How A “Bad” Situation Becomes A Blessing
I like to have fun, go clubbing and live luxuriously. I always used to think that I was still young and still had lots of time to have fun and catch up on whatever I needed to do “later”. When I first encountered the Protector, I prayed only for wealth and fame, hoping that I…

The Yangdup Puja – 2011
The Yangdup Puja (Wealth/prosperity Generating Puja) is conducted every year at the monastery. It is mainly dedicated to the growth of BuddhaDharma, and generates merits to clear the sufferings of famine in the world. This auspicious event is attended by the monastery’s senior monks, geshes and alumni. It is also dedicated to their long time…

Giving Our Wealth Back
Dear sir, I don’t know if you remember the economic crisis of 1997 but it had a very deep impact in Thailand where I live, and it made things difficult for a lot of people. I am sure it had an impact too, on your Tibetan people who basically have no rights as a result…

Invoking Ratna Shugden on a Horse for Wealth
Requests to Ratna Shugden HUM Arisen from the play of various emanations, In the illusory dance of non-dual great bliss and emptiness, O Increaser, glory of the three worlds, please come to this place Together with the nine great Mothers, hosts of Dharma Protectors and Wealth gods. I offer vast clouds of outer, inner and…