There is trouble in paradise as Tibetan President Lobsang Sangay (center) is accused of sexual assault and Information Secretary Dhardon Sharling (right) abruptly resigns leaving Tibetan politics in tatters. Sharling was once considered Sangay’s “protégé” and touted as the main executor of his political agendas.
The opinion piece below was sent to dorjeshugden.com for publication. We accept submissions from the public, please send in your articles to [email protected].
By: Shashi Kei
The Central Tibetan Administration (CTA), the 14th Dalai Lama’s government-in-exile based in Dharamsala, is falling apart. The Sikyong (President) of the CTA, Lobsang Sangay has been globetrotting under the guise of reigniting interest in the Tibetan cause which has waned considerably after commanding the world’s attention for 60 years. But instead of trying to rekindle foreign support for the CTA, Sangay should have been more concerned about the state of his own administration in Dharamsala.
The cracks that have been building up in the CTA became visible when Lobsang Sangay publicly clashed with Penpa Tsering (ex-Speaker of the CTA and also Sangay’s main rival for the 2016 Sikyong elections) after the latter raised questions about financial irregularities in North America’s Tibet House whilst under the charge of its previous administrator, Kaydor Aukatsang. As an appointee of Lobsang Sangay, it was understood that Aukatsang only took instructions from Lobsang Sangay, who appears to have circumvented proper protocols. Penpa Tsering was unceremoniously sacked on what he regarded as trumped-up charges and has since filed a suit against Lobsang Sangay for defamation in the Tibetan Supreme Justice Commission. The rivalry that has been building up between Lobsang Sangay and Penpa Tsering has now become acrimonious with a lot of bad blood continuing to accumulate.
As a firestorm continues to brew over the Sangay-Tsering estrangement, signs are that the fallout from their confrontation will be more severe than anticipated. We know this when ambitious politicians like Dhardon Sharling suddenly decamps the CTA like a rat fleeing a sinking ship. On 12th December 2018, Dhardon Sharling announced her resignation from her somewhat vaguely formulated designation of ‘Secretary equivalent’ of the CTA’s Department of Information and International Relations (DIIR). Dhardon Sharling is regarded as Lobsang Sangay’s lieutenant and her official title was literally created by Sangay to keep Sharling in his administration after she was voted out by the Tibetan parliament-in-exile as a Minister in the Cabinet for having misled the government on an age prerequisite. Dhardon Sharling cited an interest to further her studies in the US being the reason for her to suddenly relinquish her post. But the rumor is that she has been manoeuvring to escape being caught in the middle of Lobsang Sangay and Penpa Tsering’s looming showdown. It is a showdown that started with a fractious rivalry during the 2016 Sikyong elections, and has most recently escalated in Penpa Tsering filing legal suits against the Tibetan Cabinet and Lobsang Sangay.

Dhardon Sharling was voted out of the Tibetan parliament in-exile after lying about her age. It was only after the intervention of Lobsang Sangay that she was given the position of Information Secretary which Lobsang Sangay created specifically for her.
Dhardon Sharling rose out of obscurity in October 2016 as the de facto head of the DIIR. The CTA’s website states that the DIIR’s purpose is to “educate the Tibetans and international public opinion on the political, human rights and environmental conditions in Tibet”. However, it is well known that under Dhardon Sharling, the DIIR only served to carry out Lobsang Sangay’s personal agenda and propaganda campaigns.
For the most part, Dhardon Sharling’s time in the DIIR was utilized in driving the CTA’s persecution of Dorje Shugden worshippers. Dorje Shugden is an ancient Tibetan Buddhist practice observed by virtually all followers of the Gelugpa lineage of Tibetan Buddhism which accounts for the largest percentage of Tibetans inside China and in diaspora. While the Shugden practice is apolitical, the oath of spiritual allegiance sworn by Dorje Shugden practitioners to their lineage masters, as is common for any tantric practice, represents a hindrance to the CTA’s desire to dominate that space. So Lobsang Sangay criminalized the religion, another painful milestone in an already 20-year campaign that infringes on the basic human rights of Tibetans and Dorje Shugden adherents worldwide. It was Dhardon Sharling’s job to launch one disinformation campaign after another against Dorje Shugden Buddhists causing a complete disintegration of the Gelugpa lineage. That, in turn, fractured the Tibetan community in general, a prime factor in the disempowering of the Tibetan struggle when the Tibetan people became distracted in sectarian conflicts and lost sight of the Tibetan struggle to regain their homeland.

Lobsang Sangay (center) and Dhardon Sharling (right) launching another anti-Dorje Shugden propaganda book. The pair have concentrated their efforts on denying the Tibetan people their religious rights instead of fighting for the Tibetan cause and improving the lives of Tibetan refugees in their charge.
As for Dhardon Sharling’s real job, her brief two years in office did not yield much result with some of her programs ending in disaster, for example the ‘2018 Thank You’ campaigns which was supposed to be a series of events for the CTA to thank countries that have supported the Tibetan cause. In reality, the project was an effort by the CTA to curb fading alliances with world nations against the trajectory of China’s rise. Dhardon Sharling’s ‘Thank You India’ campaign fizzled with the Indian government instructing top officials to avoid participating in any CTA-organized functions. In the meantime, for the ‘Thank You Taiwan’ campaign, Dhardon Sharling arranged for the placement of billboards with the Dalai Lama’s image all over major cities of Taiwan, the release of books in Chinese containing the Dalai Lama’s talks and also various paraphernalia purporting to support the Tibetan struggle. A few months later, these steps resulted in a major swing against Taiwan’s ruling Democratic Progressive Party (DPP) that had gone along with Dhardon Sharling’s campaign. In the recent local elections, the DPP suffered a crushing defeat, losing 15 out of the available 22 cities they contested for. Under Sharling, CTA events became the kiss of death.

Thank You Taiwan posters with the Dalai Lama was placed all over major cities in Taiwan. The CTA’s often fights its anti-China campaigns on foreign soil to the detriment of welfare of countries sympathetic to the CTA.
Dhardon Sharling’s ignoble legacy will be that she gained notoriety by trickery and colluding with Lobsang Sangay; that instead of using her time in office to advance the welfare of the Tibetan people, she injected enmity into Tibetan communities worldwide and denied many Tibetans their most basic freedom; that she irreparably damaged Tibetan unity; and that when the Tibetan struggle was on its knees, she abandoned the cause and fled for the United States on her Indian passport which she procured at the same time the CTA was telling common Tibetans that to do so would undermine the Tibetan struggle.
Dhardon Sharling’s resignation is not an isolated case. A few months before, Tenzin Palkyi of the Office of Tibet in Washington similarly resigned suddenly. Even before that, in 2016, seasoned CTA politician Dicki Chhoyang resigned from Sangay’s Cabinet. In a press conference, Chhoyang alluded to being gagged by Sangay from addressing matters that should be of concern to the Tibetan people. In the same year, another Tibetan official in Sangay’s Cabinet, Dongchung Ngodup joined the list of people exiting from Sangay’s administration. Even the State Oracles of Tibet in trance of the deities Pehar and Tseringma have expressed disapproval of Sangay’s administration for lacking in integrity.
