Serkong Dorje Chang (1856 – 1918)
Among the many wonderful texts on Dorje Shugden, there exists a very famous incense offering that can also be found in the Dorje Shugden be-bum which was composed by this great Lama. Incense offerings, otherwise known as sang are very powerful offerings that assist the practitioner to uphold his vows and morality, and to clear…

Gaden Monastery was built by Dorje Shugden
A Brief History of Ganden Monastery Alexander Berzin, 1991 expanded with Tsenzhab Serkong Rinpoche II, September 2003 Original version published in “Gelug Monasteries.” Chö-Yang, Year of Tibet Edition (Dharamsala, India, 1991). The founding of Ganden Nampar-gyelway-ling Monastery (dGa’-ldan rnam-par rgyal-ba’i gling dGon-pa) by Jey Tsongkhapa Lozang-dragpa (rJe Tsong-kha-pa Blo-bzang grags-pa) (1357-1419) was prophesied by Buddha…

The Geluk Exam – 2011
The Gelug Exam is widely known as the final stage of Buddhist studies within the monastic community especially in terms of Sutra studies. A monk must pass his monastery’s local exam where one must participate in all the related subjects like the Vinaya class (either 1st year or 2nd year) in order to be a…

His Eminence Kensur Lobsang Tharchin Rinpoche
Khen Rinpoche Geshe Lobsang Tharchin was born in Lhasa, Tibet in 1921 and entered Sera Monastery there at an early age. He proceeded through the rigorous 25-year programme of monastic studies under the guidance of Pabongka Rinpoche and Kyabje Trijang Rinpoche. Upon successful completion of public examination by the best scholars of the day, Rinpoche…

Kyabje Ling Rinpoche and Dorje Shugden
Kyabje Ling Rinpoche (1903-1983), 97th Ganden Throne Holder, and yongs ‘dzin to the 14th Dalai Lama was born 1903 in Yabphu near Lhasa. Yabphu is a holy place of Chakrasamvara and Vajrayogini, being shaped like a double triangle. It also contained a precious image of Naropa’s Vajrayogini that was to known to have spoken many…