The Great Fifth Dalai Lama Ngawang Lobsang Gyatso (1617-1682)
In 1617, a promising boy amidst auspicious signs was born in Taktse in Southern Tibet to a family of Nyingmapa practitioners who were the descendants of the imperial line of the Yarlung Dynasty of kings. His father’s name was Miwang Dundul Rapten and his mother Kunga Lhadze. In 1622, the First Panchen Lama Lobsang Chokyi…

The Great Fifth
Ngawang Lobsang Gyatso, “The Great 5th” Dalai Lama was the temporal and spiritual ruler of Tibet from 1642-1682. He unified Tibet under the Gelug school of Buddhism, made Lhasa the capital city, established friendly relations with the Manchu Emperor in Beijing and built the Potala Palace. He was a great writer on spiritual subjects and…

Advice from Dorje Shugden that His Holiness should leave and that He guarantees H.H. safety
Watch this video to see proof of how Sera Monks recalls Dorje Shugden giving the actual advice Excerpt from the autobiography of Kyabje Trijang Dorjechang regarding the advice from Dorje Shugden that His Holiness should leave and that He guarantees H.H. safety When I was fifty-nine, in the year of the earth boar, on the…