Coincidentally Dhardon Sharling’s resignation came one day after a #MeToo movement was launched against her boss Lobsang Sangay, claiming that he sexually assaulted a number of women. It began with a news article in the Tibet Star reporting that allegations of sexual assault by Lobsang Sangay can be traced back to as early as 2011 when he sexually violated a young American intern at the International Campaign for Tibet (ICT). It is alleged that Sangay has in fact sexually assaulted even more women, mainly Tibetan nationals, exploiting his position as Sikyong of the CTA. The Tibet Star is a Tibetan-focused news site operated by Mila Rangzen known to be an outspoken commentator on Tibetan issues, and who has reliable contacts within the Tibetan leadership. It remains to be seen whether the “MeToo” movement on Sangay will uncover more incidents of abuse. However, Sangay who came to power in 2011 is not without scandals and controversies of his own making. These include:

Due to Lobsang Sangay and the CTA’s ongoing glorification of self-immolation as a viable form of protest against China, Tibetan suicides continue to rise.
- Launching a book that glorifies self-immolation in 2012 and supporting a member of his government in publishing a four-step guide for Tibetans to self-immolate effectively. That resulted in the highest number of Tibetan self-immolations that year with 86 Tibetan people burning themselves to death. Lobsang Sangay proved his preparedness to sink to barbarity in order to serve his political objective.
- Travelling into China using an Overseas Chinese Visa, an act which raised many eyebrows. When queried, Sangay initially lied but subsequently recanted while insisting that travelling on an Overseas Chinese visa does not make one a Chinese national. In his rebuttal, the renowned Tibetan author and activist Jamyang Norbu responded, “But although the Overseas Chinese visa does not make you a citizen of the PRC (People’s Republic of China), it clearly makes you of Chinese birth or descent (or partial Chinese ancestry) living outside the PRC, and resident or citizen of another country…but to travel to China, to Beijing, on an OC visa for something as unimportant as meeting some run-of-the mill Chinese academics (not “great scholars” khelwang) clearly demonstrates that the person has no problem being regarded as Chinese.”
- Attempting to damage Sino-Indian relations during politically uncertain times. In July 2017, when Sino-Indian relations were extremely volatile due to the Doklam conflict, Lobsang Sangay unfurled the Tibetan flag at the border of India and China. Sangay hoisted the Tibetan flag as a taunt, knowing full well that it would enrage China. Ex-Indian diplomat R.S. Kalha noted that Sangay’s act at Pangong Tso was an overtly political move that took advantage of the fact India was at its weakest point in the standoff with China. Therefore it was a calculated and self-serving move from Lobsang Sangay, designed to drive India deeper into conflict with China, thereby making the ‘Tibetan card’ ever more significant to India. Lobsang Sangay’s mistake would cost the Tibetan struggle dearly as a few months later India began to shift its stance on the Tibetan cause, deciding that in the final analysis, it is not worth a war with its mighty neighbor. The Dalai Lama’s efforts to return to China lost considerable traction due to Sangay’s frivolous provocations.
- Undermining the Dalai Lama’s efforts to improve Sino-Tibetan relations. It has not escaped observation that Lobsang Sangay’s has been quietly undermining of the Dalai Lama’s efforts, including leaking news of Samdhong Rinpoche’s secret mission to China, made on behalf of the Dalai Lama to resurrect dialogue for the return of the Tibetan people to Tibet. It is worthwhile to note that on such a vital mission, the Dalai Lama chose to send the ex-Prime Minister of the CTA, Samdhong Rinpoche and not the current President Lobsang Sangay. And earlier this year, the Dalai Lama’s attempt to build a bridge with the Beijing authorities by recognizing the China-enthroned Panchen Lama was duly undone by Sangay. It is no secret that the relationship between Lobsang Sangay and the Dalai Lama is at its lowest since the Dalai Lama started taking active measures to regain Beijing’s trust, something the aging Dalai Lama has had to resume doing because of Sangay’s negligence of his duty as the Sikyong. It has been reported that in recent times, an ongoing war of words between Lobsang Sangay and the Dalai Lama has struck up behind closed doors.
It would be difficult to find news of Lobsang Sangay initiating projects to improve the lives of the Tibetan refugees, or taking concrete steps to foster Tibetan harmony or undertaking tangible measures that could lead to the realization of the Dalai Lama’s dreams for the Tibetan people to return to their homeland. Sangay’s Presidency is characterized by his various breaches of the Tibetan democratic Constitution, his denial of the Tibetan people’s human rights to practice the religion of their choice and to exercise their freedom of opinion, his manipulation of election rules to ouster rivals, his appointment of cronies to key positions, his misuse of funds meant for the Tibetan refugees, his empty and grandiloquent speeches to foreign officials, his vicious fights with political rivals like Penpa Tsering and now, his sex scandals. The lives and future of 150,000 Tibetan refugees depend on the CTA, as does the survival of the Tibetan heritage and the continuance of the Tibetan people to regain their freedom. Lobsang Sangay was entrusted by the Tibetan people to perform an important task and by right, his time in power should have been invested to support the Dalai Lama’s initiatives and to prepare for the next phase of the Tibetan struggle, one that will take place in the absence of the Dalai Lama. But with such serious improprieties, a focus on his personal agendas and culture of deceit and dishonesty that Sangay has sowed with his internal politicking, how can the Tibetan cause ever hope to survive? Only time will tell.
Tibetan investigative journalist Mila Rangzen
launches “Me Too” campaign
Dhardon Sharling submits resignation letter

Click to enlarge (Source: https://www.tibetsun.com/news/2018/12/12/dhardon-sharling-submits-resignation-letter)
Ngawang B.
December 18, 2018
This is terrible!
I never except #MeeToo campaign will happen and becomes one of the causes causing the falling of Tibetan government and Lobsang Sangay!
Of course, they would not finish so easily, because, you see, at this juncture of time, Dhardon Sharling announced her resignation and going to fly to America and enjoy her life as USUAL. Lobsang Sangay the Sikyong definitely will have his way to enjoy his life in somewhere else, may be Europe, may be America, may be Canada. BUT what about the people???
Poor people who still trust and rely on these leaders, who are actually care only about how to enjoy more luxury life, how to get more money😖😥
These kind of leaders not bringing any benefits to Tibet people, but actually do more harm to the country and people. Shame shame.
December 19, 2018
December 19, 2018
Dhardon Sharling’s resignation surprises me. She has everything that other people want, the house, the money, the passport and the title at work. Her good friend Lobsang Sangay has been giving her special treatments and let her get everything she wants. Why is she leaving?
I don’t think it is because she realises how corrupted CTA is, I think it is because she realises she is not the one and only of Lobsang Sangay. Come to think of it, her fake marriage probably is not a cover-up of her relationship with Lobsang Sangay. Perhaps she was angry with Lobsang Sangay having so many lovers so she faked the marriage to make Lobsang Sangay angry.
