by Steve Lee
I recently came across an inflammatory letter purportedly from Tashi Peljor, Jangchup Choden, Tenzin Wangyal and Tenzing Wangchuk, addressed to all Tibetans in general. The letterhead indicated that the letter originated from an entity known as the United Front of the Tibetan People.
Having done some preliminary searching, there appears to be no information available on the Internet regarding this obscure United Front of the Tibetan People. Therefore, I deduce that this is must be an independent group of militant supporters of the Dalai Lama, who are unafraid to use violence in order to spread terror. One of the key phrases that stood out in the letter is:
I think we need to take action against the 34 Tibetans and teach them a lesson.
The 34 Tibetans mentioned here are those named in the hit list of Tibetan Shugden protestors published on the Central Tibetan Administration’s (CTA) website recently. Clearly, the letter is in alignment with the real intent of the CTA in publishing the aforementioned hitlist, which is to provoke a response from those loyal to the Dalai Lama against the Tibetans who are brave enough to make a stand agains the Dalai Lama’s ban on Dorje Shugden.
To make matters worse, I have yet to see any response from the CTA against the letter, which essentially encourages a mass perpetration of violence against Tibetan Shugden protestors. No democratic government in the world today would get away with such blatant provocation nor such total ignorance of potential harm against a section of their own citizenry.
It seems that the United Front of the Tibetan People has answered the CTA’s clarion call to “take action and very strong action against all Dolgyal monasteries, monks, teachers, geshes, lamas, supporters.” I cannot stress enough the danger that these Tibetan protestors are in and the only reason they are on this list is because they were involved in a few peaceful protests to request the Dalai Lama and CTA to stop the Dorje Shugden ban.
Like what happened to Chonzey in Trijang Labrang, Shar Gaden Monastery. We must teach lesson again. CTA and Tibetan loyal beat Chonzey is teach lesson. Need.
The above, quoted from the letter, refers to a recent violent attack on an old monk, Gen Chonzey in Shar Gaden monastery and calls for more such attacks. Thus, it is an admission that the supporters of the Dalai Lama and CTA masterminded the attack.

Gen Chonzey was a recent victim of violence. According to the letter, it was perpetrated by supporters of the Dalai Lama and CTA
Furthermore, the letter also mentioned:
…take action in we take over Dromo Geshe monastery called Gaden Choling in Phedong, West Bengal, India. This is very good work. We coordinate for this to happen and we will do more.
This refers to the recent hostile takeover of Gaden Choling that practices Dorje Shugden, by monks of Tharpa Choling (supporters of the Dalai Lama). This is further confirmation of the violence perpetrated against and experienced by Dorje Shugden practitioners.

The letter lauds the recent takeover of Gaden Choling by Tharpa Choling, followers of the Dalai Lama
Worryingly, the letter contains yet another threat of future violence:
We must take the strong action against Shar Gaden Monastery and Serpom Monastery in South India to stop them from their activity against Dalai Lama.
This is shocking and requires the attention of the police, especially in India, to safeguard these monasteries who do no harm to anybody. I strongly appeal to the law enforcement units of India, Nepal, America and other countries where these Tibetan protestors reside to carry out a full investigation into this matter. As mentioned in a previous article published on, most Shugden practitioners, especially monks from Shar Gaden monastery, did not find the contents of the letter surprising. In fact, they said that they had received many such letters in the past.
I also appeal to people to come forward if you have received this letter, and to make a police report in your local community. The public must be informed of the real threats that our fellow Tibetan Shugden practitioners are facing. Although, we may be able to mitigate such threats of violence, the real threat is not the violence itself but the source of the violence, which is the ban on Shugden practice.
Lastly, I appeal to compassionate Buddhist scholars and celebrities in the West like Richard Gere, Robert Thurman, Glenn Mullin, Stephen Batchelor, Alexander Berzin and many others to take a stand against such violent threats and issue a statement against it. It doesn’t matter if you are for the ban or not. As a Buddhist, our religion should be one of kindness and non-violent ways of living, therefore we must take a stand against such violent threats.
July 7, 2014
I concur as Buddhists we must appeal to take a stand against such violent threats and issue a statement against these pro Dalai Lama group. It is the basic Buddhist principles of kindness, non-violent and peaceful solution to conflicts. So whether you are for the ban or against the ban we must follow these principles of an abiding Buddhist. Please stop the ban and stop violence. Be kind.
