scenario it doesn’t seem CTA will receive more support but actually more like losing more supports. With all the lies and illogical claims by CTA to defame Dorje Shugden.
January 9, 2019
Too much nonsense from the CTA, they refuse to do their parts & keep asking & expecting other people to help without expectation.
All these years, what has the CTA did to make better place of loving for his people? Full of shame..🙁
January 9, 2019
Everything happen to CTA will back to the end soon. Since CTA has lose Tibet, nothing more they can lose. The worse thing is refugee of tibetan in exile has lose hope for CTA by seeing how bad they become. New tibetan generation even lose respect for His Holiness Dalai Lama. What CTA has done has fail tibetan in exile in the world. Nobody will support CTA.
Jampa Youdon
January 10, 2019
Dear Tibetan government-in-exile (Dharamsala),
Sharmapa Rinpoche is the highest authority in the Karma Kagyu after Karmapa. By age-old tradition, Sharmapa is the one that confirms the real incarnation of Karmapa. He recognized Thaye Dorje as the genuine Karmapa. But Dalai Lama endorsed Orgyen Trinley as the real Karmapa. Dalai Lama is a great lama but there has never been a tradition of him recognizing a Karmapa.
Both ‘Karmapas’ have big followings in and out of Tibet. So which one should we follow? We have to follow the genuine Karmapa. If we follow the fake one, we will get fake teachings, fake lineage and no results. We can even take rebirth in the lower realms.
Only the Tibetan leaders can tell us which is the real Karmapa. You have told us which one is the real Panchen Lama. We follow the Panchen of your choosing. Since then we have condemned China and condemned the fake Panchen Lama. Now it is the same situation with Karmapa. We have denounced the fake Karmapa and ask him to step down. He is destroying the Karma Kagyu Lineage.
This issue has torn the Karma Kagyu sect in half. There are many who are so confused and some gave up Tibetan Buddhism altogether because of this. We must solve the confusion. This does not look good for the Tibetan government in exile because the confusion was started by Tibetan government. I support Dalai Lama and Tibetan government. But so many of us need to know the real Karmapa already. Don’t remain silent. Which one is the real Karmapa.
Tibetan government in exile, you have created two Gelugs (Pro-Dorje Shugden and against), you have created two Panchen Rinpoches, two Karmapas, two Dromo Geshe Rinpoches, two Kundeling Rinpoches and so on. When are you going to solve all the confusion. You are destroying Tibetan Buddhism.
Tenzin K
January 11, 2019
It’s amazing that after 60 years CTA is still depending on sympathize funding instead of nurturing their people to be self-sustain. From this we can see that CTA is only interested I getting money from the funding for their personal interest instead of looking after the Tibetan welfare and their future.
China has a great influence around the world. This is undeniable and is the fact that CTA has to acknowledge. For CTA keep going against the Chinese will make the situation worst and also going against the Dalai Lama wishes to return to Tibet. CTA fail to keep their promise to bring back their people to Tibet is a fact but unfortunately instead of working harder and be more compassionate towards their own Tibetan, CTA find scapegoat to push their failure on a protector practice which is Dorje Shugden. This is just keep getting more illogical with the reasoning from Tibetan leadership.
With how the CTA acting now I don’t see much of the future for Tibetan in Exile.
Jing Jing
January 13, 2019
This article is so sharp by comparing Taiwan and Tibetan in exile. On top of that, in Taiwan, monks do not involve in politics. Not like CTA, which not only make used of Tibetans faith in their Dharma King, Dalai Lama. The blame faith has caused so much sufferings in the people. First, they never develop and grow their economy and people in India but sat and waiting to return to Tibet. After years of waiting, the Tibetan started to question the CTA about the Tibetan course, CTA disgustly blamed the failure to Dorje Shugden. CTA went all the way, full force and whole heartedly to ban Dorje Shugden thinking of distracting the attention of their people. So that they can continue to rule the 150,000 Tibetan in India. To be more accurate, so that they can continue to stay poor, living with no cost (tax) in India and continue to receive funds from others.