But looks like the fake marriage is not working and Dhardon Sharling is so disappointed that she resigned to leave Lobsang Sangay. Whatever the reason is, the resignation of Dhardon Sharling is a good news to everyone, especially Dorje Shugden practitioners. For the time she was in the Information department she has done nothing good for the Tibetan community but she has created so much disharmony with the launching of the anti-Dorje Shugden book. Her resignation is good for her too, she won’t be creating more negative karma for herself.
Kelsang Tenzin
December 19, 2018
There is no doubt that Lobsang Sangay is now going down when his sexual abuse case was brought to the public’s attention is the main reason why she is resigning now. There is no other perfect explanation than this because they are having affair for years until Ms Dhardon decided to get hitched to stop the rumours about her and the president. She needs to cut all ties to save herself from all trouble.
The only thing she did well while serving her term in CTA is the affair between Lobsang Sangay and her. She certainly did not carry out CTA’s duty well and she even published a book that totally breached the law of religious freedom in the democratic constitution that they claimed to be following. The CTA is no democratic government.
They claimed to be one just to seem politically correct and get on the good books of all western country. This gives them alot of opportunities for them to make friends around the world and perhaps get more donation from those countries. This is a strategy that they had been playing for 60 years and it works and got them billions and millions of dollars in donation.
December 20, 2018
When did our dorjeshugfen website become a Rumor site.
Let’s focus on exposing FAKE DALAI LAMA. And his hypocrisy.
Also expose DALai Lama’s secret wives and Children.

Expose CTA
December 20, 2018
I reckon the more CTA and its members are exposed the better. The Dorje Shukden fight is not only about the Dalai Lama. The CTA is supposed to be a democratic country and should not have allowed the Dalai Lama to dictate terms especially when it infringes on the basic rights of the Tibetan people.
The CTA is therefore just as fake and should be exposed for all their corrupt misdeeds. Plus, its the CTA esp Dahrdong Dingaling’s dept DIIR that’s spreading all the rubbish about Dorje Shukden these past years. Her and Sangay and so its good they are put in the spotlight. I think the point of this article is to ask how much you can trust this bunch at the CTA. From the looks of it, not at all and Tibetan cause supporters should be informed what they are really supporting.
Anyway, it would be good to read more exposé about DL if anyone has any. He seems to be quiet about this issue nowadays.
Dorje S
February 19, 2019
Dorje Shugden website is a website that talks about everything related to Dorje Shugden and its ban. What is the key cause of Dorje Shugden ban? Very obviously it’s the Dalai Lama and his government CTA. Tibetans used to be so loyal to the Dalai Lama and his government as they thought whatever they did must be correct. That’s why they supported Dorje Shugden ban. I actually think that this website should expose more about the CTA to let the whole world know how corrupted they are so that the Tibetans will finally realize that whatever the CTA do are just for their own selfish sake, nothing else. Dorje Shugden ban is one of their lies. To cover their incompetencies, CTA don’t even care how they separate people’s family and splitting the monasteries. This is how evil and selfish they are.
Confused Lhamo
December 20, 2018
This sl*t’s resignation of her position in CTA doesn’t surprise me at all. What else is there about her is GENUINE? she could fake her age, marriage and even fake a book to go against the Dharma Protector, what else she cannot fake? probably her looks and some of her body parts are fake too LOL (sorry i don’t mean to be rude, but her great great great CONTRIBUTION towards the cause of destroying the pure dharma practise and lineage is unforgivable.)
Go far away from the Tibetans, the Buddhism and the Tibetan circle please.

December 20, 2018
we tibetens dont like her since long long time, she is not a good n nice people, she takes money from the tpeople no take care of us, we no job she no cares. bad person…same like sangay the sikyong is bad people. they damages tibet and us, we hate them they have to resign all from cta. cta no listen to dali lama, no good people, no auspiciuos. all liars!!!!!!! we hate sangay and this woman1!!!!!!

December 22, 2018
L. Tsai
December 23, 2018
It is ironic that these two Tibetan jesters tapped Taiwan to further the Tibetan independence cause.
First faux pas is not remembering that the Kuomintang exiled themselves in Taiwan at the expense of the natives of Taiwan who were defenseless. The Dalai Lama not too long ago advocated a Europe for Europeans, so should the Taiwan natives deport the Han Chinese Kuomintang refugees?
Second faux pas is that the basis of Taiwan’s claim of independence is derived from its clinging on to legitimacy as the rightful government of China, which it has been illegally robbed of by the Communist Chinese. In this China, and as enshrined in the Taiwan Constitution, both Mongolia and Tibet are too a part of China. There is no sovereign Tibet!
These underscore the fact that Lobsang Sangay and Dhardon Sharling are opportunists who are ever willing to cut off their nose to spite their face and this includes pulling the rug from underneath the hundreds or years old tradition of propitiating Dorje Shugden. Pity the Tibetans in exile.
December 25, 2018
“What does Empress Cixi and the 14th Dalai Lama have in common?”
His Holiness the Dalai Lama has a ‘method’ in his very powerful rule.
The Dalai Lama will always say it is not up to him and it’s up to his people. He gave up his power to the people. But it is not really up to his people. His people and his parliament must seek his approval for all decisions or carry out his will. If you ask his people do they want a 15th Dalai Lama after him, they have to say yes as the current one (14th) is watching them and you have to be politically correct to say yes. Who dares to say no? You don’t want to displease him. Who dares to say we want genuine democratically elected leaders. Remember, none of the Dalai Lamas were ever democratically elected (the penny drops). All the Dalai Lamas sit in power on the throne till the end of their lives.
Also how the next Dalai Lama will be found, the current Dalai Lama will definitely set the mechanics during his lifetime and then sit back and say, it’s the people who wanted it this way. It’s the people who wanted another Dalai Lama. Of course they have to say that. If they say they don’t want another Dalai Lama after this one, it is tantamount to treason. It will offend the current Dalai Lama and make him upset. In order for a stateless leader like himself to continue to get millions in aid for free as he has been for 60 years, he must appear democratic. How will he get money to support his vast expenditure of his lama court, if no free donations in the millions are given? So behind the scenes, Dalai Lama pulls all the strings but in front, he acts like he is doesn’t know anything and not involved and his elected leaders are running the show. Nothing can be further from the truth. Just like the last empress Cixi of China. She always enthrones little emperors handpicked by her from her royal family and extended families and controlled their power and ruled China from behind them as their regent during their adolescence. As a woman she could not be the emperor or ruler of all China, so she was clever and put young kids she chose from her royal families on the throne to be their regent and controlled them from behind the gauze curtain. She was suppose to hand power back to them when they reach the age of maturity to rule China, but she never did. She would place the young emperors on the throne during audiences and sit behind a curtain and dictate orders to the ministers in the name of the emperor as their regent. So in this way, she was acting in the name of the emperor (regent), but actually she was in full control. When time came to hand power over to the emperor, she would have them poisoned. Then place another new very young emperor on the throne. She did this for decades.
