Member of Tibetan Parliament, Tenpa Yarphel (right).
The opinion piece below was sent to dorjeshugden.com for publication. We accept submissions from the public, please send in your articles to [email protected].
By: Shashi Kei
The Central Tibetan Administration (CTA), previously known as the Tibetan government-in-exile, held its 7th session from 19 to 29 March 2019. A statement made there by Tenpa Yarphel, one of the more progressive and outspoken Members of the Tibetan Parliament (MP) was particularly noteworthy.
This brave MP, who is the Parliamentary representative for the Kagyu tradition of Tibetan Buddhism, used the few minutes allocated to him in Parliament to voice his opinion that the CTA’s ongoing campaign to demean a specific Tibetan Buddhist practice and alienate its practitioners has damaged Tibetan unity. He was, of course, referring to the Dalai Lama’s ban on the practice of the Dharma Protector, Dorje Shugden.
Tenpa Yarphel also pointed out that the Tibetan leadership’s persecution of Shugden Buddhists has not escaped world attention. Today, the CTA’s every move is scrutinized because the world has become aware of their suppression of human rights. The credibility of the Dalai Lama and that of the Tibetan leadership have suffered.
This does not only impact negatively on the Tibetan struggle but also endangers the survival of the Tibetan identity, which is already at a perilous juncture today.
Tenpa Yarphel’s statement
Two parts of Tenpa Yarphel’s parliamentary statement are especially significant. They reveal incontrovertible facts about the Tibetan leadership and the circumstances surrounding the Dorje Shugden conflict:
“It’s my feeling that in our society, we should not discriminate, especially against those practicing our religion. Discrimination harms us more than it benefits us. “
- Tenpa Yarphel
While the MP was careful to not spell it out, the insinuation was clear from his use of the word “we”. He regards the source of hostilities against Dorje Shugden believers which have damaged Tibetan communities worldwide to be none other than the CTA.
“It is better not to talk about this issue [Dorje Shugden] anymore.”
- Tenpa Yarphel
Here, Tenpa Yarphel was alluding to numerous directives by the Dalai Lama and the CTA over the years that suggested that oppressing Dorje Shugden Buddhists was the key to Tibetans regaining their country.
That a government would attribute its failures to mythos is telling of its character but, being a superstitious people, many Tibetans were misled into enforcing the CTA’s persecution.
The Dorje Shugden ban is today in its 23rd year. Enough time has passed for Tibetans to see for themselves that far from bestowing any benefits, this unfortunate decision has caused tremendous damage.
By addressing the Tibetan parliament this way, Tenpa Yarphel was appealing to the CTA to stop inciting malice towards Shugden Buddhists and to start taking responsibility for its own actions.
Why now?
That it took 23 years for an honest politician to speak out against this religious persecution speaks volumes about the culture fostered by the Tibetan leadership.
In a true democracy, the mere suggestion of segregating anyone based on their beliefs, skin color or gender would be vehemently and soundly opposed. In the CTA, it has thrived for over two decades and continues in earnest.
How could this have happened if the Dalai Lama’s government was a genuine democracy?
It is also useful to understand why this Tibetan MP decided to make a stand. Tenpa Yarphel’s courage may have been roused by a collective sense of despair in the Tibetan people that seems to have finally overcome their fear of the Tibetan government.
The slave mentality
The CTA has never practiced democratic principles. Before 1959, over 80% of the Tibetan population were serfs or slaves and had no human rights to speak of. This convention of absolute servitude continued in exile because those who make up the Tibetan government-in-exile are members of the old Tibetan ruling class.
It would be foolish to think that a self-designation as the “democratic CTA” would suddenly change their attitudes towards the Tibetan populace. The declaration of a democratic government was simply a ploy to win the hearts of Western liberals and enroll them in the fight against China.
The Dalai Lama and the CTA benefited tremendously from geopolitical tensions between China and the United States and its allies. Over the decades, Washington has painted China as an aggressive power with expansionist ambitions that threaten the safety of its neighbours. They portray Tibetans as innocent victims of an oppressive communist China.
So much attention has been focused on China that the world is blind to the Tibetan government’s abuses of power, gross breaches of human rights and general ineptitude.
In exile, just like it was in feudal Tibet, it is deemed sacrilegious – and, therefore, dangerous – for anyone to consider a political, social or spiritual stance that is not completely complementary of the Dalai Lama’s.
Behind closed doors, the Dalai Lama and members of his inner circle decide what the Tibetan people can and cannot do and how they should think. The job of the CTA is to rubber-stamp the decisions of this unelected elite. Very rarely does anyone dare to publically and officially voice a dissenting opinion; for Tenpa Yarphel himself, this is only the second time he has questioned the Tibetan leadership’s decisions.
