Domo Geshe Rinpoche’s Ladrang in Phedong, India. It is called Gaden Choling. This photo was taken during happier times, in the winter of 2013 when monks came to perform pujas with many well-wishers in attendance
As pressure increases on the Tibetan leadership to end the unjust and undemocratic ban, Dorje Shugden practitioners are experiencing increasing vulgarities and violence directed at them from supporters of the Dalai Lama. At this time of writing, one of Domo Geshe Rinpoche’s monasteries is currently being occupied by monks from a nearby monastery.
On May 18, 2014 at 3:30pm, a group of 40 monks and laypeople from Tharpa Choling in Kalimpong, forced their way into Gaden Choling in Phedong. They have continued to occupy the Gaden Choling premises and claim that the monastery belongs to them. Despite police attempts at mediation, they have refused to leave the premises.
The bewildering aspect of this whole incident is that both Tharpa Choling and Gaden Choling were monasteries under the 2nd Domo Geshe Rinpoche. The ban however, led Tharpa Choling to give up their teacher for the sake of appearing politically correct. Since then, Tharpa Choling has been aggressively attempting to prove their loyalty to the Tibetan leadership, by suppressing the other monasteries of the 2nd Domo Geshe Rinpoche.
Domo Geshe Rinpoche’s previous incarnations established seven monasteries during his lifetime:
(1) Dhun Gon Samten Choling (in Darjeeling, India)
(2) Tashi Choling (in Kurseong, India)
(3) Enchey House (in Gangtok, India)
(4) Ghanjong Namgyal (in the USA)
(5) Domo Dungkar (in Domo Valley, Tibet)
(6) Tharpa Choling (in Kalimpong, India)
(7) Gaden Choling (in Phedong, India)
When the 2nd Domo Geshe passed away, representatives from the seven ladrangs requested him to compose prayers for their teacher’s incarnation’s swift return. The Dalai Lama refused, saying he was not comfortable writing such a prayer because Domo Geshe Rinpoche was still practising Dorje Shugden at the time of his passing. The Office of the Dalai Lama (Kukey Yiktsang) sent an official letter explaining the situation.
After the Dalai Lama rejected their request for assistance, the search committee had to look into other ways of searching for the reincarnation of their lama. So they went back into the history of the 2nd Domo Geshe Rinpoche. They saw that he had been jointly recognised by His Holiness Kyabje Trijang Rinpoche and His Holiness Pabongka Rinpoche. Based on that tradition, the seven monasteries, ladrangs and the search committee sent their representatives together with an official letter, to request Trijang Choktrul Rinpoche to help identify Domo Geshe’s reincarnation.
One day before the 2nd Domo Geshe Rinpoche passed away, Trijang Choktrul Rinpoche had a dream of Domo Geshe Rinpoche saying he would be leaving soon, and that for Domo Geshe Rinpoche and Trijang Rinpoche to meet again would be Trijang Choktrul Rinpoche’s responsibility. In the dream itself, after Domo Geshe Rinpoche left, Trijang Rinpoche then dreamt about monks fighting.
The following day, Trijang Choktrul Rinpoche received news of Domo Geshe Rinpoche’s passing away. He immediately understood the meaning of his dream – Domo Geshe Rinpoche wanted Trijang Rinpoche to help find his reincarnation. Thus when Trijang Rinpoche received the request for assistance from Domo Geshe Rinpoche’s seven monasteries, he was happy to help.
In the end, only six monasteries recognised Trijang Rinpoche’s candidate. The only monastery who would not recognise the candidate was Tharpa Choling, even though they had joined the other six monasteries in requesting for Trijang Rinpoche’s help. Instead, they found their own candidate and brought him to the Dalai Lama to be recognised. During this time, they also swore to give up Dorje Shugden. Despite the Dalai Lama’s initial reluctance to get involved (because the 2nd Domo Geshe Rinpoche practised Dorje Shugden), the Dalai Lama still recognised Tharpa Choling’s candidate.
This in itself is perplexing enough. If the 2nd Domo Geshe Rinpoche practised Dorje Shugden, then according to the Tibetan leadership, he should have gone to the Three Lower Realms because to rely on Dorje Shugden is to rely on a demon. Therefore, there should not be any incarnation for the Dalai Lama to recognise. And since the Dalai Lama was initially reluctant to recognise a lama because his previous incarnation practised Dorje Shugden, why then did the Dalai Lama recognise Tharpa Choling’s candidate?