She was literally the power behind the throne. She could not be dethroned in this way yet she held all power. Like this, she ruled China till her death which was near impossible for any woman to do so. The last emperor Puyi she placed on the throne before the kingdom fell to civil war. (This spawned the movie by director Bernardo Bertolucci “The Last Emperor” and the emperor was played by John Lone.) When time came for the maturing emperors to take actual power from Dowager Cixi during her regencies, she would have them poisoned and install another young emperor and continue to be the regent. In this way, she stayed in power. She didn’t get a chance to poison Puyi because she passed away (rode the dragon to heaven) during his adolescence.
The other only female ‘emperor’ in Chinese history is We Xetian (Empress Wu). Another very incredibly intelligent woman who beat the men around her at their own game and ruled China as a woman.
The Dalai Lama started the Dorje Shugden ban. It came from him and only he can start it. But now he says, it is not him. Because it would make him look bad if he admits the ban came from him which it did. He claims everyone in the monasteries took a vote and they voted Dorje Shugden out. Ignorant western audiences wouldn’t know any better. They had no choice but to vote Dorje Shugden out or the abbots of the monasteries would be dishonorably discharged by the Dalai Lama himself. He places them in power and he can remove them. All Abbots of the great Gelug Monasteries are chosen by the Dalai Lama himself. He can remove them from power anytime, therefore the abbots are frightened of the Dalai Lama. Dalai Lama says he just advised to not practice Shugden, but his people, the abbots in charge, the monasteries took it to another step and outlawed Dorje Shugden and it’s the will of the people. So his ban on Shugden appears democratic. It was up to them. But it is not. He rules behind a ‘gauze’ curtain that he handed his power over to his personal ‘Puyi’ (Lobsang Sangay).
The Dalai Lama cannot show the world he is in full charge, because he would be seen as a dictator and therefore lose all free aid money which he and his government subsist on. Dalai Lama is behind the gauze and holds all power and Lobsang Sangay ‘Puyi’ is on the throne. Strangely similar to Empress Cixi. If Lobsang Sangay does things that does not please the Dalai Lama, you can bet your bottom dollar, he will be dethroned. Again, no Dalai Lama was ever democratically voted into a lifetime of power.
Photos-Empress Cixi of China.
Tsering Ngodup
December 29, 2018
‘Karmapa’ Ogyen Trinley no longer recognised by Indian govt as 17th Karmapa. Indian government is not happy he did not show respect to India for all the years he took refuge in India. He simply renounced his Indian protectorate papers and took a Dominican republic passport. He could have had the courtesy to let Indian government know beforehand and thank them.
Read more at:
Doreen Park
December 30, 2018
Dhardon Sharling ‘s resignation and her leaving to further her studies in US, as well as the unravelling of Lobsang Sangay – with the latest charges of his sexual assault of possibly several woman- will have a most deadly impact on the future of the Tibetans-In-Exile who had entrusted their future to the Tibetan Leadership for the past 60 years! What will happen to them now, when they are no longer welcomed by India as refugees on her soil?
Can we hope that out of the ashes of this catastrophe, the seeds of reconciliation between the Shugden practiitoners and the anti-Shugden practitioners will be sown?
December 31, 2018
Lobsang Sangay and Dhardon Sharling are a scandalous couple. Dhardon Sharling did not have the right qualification to be the head of the Information Department but Lobsang Sangay put her there. He even tried to make her a member of the parliament when she also did not qualified and later was exposed. Despite all these negative news, Dhardon Sharling still stayed on.
Dhardon Sharling was just a puppet. She only had to execute instructions from Lobsang Sangay and helped Lobsang Sangay run his Dorje Shugden smearing campaign. She published books and videos full of lies to create disharmony among the Tibetans and the Buddhists and she was so proud of it. She is just evil.
Her resignation is a very good news for everybody including her. She is now not in the position to do mass destruction to Buddhism and Dorje Shugden followers. I do hope she really is going to do what she said, to continue with her studies. It will be even wiser if she severe her relationship with Lobsang Sangay to stop creating negative karma anymore. After all, she is a married woman now!
Eli Buchen
December 31, 2018
Its a real darn shame that people like Lobsang Sangay and Dhardon Sharling have found the perfect conditions to practice the dharma yet they while their time creating more negative karma for their community and themselves.
Money donated from Tibetan and Western sponsors, are just simply used up like that, is a darn shame. on top of that they create a lot of negative printing half truths and lies about a Wisdom Buddha.
Sonam Choephel
January 3, 2019
As the so-called spiritual head of Tibetan Buddhists, the Dalai Lama strictly abstains from drinking alcohol in accordance to traditional monastic codes. However, it has recently been reported that the religious leader owns his own vineyard in Switzerland! Apparently, various celebrities, including the likes of Roger Moore, Sepp Blatter and Zinedine Zidane have all made trips to the vineyard. What will people say when they find out that a Buddhist monk, who promotes abstinence from alcohol, owns a vineyard that produces wine for sale? This is certainly not going to sit well with his image of a religious leader and member of the Buddhist monastic order.
January 5, 2019
Lobsang Sangay and the CTA will not last for too long. More negative news of Lobsang Sangay is exposed, more countries are distancing themselves away from Tibet. As the number of Tibetans in exile is getting fewer, eventually there will not be a need to have an administration office.
Lobsang Sangay is abusing his power to get what he wants. He uses the money for the Tibetans to pay for his house mortgage. When he was questioned, he did not give an answer.
To say the CTA is democratic, it is not quite right because no one can speak up if they feel something is not right. Lobsang Sangay will use his power to make sure they shut up. Look at what happened to Penpa Tsering, he was sacked by Lobsang Sangay after he challenged him.
January 8, 2019
It is very obvious that this is just another stunt that the 2 lovebirds are pulling in order to get benefits for themselves. It is highly suspicious that Dhardon Sharling will choose such timing to resign and the reason she uses is to further her study. That is just ridiculous. If they really want to help His Holiness the Dalai Lama, why would she quit CTA while His Holiness is still around?
I think she had gotten what she wants and she wants to leave now before shit hits the fan. It is very sad to see that CTA is full of people who do not have any concern for their own people. All they do is to get as much of benefits for themselves and then they will leave and enjoy their lives. While the Tibetans in exile are still longing to go back to Tibet, CTA already purchased new homes in foreign countries.
Lobsang Sangay had bought a house in Boston and he probably going to share that with Sharling. They will be living overseas, enjoying their freedom and the money that they got from corruption while fellow Tibetans in exile suffer in India. I wonder when Lobsang Sangay will resign and let someone else solve Tibetans problem?
Jampa Youdon
January 10, 2019
Dear Tibetan government-in-exile (Dharamsala),
Sharmapa Rinpoche is the highest authority in the Karma Kagyu after Karmapa. By age-old tradition, Sharmapa is the one that confirms the real incarnation of Karmapa. He recognized Thaye Dorje as the genuine Karmapa. But Dalai Lama endorsed Orgyen Trinley as the real Karmapa. Dalai Lama is a great lama but there has never been a tradition of him recognizing a Karmapa.
Both ‘Karmapas’ have big followings in and out of Tibet. So which one should we follow? We have to follow the genuine Karmapa. If we follow the fake one, we will get fake teachings, fake lineage and no results. We can even take rebirth in the lower realms.