In a previous Parliamentary session, Tenpa Yarphel questioned the Tibetan leadership’s reliance on the Nechung Oracle for matters of the state. He was not questioning the spiritual validity of Nechung as a deity or practice. On the contrary, Tenpa Yarphel was questioning the validity of relying on oracular pronouncements for political decision-making, especially when those pronouncements have a proven track record of being outrageously inaccurate.
How would Americans, who come from all backgrounds, religions and cultures, feel if their democratically-elected President began making state decisions based on his own personal faith, without any regard for the diverse communities in the nation? The fact is, truly democratic states rely on logic, information and analysis – not faith and superstition – to decide on state matters.
As logical as his speech about Nechung may have been, Tenpa Yarphel’s comments earned him calls for his impeachment. His remarks were taken as indirect criticism of the Dalai Lama because in reality, it is the Dalai Lama who determines whether the CTA continues relying on Nechung. Never mind that in the contemporary political arena, it would be ludicrous for the CTA to continue governing their people through oracles if they ever realized any of their political goals on any level. If the CTA transcended their fear of being labelled ‘anti-Dalai Lama’, they would realize that if they ever gained some kind of political autonomy in the Tibet Autonomous Region (TAR), it would be wholly incongruous with Beijing’s political approach for them to continue using a deity to decide upon matters of the state.
And so like his previous statement indirectly criticized the Dalai Lama, Tenpa Yarphel’s latest statement against the segregation of Dorje Shugden Buddhists indirectly states that it was wrong for the Dalai Lama and other Tibetan leaders such as the previous Kalon Tripa (Prime Minister, Prof. Samdhong Rinpoche) and present Sikyong (President of the CTA, Lobsang Sangay) to have actively encouraged the persecution and criminalization of Dorje Shugden worship. Their actions and those of their acolytes have splintered the world Tibetan community and brought the Tibetan struggle to its knees.
Against this backdrop and the prevailing culture of fear, Tenpa Yarphel’s statement is nothing short of an act of heroism borne out of sheer necessity.
Above the rules
Today, despite 60 years of global support and untold millions in annual aid by generous state and private donors, the Tibetan exile population languishes in hopelessness. While a rising China gains world standing and acceptance, support for the Tibetan struggle is being pushed to the wayside.
Travel papers issued by the CTA are no longer deemed valid. Exiled Tibetans are trapped within Indian settlements, living life in limbo from one generation to the next. The only people who have gained from the decades of foreign aid are the Tibetan leaders whose lives and standards of living bear little resemblance to that of ordinary Tibetan refugees.
Some time ago, the CTA asserted that it was anti-Tibetan and unpatriotic for exiles to obtain Indian citizenship (to which they are legally entitled). However, most CTA leaders hold foreign passports. Sikyong (President) Lobsang Sangay himself has an American passport and maintains a house in leafy Massachusetts.
Sangay’s ex-protégé, Dhardon Sharling, the former head of the CTA’s Department of Information and International Relations, applied for and received her Indian passport. She has since abandoned the Tibetan struggle and moved to the United States, citing a need to further her education to “help the Tibetan people”.
A fractured community
Tenpa Yarphel’s address was a cry for the Tibetan parliament to take stock of the tragedy of Tibetans in exile. Tibetan leaders from the Dalai Lama to Lobsang Sangay to aspiring politicians have called for Tibetan unity as a necessary condition for freedom from China. However, no campaign against an external oppressor can succeed if the people are concurrently fighting internal oppression that sets Tibetans upon Tibetans.

This is the hit-list which the Tibetan leadership published on their official website to include the names, faces and personal details of Tibetan Dorje Shugden practitioners who protested in Europe for their religious freedoms. To read more about the hit-list, click here.
The Dorje Shugden ban and other similar destructive campaigns by the CTA resemble Mao Zedong’s campaign to destroy the ‘Four Olds’ and cultivate the ‘Four News’, a movement that destroyed the Chinese social structure.
60 years of exile and false promises have not brought the Tibetan people any closer to their homeland. On the contrary, China recently signalled that it has closed the door to further dialogue with the Tibetan leadership.
The future for Tibetans in exile looks bleak. Tibetans lack a secure environment conducive to viable livelihoods. They do not even have the means to preserve their culture and traditions.
