Sera has produced innumerable scholars, masters, yogis, abbots, reincarnated tulkus and even regents. Currently Sera is in South India 6 hours away from Bangalore in Bylakuppe Tibetan Colony, Mysore State .
Due to the ban His Holiness the Dalai Lama has enforced, Dorje Shugden practitioners may not associate with non-Dorje Shugden practitioners in any way, shape or form. It is illegal for a Tibetan to associate with another Tibetan that practises this Protector. This is what His Holiness the Dalai Lama says for Dharma and secular lives, we must keep away from Dorje Shugden practitioners.
Hence, a large group of monks wishing to continue their practice of Dorje Shugden, had to separate from Sera Monastery in order to carry out this directive. They have formally started a new Monastery nearby.
This new monastery is SERPOM NORLING MONASTERY.
They have currently many qualified Geshes, six Tulkus and altogether 500 monks.
They have a full curriculum of study, debates, pujas and activities. Serpom already has a full Monastic Prayer hall, but they are building a new one.
The photos enclosed show debates in the old prayer hall and the current building of the new prayer hall. The prayer hall that is being constructed at this time is according to traditional style, measurements, and placement for auspiciousness.
Serpom Norling Monastery has an Abbot substitute heading the Monastery. Why a substitute? Because they have formally requested H.H. Kyabje Pabongkha Choktrul Rinpoche to become it’s first Abbot. They are waiting for his reply.
They may be contacted at:
Serpom Norling Monastery
P.O. Bylakuppe
571104, Mysore , K.S., India
Email: [email protected]
Anyone who would like to enquire about Serpom Norling Monastery in Bylakuppe, India, you may contact Gen Jampa at phone number (91)9945994988 where (91) is India’s country code, so if you are from overseas you may dial 00919945994988
Video of the Grand Opening of Serpom Monastery
(official video by Serpom Monastery)
Medicine Buddha Festival to be held in Serpom Norling Monastery
The annual Medicine Buddha Festival, one of the most important festivals, will held in Serpom Monastery on Sept 29, 2009, corresponding to the 11 Day of 8 Tibetan Month.
Hundreds of monks will perform pujas three times a day for a week for the well-being and prosperity of all living beings, and particularly of devotees and well-wishers of the Peace Deity, Dorje Shugden.
The practice of the Medicine Buddha prayers dates back to 18 century. Medicine Buddha (Skt: Bhai?ajyaguru, Ch:Yàosh?fó, Jp. Yakushi) is the Buddha of healing and medicine. As a Bodhisattva, Medicine Buddha made 12 remarkable vows to heal and protect people. He is accompanied by his two attendants, Suryaprabha and Candraprabha.
The prayers of Medicine Buddha (Tib:Sangye Menla) are very powerful for healing physical illness and purifying negativities. The practice also develops increasing healing powers both for oneself and others.
As the festival is an object of accumulating merit and purifying negativities for all, the public is welcome to take part in the festival by sponsoring Medicine Buddha prayers. Contact the Administrators of Serpom Monastery to make arrangements and donations toward the week-long spiritual event.
Serpom Thoesam Norling Monastery
Bylakuppe 571104,
Mysore, Karnataka, INDIA
Phone: 0091 8223 258759
Fax: 0091 8223 258497
Email: [email protected]; [email protected]
Earlier pics when Serpom Monastery was under construction

The current prayer hall that has separated from Sera Monastery
February 28, 2010
Welcome you have to go to Tibet Qamdo riwoqe County, A Sankar soil Dengda Ji temple to “” “` His Holiness Kyabje Trijang Dorje Chang, His Holiness Kyabje Pabongka Dorje Chang,
Venerable Gonsar Rinpoche, His Eminence Gangchen Choktrul Rinpoche of Sera Mey Monastery, HE Geshe Kelsang Gyatso, NKT HE Lama Loden Sherab Dagyab Rinpoche, Drepung Gomang Monastery His Eminence Kyabje Dagom Rinpoche,
,,,,,, Sapporo That Rinpoche, Zhandu solid Rinpoche
As well as all the teachings of Buddha to safeguard innocent Luosangzhaba Khenpo Geshe other “” `
I hope you come to Tibet, A Sankar Qamdo Riwoqê County Soil Dengda Ji temple promote the teachings of the Gelug Sect.