Only the Tibetan leaders can tell us which is the real Karmapa. You have told us which one is the real Panchen Lama. We follow the Panchen of your choosing. Since then we have condemned China and condemned the fake Panchen Lama. Now it is the same situation with Karmapa. We have denounced the fake Karmapa and ask him to step down. He is destroying the Karma Kagyu Lineage.
This issue has torn the Karma Kagyu sect in half. There are many who are so confused and some gave up Tibetan Buddhism altogether because of this. We must solve the confusion. This does not look good for the Tibetan government in exile because the confusion was started by Tibetan government. I support Dalai Lama and Tibetan government. But so many of us need to know the real Karmapa already. Don’t remain silent. Which one is the real Karmapa.
Tibetan government in exile, you have created two Gelugs (Pro-Dorje Shugden and against), you have created two Panchen Rinpoches, two Karmapas, two Dromo Geshe Rinpoches, two Kundeling Rinpoches and so on. When are you going to solve all the confusion. You are destroying Tibetan Buddhism.
January 12, 2019
Dhardon and Lobsang Sangay is a couple from hell to torture fellow Tibetans. They have been terrorizing Tibetans since they have been on the post now. President Lobsang Sangay has been taking money away from the donation given by the western country and pay for his properties overseas.
On the other hand, the girlfriend Dhardon has been making sure Dorje Shugden practitioners being segregated by publishing books to speak against Dorje Shugden practitioners. They spread fake information on Dorje Shugden practice and cause alot of suffering for Dorje Shugden practitioners.
Both of them contributed nothing towards the original goal of Tibetan government which is to get back Tibet. Instead of focusing on the main goal, they have been focusing on doing every other thing but that. This is just waste of the donations that they got and creating alot of unnecessary suffering.
Thaye Dorje Rejects Dalai Lama
January 13, 2019
Very significant
A hair cutting ceremony can be done when someone is going to be a monk. Or when a person is being recognized as a tulku. Besides that, it’s rare there are hair cutting ceremonies for others reasons except for certain pujas.
Also the master who does the hair cutting should be someone of ‘high standing’, greatly respected and if possible a high lama with blessings. Many attendants of young tulkus will seek hair cutting ceremony with the highest or very respected lamas of their lineage. Many like to get this done by HH the Dalai Lama these days. So it is very unusual that Karmapa Thaye Dorje has his son’s hair cutting done by Luding Khenchen Rinpoche who is Sakya and not even Karma Kagyu which Karmapa Thaye Dorje belongs to. This signifies a few things:
1. Definitely Karmapa Thaye Dorje’s son is not becoming a monk at such a tender age. So the hair cutting signifies it is a incarnate lama or tulku.
2. To have his son’s hair cut should be done by Dalai Lama but instead they have this done by Luding Khenchen Rinpoche shows an outright avoidance of Dalai Lama.
3. Also Karmapa Thaye Dorje is telling Dalai Lama and CTA (Tibetan govt in exile) that they don’t need them. Karmapa Thaye Dorje does not need Dalai Lama or CTA to make it. They will be fine on their own. It is a very strong message to everyone.
Remember, the Karmapa Thaye Dorje has never taken one single photo with the Dalai Lama. Why is that? Because Karmapa Thaye Dorje and followers reject the Dalai Lama.
January 15, 2019
Lobsang Sangay is really a useless president. I am amazed that he can be in the office for so long. During his term as the president, he has achieved nothing aside of creating alot of rumours and disharmony in the Tibetan community. How can the Tibetans still let someone that sexually abuse women and steals money from them to continue to be their president?
In the western world, someone who is holding such high powerful position will immediately be requested to resign from their position. Someone who shows a breach of conduct will be deem unfitting be a leader or to occupy such an important position. However, it is a different case in the Tibetan community. Lobsang Sangay is still their president as if nothing had happened.
No one is saying anything and other leaders in the Tibetan leadership are not saying anything. I guess they are either receiving benefits from this president or they are just the same as the president. Tibetans are very unfortunate to have such leadership to lead them to fight for a better future. They will not go anywhere with that kind of leadership. That is why Tibetans are still refugees in India after 60 years.
January 18, 2019
This CTA is a complete mess with a Lobsang Sangye who is a complete shame to the Tibetans with his diverse sexual abuses accusations and doing nothing for the wellbeing of the Tibetans.
Nothing the Central Tibetan Administration does would ever fit the denomination of a Democratic Government.
I really hope that the CTA just give up as they don’t protect their own people but instead even encourages the young Tibetans to kill themselves. What kind of government would ever do such illegal behaviour?? Why don’t they protect their youth? Why don’t they support the Tibetans and give them the conditions they need?
The discrimination of the Dorje Shugden practitioners is another big shame with so much money spend on religious discrimination. Did Lobsang Sangay ever heard of the human right of free choice of religion? Big shame Central Tibetan Administration. Just accept that you have misled so many people and do not deserve being at the head of the Tibetans in Exile.
January 18, 2019
I can’t believe that the evil couple of CTA can stay for so long, especially Mr Lobsang Sangay. It is funny how Dhardon Sharling tried so desperately to cover her affair by staging a fake marriage with a random guy. Look at the poor guy’s face on their wedding pictures! Poor thing. He must have been forced into the marriage by CTA with their usual dirty tactics.
Lobsang Sangay is the most shameless president I have ever seen. How can a person with that much of scandals and totally ruined reputation still be the President of an unexisting nation? That does not make sense. In normal circumstances, people who are involved in such scandalous news will not be trusted with such a high position since their conduct will be questioned.
Now that the wifey had resigned and decided to persue her “education”. What a coincidence that she decided to leave when the scandals of Lobsang Sangay surfaced. Whatever the reason is, it is good news for all Tibetans she will be leaving the leadership since she did a bad job uniting Tibetans.
January 19, 2019
Lobsang Sangay and Dhardon Sharling are a pair of partners in crime. Lobsang Sangay is the mastermind and Dhardon Sharling helps him to execute his evil plan. Everyone knows there’s something very special between the 2 of them, it is not hard to see.
Dhardon Sharling is not very capable, how did she get the job of the department head in the CTA? Only Lobsang Sangay will give her this position. Lobsang Sangay even tried to lie about her age to make her a member of parliament. Luckily, someone found out about it and Lobsang Sangay’s plan did not come true. If Lobsang Sangay did put Dhardon Sharling in the parliament, both of them could do more harm to people and the Tibetan Buddhism.
Lobsang Sangay misuses his position as the president of the CTA and he is not an honest man. He siphoned the money that is meant for the Tibetans, he has affairs with various women, he even sexually assaulted a few women. Despite these shameful behaviours, he is still not resigning and continues to exploit the Tibetans and misuses his power for his personal interest.
Carole McQuirre
February 1, 2019
I’ve been operating an online hate group on FB against the NKT. I use to be a part of that organization. I loved my guru Geshe Kelsang, but I didn’t like some of the underlings who ran the organization. I was there for over a decade and it was time for me to be given a position of a teacher and have the respect I felt I deserved. I didn’t get what I wanted and I felt angry and slighted. It reminded me of my abandonment issues I’ve had throughout my life. I’ve never belonged anywhere and people usually left me and I just couldn’t stand it. I got my personal emotional issues mixed up with my spiritual direction. I projected my personal issues onto my teacher and the organization and I have done that so many times in my life ruining good situations.