To even bring up unity and its importance at this late stage is ridiculous. For a supposed refugee community, unity should be a foregone conclusion, not something that urgently needs to be introduced into their exiled community. Why should unity be discussed 60 years into exile unless they, as irresponsible leaders, are the cause of disunity and are having to quickly remedy the situation?
Did the Tibetan leadership fail to recognise the seriousness of their people’s predicament? Did they willfully prolong it to play to the sympathies of Western democracies? It is of little value to speculate.
What is clear is the CTA’s policy of divide and rule. By creating internal divisions with policies such as the Dorje Shugden ban, they distract the people from the CTA’s own failures.
In the final analysis, what does it matter what religion a person practices? To ban someone, solely on the basis of their religion, from events and discussions that concern their country is brutally segregational and a violation of their rights to be engaged in processes that affect their future and personal wellbeing. Why does the CTA allow a cross-section of Tibetans to be banned from interacting with the Dalai Lama on a secular basis, simply on the basis of their religion? To be truly democratic, what a Tibetan believes, or indeed does not believe, should be irrelevant.
As long as they are Tibetan, it is their right to interact with their leaders and to participate in the formation, preservation and promotion of their people, race, culture and country. This should hold true regardless of their religion, socio-economic background, political ideology and education. Thus Tenpa Yarphel is a hero because he has the courage to question the continued segregation of Tibetans on the basis of their religion, in this case specifically referring to 23-year-old Dorje Shugden ban.
Standing up to the CTA
While Tenpa Yarphel’s courage is praiseworthy, it is unlikely to yield any positive results. He has run afoul of the Tibetan establishment in the past and been accused of being “anti-Dalai Lama”. His crime was, as previously outlined, questioning the Tibetan government’s dependency on Nechung, the Dalai Lama’s oracle. Unlike other democratic governments, the CTA frequently turns to Nechung to determine important official policy, bypassing the process of law.
In Tibetan culture, to be labelled ‘anti-Dalai Lama’ is equivalent to being regarded as a traitor. Those who stood in the way of the Tibetan leadership have suffered serious consequences. There are a number of examples:
The murder of Gungtang Tsultrim
Gungtang Tsultrim was the leader of The Thirteen Settlements, an organization that opposed the Dalai Lama’s ambition to usurp leadership of all Tibetan Buddhist schools. His assailant confessed that he had been hired by the Tibetan government.
Attacks on Lukar Jam Atsok
Lukar Jam Atsok was a popular candidate for the 2016 Sikyong (President of the CTA) but opposed the CTA leadership’s views. The CTA leadership under Lobsang Sangay then conspired to change the electoral rules to disqualify Lukar Jam’s campaign for Sikyong. After the election, he was subjected to threats of violence and as a warning, his property was vandalized. He has since moved to Australia. This is the ‘democratic’ CTA that well-meaning people have supported for six decades.
Attacks on Tibetan government ministers
Various Tibetan government ministers who have disagreed with the Tibetan leadership have consequently found themselves in harm’s way. One had his house padlocked from the outside and firebombed. Another, Mr Kundeling, was stabbed for voicing concerns about the Dorje Shugden ban.
In this toxic culture, unabashed oppression is not the exception but the rule. Presumably, the powers that be will look upon Tenpa Yarphel’s words as treachery and dissidence. They should instead see it as an urgent wake-up call for the Tibetan leadership to correct its course so Tibetan culture, language and religion have a chance to survive.
If indeed the Tibetan people are true seekers of freedom and liberty, they must quickly realize that power rests with the people and not an oppressive elite. They must collectively determine a path for the future by electing an accountable government.
But, as the brave Tenpa Yarphel has said, Tibetans need to be united first… and that is precisely what the Tibetan leadership does not wish.
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Summarized translation:
Dear Speaker (of the Tibetan Parliament in Exile),
I would like to share my personal opinions on the Dorje Shugden issue which has been raised.
Wherever His Holiness the Dalai Lama gave teachings, for four years, Dolgyalpa1 protestors would always appear and protest against His Holiness. They protested even if His Holiness didn’t talk about Dolgyal in the teachings.
It’s my feeling that in our society, we should not discriminate, especially against those practicing our religion. Discrimination harms us more than it benefits us. When we talked about the Dolgyal issue, it caused so much harm in our society. When we talked about the Dolgyal issue, the Dolgyalpas protested against His Holiness wherever he went2. So it is really better not to talk about these issues anymore.
Actually, I have no connection with the Dolgyalpas, whether it is on a personal or public level. When I talk about Dolgyal, I have no connection with them [the Dolgyalpas].3
Instead of pushing each other away, we should become united. Have we experienced harm or benefit in relations to the Dolgyal issue?4 It is better not to talk about this issue anymore.