Do not be fooled.
Thaye Dorje Rejects Dalai Lama
January 13, 2019
Very significant
A hair cutting ceremony can be done when someone is going to be a monk. Or when a person is being recognized as a tulku. Besides that, it’s rare there are hair cutting ceremonies for others reasons except for certain pujas.
Also the master who does the hair cutting should be someone of ‘high standing’, greatly respected and if possible a high lama with blessings. Many attendants of young tulkus will seek hair cutting ceremony with the highest or very respected lamas of their lineage. Many like to get this done by HH the Dalai Lama these days. So it is very unusual that Karmapa Thaye Dorje has his son’s hair cutting done by Luding Khenchen Rinpoche who is Sakya and not even Karma Kagyu which Karmapa Thaye Dorje belongs to. This signifies a few things:
1. Definitely Karmapa Thaye Dorje’s son is not becoming a monk at such a tender age. So the hair cutting signifies it is a incarnate lama or tulku.
2. To have his son’s hair cut should be done by Dalai Lama but instead they have this done by Luding Khenchen Rinpoche shows an outright avoidance of Dalai Lama.
3. Also Karmapa Thaye Dorje is telling Dalai Lama and CTA (Tibetan govt in exile) that they don’t need them. Karmapa Thaye Dorje does not need Dalai Lama or CTA to make it. They will be fine on their own. It is a very strong message to everyone.
Remember, the Karmapa Thaye Dorje has never taken one single photo with the Dalai Lama. Why is that? Because Karmapa Thaye Dorje and followers reject the Dalai Lama.
January 26, 2019
More and more Tibetans are leaving India. Many of them even though don’t have a lot of money, they will borrow money from friends and family just to get out of India and the Tibetan community. The Tibetans have lost their faith in the CTA, they have waited for too long.
Reports also show that fewer Tibetans are arriving in India from China. The main reason is that the living standard and condition in Tibet have improved so much compared to 60 years ago and there are so many opportunities in Tibet. The Chinese government gives the Tibetans freedom to practice Buddhism and also use their own language. It is now a more conducive environment to preserve the Tibetan culture than it is in India.
China has proven that they are a more efficient and effective government. They bring prosperity to the people and society. The CTA on the other hand, only bring prosperity to themselves and continue to exploit the Tibetans for their own benefits. With the same old way of running their government, the CTA is definitely is going down.
Doreen Park
February 1, 2019
The main lesson to be learnt from this article is that it will be foolish for anyone to want to ally themselves with the Tibetan Leadership against China. First India and now Taiwan is learning the painful way, where the wind blows. Any country who wishes to go against China and fight it all the way is definitely fighting a losing battle.China, fast becoming the world’s foremost economic power, is definitely going to stand its ground against any attempt to thwart it from its course.
The Tibetan Leadership is trying to ride on the back of the power of another country to win its battle against China. Now it looks unlikely that it will meet any success , using this tactic or ploy. As the CTA can’t fight its own battle against China, it looks likely they have to give up.When these Tibetan leaders finally give up, they will not graciously surrender to the might of China. Most likely, they will avail themselves of their claim to citizenship of a foreign Western country and flee there.
Unfortunately, when they do this, they will be leaving behind the Tibetans in Exile in India, a country which has become tired of the duplicity and deceit of the CTA in the last 60 years. The poor Tibetan people, who are in exile in India, now unwelcomed by India, cannot go home to Tibet in China as nothing has been done by the CTA to secure their peaceful return to China.There have been no negotiations with the Chinese Leadership for a peaceful return up to today. Instead, the CTA has distracted the people from worrying about their future by using the ban on the practice of Dorje Shugden, to create conflict within. A 400 year old spiritual practice of many, including great Masters and highly realised Lamas, was suddenly banned (without any logical basis) and the ban strictly and unreasonably enforced, causing great suffering to practitioners who have refused to give it up as doing so would incur a breaking of their samaya with their root gurus.