I left NKT and told whoever would listen to me who I was abused in NKT. I started a FB page to encourage other ‘victims’ to speak out against NKT. Being the vast organization that NKT is, it was not difficult to find other people who had left for one reason or another and had things to say against NKT. Our little group even got close to some of the events coordinators of the Dalai Lama and we were given a chance to take pictures with Dalai Lama which we promptly did. The photo with the Dalai Lama we thought gave us some validation towards our stance against NKT-but it backfired. It gave us a high to have a photo with the Dalai Lama but after a while we realized we can never be close to the Dalai Lama. We can never get the care and amount of teachings we use to get from Geshe Kelsang Gyatso. Being close to the Dalai Lama is like celebrity worship not so much as having a personal guru who is there for us.
I regret opening my FB page as it vented out my rage and it was the platform for many other people who had blame and anger issues to collect vast amounts of negative karma. We were never able to have any cases or legal suits against NKT with all of our bantering because there was nothing substantial or genuine in the so called abuses we claimed we received while in NKT. NKT continues to grow while the rest of us who left are nowhere in life. Nowhere in our spiritual practice and just living empty lives. For me I’ve gotten tired of the page I’ve started and FB and it’s a horrendous effort to go there to post things or read any comments. Barely anyone visits the page anyways these days. How much can people vent out their anger at someone or something which is not to blame in the first place?
I don’t have the courage to apologize to my teacher or rejoin NKT because I am a coward. I’ve always been a coward looking for the easy way out. But I am thinking about it. I realize my mistakes. I realized my mistakes which comes from me.
February 6, 2019
Dhardon Sharling and Lobsang Sangay did so much damage to the Tibetan community and Lobsang Sangay still has the face to stay as the president despite all the sex scandals that are exposed. Anyone with that much of negative things being talked about them will never stay as the president.
Dhardon Sharling is not an angel either. She and her lover Lobsang Sangay had created so much of schism in the Tibetan lay and ordained community. They publish books that prosecute certain religion and created a lot of disharmonies which escalated into violence.
Now that Dhardon Sharling is resigning and it is very good news to the Tibetans. They had done a very bad job in being their leader and they certainly are not working for the benefits of the Tibetans. They only cared about themselves.
February 8, 2019
Dhardon Sharling has created so much harm to others and collected so much negative karma for herself. Remember how proud she was when she released the book with false information about Dorje Shugden? She had press conferences organised for the book launch, it was also reported on the news and all over the internet.
The book creates more disharmony and conflict in the Tibetan community. But the CTA does not care, they want to distract people’s attention from their failure to deliver their promise to the Tibetans. It is too hard to justify after 60 years of fighting, the CTA is still not able to free Tibet. There is no dialogue with China to discuss the Tibet issue.
Dhardon Sharling might not be the person who came out with the idea to publish this book to condemn Dorje Shugden. But her involvement in the production of the book and that she rejoiced for what she has done is enough for her to accumulate a tremendous amount of negative karma and be born in the 3 lower realms. Just wait and see, there will be more bad things happen to her in the future as her negative karma ripens.
Useless LS
February 9, 2019
I think Lobsang Sangay is just a greedy man who wants money, fame, and women. It shows how naive the Tibetans are when they voted for Lobsang Sangay the first time knowing he didn’t have any plan for them. If he didn’t have a plan for the Tibetans, why did he want to become the Sikyong?
Clearly, Lobsang Sangay has other agenda. He must have taken a lot of money and gotten a lot of benefits during his first term of Sikyong, that is why he wants to continue with the 2nd term. Life as the Sikyong is very easy. He doesn’t have to deliver anything to the Tibetans. All he has to do is to fly on a first class plane, stay in a 5-star hotel, go to some fancy restaurants and beg for free money.
If Lobsang Sangay can run a country and bring benefits to the Tibetans, the Tibetans community would not be divided into so many fractions. He is the one who created the disharmony among the Tibetan community by condemning Dorje Shugden practitioners. He even spent lots of money to produce books and videos to smear Dorje Shugden. He is a useless Sikyong.
Karma Kagyu School Does Not Need Dalai Lama
February 10, 2019
Karmapa Thaye Dorje Ignores the Dalai Lama
(1) Decades ago, the Shamarpa asked the Dalai Lama to endorse Thaye Dorje as the Karmapa. Shamarpa proved to the Dalai Lama that Thaye Dorje was the Karmapa. The Dalai Lama still refused as it will make the Dalai Lama look bad for endorsing Ogyen Trinley. ~ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QJJXYAz3Bz0
It is known that Tai Situ Rinpoche recognized Ogyen Trinley by stealth. Tai Situ Rinpoche used the Dalai Lama’s fame to promote his Ogyen Trinley candidate in order to secure the Karmapa wealth of many generations.
(2) Even though the Dalai Lama endorsed Ogyen Trinley as Karmapa, Thaye Dorje could not be restrained and continues to grow immensely in popularity all over the world. Even without the Dalai Lama’s endorsement, the Karmapa Thaye Dorje is growing in importance. Tai Situ Rinpoche thought that without the Dalai Lama’s endorsement, the Karmapa Thaye Dorje would fall and become nothing. He was wrong.
(3) Shamarpa Rinpoche had asked the Dalai Lama to at least ordain Thaye Dorje as a monk when he was very young and the Dalai Lama refused. This refusal hurt Shamarpa and the Karmapa Thaye Dorje very much. The Dalai Lama sidelined Shamarpa Rinpoche and Thaye Dorje. It was a grievous insult and detrimental interference. In the Karma Kagyu tradition it is the Shamarpa who is the first and foremost to recognize the Karmapas and only in his absence do other regents recognize the Karmapas. Not only did the Dalai Lama interfere in Karma Kagyu affairs but the Dalai Lama took sides. That caused so much fighting and disharmony within the Karma Kagyu school of Buddhism. Tai Situ Rinpoche was wrong not to consult with Shamarpa Rinpoche in all of this.
(4) The Dalai Lama had no business interfering in Karma Kagyu traditions by recognizing a Karmapa. In the history of the Karma Kagyu school, there has not been one Karmapa recognized by a Dalai Lama nor did they ever need the Dalai Lama’s endorsement. This interference by the Dalai Lama has caused the Karma Kagyu school to take two sides and broke them up and created much disharmony. The disharmony, fighting and mud-slinging as to which one is the real Karmapa has continued to this day in 2019.
(5) Shamarpa Rinpoche passed away in 2014 and it is up to the Karmapa to recognize his incarnation without the endorsement or interference of the Dalai Lama.