Gaden Choling Monastery remained loyal to Domo Geshe Rinpoche

The monks of Gaden Choling continue their practice of the great protector Dorje Shugden
The current incident taking place in Gaden Choling, Phedong is being spearheaded by the Tharpa Choling monks.
Gaden Choling is a small residence of 4 to 5 rooms where the 2nd Domo Geshe used to stay. When he left for the USA, the 2nd Domo Geshe personally selected one monk to remain behind as the Ladrang’s caretaker. His name was Kusho Pasang Dorje-la, known as Kusho Pasang-la or Lama Pasang-la. Because he was directly appointed by Domo Geshe Rinpoche, Kusho Pasang-la reported directly to Domo Rinpoche.

The 3rd Domo Geshe Rinpoche (right) with the late Kusho Pasang Dorje
Kusho Pasang-la passed away on May 11, 2014. Just one week after his passing, on May 18, 2014 at 3:30pm, a group of people forced their way into Gaden Choling. The group consisted of monks from Tharpa Choling and lay people from the Tibetan Women’s Association, numbering to around 40 people. As of writing, four Tharpa Choling monks are still in Gaden Choling and continue to refuse to leave.
The Tharpa Choling monks have been trying to take over Gaden Choling even before Kusho Pasang-la died, claiming that it belongs to them. They tried all methods to convince Kusho Pasang-la to hand Gaden Choling over to them. They would visit him to try and persuade him to recognise their Domo Geshe Rinpoche incarnation, and to give Gaden Choling over to them. Kusho Pasang-la said that he had already met his lama (the 3rd Domo Geshe recognised by Trijang Rinpoche) and that he would stay loyal to him.
Infuriated by his loyalty to his lama, the monks of Tharpa Choling even began legal action against Kusho Pasang-la. In the suit, they claimed Kusho Pasang-la is actually a Tharpa Choling monk, and therefore the house he is staying in (Gaden Choling) belongs to them as a sub-section / branch of Tharpa Monastery.
The current incident is not the first time Tharpa Choling monks have violently refused to recognise the Domo Geshe Rinpoche found by Trijang Rinpoche. And this is certainly not the first time they have used violence and aggressive means to create trouble.
When the 3rd Domo Geshe was recognised, he was supposed to have an enthronement ceremony in all of his monasteries. On his way to Gaden Choling for this ceremony, about 20 monks and laypeople from Tharpa Choling formed a blockade on the road. Wearing black coloured bands on their foreheads and carrying pictures of the Dalai Lama, they laid down on the ground and stopped the cars from going towards Gaden Choling.
In the end, the entourage were forced to hold his enthronement blessing ceremony in an open field in Phedong. This incident took place in 2008, at a time when Tharpa Choling also initiated legal action against Kusho Pasang-la.
Not only have the Tharpa Choling monks broken their commitments with their teacher, but they have also broken their commitments with the Dalai Lama. Because they all swore to the Tibetan leadership to give up Dorje Shugden, the Tharpa Choling monks were not even supposed to approach Gaden Choling (let alone take over the building) because they all signed saying they would not associate with Dorje Shugden monks. They were not even supposed to go and talk to Kusho Pasang-la to try and persuade him.
And even though they claim Kusho Pasang-la is from their monastery, the Tharpa Choling monks did not assist Kusho Pasang-la before and after his passing. They did not take him to the hospital before his passing, nor arrange for any of the rituals or cremation ceremonies to be conducted. It was left up to the monks from another of Domo Geshe Rinpoche’s monasteries, Samten Choling, to come and help to conduct the cremation ceremony.

Kusho Pasang-la’s funeral. The monks who attended his funeral and performed the cremation rites are from Samten Choling. Not a single monk from Tharpa Choling attended his funeral although they claim he is a monk from Tharpa Choling
Upon forcing their way in to Gaden Choling, the Tharpa Choling crowd destroyed the CCTV and deleted all of the footage. The CCTV was installed during Kusho Pasang-la’s time, because the Tharpa Choling monks had previously and repeatedly tried to enter the building and take over.