Please contact me: 13,989,053,823 “to the Palestinian> [email protected]
April 19, 2010
As an admirer of H.E. Geshe Kelsang I am deeply moved and overjoyed to see your monastery pictures , You are all brave and courageous dharma protectors , Keeping the pure Gelug tradition alive under such adverse conditions. May your lojong practice be like a waxing moon. Thankyou for your efforts . Keep up the great work. I hope one day to vist from the UK . Love and respect, Tom
September 8, 2010
Thank you for the pictures and commentary on the activities of the monastery.
There is one write-up on the Medicine Buddha Festival held last year on 29th September 2009. It is good to know that it is held annually for the well-being of all living beings. It would be nice if the monastery could send more details about the festival to be held this year as well as other activities. I would like to know more about the Maitreya procession ceremony and the purpose of having this procession.
bob benedict spiritual-architect-builder
September 8, 2010
Maitreya, the World Teacher, has not come alone, but with a group of wise Teachers, and architects who have long guided humanity from behind the scenes.
They are returning to the everyday world to help us solve our most critical global problems. Maitreya is not a religious leader, but an educator in the broadest sense.
He is here to inspire us to create a new era based on sharing and justice, so that all may have the basic necessities of life: food, shelter, health care, and education.
His open mission in the world is about to begin. As Maitreya himself has said: ‘Soon, now very soon, you will see my face and hear my words.’
many brave Blessings
my spirit takes flight to be with you as every mountain top must sing praises unto the dharmic truth .may i be bless as one to oversee a monastery construction in omaha usa …:)
bob benedict respectfully with reverence email bob > [email protected]
February 19, 2011
Serpom Thomsam Norling Monastery is a new Monastery in Bylakuppe. It was started and built when Dalai Lama institute a Ban to stop the practice of Dorje shugden. Those who refuse to stop had to move out of Sera Monastery. For those who are continuing with their practice they have formed and built Thosam Norling Monastery. The Monastery is very beautiful and large. They have many qualified Geshes, 6 Tulkus and 500 monks. Dorje Shugden must have help them to find sponsors to build this place. At the moment they have a substitute Abbot. Until alternate Kyabje Pabongka Choktrul Rinpoche say yes to become the Monastery 1st Abbot.
diamond girl
January 7, 2012
It is amazing how the Ban has not stopped the practice of Dorje Shugden instead enhanced it. I guess the saying “Bad Publicity Sells” is true here. What can be more “bad” than a BAN???
I have complete 100% and more admiration for the monks in Serpom Monastery. I salute them for having the courage to step out of Sera Monastery to uphold their practice of Dorje Shugden passed down to them from their Gurus.
These pictures touch me as it shows dedication and perseverance. The Serpom new prayer hall is beautiful, well built and planned out. Spacious and clean. I can see the monks are happy and “proud” they have come so far. I am grateful to their sponsor, may she live long and her family live long and have stable health and happiness.
I am sure the CTA must be having hot steam come out of their ears from the expansion of Serpom monastery… Down with the CTA!
Manisha Kudo
July 21, 2014
Serpom is a beautiful and illustrious monastery. While reading this, a question came to mind. Dorje Shugden had been worshiped for more than 300 years in Tibet by highly attained Buddhist masters. Then in 1996, the 14th Dalai Lama declared the incomparable protector to be a pro-Chinese demon. So, I would like to ask when did Dorje Shugden convert to be a Chinese militant and communist? Anyone from the CTA or followers of the Dalai Lama would like to answer? I am sure the DL knows but it may be impolite to force an answer out of HH.