Has the Dorje Shugden practice become less prevalent and dying?

Dear friends of Wisdom Buddha Dorje Shugden,

This character below, ‘Tenzin Gyatso’, is apparently a student studying at the Tibetan Library in Dharamsala, the headquarters of Dalai Lama. He is obviously a supporter of the Dalai Lama.

Below is a post that he has recently written on the forum of DorjeShugden.com which we would like to share with you. The original post and subsequent replies can be read at: http://www.dorjeshugden.com/forum/index.php?topic=1998.0

Do you agree with his statements? What are your views? Has the Dorje Shugden practice become less prevalent and dying? Is no one working for our cause any longer?

Click on link, share your opinion and read the thoughts of others. If you are devoted to the Wisdom Buddha Dorje Shugden given to you by your teacher, then have your say and perhaps do something to keep the practice alive and growing in the world.


This was posted on: http://www.dorjeshugden.com/forum/index.php?topic=1998.0

FACE IT: Shugden’s practice is dying already

The point is HHDL has his oppositions and not all his policies will please all the people all the time. But his policy on Dorje Shugden is to safeguard the purity of Buddhism. This faces opposition, but the opposition is quieted down and will accept HHDL’s position sooner or later. You don’t see anymore protests orchestrated by Geshe Kelsang. In fact Geshe Kelsang has given up his lawsuits, protests and talks against HHDL. He recognizes it is futile.

Following Geshe Kelsang example many Lamas has renounced Shugden and followed the advice of HHDL. Geshe Kelsang and the Shugden lamas have not the power, following, evidence, stamina, resources to fight any further. Shugden people have gone back into their comfortable lives and do their prayers quietly to a god Shugden who is not powerful and definitely a spirit that cannot oppose the truth represented by HHDL’s courage and stance. The few oppositions left are pockets here and there. No Shugden organization or group is able to oppose HHDL. All of them are powerless and silent. Simply because truth is not on their side and they cannot gain support.

Your only platform to speak is here & you’re disharmonious

Debating here on the only Shugden friendly forum in the world will not free the Shugden spirit or bring him mainstream. Even all you Shugden followers do not unite or get along. I’ve read the old posts. I was suprised how much you all argue just about Shugden and the bigger picture incessantly without end. For this reason you all broke up. Some stayed on this forum, some left because of obscure silly arguments. I found that so hilarious. You don’t even have unity because you argue over obscure unsupported theories.

Whether there is a bigger picture or not, who cares. You all worship the one god Shugden spirit and you don’t get blessed by him to play nice and get along?? Definitely this is the ‘blessings’ of the Shugden spirit where everything looks hunky dory at first and then it just goes down. None of you get along here even when it comes to Shugden! One side against HHDL full stop/criticize non-stop shouting there is no big picture and the other side purports a bigger picture at same time respectful to the Dalai Lama. Your arguments with eachother on this on past threads was really entertaining to say the least. It is proof Shugden creates disharmony. Can’t you all see. You all don’t even get along and ‘tear’ at each other.

People power, effort, hard work, consistent effort will free Shugden and get him into mainstream acceptance. But hold on a minute, don’t get excited, that would only work if Shugden’s practice was genuine and not a spirt practice. Since it is a spirit practice, hard work and effort will get the Shugden movement nowhere. See the evidence. Do you see Shugden growing? A few monasteries (Shar Ganden & Serphom) splintering off does not exactly spell growth or mainstream acceptance. Shugden movement is dying a slow death.

Resources and stamina ending

Shugden movement is dying. No more protests, law suits whatsoever. All Shugden lamas hide, remain quiet or just have no power/resources to do anything further. The students are just making money, making families, buying houses and eating nice food. Not one single student/group of any well known Shugden lama are standing up or doing anything because nothing can be done. A spirit is a spirit. If Shugden is so powerful why does he let this be? Obviously Shugden does not have the power to ‘fight’ or ‘challenge’ one single man-His Holiness the Dalai Lama.

Media doesn’t consider this important

Even popular media does not take the Shugden issue seriously. Shugden’s ’cause’ is losing and becoming more quiet. Sorry. But it is for the better.

Ask yourself, as a follower of Shugden what are you doing everyday for the so called ban (not a ban) to be removed? From the comforts of your homes, what are you doing besides typing on this forum that will make huge waves? Nothing much right? How come? My theory is because Shugden is a spirit and he has some minimal power but not enough to combat the pure motivation and stance of the many lamas who have given up Shugden and went back to Kalarupa, pure Buddhism and the logical wishes of His Holiness the Dalai Lama.

Gotta get on the page already man. It’s not too late.

Central Tibetan Administration not concerned

I’ve introduced some of my friends here in Dharamsala who work in Tibetan CTA offices. They said, this website and it’s writings does not worry them at all. Shugden people are a small minority and getting smaller. They occasionally visit this website, but they find it sad that all of you will not practice pure Buddhism. They said we should be patient towards the Shugden people, it’s just a matter of time they disappear completely. My friends said Shugden people do not have the strength, stamina, resources to fight anymore. The biggest part of this dying ‘movement’ is truth is not on your side.


Geshe Kelsang, Gonar Rinpoche, Trijang Rinpoche, Pabonka Rinpoche, Zemey Rinpoche, Yogyal Rinpoche, Droma Geshe, Ganchen Rinpoche, Gyurme Kensure, Gaden Thrisur in France, Geshe Jampa, Kundeling Rinpoche, Thapo Rinpoche, Zasepp Rinpoche, Gellek Rinpoche, etc etc etc have no more abilities or stamina to pursue this senseless argument Shugden is enlightened. All these lamas and their students have become more and more silent. Everyone has retreated into their centres and hope Shugden the spirit will come to the rescue. I doubt it. Shugden can never oppose the HH Dalai Lama. Truth is on His Holiness the Dalai Lama’s side.

Regret and purify. His Holiness will accept. He is very compassionate. It’s not too late. We can become one big happy family again. Harmonious and united.

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  1. I received a Dorje Shugden empowerment a few months ago from the New Kadampa Tradition – where I have been practicing for over a decade. This practice is by no means dying – Geshe Kelsang has opened hundreds of meditation centers, with practitioners who rely on Dorje Shugden, all over the world. It is a most powerful blessing and much needed for the roughness of the modern world.

    I am sorry that the Dalai Lama decided to stop following his teacher. My Guru is Geshe Kelsang Gyatso, who followed the instructions of his teacher Trijang Rinpoche. I find that when I manage to take my Guru’s advice, my mind is better. When I ask for Dorje Shugden’s help with faith, my mind changes for the better. When we rely on our Dharma Protector with a good intention, every day, there is harmony in our communities.

  2. Mr Miller,it’s good to learn u feel better when practicing Shugten.Hope it will enlighten u one day to be able to differentiate the right from wrong….till then Long Live his Holiness the Dalia Lama.

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.…Instead of turning away people who practise Dorje Shugden, we should be kind to them. Give them logic and wisdom without fear, then in time they give up the ‘wrong’ practice. Actually Shugden practitioners are not doing anything wrong. But hypothetically, if they are, wouldn’t it be more Buddhistic to be accepting? So those who have views against Dorje Shugden should contemplate this. Those practicing Dorje Shugden should forbear with extreme patience, fortitude and keep your commitments. The time will come as predicted that Dorje Shugden’s practice and it’s terrific quick benefits will be embraced by the world and it will be a practice of many beings.

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