(6) Now the Karmapa Thaye Dorje recognizes his son born in 2018 as Shamarpa Rinpoche’s incarnation and he does not ask the Dalai Lama to endorse this incarnation. He does not need it. The Dalai Lama has done enough damage. This will shift the dynamics of the Karma Kagyu school again in favor of the Shamarpa Rinpoche’s side. Unfortunately, it will make Ogyen Trinley look strange and left out in the cold. Within the Kagyu school, the Shamarpa is the next highest incarnation after the Karmapa. The Karmapas always recognized Shamarpas and vice versa. It shows that the Karmapa Thaye Dorje has the full authority to recognize the next highest incarnation within their school on his own. This Shamarpa will be spiritually trained by the Karmapa Thaye Dorje himself without the influence of the aged Dalai Lama and his government-in-exile which most Karma Kagyus consider a regime.
(7) During the Kagyu Monlam prayers in Bodhgaya on January 2019, Thaye Dorje was there leading the Monlam (New Year’s prayers) and so was the Dalai Lama in Bodhgaya, giving teachings in another location nearby. The Dalai Lama, while in Bodhgaya, wanted to meet Thaye Dorje but Thaye Dorje refused. Thaye Dorje avoided the Dalai Lama. It was an insult to the Dalai Lama that he had to accept for all the damage he had done in their Karmapa affair and Karma Kagyu school.
The Dalai Lama had sidelined Shamarpa and Thaye Dorje when asked to endorse Thaye Dorje decades ago. Now that the Karmapa Ogyen Trinley has run away to the USA, the Dalai Lama wants to be friendly with Thaye Dorje so that he can get on the Karma Kagyu school’s good side. Without the Dalai Lama’s permission, the two Karmapas met in France and decided to mend the rift. This will make the Dalai Lama look bad. Even the Dalai Lama did not think in such a big way or a middle way to help mend the rift. Too bad and too late for the Dalai Lama to make friends with the Karma Kagyu school of Buddhism.
So much damage has been done. But the Karmapa Thaye Dorje is on the way to mending all this.
Karma Tsogyal
February 22, 2019
Contemplate this:
Indian journalists sound desperate when they talk about terrorist attacks on India. As this article correctly states, there is little that India can do to address terrorism as they seem to operate from Pakistan. To deal with the terrorists, Indians will have to literally attack Pakistan which it cannot do.
Well, there is something India can do which is to stop Dharamsala’s terrorist activities against China being executed from Indian soil. The Tibetans have been attacking China for decades, yet they say they wish to return to Tibet. How do you return to a place you constantly criticize? The Dalai Lama is literally begging China to allow him to visit the Five Peaks of Manjushri pilgrimage site in China and also his birthplace in Amdo, Tibet. But if the Dalai Lama keeps criticizing China, why would they sit at the bargaining table with him? India allows for all of this to happen on Indian soil, so that would irritate China.
Yet India wants concessions from China on the terrorist issue. Meanwhile, Beijing equates Lashkar-e-Taiba (LeT) leader Hafiz Saeed to India supporting the Dalai Lama against China for five decades now. Furthermore, India wants China to speak up against Jaish-e-Mohammed (JeM) Masood Azhar. But India does not speak up against Dalai Lama. Whether the world thinks the Dalai Lama is the good guy or not, he is a thorn in China’s side so anyone that supports him is not supporting China. Similar to the situation, LeT’s Hafiz Saeed and JeM’s Masood Azhar are a thorn in India’s side but they do not bother China and her allies, so why should China do anything about them? If India does something on the Dalai Lama, then it would be fair to ask China to do something about their support of Lashkar-e-Taiba leader Hafiz Saeed and Jaish-e-Mohammed’s Masood Azhar. Simple equation.
These reports are really bare-faced hypocrisy. It implies one nation is helpless against terrorists because the terrorists camp out in another country. But that did not stop the US from heavily bombing Iraq on the basis that it was harboring terrorists. The US did not hesitate to overthrow the government and murder its leader Saddam Hussein.
It is also very hypocritical that the same journalists who are outraged at China’s annexation of Tibet are quiet about Israel’s annexation of Palestine.
It is interesting to note that most terrorist attacks are aimed at the US and her allies. Everyone conveniently forgets that the US has been throwing their weight around for decades and can even determine which leader they want in other countries.
Back to India – if China can convince North Korea to have détente with the US, China can similarly help India with the JeM. India simply has to give up the Tibet card. The article is also a one-sided opinion piece because India faces as many terrorist threats from Bangladesh, with just as many terrorist camps, but because Bangladesh is not China, their involvement is not mentioned.
India is a great country. China and India as friends will be able to influence the globe literally economically and, eventually, militarily. But India has to play fair. By supporting the Dalai Lama, India will get nothing and furthermore, it will be a stumbling block to China’s 1.4 billion people becoming friends with India’s 1.3 billion people.
The Dalai Lama has to be compassionate and stop speaking against China because he has to consider the difficulty he places India in as his host. Each time he criticizes and allows his refugees to protest against China and ask for western support, it makes China look bad. So if the Dalai Lama wants China and India to become closer and benefit each other economically then he has to be silent on this already.
The Diplomat’s Prarthana Basu sums it up very well by saying in the article below that “Now with another terrorist attack infuriating India’s populace, the mystery behind this Chinese silence remains unsolved. While most attribute China’s apparent silence as a favor to Pakistan, as both continue to maintain their “all-weather friendship,” others argue that China holds India responsible for granting political asylum to the Tibetan leader Dalai Lama, whom Beijing equates to Lashkar-e-Taiba (LeT) leader Hafiz Saeed.”
March 14, 2019
What have the Dorje Shugden followers done to be called a criminal? Did they kill someone? Did they hurt someone? Did they shorten the life of the Dalai Lama? None of the above, so it is simply ridiculous for Lobsang Sangay to officially criminalised Dorje Shugden practitioners.
If you look at the recent history of Tibetan Buddhism in India, the Dorje Shugden lamas have contributed greatly to the re-establishment of the monastic educational system in India and also the spreading of Tibetan Buddhism in the west. Some of the famous Dorje Shugden lamas at the time include Trijang Rinpoche, Zong Rinpoche, Lama Yeshe, Lobsang Tarchin Rinpoche, Geshe Tsultrim Gyeltsen, Zemey Rinpoche, Domo Geshe Rinpoche, Lati Rinpoche and many more. So with the new resolution passed in the parliament in 2014, these lamas are now criminals? The whole Gelug lineage stems from criminals? No one should still study the Gelug tradition if that is the case.
Well, the west doesn’t really care if the CTA and the Dalai Lama are discriminating against the Dorje Shugden practitioners. They want to use the Tibet issue to irk China, to undermine China. Without the Tibet issue, there is really nothing the western power can use to put China down. Why do you think western countries are still giving donations to the CTA? Why are the western countries not giving the same support to other refugees?
April 1, 2019
It is really not hard to see Lobsang Sangay is the lousiest leader in the world. Even though he has a qualification from the renown Havard University but that does not make him a qualified leader. Instead of bringing the Tibetan community to another level up, he brings the community down. His title as the Prime Minister of the Tibetan Government in Exile was downgraded to a President. This president is nothing similar to the President of the United States, this President is like the leader of a worker union.