Monks from Tharpa Choling Monastery (on the jeep) who forcefully entered Gaden Choling Monastery. At this time of publication, they have refused to leave Gaden Choling.
As of writing, the four monks from Samten Choling are in the ground floor of Gaden Choling, whilst four monks from Tharpa Choling have forced their way onto the first floor of the building and have refused to leave. The local police have attended to the scene and offered a compromise to both groups – for both groups to leave, and for the Gaden Choling monastery to be sealed until such time true ownership can be determined. Whilst the Samten Choling monks agreed to this, the Tharpa Choling monks have refused to compromise and refused to leave. Thus both groups continue to remain in Gaden Choling, waiting for the district’s chief police officer to arrive.
Gaden Choling is particularly significant because it houses the Namkar Barzin statue handmade by the 2nd Domo Geshe Rinpoche, along with many other holy relics and items related to Dorje Shugden and to the 1st and 2nd Domo Geshe Rinpoches. They also have a Protector shrine for Dorje Shugden, which is significant in showing that both the 1st and 2nd Domo Geshe Rinpoches practised Dorje Shugden. And remember – their practice was so well-known that it resulted in the Dalai Lama refusing to assist in finding his incarnation.
We hope that in making this news known to the world, a light is shone into the dark hypocrisy that is the Tibetan leadership in remaining silent and supporting violent acts such as these. Please keep checking back here for further information which will be published as soon as we have received it and verified its accuracy. And please share this information with as many people as possible, so that the Tibetan leadership knows the world is watching. The unjust, undemocratic ban that is breaking up families and teacher-disciple relationships, and generating violence and schism in Tibetan society must end.
Update June 1, 2014
DorjeShugden.com recently obtained footage of the actual break-in at Gaden Choling. It was shot by a monk who, during the commotion, had the presence of mind to begin filming with his mobile phone. As you can see, the monks were totally overwhelmed by the number of people who climbed over the wall and forced their way inside. There is no way just four monks could have defended against the 40 monks and laypeople of Tharpa Choling who eventually forced their way in.
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Attack on Gaden Choling, Phedong in 2008
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Tharpa Choling has previously attempted to take control of Gaden Choling. They claimed that Gaden Choling’s caretaker Kusho Pasang-la supported their candidate of Domo Geshe Rinpoche (the one recognised by the Dalai Lama).
This is in fact NOT the case. Over the years, Kusho Pasang-la has repeatedly rebuffed their attempts to take over Gaden Choling. On one of their attempts, he told the monks of Tharpa Choling that he had met his lama again (the Domo Geshe recognised by Trijang Rinpoche) and he would remain loyal to him.
On May 18, 2014, just one week after Kusho Pasang-la’s death, monks from Tharpa Choling forced their way into Gaden Choling and have refused to leave ever since. They continue to claim Gaden Choling as theirs.
This video however, clearly shows that in spite of Tharpa Choling’s claims that Kusho Pasang-la supported the Dalai Lama’s candidate, this was never the case and such claims are erroneous. Since the time of his enthronement, Gaden Choling and Kusho Pasang-la have always been firmly in support of Kyabje Trijang Rinpoche’s chosen candidate.
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In 2008, when the Domo Geshe Rinpoche recognised by Trijang Rinpoche was attempting to reach one of his Ladrangs, Gaden Choling, to attend his enthronement ceremony, his entourage ran into a blockade on the road. A group of 20 Tibetans, consisting of monks from Tharpa Choling and lay people, had congregated on the road.
Waving black arm bands and carrying photos of the Dalai Lama, they refused to allow the cars to pass. The situation escalated to such a point that the police were called to intervene in the situation. In this video at 1:57, you can see the police standing in front of the enthronement procession to prevent the protesters from reaching Domo Geshe Rinpoche’s entourage.
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In this video, at 0:26 you can see the Tibetans who congregated on the road. Waving black arm bands and carrying photos of the Dalai Lama with his chosen Domo Geshe candidate (at 0:40, 1:25 and 2:09), they refused to allow the cars enter Gaden Choling for the ceremony. The situation escalated to such a point that the police were called to intervene in the situation. In this video at 2:29, you can see Domo Geshe Rinpoche’s entourage attempting to enter Gaden Choling, and the protesters blocking the main gate to prevent the entourage from reaching Domo Geshe Rinpoche’s Ladrang.