Carole McQuirre
February 1, 2019
I’ve been operating an online hate group on FB against the NKT. I use to be a part of that organization. I loved my guru Geshe Kelsang, but I didn’t like some of the underlings who ran the organization. I was there for over a decade and it was time for me to be given a position of a teacher and have the respect I felt I deserved. I didn’t get what I wanted and I felt angry and slighted. It reminded me of my abandonment issues I’ve had throughout my life. I’ve never belonged anywhere and people usually left me and I just couldn’t stand it. I got my personal emotional issues mixed up with my spiritual direction. I projected my personal issues onto my teacher and the organization and I have done that so many times in my life ruining good situations.
I left NKT and told whoever would listen to me who I was abused in NKT. I started a FB page to encourage other ‘victims’ to speak out against NKT. Being the vast organization that NKT is, it was not difficult to find other people who had left for one reason or another and had things to say against NKT. Our little group even got close to some of the events coordinators of the Dalai Lama and we were given a chance to take pictures with Dalai Lama which we promptly did. The photo with the Dalai Lama we thought gave us some validation towards our stance against NKT-but it backfired. It gave us a high to have a photo with the Dalai Lama but after a while we realized we can never be close to the Dalai Lama. We can never get the care and amount of teachings we use to get from Geshe Kelsang Gyatso. Being close to the Dalai Lama is like celebrity worship not so much as having a personal guru who is there for us.
I regret opening my FB page as it vented out my rage and it was the platform for many other people who had blame and anger issues to collect vast amounts of negative karma. We were never able to have any cases or legal suits against NKT with all of our bantering because there was nothing substantial or genuine in the so called abuses we claimed we received while in NKT. NKT continues to grow while the rest of us who left are nowhere in life. Nowhere in our spiritual practice and just living empty lives. For me I’ve gotten tired of the page I’ve started and FB and it’s a horrendous effort to go there to post things or read any comments. Barely anyone visits the page anyways these days. How much can people vent out their anger at someone or something which is not to blame in the first place?
I don’t have the courage to apologize to my teacher or rejoin NKT because I am a coward. I’ve always been a coward looking for the easy way out. But I am thinking about it. I realize my mistakes. I realized my mistakes which comes from me.
Karma Kagyu School Does Not Need Dalai Lama
February 10, 2019
Karmapa Thaye Dorje Ignores the Dalai Lama
(1) Decades ago, the Shamarpa asked the Dalai Lama to endorse Thaye Dorje as the Karmapa. Shamarpa proved to the Dalai Lama that Thaye Dorje was the Karmapa. The Dalai Lama still refused as it will make the Dalai Lama look bad for endorsing Ogyen Trinley. ~
It is known that Tai Situ Rinpoche recognized Ogyen Trinley by stealth. Tai Situ Rinpoche used the Dalai Lama’s fame to promote his Ogyen Trinley candidate in order to secure the Karmapa wealth of many generations.
(2) Even though the Dalai Lama endorsed Ogyen Trinley as Karmapa, Thaye Dorje could not be restrained and continues to grow immensely in popularity all over the world. Even without the Dalai Lama’s endorsement, the Karmapa Thaye Dorje is growing in importance. Tai Situ Rinpoche thought that without the Dalai Lama’s endorsement, the Karmapa Thaye Dorje would fall and become nothing. He was wrong.
(3) Shamarpa Rinpoche had asked the Dalai Lama to at least ordain Thaye Dorje as a monk when he was very young and the Dalai Lama refused. This refusal hurt Shamarpa and the Karmapa Thaye Dorje very much. The Dalai Lama sidelined Shamarpa Rinpoche and Thaye Dorje. It was a grievous insult and detrimental interference. In the Karma Kagyu tradition it is the Shamarpa who is the first and foremost to recognize the Karmapas and only in his absence do other regents recognize the Karmapas. Not only did the Dalai Lama interfere in Karma Kagyu affairs but the Dalai Lama took sides. That caused so much fighting and disharmony within the Karma Kagyu school of Buddhism. Tai Situ Rinpoche was wrong not to consult with Shamarpa Rinpoche in all of this.