July 7, 2014
First of all, thank you for clearly reminding us that we should all put aside our stand for or against the ban but to focus on what is truly important: the safety and wellbeing of fellow beings…dharma brothers and sisters.
It is simply wrong to strategize and execute infliction of physical and emotional suffering upon anyone. As Buddhists, we teach and preach the practice of compassion and wisdom. This is truly the perfect moment to display what we have learnt by taking action to strongly and adamantly disallow such abuse and wrong to humanity.
Such behavior is a form of barbarism that stems from wrong view that brings the human civilization back many decades. How is such surprise attack on unarmed and helpless victims different from the uncivil practice of gladiators?!
Yes, Steve Lee is right to call all influential Buddhists all over the world to do what they can to stop this violence to uphold the essence of humanity and the purity of Lord Buddha’s teachings.
July 8, 2014
please dear all,
send this Photo to all over the world and to exil goverment in Daramsala even to edvertice in Face book and media report please then many young people know about this such kind of the thing
July 9, 2014
What a sad article to read as a Buddhist we should not have violence again each other because lord Buddha did not teach us this , any one who doing this to the monk please stop it is unreasonable and ridiculous remember your vows and remember the law of karma.
Dekyi Tara
July 10, 2014
Heart breaking to see that 84 year old monk Gen Chonzey was a recent victim of violence. According to the letter, it was perpetrated by supporters of the Dalai Lama and CTA. So cruel!
Cannot stand CTA’s action anymore. Must send out the letter to many people and let other peoples read about CTA’s violence towards Dorje shugden practitioners.
Thank you DS.COM sharing!
happy sun
July 11, 2014
Stop the violence action please!!! Don’t harm people by hurt them, make them pain, suffer. It is the time to stop all type of cruel action towards Dorje Shudgen practitioner.
July 12, 2014
We have had many tensions between religions and people are already killing and hurting each other, bringing much suffering, all in the name of the religions. We need to stop causing suffering to others already.
For all the anti Dorje Shugden people, since most of you are pro HH Dalai Lama, I am sure you have learn what is compassion and kindness. It is time to put the teachings into practice.
July 12, 2014
Can we submit this letter to Interpol as the letter originates in the US and the threat is to monks and people who are in Europe, India.
We need to make many people aware of this.
This letter has some kind of Tibetan Government in exile logo, the CTA should speak out and make a press statement about it. If they do not, the silence could indicate there is a splinter group within CTA?
July 18, 2014
Buddhists are supposed to be peace loving, kind, compassionate and tolerant people. It is so sad to read that the anti Shugdens are creating so much violence and attacks against DS practitioners. As true Buddhists, we must appeal to take a stand to stop violence and to appeal for religious freedom.
As the violence and the attacks get worst, we must integrate Buddha’s teachings into our daily life. Without inner peace it is impossible to have outer peace. If we do not establish peace within our minds, world peace will never be achieved. All Buddhists must live in harmony and not be segregated by anti or pro Shugden. Dalai Lama, as a Buddhist leader, please grant us peace and harmony. Lift the ban!
July 22, 2014
Its is clear that these Anti-Shugen group do not understand and practise the teachings of Buddha…compassion to all. HH Dalai Lama had been a strong proponent of compassion, yet this group who claim they are grateful and fully support him do not follow his true teachings. in fact, I would say that their harmful actions brought HH Dalai Lama great pain and shame at the harm done to others. Times are getting really degenerate with the use of religion to create pain to others instead of bring love and peace. I pray the HH Dalai Lama will lift the ban to reunite the people.
Another point. HH Dalai Lama is “Chenrenzig” and beyond harm unless by our ignorance.
Joo Won
July 22, 2014
Who are we to punish someone on Earth? We are not Buddha, we are not pure and without doing any negative actions, who are we to punish people with different belief and follow religion differ from us? Especially using violence within a lawful country.
Please adhere and be a good citizen at the same time when we claim to be a follower of Buddhism or any other religions. A so called “good or loyal” follower of certain belief but with no respect on rules and laws of a democratic country, is a person without integrity. And, he or she will not gain any respect from anyone on Earth.
Respect each other, even you are not following any religion, will gain you respect and give hope to this disorder and unpeaceful world.