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Or watch on server | download video (right click & save file)
Email received by DorjeShugden.com from Domo Geshe Rinpoche’s parents

Domo Geshe Rinpoche’s parents informed the admin of DorjeShugden.com of the recent attack, they were very disappointed and worried for the safety of the monks on Gaden Choeling.
Click on image to enlarge
May 20, 2014
It is indeed very shameful acts, especially the monks. As monks, they have vows and taking possessions do not belong to them is a definitely a NO NO.
This also make HH Dalai Lama look very bad, because the monks and monasteries he has given “approvals” are behaving as such. If HH Dalai Lama keeps quiet, then he indirectly approves their action, and I am sure with HH Dalai Lama’s “approval” they will be even aggressive.
This also make Buddhism look very bad, as Buddhism is a ambassador for peace, yet such unwholesome act is carried out by the monks.
I urge everyone to share this news on social media and make it go viral to let the world know that such unethical and aggressive acts are being carried, and all of these are because of the unjustified ban on Dorje Shugden.
May 20, 2014
It is quite sad how the Tharpa Choling monks chose political gain over loyalty to their Guru, Protector and lineage. This is despite the 1999 consensus by all Domo Geshe Rinpoche’s monasteries to continue to worship Dorje Shugden at the meeting of the Ghum Dun Gon Samten Choaling Association. At the time and with Domo Geshe as witness, they vowed to continue in upholding the Protector practice despite whatever difficulties they knew they were going to face with the ban in place.
The reason Tharpa Choling “turned” against their Guru was purely out of convenience and gain. In a June 2006 letter to Trijang Choktrul Rinpoche they slyly explained that since the Dalai Lama had already given his seal to the Dalai Lama’s choice of [Domo Geshe] reincarnation, they were concerned that should they reject the Dalai Lama’s choice, then eventually “all the related Monasteries coming under the affiliation of Domo Dungkar will have to be segregated from the Dalai Lama”.
In other words, in not wanting to be segregated by the Tibetan establishment in exile, Tharpa Choling sold out and chose to ignore the fact that:
(i) They made a vow to remain loyal to their Guru and Protector which they have broken;
(ii) That in December 2005, the Oracle of Dorje Shugden had officially declared that Domo Geshe’s reincarnation had been born in Sikkim, in other words, the candidate chosen by the Dalai Lama (a boy in the Tibetan Refugee Colony in Bylakuppe) was incorrect. Tharpa Choling knew that but was willing to ignore Dorje Shugden and Trjang Rinpoche’s firm advice and was willing to go with a false reincarnation of their holy Master;
(iii) That the search for the [wrong] candidate should not be under the purview of the Dalai Lama (through Sera Je Drati Khangtsen which initiated the search) as the Dalai Lama had refused to compose the Swift Return Prayer. Moreover the search for the wrong candidate was not done through proper channels but via the personal initiative of Geshe Lobsang Sherab of Sera Je, all too eager to the please the Dalai Lama.
Clearly it is much more than wanting to have a continuing association with the Dalai Lama. It is common knowledge that officials of Tharpa Choling have been promised various bounties from the Dalai Lama, should they succeed in wiping out the Shugden practice from all Domo Geshe’s monasteries and deliver them under the Dalai Lama’s control. This is not difficult to believe looking at how desperate and unseemly they have been, even to the point of blocking the 3rd Domo Geshe’s enthronement by lying on the road and now this act of thuggery.
This latest incident is a continuing process in that profane effort. This is not the first case and example of how corruptive the Dalai Lama’s actions have been and how much damage have been inflicted on the Dharma and Sangha by the ban. From these acts by Tharpa Choling monks, they have shown themselves to be no longer real monks but ordinary thieves. And this could very well be the legacy of the 14th Dalai Lama and his bandit government – not that of upholding and preserving the Buddhadharma, not that of returning the Tibetan people to their homeland as promised, but a legacy of destruction of the Tibetan people’s culture, ethics and religion.