1 – The CTA uses the derogatory term ‘Dolgyal’ to refer to Dorje Shugden. It means ‘King of Dol’ because the CTA falsely accuses Dorje Shugden of being a spirit, and not an enlightened protector. Hence, someone who relies on Dorje Shugden is called a ‘Dolgyalpa’ by the CTA.
2 – Tenpa Yarphel implies that the protests damaged His Holiness’ reputation. Therefore stopping the protests, by not talking about Dorje Shugden anymore, would stop further damage to His Holiness’ reputation and this would be beneficial to the Tibetan leadership.
3 – Tenpa Yarphel has to emphasize he has no connection with Dorje Shugden practitioners lest criticism of him spirals out of control, and he is further accused of being anti-Dalai Lama or branded as pro-Chinese.
4 – Tenpa Yarphel is asking the MPs to consider whether there has been a net benefit or loss in talking about Dorje Shugden. He implies that it is a loss and therefore they would be better off not talking about Dorje Shugden any more. Tibetans should have unity just because they are Tibetans. Segregation of Tibetans based on their religion, weakens unity. So Dorje Shugden people should not be segregated anymore but join the Tibetan mainstream.
Tsewang Drolkar
April 8, 2019
Tenpa Yarphel is a great Tibetan. He always talks the truth. We Tibetan in India really proud on him. We support him.
CTA will lose
April 8, 2019
Dear Tibetans, people who practice Shugden are Tibetans too. They deserve respect, equal treatment and the same rights as any other Tibetans. It is time all Tibetans stand up to fight against segregation and prejudice now. 👍
Dalai Lama is not democratic
April 8, 2019
Tibetans now must become real democracy in Dharamsala. With the Dalai Lama in power for the last 60 years, it is a regime. Whatever he says, all Tibetans must do or be ostracized or segregated. What government has a ruler in power for 60 years with full political power in this world that is democratic? Only Tibetans has a ruler who stay in power his whole life for over 60 years.
Sharling Dhardonite
April 8, 2019
This writing is EXCELLENT and tells the truth! We Tibetans support this information. 👍💔👍💔
Utsang Nyima
April 8, 2019
Too bad! No leader of any powerful country will meet Dalai Lama anymore! Tibetan leaders’ corruption lost their country in 1959 and since then they couldn’t secure their country back!
Majority of global political leaders will not meet the Dalai Lama anymore. They finally realize it is a waste of time to meet him and it does not help their national economies. Too bad for Tibetan movement. It’s going down because Tibetan leaders are not good at strategy/corrupt/narrow-minded/greedy and therefore did not negotiate with China and now it’s too late. China is a global super power now! Tibet is a part of China. Too bad. The karma of the Tibetan leaders return to them now for their segregating Dorje Shugden people illegally for 20 years. Now everyone in the world who has power is separating from Tibetan leaders. How does it feel now? It’s time to apologize to Dorje Shugden and make peace before it’s too late. Repair your karma now!
-Utsang Nyima 💔
April 9, 2019
It is never too later after 28 yrs of social medieval like segregation of Shugdenpas or any other undesirable tibetan groups,to wake up fresh in 21.century true democratic world society.We have been going too far in the wrong direction and still we have few effective extreme anti-socialfanatics
April 9, 2019
It is never too late after 28 yrs of social medieval like segregation of Shugdenpas or any other undesirable tibetan groups,to wake up fresh in 21.century true democratic world society.We have been going too far in the wrong direction and still we have few effective extreme anti-social fanatics among Tibetans new and old generations. The time has long come to change for better
April 11, 2019
Wow! Wonderful that MP Tenpa Yarphel dares speak up for the unity of his people against the ban and discrimination of Dorje Shugden practitioners and segregation by ethnic locality. It is about time that the Tibetans stand up for their happiness instead of obeying blindly to pain and sufferings. The Tibetan Leaders have broken their promises time and again so why not look for new beginnings by changing the greedy Leaders like Lobsang Sangay? Get rid of Lobsang Sangay!!! Lets vote Tenpa Yarphel!

April 11, 2019
Is this the new era of Tibetan leadership, where they finally accept the democratic practice of religious freedom. It is 50 years late, but it is still better than not doing it.
But, is Tenpa the only one who is willing embrace the more liberated way of democratic, so that all Tibetans can unite and fight for a common cause? Or will he be shot down by the many parliamentarians who opt to continue to divide the people so that Tibetans continue to be divided and conquered?
I do wish Tenpa all the best, and hope he can stay strong with his commitment to Tibetan unity, despite all the nay sayers.

