The Dalai Lama and His Government: Catch-22 Tibet
In August 2018, the Tibetan leadership published a new book in Taiwan which bears all the hallmarks of good propaganda material created with one intention – to use the Dorje Shugden issue to divide the community and blame China…

Kyabje Yongyal Rinpoche Gives Initiations
A great start to kick off the new year: Our fellow Shugdenpas in the East were fortunate to receive initiations and teachings from one of the greatest Lamas of our time, His Eminence Kyabje Yongyal Rinpoche, who spent the best part of January 2015 in Taiwan and Hong Kong. Yongyal Rinpoche’s dharma mastery and attainments…

Four Days of Purification with H.E. Daknak Rinpoche in Taiwan
Recently, H.E. the 14th Daknak Rinpoche presided over a four-day puja: a one-day Yamantaka peaceful Fire Puja and a three-day Medicine Buddha Puja. Highly respected in Taiwan, Daknak Rinpoche’s great dedication and hard work eventually led to the founding of the Daknak Genden Lhundup Monastery…

Daknak Rinpoche celebrates Lama Tsongkhapa Day in Taiwan
His Eminence Daknak Rinpoche is Kyabje Dagom Rinpoche’s brother, Daknak Rinpoche has a center in Taiwan called The Chinese Gandenpa Buddhist Center. These are some pictures of their celebration of Lama Tsonghkapa Day in December 2011. For more information about H.E. Daknak Rinpoche: The Opening of a New Dorje Shugden Monastery Kyabje 13th Daknak…

Serpom Monastery (Annual Medicine Buddha Festival)
The video shows the annual sacred festival of the Buddha of Medicine performed at Serpom Monastery. At 0:21 – 0:24 a picture of the Venerable Abbot of Serpom Monastery Kyabjye Yongyal Rinpoche is clearly displayed. He is the holder of the Gaden Oral tradition. Born in Tibet in 1948, Kyabje Yongyal Dorjechang was recognized as…

Kyabje 13th Daknak Rinpoche Teaching LAMRIM
Kyabje 13th Daknak Rinpoche from Sera Jey, teaching LAMRIM in Taiwan Gadenpa. (Video is in Tibetan – no subtitles). For more information about H.E. Daknak Rinpoche: The Opening of a New Dorje Shugden Monastery Daknak Rinpoche celebrates Lama Tsongkhapa Day in Taiwan Daknak Rinpoche visits Segyu Gaden Phodrang

Shar Gaden’s New Centre in Taiwan
Ganden Dhokhang Buddhist Center 5th Floor, No. 11, 79 Lane, Taichung Harbor Road Sec. 1, West District Taichung Taiwan (ROC) Email: [email protected] 台中市 西區 中港路一段 79巷11號, 5FL

Monastery with Dorje Shugden in Nepal
Another Monastery with Dorje Shugden in Nepal! H.E. Tritul Rinpoche of Taiwan is building this new monastery that incorporates Dorje Shugden as the main protector. When completed, it will house over 1,000 monks and located in Kathmandu, Nepal. It is incredible. The work started around a year ago and is in full progress now. Another…

First Dorje Shugden Temple in Taiwan (Hualian)
Building by His Eminence Serkong Tritul Rinpoche of Ganden Jangtze Monastery. As predicted, Dorje Shugden’s practice will grow bigger and mainstream in the world. It may ‘suffer’ suppression in the Tibetan Communities, but in Democratic free societies of the world, it will grow. In the West, we have great Temples of Dorje Shugden by the…