May 21, 2014
Ever since 1997, when, according to detailed Indian police investigations, pseudo- monks who infiltrated to Dharamsala from China murdered the Venerable Lobsang Gyatso, a noted lama close to the Dalai Lama, and his two young disciples, the cult of the Dolgyal-Shugden spirit has been on the attack. The well-evidenced culprits were not tried as they escaped back into Tibet and China, but the cult continued its campaign at the behest of, and with substantial funding from, the United Front department of the People’s Republic of China, the agency handling relations with non-Chinese “minority nationalities.” The futile effort of the cult backed by the agency seeks to alienate Tibetans from the Dalai Lama, their beloved leader and even to turn world public opinion against the acclaimed Nobel Laureate and Gandhi heir. The final aim is to disrupt the Dalai Lama’s fifty-year-long nonviolent “truth and justice” campaign, to free the six million Tibetan people to be themselves in the special autonomous minority region offered them by the Chinese constitution, so far only on paper.
The cult and agency attack campaign is futile since its main claims are so easy to refute:
1) The worship of their chosen deity was not “banned” by the Dalai Lama, since he has no authority to “ban” what Tibetan Buddhists practice. “Banning” and “excommunicating” are not Tibetan Buddhist procedures.
Although they are Buddhists who should focus on emulating the Buddha, members of the cult are free to worship their chosen “protector deity,” whom they call Dorje Shugden, as much as they like. The young Dalai Lama himself did propitiate it as a minor worldly spirit or angel, until he studied the history of its cult and decided it was not a protector at all, but instead a mischievous “king” spirit known as Dolgyal (“king demon from Dol”). Once his historical studies brought him to that conclusion, he recommended that other lamas in his school cease their relationship, or at least keep it to themselves, since its liturgy contains condemnation of the minority sects of Tibetan Buddhism and of non-Buddhist religions. In the late 80s’, when certain individual lamas began to proselytize its cult, inducting even Western practitioners new to Buddhism, especially in England, he took the step of asking such persons to refrain from attending his initiations and associated advanced teachings, on the grounds that they were not following his advice and so should not take him as their teacher. They then went on the attack, claiming they had been “banned” and “excommunicated,” etc., when in fact the Dalai Lama was exercising his religious freedom by not accepting students who reject his advice, and actually go so far as to condemn him!
2) The cult of Dolgyal Shugden is that of a minor angel or demon, and never has been mainstream, To claim that “four million” people belong to it, or even “millions,” is untrue.
3) The members of the cult do not come from numerous Tibetan sects, but exclusively from the super-orthodox fundamentalists of the majority Gelukpa sect or order.
4) The Dalai Lama has never asked anyone to persecute anyone, and members of the cult who mind their own business and do not attack the Dalai Lama are not bothered by other Tibetans. Those who do attack the Dalai Lama with outrageous name-calling–”dictator,” “false lama,” even “demon,” and “liar,” etc., naturally do provoke the vast majority of Tibetans, who adore their Dalai Lama. The Dalai Lama himself has never approved of either the provocations or any harsh responses, and remains steadfast in his adherence to nonviolence in principle and practice.
5) The whole fuss would have died down long ago except for the fact that the “hard-line” operatives of the “United Front Work Department” of the People’s Republic of China, the agency in charge of dealing with China’s “minority nationalities,” sees the cult as a potential wedge they hope to drive between the Dalai Lama and his people and between him and world opinion. They therefore fund the leaders of the cult in Tibet, Mongolia, India and the West, and provide them the means to carry on their expensive propaganda campaigns. Evidence for this is very plain on the surface. For example, the so-called “Panchen Lama” reincarnation, whom the Communist party chiefs appointed after abducting and disappearing the five year old boy properly chosen in the traditional way by a committee of his monastery with approval of the Dalai Lama, is shown on the internet in various photographs sitting in front of a large icon of Dolgyal Shugden, as a sign of aggressive defiance of the Dalai Lama. The obvious fact is that the clearly stated purpose of the cult and the United Front agency of the PRC is to try to prove to the world that the Dalai Lama is not as nice as we all think, but is a bad, even “evil,” person.
Whatever one believes about the reality of fierce angels or demons, it is clear that the leaders of the Dolgyal Shugden cult have done nothing over the last 30 years but cause trouble, both to their own followers and to the unity of the Tibetan people, both in exile and in Tibet. It has benefited no one except those misguided operatives in the Chinese government who wish to destroy Tibetan Buddhist culture, in order to assimilate systematically deracinated Tibetans into becoming second class Chinese citizens, and thus, through such a policy of crushing the identities and even lives of the “minority nationality” Tibetans, to secure forever their claim to the vast territories and resources of the Tibetan plateau. But as we have seen all over the world–and as aware persons can attest here in America with our still very much present First Americans–history never does end, people do not give up their distinctive identities, and truth and justice inevitably arise from the ashes of even genocidal flames.