April 12, 2019
Tenpa Yarphel is the hero of Tibetans now. To Tibetans, His Holiness the Dalai Lama is the god-king of Tibet. The CTA tells everyone that they are a democratic government while in reality, it is not. His Holiness the Dalai Lama has the absolute power over secular and spiritual matters in the Tibetan community, and no one can disagree or oppose what he says. The consequence of that is discrimination and segregation by the community who supports His Holiness.
His Holiness the Dalai Lama is definitely above the law, and even those who are near to him will automatically enjoy the same privilege as well. Look at Sogyal who sexually abused his students. He is a free man until now, and there is nothing they can do to him. His nasty activities are rumoured to be over a few decades and authorities ignored the rumours because he is close to His Holiness at that time.
Hence, we can see from this example that there is no real freedom of speech in the Tibetan community. That is why Tenpa Yarphel is considered a courageous man who dares to speak against the Dorje Shugden ban.
April 13, 2019
Tenpa Yarphel is our Tibetan hero monk.
Tenzin K
April 17, 2019
Dorje Shugden practice claimed by Dalai Lama and CTA that it will affect the Tibetan cause. After 23 years of the Shugden ban that prosecuted by Dalai Lama and CTA, what is the good news for the Tibetans? Why the Tibetan leadership still unable to negotiate with China for their return? Obviously, the Tibetan leadership just take Shugden practice as a scapegoat to cover their failure of broken promises to bring back the Tibetans back to China.
April 17, 2019
Thanks a lot to the brave MP Tenpa Yarphel from Kagyu tradition of Tibetan Buddhism that pointed out one of the most important points in the Parliament which is how Shugden ban has benefitted the Tibetan leadership after 23 years? Such a long 23 years has the ban give a positive route for China to allow Tibetans in Exile in India and Tibetans all around the world and particularly His Holiness the Dalai Lama back to their homeland Tibet?
In these 23 years of Shugden ban major suffering to many lays and ordained people. Tibetan leadership is only interested in covering their failure by sacrificing their people with such a big lie. What actually Tibetan leadership achieve in this? People are not blind and how far can they cover their failures?
How can a protector practice affect the cause of Tibet? Aren’t the Tibetan leadership should be more proactive and be more mature and logical to handle the situation? What is the hope for the Tibetan in Exile in India under such childish and layback leaders?
Tsering Drolhma
April 24, 2019
No other Tibetan MP dare speak up and tell the truth. Tenpa is a real servant of the people. I am proud of him for our people.
Tenzin K
April 24, 2019
CTA imposed Shugden ban to divide their own people and by creating the ban it distracts the people from the CTA failures. But this can no longer fool the people. After 60 years in exile CTA never look after his own Tibetan and worst case they create suffering.
Read more: http://www.dorjeshugden.com/all-articles/tibetan-mp-tenpa-yarphel-asks-if-the-dorje-shugden-ban-has-harmed-or-benefited-the-tibetan-community/
April 24, 2019
The Tibetans have suffered much too long. Instead of becoming a democracy, the CTA keeps to their old way of managing their people and suppress their right for religious freedom.
Thank Buddha that Tenpa Yarphel speaks up. The situation of Dorje Shugden practitioners has been so difficult and dangerous for so many years. The CTA has made it tremendously difficult for Dorje Shugden practitioners to practice by kicking them out of their monastery, cutting them off from friends and family and punishing them in every way possible.
It shows who the CTA is to threat their own Tibetan people like this. Even non Tibetans who practice Dorje Shugden cannot even book a hotel room. What it the Central Tibetan Administration telling the world? Human rights and religious freedom does not count for the Central Tibetan Administration in India!
April 25, 2019
Finally, someone in the CTA is not delusional and is worried about the future of the Tibetans. There should be more Tenpa Yarphel in the Tibetan community who can see what is really happening. Someone who is able to identify the root cause of a problem without being bias.
The real reason the Free Tibet movement failed is due to the disharmony and disunity within the Tibetan community. Tenpa Yarphel clearly sees it that is why he asked to not use Dorje Shugden to create distraction anymore. The CTA has to work towards bringing peace and harmony in order to progress.
After the CTA and the Dalai Lama escaped from Tibet, Tibet has actually changed for better and progressed with time than becoming worse. Unfortunately, the Tibetans in exile are still struggling, life has not improved much and they don’t know if Tibet is ever going to be free. They are still refugees who don’t have a place called home and they don’t know what their future is.
April 26, 2019
Impressive man. More Tibetans show follow this man.
Sikyong must go.
Where does the money go?
