FAQs about Dorje Shugden and the Dalai Lama (Part 2 of 3)
(Read Part 1 and Part 3) Q: What are the politics behind the ban by the Dalai Lama and what may have prompted him to issue such a ban? In 1961 the Dalai Lama tried to become the supreme head of Tibetan Buddhism by merging all the schools of Buddhism into one (a position never…

Dalai Lama Says He Can’t Ask Tibetans to “Shut Up”
In this video extracted from the BBC, HH says that he cannot control or tell the Tibetans to shut up regarding the Tibetan Independencemovement. It is very important that HH holiness tells them to stop or else many more will get killed. Embarrassing the Chinese govt will only make the crackdown in Tibet more severe….