(4) The Dalai Lama had no business interfering in Karma Kagyu traditions by recognizing a Karmapa. In the history of the Karma Kagyu school, there has not been one Karmapa recognized by a Dalai Lama nor did they ever need the Dalai Lama’s endorsement. This interference by the Dalai Lama has caused the Karma Kagyu school to take two sides and broke them up and created much disharmony. The disharmony, fighting and mud-slinging as to which one is the real Karmapa has continued to this day in 2019.
(5) Shamarpa Rinpoche passed away in 2014 and it is up to the Karmapa to recognize his incarnation without the endorsement or interference of the Dalai Lama.
(6) Now the Karmapa Thaye Dorje recognizes his son born in 2018 as Shamarpa Rinpoche’s incarnation and he does not ask the Dalai Lama to endorse this incarnation. He does not need it. The Dalai Lama has done enough damage. This will shift the dynamics of the Karma Kagyu school again in favor of the Shamarpa Rinpoche’s side. Unfortunately, it will make Ogyen Trinley look strange and left out in the cold. Within the Kagyu school, the Shamarpa is the next highest incarnation after the Karmapa. The Karmapas always recognized Shamarpas and vice versa. It shows that the Karmapa Thaye Dorje has the full authority to recognize the next highest incarnation within their school on his own. This Shamarpa will be spiritually trained by the Karmapa Thaye Dorje himself without the influence of the aged Dalai Lama and his government-in-exile which most Karma Kagyus consider a regime.
(7) During the Kagyu Monlam prayers in Bodhgaya on January 2019, Thaye Dorje was there leading the Monlam (New Year’s prayers) and so was the Dalai Lama in Bodhgaya, giving teachings in another location nearby. The Dalai Lama, while in Bodhgaya, wanted to meet Thaye Dorje but Thaye Dorje refused. Thaye Dorje avoided the Dalai Lama. It was an insult to the Dalai Lama that he had to accept for all the damage he had done in their Karmapa affair and Karma Kagyu school.
The Dalai Lama had sidelined Shamarpa and Thaye Dorje when asked to endorse Thaye Dorje decades ago. Now that the Karmapa Ogyen Trinley has run away to the USA, the Dalai Lama wants to be friendly with Thaye Dorje so that he can get on the Karma Kagyu school’s good side. Without the Dalai Lama’s permission, the two Karmapas met in France and decided to mend the rift. This will make the Dalai Lama look bad. Even the Dalai Lama did not think in such a big way or a middle way to help mend the rift. Too bad and too late for the Dalai Lama to make friends with the Karma Kagyu school of Buddhism.
So much damage has been done. But the Karmapa Thaye Dorje is on the way to mending all this.
Karma Tsogyal
February 22, 2019
Contemplate this :-
Indian journalists sound desperate when they talk about terrorist attacks on India. As this article correctly states, there is little that India can do to address terrorism as they seem to operate from Pakistan. To deal with the terrorists, Indians will have to literally attack Pakistan which it cannot do.
Well, there is something India can do which is to stop Dharamsala’s terrorist activities against China being executed from Indian soil. The Tibetans have been attacking China for decades, yet they say they wish to return to Tibet. How do you return to a place you constantly criticize? The Dalai Lama is literally begging China to allow him to visit the Five Peaks of Manjushri pilgrimage site in China and also his birthplace in Amdo, Tibet. But if the Dalai Lama keeps criticizing China, why would they sit at the bargaining table with him? India allows for all of this to happen on Indian soil, so that would irritate China.