Dorje S
April 26, 2019
Finally, someone in the Tibetan govt stood up and said something different. This is an important step although it may seem not a big deal to voice our opinion in any democratic world. Tibetans have a culture of not daring to confront the authority especially the Dalai Lama and his kanshag. I rejoice to see this change. Very important step indeed. I hope in future more Tibetans will speak out the truth for a real change.
April 27, 2019
1st Time Dalai Lama Finally Admits His Illness Was Serious
In the past it is customary to cover up the Dalai Lama’s illnesses. It could be to not worry his flock. It could also be to not show the world he is just another vulnerable human being. Or it could be he does not want to disappoint people to show he is not a god? Whatever the reasons, the Dalai Lama and regime are well known for covering up his serious illnesses. In the past few years he had cancer of the prostate and that was covered up till the press dug it up. Now with this new video just out April 2019, Dalai Lama admits he was recently very ill. It was serious.
Unfortunately the Tibetan cause will die with the Dalai Lama when he passes. He did nothing to groom up a new leader as he is a dictator. A ruler for life. He has been in power for over 60 years. He will never groom up another person to replace him because he is touted as a god.
April 30, 2019
Dorje Shugden ban had been around for over 20 years now and if the Tibetan government should be able to do achieve whatever goals that they want to achieve since they accused Dorje Shugden of being the cause of them to fail. Now that 20 years had passed, what did they manage to achieve anything?
They said Dorje Shugden is the cause for the Tibetan cause to fail and now without Dorje Shugden’s interference, the Tibetan leadership is still unable to fight for a free Tibet. They can’t even make any progress with China and that is why Dorje Shugden is proven to be not what they claim it is. They just use him as an excuse for their failure and hope that no one will notice.
However, Tibetans are not stupid and they will not take this anymore. Many of them have started to look for ways for them to escape their current situation. They can join India as a citizen, go back to Tibet under China or go overseas and be a refugee in those countries. Any of the options above is better than staying in Tibetan settlements.
Amber Sonam
May 2, 2019
First, he pointed out the reliance of Nechung is not a practice of any democratic government. Now, he pointed out the importance of harmony among the Tibetans and it is unnecessary to continue discriminating the Dorje Shugden practitioners.
MP Tenpa Yarphel has so much wisdom to see through the CTA’s tricks and their fake democracy. He sets such a good example for the Tibetans and reminded them of the bigger picture – harmony & peace to achieve the “Tibet Cause”.
May 7, 2019
Thank you Tenpa Yarphel for highlighting Dorje Shugden ban. Twenty three years!! How long will the ban and all the disharmony last? Everyone should be given equal rights to practice what they want and not be discriminated because of their practices. But of coz cta don’t really care because all they care and crave for are money and power. Corrupted cta only seek to destroy and suck all the funds dry. For 23 years the cta caused chaos among the Tibetans with its lies and rumors. The politicians must start to realize the grave danger they are causing the TIEs. Stop causing so much problems!
Dondrup Shugden
May 8, 2019
It does not even take a tiny level of intelligence to realise that after 60years there had been no progress by the Dalai Lama and His ruling elite group, CTA for the benefit of the Tibetan Cause nor the Tibetan people in exile.
Let us not believe that the members of CTA do not know of their lack of results in fulfilling the return of Tibetans to Tibet nor the improvement of livelihood of the Tibetans who went into exile. It is my firm believe that CTA had known of the consequences of its corrupt governance and as such as far back as 23 years ago had started instigating the division of Tibetans with many political and spiritual issues.
The spiritual issue is on the Ban on the propagation of Dorje Shugden and the high level of discrimination to segregate worshippers from those who profuse that they don’t.
Although MP Tenpa Yarphel is not for the worship of Dorje Shugden, he is right that such issues as the worship of Dorje Shugden must not be the thorn that divides Tibetans. His logic is sound as being divided, Tibetans loose power of a greater unit. United Tibetans will stand a better chance of fulfilling whatever their aspirations are.
However, it is this very united front that CTA fears, as if there is no rectification of CTA’s misdeeds, the united front of Tibetans may be facing adversity with CTA.
Sad that CTA chose to divide and rule and sad that Tibetans subject themselves to such ancient feudalistic way of control and suppression.
Democratic is not the word to describe CTA.
Belinda Mae
May 8, 2019
Of course the ban has done much harm rather than benefited the Tibetan community. Take self-immolation as an example. The Tibetan had to sacrifice themselves thinking that they the CTA will take action but it seems like the CTA can’t be bothered about the self-immolation because they are too busy with their own interest. The ban also has cause much harm especially to those who practices Dorje Shugden. I really hope this will end very soon and those Tibetan people would not need to suffer unnecessarily anymore.