Those who would like to read a thorough study of the Dolgyal Shugden cult by a distinguished professional journalist, can download a kindle copy of R. Bultrini, The Dalai Lama and the King Demon, published by Tibet House US
May 21, 2014
May 21, 2014
How appalling that Tharpa Choling monks have come to this stage of degeneration because of the ban. It is clearly they have broken samaya with their Lama for their behaviour and will not escape the inevitable retribution in time to come. My heart goes to these monks and I pray that they will quickly come to their senses and rectify their wrong doings.
What a shame.
Solomon Lang
May 22, 2014
Is this what the dharma taught them?
Chung chung
May 22, 2014
‘ Condemned to silence.’ by ursula bernis seems to be a well researched writing on the ban on dorje shugden.
May 23, 2014
“Anonymous” above is Robert Thurman’s article recently published in the Huffington Post.
May 24, 2014
The ban must be lifted!!! The way the monks are behaving is just absurd!
After what their Guru have done for them, this is how Tharpa Choling students repay His kindness? By fighting against their own Dharma brothers and sisters?
It is really true!!
“If the 2nd Domo Geshe Rinpoche practised Dorje Shugden, then according to the Tibetan leadership, he should have gone to the Three Lower Realms because to rely on Dorje Shugden is to rely on a demon. Therefore, there should not be any incarnation for the Dalai Lama to recognise. ”
Dont forget, this is the 3rd reincarnation. If Domo Geshe Rinpoche should have gone to ‘hell’ how can there even be a 2nd reincarnation??
HHDL recognising this current reincarnation? Isnt something very wrong?
Thank you for giving interesting facts always!
May 24, 2014
What are we as a Buddhist showing to the world? It is a shameful act to behave in such a way no difference from a group of robbers. CTA and HHTDL has been reporting a false news that by practicing Dorje Shugden will shorten His life and therefore the ban. With respect if HHTDL is what we believed Him of whow he is, The Buddha of Compassion and therefore what he says cannot be wrong, then why is he managed to recognised their version of Domo Geshe Rinpoche? Aren’t all Dorje Shugden practitioner supposedly to be in hell, like what he says.
Does it making any sense?
May 24, 2014
The Tharpa Choling monks are greedy and political! They forced in to the property that do that belongs to them and claimed that it is theirs! They are breaking their vows and going against on Buddhism practice! What a shame!
Please get out from Gaden Choling! Please do put shame to Buddhism as well as His Holiness Dalai Lama!
May 25, 2014
It is bad enough when lay people invaded monasteries by forcefully entering the holy grounds but it is disgusting to hear of monks who joined in the fray. More so especially when pujas were being conducted. Since these perpetrators were anti Shugden they were not to mix with Shugden practitioners yet these people entered the monasteries premises to coerce the caretakers to hand over the monastery to them. It shows those trespassers were only after properties and assets of the monastery.
May 28, 2014
The first thought that come to mind is degeneration.
The world has witnessed the downfall of various religious bodies and many state that Buddhism was the last grain of hope that religious faith is good. With the poor conduct of Buddhist monks in taking over a premise by force and not having the tolerance, kindness or openness to find an amicable solution reflect so very badly on the Dharma.
The monks who took over Gaden Choling behaved like hooligans.
The claim over Kushong Pasang La is selective. They state the Kushong Pasang La was a part of Tharpa Choling just so that they could take over Gaden Choling. However, upon the passing of Pasang La, no one even turned up. Let’s not talk about members of the Sangha who is supposed to dedicate their lives to the study and practice of pure Dharma, even normal people would pay respect to a friend who passed away.
This type of news simply makes me sad and disappointed. Selfish and ignorant are the most appropriate adjectives for such behavior
sam davis
June 3, 2014
Tibetans have kept themselves busy for centuries with Internal Conflicts and thus long forgotten to take care of the wellbeings of it`s common poor noneducated people.
The fault lies in only ONE person taking in charge of the EVERYTHING and everyone dances in the favour of the big boss.
john swainson
June 4, 2014
Before criticising the above action maybe the article below will explain how forcefully taking over a Buddhist Centre is not new. The NKT did it in Bexhill.