Yet India wants concessions from China on the terrorist issue. Meanwhile, Beijing equates Lashkar-e-Taiba (LeT) leader Hafiz Saeed to India supporting the Dalai Lama against China for five decades now. Furthermore, India wants China to speak up against Jaish-e-Mohammed (JeM) Masood Azhar. But India does not speak up against Dalai Lama. Whether the world thinks the Dalai Lama is the good guy or not, he is a thorn in China’s side so anyone that supports him is not supporting China. Similar to the situation, LeT’s Hafiz Saeed and JeM’s Masood Azhar are a thorn in India’s side but they do not bother China and her allies, so why should China do anything about them? If India does something on the Dalai Lama, then it would be fair to ask China to do something about their support of Lashkar-e-Taiba leader Hafiz Saeed and Jaish-e-Mohammed’s Masood Azhar. Simple equation.
These reports are really bare-faced hypocrisy. It implies one nation is helpless against terrorists because the terrorists camp out in another country. But that did not stop the US from heavily bombing Iraq on the basis that it was harboring terrorists. The US did not hesitate to overthrow the government and murder its leader Saddam Hussein.
It is also very hypocritical that the same journalists who are outraged at China’s annexation of Tibet are quiet about Israel’s annexation of Palestine.
It is interesting to note that most terrorist attacks are aimed at the US and her allies. Everyone conveniently forgets that the US has been throwing their weight around for decades and can even determine which leader they want in other countries.
Back to India – if China can convince North Korea to have détente with the US, China can similarly help India with the JeM. India simply has to give up the Tibet card. The article is also a one-sided opinion piece because India faces as many terrorist threats from Bangladesh, with just as many terrorist camps, but because Bangladesh is not China, their involvement is not mentioned.
India is a great country. China and India as friends will be able to influence the globe literally economically and, eventually, militarily. But India has to play fair. By supporting the Dalai Lama, India will get nothing and furthermore, it will be a stumbling block to China’s 1.4 billion people becoming friends with India’s 1.3 billion people.
The Dalai Lama has to be compassionate and stop speaking against China because he has to consider the difficulty he places India in as his host. Each time he criticizes and allows his refugees to protest against China and ask for western support, it makes China look bad. So if the Dalai Lama wants China and India to become closer and benefit each other economically then he has to be silent on this already.
The Diplomat’s Prarthana Basu sums it up very well by saying in the article below that “Now with another terrorist attack infuriating India’s populace, the mystery behind this Chinese silence remains unsolved. While most attribute China’s apparent silence as a favor to Pakistan, as both continue to maintain their “all-weather friendship,” others argue that China holds India responsible for granting political asylum to the Tibetan leader Dalai Lama, whom Beijing equates to Lashkar-e-Taiba (LeT) leader Hafiz Saeed.”
April 15, 2019
Even though we are in the 21st century now, the CTA is still following the old culture of how they ruled in the old Tibet. The Tibetan leadership since the old time is to exploit their own people and benefit themselves. They cover up each other, and they are not afraid to do harm to those who are against them. Look at how Lobsang Sangay can get away with all the bad things he has done. As a leadership, the CTA is very inefficient and incapable.
It is never good to associate with the CTA or anything related to the free Tibet movement. As China is getting stronger economically, everyone wants to tag along with China to get some benefits. For those who are seen to be pro-CTA, they will be penalised such as not being able to do business in China.
Therefore, being friendly with the CTA does not bring any benefits. The CTA doesn’t have anything to give but only take. They are only interested in getting more money from the sponsors. Those who want to be close to the CTA are only making use of the CTA to agitate China. For the money, the CTA is quite happy to be a political tool.
April 27, 2019
1st Time Dalai Lama Finally Admits His Illness Was Serious
In the past it is customary to cover up the Dalai Lama’s illnesses. It could be to not worry his flock. It could also be to not show the world he is just another vulnerable human being. Or it could be he does not want to disappoint people to show he is not a god? Whatever the reasons, the Dalai Lama and regime are well known for covering up his serious illnesses. In the past few years he had cancer of the prostate and that was covered up till the press dug it up. Now with this new video just out April 2019, Dalai Lama admits he was recently very ill. It was serious.
Unfortunately the Tibetan cause will die with the Dalai Lama when he passes. He did nothing to groom up a new leader as he is a dictator. A ruler for life. He has been in power for over 60 years. He will never groom up another person to replace him because he is touted as a god.