Mia Dex
May 8, 2019
It a blessing in disguise for the Tibetans, because one voice that stood up for this poor community which will make a huge change for them. Tenpa Yarphel was right. The leadership /government should stopped condemn, segregating, insinuating any spiritual practices. Democracy is a freedom choice, human rights. Therefore if CTA is proclaiming of being a “democracy leadership”, than Dorje Shugden ban should be lifted!!

May 8, 2019
Brova Tenpa Yarphel! It definitely needs more people like Tenpa Yarphel to voice out Dorje Shugden issue especially in the parliament! This really give a big slap on the Tibetan leadership’s face!What has practicing Dorje Shugden to do with Tibetan course and The Dalai Lama’s health? Of course the ban is more harm than benefit the Tibetan community. Practicing Dorje Shugden will only benefit the Tibetan community, not harm them. If they (The CTA) really want to point out that practicing Dorje Shugden is harmful to the Tibetan community, why don’t they said actually the CTA itself is very very harmful to the Tibetan community? First, is because they encourage self immolation, which youngster will look at self immolated victims are hero, then they will follow. Secondly is, the Tibetan leadership take the money donated from the west and put in their pocket, especially Lobsang Sangay, instead of using it for Tibetan course and developing Tibetan community. Thirdly is, they don’t let Tibetan go back to Tibet! Forthly, is at least Dorje Shugden doesn’t lie to Tibetans, but the Tibetan leadership does! 60 years of empty promise, is Tibet independent now? To be honest, CTA really makes more harm to the Tibetan community.
Richard Tamlak
May 8, 2019
Bravo Tenpa Yarphel! It definitely needs more people like Tenpa Yarphel to voice out Dorje Shugden issue especially in the parliament! This really give a big slap on the Tibetan leadership’s face!What has practicing Dorje Shugden to do with Tibetan course and The Dalai Lama’s health? Of course the ban is more harm than benefit the Tibetan community. Practicing Dorje Shugden will only benefit the Tibetan community, not harm them. If they (The CTA) really want to point out that practicing Dorje Shugden is harmful to the Tibetan community, why don’t they said actually the CTA itself is very very harmful to the Tibetan community? First, is because they encourage self immolation, which youngster will look at self immolated victims are hero, then they will follow. Secondly is, the Tibetan leadership take the money donated from the west and put in their pocket, especially Lobsang Sangay, instead of using it for Tibetan course and developing Tibetan community. Thirdly is, they don’t let Tibetan go back to Tibet! Forthly, is at least Dorje Shugden doesn’t lie to Tibetans, but the Tibetan leadership does! 60 years of empty promise, is Tibet independent now? To be honest, CTA really makes more harm to the Tibetan community.
May 8, 2019
Questions are being asked now. CTA, wake up! Kudos to this MP. No one in the parliment has ever asked about this in the past.
May 8, 2019
Tenpa Yarphel give hope to the Tibet. After 60 years, is time to focus on work together for unity instead of discriminate religion practice and segregate the peoples. Hope that the leadership of CTA are 100% listen and accept what Tenpa Yarphel’s advice and move towards to fight for people benefits. Also, hope more people like Tenpa Yarphel speak up for the benefits of Tibet. The truth is ban Dorje Shugden practice did not bring any benefits to Tibet but has caused so much suffering to Tibetans.
Tenzin Sangye
May 8, 2019
The real voice of MP Tenpa Yarphel talk about democracy speak up again CTA unfair rules is much important for tibetan refugee right now. Looking for unity of tibet. All the unfair rules in tibetan government in exile must stop. Then real democracy araise for tibet future
. Good advice of MP Tenpa Yarphel. Hope all will become real sooner.
May 9, 2019
No one should be discriminated, no one should be alienated just because of their spiritual /religious belief. More so in the Buddhist society where it is taught to tolerate everyone, show and give loving compassion to all. That is what the Dalai Lama teaches wherever he goes. Hence, why the Dorje Shugden controversy that has not harmed anyone?
May 9, 2019
Stop damaging
The people
The world
The Buddha’s teachings
No one is better we are all equal🌎
Tenzin K
May 20, 2019
Tenpa Yarphel is one of the heroes for Tibetan that speak up for the benefit of Tibetans. Even though he knows that it is not easy to change their attitude but at very least he speaks up for Tibetans. He willing to speak up even though he knows CTA will not be happy and his life may be in danger.