Sofia Neumerkel
June 6, 2014
Thank you for the updates, the video of how the monastery was taken over by force. Common sense says it is not right for someone to force-enter someone else’s property unless they have a warrant from the authority to do so. These people are taking the laws in their own hands, they have no right to hum over the wall, open the door and let people outside the door enter into the premises like this. CTA as the ‘guardian’ of the Tibetans in Exile should stop this crime, they should say something about it. By them keeping quiet, they are allowing their people to do what they like, threatening the stability of the society. Indian government should do something too! The Tibetan community in India is not small, if behaviour like this is not penalised, there will be no peace.
Atisha's cook
June 7, 2014
Anonymous –
ohai Bob.
the thing is, you *know* that your new book and this post (extract?) is full of lies. you say you’re a Buddhist – and then you lie. does that really not bother you?
or is it all ok because His Holiness?
June 7, 2014
I feel horrible and terrified to see people forced into Domo Rinpoche’s Ladrang just like that. They are no different from terrorists. The four young monks were so helpless and being bullied by those people. I am very disappointed to see all these violence actions taken by the Tibetan themselves towards the monks. They are robbers who just jumped into the house and refused to leave? What’s next? kill those monks who were taking care of the house? Where is the police? Is there justice in this country? Why are they allowed to do this? Paid by Tibetan leaders? How can they do this? Anyone take action and say something? Anyone stand up to protect the monks? Buddhist don’t do things like this!!! Ashamed to called themselves Tibetan leaders! Ashamed to called themselves a Buddhists.
June 8, 2014
The Dalai Lama said he has not enforced a ‘ban’ on the practice of Dorje Shugden. And he also claimed that people were not hurt when the CTA enforced the ‘ban.’ Also he claimed that no one was hurt. This is all said by the Dalai Lama even when there were photos and videos publicly shown of anti Shugden monks and lay people who attacked Dorje Shugden monasteries causing damage to properties and inhabitants. And still the Dalai Lama denies all these incidents.
Scott Lee
June 12, 2014
How can anyone have the heart to attack Domo Geshe Rinpoche’s Monastery in Phedong? These attacks says it all, who is the real Demon?
The real Demon are those people who is continuously creating fraction among the Shangha and Monastery, physical attack, harming and direct killing of the Sangha and 3 jewels.
Manisha Kudo
June 14, 2014
Mr John Swainson:
Are you saying that it is OK to attack a lama’s monastery because it has happened elsewhere, as you have attempted to prove in sharing the link to the events in Bexhill? Similarly, it is OK to abuse a child because it happens everywhere? It is not the first time a child gets abused, anyways. So why bother to stop and bring this particular case to justice? It is OK to quote examples and references to support your opinion and I certainly respect that, Mr Swainson but I do dispute the validity of your reference in this matter. Because deep down, out of pure humanness, something is not right about attacking a monastery as with abusing a child. We all have our differences and are entitled to them. But just because a violation has happened in the past or another place does not justify it happening again to other people in another location.
Thank you.
john swainson
June 14, 2014
Manisha Kudo….The message you sent is word for word the same as that from Ellan Chan on the Dalai Lama Truth website.
June 19, 2014
This situation is really unreasonable these protestor is really out of their mind is such a shame if the claim they a Buddhist because they already breaking all their refuge vows. I really pity the monk and Domo Rinpoche who suppose to live in Gaden Choling peacefully and continue to benefits more people instead of that they have to live their life in fear.
Michaela Smith
July 16, 2014
The monks of Tharpa Choling has sold their soul to look politically correct. They abandoned their samaya with their root Guru, Domo Geshe Rinpoche and their lord protector Shugden. Worse, they did not respect the passing of their Lama’s caretaker – Kusho Pasang-la. I cannot believe that such monks exist. What is the point of being monks if you cannot hold your vow and samaya with your guru? Why comply with Dalai Lama? Because he is still alive and more famous? So that you can get more donation? Tharpa Choling monks claimed that Kusho Pasang-la is one of them. But where are they in the hour of need? Have they even think about the detrimental effect on the reputation of Tibetan Buddhism in the eyes of the world and newbies? Disgusting is an understatement!