Ngawang Jigme
May 31, 2019
Unlike 5 years ago, Tibetan leader Lobsang Sangay is not invited to Prime Minister Modi’s swearing-in ceremony this time. It is clear that PM Modi of India snubs the Tibetan leadership once again in favour of deeper ties with China. The Tibetan leadership finds itself increasingly isolated as nobody wants to offend China by lending any support to the ungrateful Tibetans.
June 30, 2019
It is obvious that the CTA cannot handle their own people anymore. They can’t do it and never did. That is why Tibet is in the hands of China now. it is obvious that CTA does not want to go back to Tibet and they are just using the name of Tibetan cause to earn donations. If they are very passionate about going back to Tibet, then why almost all of them owns a passport from another country?
They should be like other Tibetans who only has a yellow travel book to show their faith and loyalty to Tibet. The reason why they have another passport is that it is a backup plan for them in case the Tibetan cause failed. It has already failed for 60 years now China is stronger than ever, Tibet’s independence is impossible.
China will not return Tibet back to the Tibetans because they have invested so much into it. They improved the lives of the Tibetans by building infrastructures and also social aids. On the other hand, they even manage to reduce the rate of poverty in Tibet to below 10%. This is something CTA will never be able to do and China will definitely not hand everything on a silver platter to CTA.
July 13, 2019
Some country is very determined to cut their tie with the Dalai Lama. Recently, Nepal has forbidden the celebration of the Dalai Lama’s birthday. As a developing country, Nepal needs help to develop its economy, infrastructure in order to be more competitive in the international arena. By supporting the Tibetans, Nepal gets nothing. If Nepal supports the Tibetans, it will cost them money which Nepal doesn’t really have.
Neighbouring China is getting more powerful each day, its domestic economy and its trading bargaining power is at its height. Working closely with China will definitely bring a lot of benefits to the country especially economically. Nepal will sure choose to be friendly with China than to be friendly with Tibetans.
The Dalai Lama is seen as a separatist by China. In order to protect its relationship with China, Nepal definitely will enforce the ‘no birthday celebration for the Dalai Lama’. Tibetans are losing more support every day, they should really think about having a dialogue with China and not be arrogant anymore.
July 25, 2019
Taiwan will not be at CTA side. China is claiming Taiwan and what can CTA give to Taiwan in return? China will go aggressive if anyone creating instability within China. CTA has to face this giant eventually and should be humble. At this point, CTA should stop all the actions that will irk the Chinese and stay quiet.
Goodbye CTA
August 13, 2019
I think CTA will be gone very soon. So many countries have cut their ties with CTA, no one really sees any value in associating with them. But CTA is still so arrogant thinking the rest of world has to take pity on them and they obligated to help the Tibetans.
Many people has seen how corrupted and ungrateful CTA is by now. Look at how they are treating India! Knowing India wants to have a better relationship with China, CTA is still creating problems for India. The protests they organise in India has made China very upset. It seems like CTA wants to sabotage the relationship between India and China.
There are more signs and indications showing the CTA is losing their support and they will not live long but yet they can totally ignore this and not do something about it. Tibetans should plan for their future and not wait for CTA. CTA does not have a good track record in anything they do except travelling around the world and enjoying themselves using the public fund.
November 13, 2019
Taiwan has learned that there are no benefits in supporting CTA and at this crucial time what we need is to improve the country’s economic and create unity among the people to form a strong country.
Only CTA now at the moment that still creates suffering for their people. It’s a very bad example for other countries
November 23, 2019
It’s obvious that during this time of economic downturn many countries want China to invest in their country. China is very strong now and no one dares to challenge it. CTA can never turn this around by keep asking people to help them because no one will want to risk their relationship for CTA which they are not going to gain anything from.
CTA needs to really work their way with China if they still want to be around as, after the Dalai Lama passing, CTA is nothing at all and China will recognize their own 15th Dalai Lama.