When people like Tenpa Yarphe talk, his motivation is about Tibetan interest, how to achieve for Tibetan as a whole. He’s very objective and able to think wide. I hope CTA didn’t hurt him in any way. Tibet future relly on people like him.
Ngawang Jigme
May 31, 2019
Unlike 5 years ago, Tibetan leader Lobsang Sangay is not invited to Prime Minister Modi’s swearing-in ceremony this time. It is clear that PM Modi of India snubs the Tibetan leadership once again in favour of deeper ties with China. The Tibetan leadership finds itself increasingly isolated as nobody wants to offend China by lending any support to the ungrateful Tibetans.
Tenzin K
May 31, 2019
There to go. Tenpa Yarphel speaks up and asks the CTA to check the result of Shugden ban whether it bring any benefit. For 20 years of ban many people have lost their freedom, family, spirituality, human rights, religious freedom and etc. We only see the negative impact which is ridiculous that CTA implement in at this duration.
June 29, 2019
Tenpa Yarphel is the future of Tibetan. This attitude will bring Tibetan to another level instead of just blindly follow. Look at how Tenpa Yarphel analyses Dorje Shugden ban. He sees the end result and be practical to question what had the ban achieved?
He looks at the bigger picture of what important and what needs to be achieved for Tibetan not looking into what protector practice to be ban than Tibetan cause will be achieved.
This type of people that should lead Tibetan and we need more of him.
July 19, 2019
At last, someone really thinks it over and finally speak up!
Tenpa Yarphel said something that not everyone doesn’t know but is out of so many people he brought up for attention. What he said is logical and should be questioned by everyone.
Was the ban benefited? And how it able to help?
Check the result and if the answer is negative then people have to question the CTA because it had caused so much suffering to so many people around the world.
Tibetan must be truthful in order to get support.
Tenpa Yari
July 26, 2019
I respect Tenpa Yarphel very much for his open mind that sees things in a wide view. It’s not about you practice Dorje Shugden or not but what is the outcome of the ban that brings any benefit to Tibetan as a whole?
Tibetan political should be managed with an open mind and respect. CTA never works in such a way and that’s is why they never move up. Tenpa Yarphel is a very objective person and I believe he should be a result-oriented person. Tibetan government should have this type of person to look after the Tibetan and represent Dalai Lama.
August 20, 2019
Dorje Shugden followers are not violent in nature, they have never created any problem to anyone before the ban was imposed and after the ban was imposed. Dorje Shugden lamas had contributed so much to the preservation of spreading of Tibetan Buddhism. Great masters such as the previous Trijang Rinpoche and Zong Rinpoche had passed their knowledge to so many contemporary masters after the Tibetans escaped from Tibet to India in 1959.
Dorje Shugden followers don’t hate the Dalai Lama. They respect the Dalai Lama a lot. What they don’t understand is why the Dalai Lama impose the ban on Dorje Shuden pratice? Why were they made to choose one or another? It is very painful to them to have to make the choice.
Dorje Shugden practice has been around for the past 300-400 year. Dorje Shugden followers have not been a trouble makers, they just want to practice what the teachers have given them. They should be given the right to practise what they want. CTA has to stop segregating its own people.
October 1, 2019
Not only Tenpa Yarphel but all Tibetans should ask what the benefits and results after banning Shugden practice for 23 years? What has CTA achieve from the ban? Why Dalai Lama and Tibetans still not able to return to Tibet? What happens to Tibetan cause as Shugden practice has been ban and there should be no threat anymore.
All Tibetans should voice up and evaluate the outcome from CTA and see how effective the action being implemented. Tibetan is just about CTA but is for all Tibetan as a whole. Everyone should have a concern and speak up for their own care and interest.
October 16, 2019
It is not easy to see a Tibetan MP willing to take the risk, to tell the truth. Such heroes are very rare in the Tibetan community because anyone who has a different opinion from His Holiness the Dalai Lama will be labelled a traitor or Chinese spy.
It is very important for the Tibetan community to have people like this MP because then the truth that needed to be told will not be buried. Dorje Shugden ban is a taboo in the Tibetan community since His Holiness has laid the ban on the practice. There are many people who suffered unnecessarily due to the ban.
However, the ban is illogical and we need brave people to stand up against injustice and speak the truth.
November 18, 2019
Dorje Shugden ban brings no benefit to the Tibetans or the free Tibet movement. The ban only breaks the Tibetan community and the Buddhist community apart, creates more conflicts and mistrust among people. Without harmony and unity, how to make the free Tibet movement a successful one? There is no wonder after 60 years, the CTA is still struggling to fight to free Tibet.