He says he is loyal to the Dalai Lama but in fact, he is not. He had an argument with the Dalai Lama recently. Not only that, he is not following the wish of the Dalai Lama. The Dalai Lama only wants autonomous status for Tibet but Lobsang Sangay is still talking about free Tibet. He is going against the Dalai Lama’s wish but yet no one dares to say anything.
It is ok if Lobsang Sangay still wants to pursue the Tibet cause. But it is not ok for him to tell the Tibetans to fight for another 50 years and not knowing where they will be in 50 years. There is no short term, mid term or long term plan from Lobsang Sangay. The future of the Tibetans is very uncertain, this is absolutely not fair to the Tibetans.
April 12, 2019
Ms Sharling sure is enjoying her life in the US now. She is having a very comfortable life and she thanks the university for that! Wake up Sharling! Your luxury was from the sufferings of the Tibetans. Remember how proud you were to launch books that are full of lies about Dorje Shugden? Do you know how many families, friends, teacher and students you have split? The money you get from doing your job is dirty money, how can you even enjoy it!
The His Holiness Dalai Lama is sick now, instead of observing a vegetarian diet and dedicate the merits and your good wishes to His Holiness, you are enjoying your favourite beef pho??? How insensitive you are Ms Sharling. You have made so much money from His Holiness, why are you not repaying his kindness?
While you are enjoying the luxury Tibetans have provided you, have you ever thought as a refugee, what kind of life the are living? Life of course is good for you when you have a passport and an identity. The Tibetans in India are still struggling, what are you going to do for them? Keep enjoying because when your karma comes back, it will be real bad.
Dhardon Baby
April 14, 2019
I am glad that Sharling Dhardon resigned from CTA after her wedding. It is such a blessing for all the Tibetans because she did a terrible job during her term. All she did when she is in CTA is created havoc and promoted discrimination in the Tibetan community. She and her boyfriend, Sangay created so many problems and suffering for the Tibetan community in exile.
Together, they published a book that target’s Dorje Shugden practitioners and promoted the discrimination of those practitioners. There is so much unnecessary suffering that is going on, and they are just adding to it instead of reducing it.
When Sharlong got married, all her relatives do not know about it, and it is very suspicious for her to get married so quickly. I bet she is hiding something shameful! Tibetans should rejoice the fact that she is out of the government and she cannot do any more damage.
August 14, 2019
You know what? No one is really sure if Sharling Dhardon really got married with the so-called husband. You should look at the photos they have taken together, they are so unnatural. The husband looks like someone forces him to hold Sharling close. He has not smile on his face. If he has, the smile looks fake.
Sharling on the other hands, pretend to look happy but somehow it just makes people feels she ordered the ‘husband’ to do what she wants him to do. After the marriage, we don’t really see the husband in Sharling’s life. When Sharling attends weddings or go for family outings, no husband is seen.
So does the husband really exist or it is just a show put up to try to fool people? Sharling has an intimate relationship with Lobsang Sangay, everyone knows it. Look at how Sharling looks at Lobsang Sangay, she’s full of admiration for him. She has helped Lobsang Sangay executed so many evil plans against Dorje Shugden followers. She should really be regretful of what she has done before and do something good to make up for that.
August 14, 2019
I strongly believe the marriage was just a show to shut people up and distract people from her scandal with Lobsang Sangay. Everyone knows she and Lobsang Sangay has a very special kind of relationship. She will do anything for Lobsang Sangay. Lobsang Sangay was trying to lie about her age just so she can become the Member or Parliament.
When Dhardon Shaling was given the position as the head of the department, she was quite young and what experience does she have except maybe she speaks good English. But good command of English is not the only and the most important criteria to be in that position. If it is not a favour from Lobsang Sangay, what is it?
Dhardon Shaling resigned from CTA maybe it is because she has made enough money and CTA is collapsing soon, so it is best to leave now. Or she resigned because Lobsang Sangay wants to have one less negative news about him so they planned the resignation. Whatever it is, what they are doing is not something benefitting people but themselves.
April 27, 2019
1st Time Dalai Lama Finally Admits His Illness Was Serious
In the past it is customary to cover up the Dalai Lama’s illnesses. It could be to not worry his flock. It could also be to not show the world he is just another vulnerable human being. Or it could be he does not want to disappoint people to show he is not a god? Whatever the reasons, the Dalai Lama and regime are well known for covering up his serious illnesses. In the past few years he had cancer of the prostate and that was covered up till the press dug it up. Now with this new video just out April 2019, Dalai Lama admits he was recently very ill. It was serious.
Unfortunately the Tibetan cause will die with the Dalai Lama when he passes. He did nothing to groom up a new leader as he is a dictator. A ruler for life. He has been in power for over 60 years. He will never groom up another person to replace him because he is touted as a god.
May 10, 2019
Dhardon Sharling did not get married. Her marriage is a show to stop people from talking about her relationship with Lobsang Sangay. Everyone knows there is something going on between her and Lobsang Sangay. She can deny it but most people are not blind.
She has done a lot of bad things when she was still working in the CTA. She helped Lobsang Sangay published books and videos that are full of lies about Dorje Shugden. She has hurt and harmed many people. That is how much she has ‘contributed’ to the Tibetan community.
Last year, she resigned from her position in the CTA saying she wants to further her study. Perhaps she knows that the CTA will collapse very soon so she resigned before that happens so she will be out of the mess.
Ngawang Jigme
May 31, 2019
Unlike 5 years ago, Tibetan leader Lobsang Sangay is not invited to Prime Minister Modi’s swearing-in ceremony this time. It is clear that PM Modi of India snubs the Tibetan leadership once again in favour of deeper ties with China. The Tibetan leadership finds itself increasingly isolated as nobody wants to offend China by lending any support to the ungrateful Tibetans.
P Dechen
July 30, 2019
Lobsang Sangay didn’t do much for the Tibetan community. He brings more damages than benefits to his people. Under Lobsang Sangay’s leadership, more and more countries have decided to cut their ties with the CTA. This is already an indication that Lobsang Sangay is not capable.
In addition to this, Lobsang Sangay is known to have affairs with women in the CTA; he siphoned a large amount of money from the fund given to the Tibetan community; he accused Dorje Shugden followers of crimes they did not committed; he encouraged Tibetans to self-immolate. In summary, he causes disunity in the Tibetan community.
He is still the president of the Tibetans in exile does not mean people are still supporting him. It could be that Tibetans are already fed-up with the CTA, they are finding ways to leave the Tibetan community or there is no more candidate and it does not make a difference to their situation even if they change their president.
December 26, 2019
The real victims of the Tibetan plight is the Tibetans. However, they are not victimised by the Chinese government but their own government, the CTA. What the CTA wants is the free money from their donors for the free Tibet movement. Therefore, the CTA has to make sure the free Tibet movement will go on forever. They will create situations where Tibetans will be sympathised and financial aids will continue to pour in. Fortunately, more Tibetans have seen the true colour of the CTA and they choose to go back to Tibet, migrate overseas or assimilate into the Indian society. Sooner or later, the CTA will lose their supporters and the Tibetan in exile community will not exist anymore.