By: TK
In his younger days, when the Dalai Lama was still propitiating Dorje Shugden, he composed a prayer of praise to the Protector, entitled Melody of the Unceasing Vajra.
The final verse in the prayer reads:
‘In brief, we enthrone you, O Deity, as the supreme
Collected nature of all Gurus and Protective Deities!
From densely gathered clouds of the four activities
Pour down a cool rain of the two siddhis!’
In this, His Holiness enthrones Dorje Shugden who is the “collected nature of all Gurus and Protective Deities”. He is saying that Dorje Shugden is not only enlightened himself but the collected nature of all Gurus and Protectors.
So what has happened now??
His Holiness also asks Dorje Shugden in this prayer to “Pour down a cool rain of the two siddhis,” which implies that Dorje Shugden has the actual qualities (“siddhis” refer to attainments) that we may solicit such a request from Him.
So what has happened now?? Why is the Dalai Lama – who composed this prayer – now repeatedly saying the opposite about Dorje Shugden’s qualities?
After writing this praise to Dorje Shugden, the Dalai Lama says that he made further investigations and discovered that Dorje Shugden is a spirit and negative. Why would the Dalai Lama write a praise to Dorje Shugden extolling Him to be very high and then investigate and find out that Dorje Shugden is a very low being or a spirit? Does this imply that His Holiness the Dalai Lama does things on the spur of a moment and regrets later? Or that he can make mistakes also? If he can make mistakes, then perhaps the current ban / hate campaign against Dorje Shugden is also a mistake. Perhaps if he checks even further, he may realize that he m ay be wrong!
It is all very confusing. It would be better to just continue practicing Dorje Shugden strongly because his help, blessings, and assistance has never wavered just like the Masters who initiated us into His practice.
This opinion piece has been extracted from the forum. Please add to the discussions on the forum if you have further perspectives, comments and thoughts. We always welcome debate and exchange. The original thread can be viewed at
A Propitiation of Mighty Gyalchen Dorje Shugden, Protector of Conqueror Manjusri Tsongkhapa’s Teachings
By the Supreme Victor, the Great 14th Dalai Lama
Glory of the wisdom, compassion and power of infinite Buddhas
Miraculously powerful protector of Manjusri Tsongkhapa’s Teachings
Arisen as a lord of all wrathful worldly hosts
Come from the abodes of Tushita, Kechara, and so forth!
Prostrating with devotion of body, speech, and mind
I confess all mistakes and faults in which
Out of delusion, I have contradicted your holy mind:
Accept with forbearance and show your smiling face!
Arising from the sport of non-dual bliss and void
Are offerings and torma of flesh and blood heaped like a mountain
First portions of milk, yogurt, beer and tea swirling like the ocean
Auspicious signs and substances and various animals
Peaceful and wrathful ornaments, enemy-destroying weapons and armor
Amassed samaya substances, outer, inner, and secret, without exception!
Having fulfilled your heart commitment and purified degeneration
By making these actually arranged and visualized offerings
Increase Lozang the Victorious One’s Teachings
And the life span and activities of the Teachings’ upholders!
Further the happiness of beings in the Gaden [Podrang] dominion!
Especially pacify all harm to us, the yogis and entourages
That arises because of previous karma and immediate conditions
And spontaneously accomplish, just as we wish
All good things, both spiritual and temporal!
Grind to dust without remainder
Enemy hordes that think and act perversely
Towards the teachings and lay and ordained people
With potent, accurate, powerful great vajra fire!
Especially, cause the saffron-clad community of Dungkar Monastery
Brightly beautiful in bonds of pure morality
To soar the path of immortal liberation
On unified wings of Sutra and Tantra!
In brief, we enthrone you, O Deity, as the supreme
Collected nature of all Gurus and Protective Deities!
From densely gathered clouds of the four activities
Pour down a cool rain of the two siddhis!
This, A Propitiation of Mighty Gyalchen Dorje Shugden, Protector of Conqueror Manjusri Tsongkhapa’s Teachings, entitled Melody of the Unceasing Vajra ’s composition was urged, not only by the vajra prophecy of the great emanated Dharmapala himself, but also on behalf of the general community by the master of the Dratsang and all of its officers, with offerings. Accordingly, the one called Holder Of The White Lotus, Bearer of the Buddhadharma, Ngawang Losang Tenzin Gyatso Sisum Wangyur Tsungpa Mepa De composed it at Dungkar Monastery with spontaneous auspiciousness.
All benefit and bliss! Siddhi Rastu
Domo Geshe Rinpoche, at whose Dunkar Monastery His Holiness composed these inspiring verses, was one of the greatest Mahasiddhas in Tibetan history. A greater example of saintliness and, mind you, non-sectarian compassion would be hard to find. Kyabje Trijang Dorje Chang said of him, “We are exactly the same”, and Domo Geshe put his Monasteries in Kyabje Trijang Rinpoche’s care before he passed on. The 13th Dalai Lama praised him as Je Tsongkhapa incarnate. Both the 13th and the 14th Dalai Lama praised Dungkar Monastery’s oracle, through which they obtained very valuable advice in difficult times.
This prayer shows beyond the shadow of a doubt the enlightened origin and the “holy mind” of the King Protector as seen by His Holiness. No “ghost” can come from Tushita and Kechara, Maitreya and Vajrayogini’s pureland. No “ghost” can cause you to “soar the path of immortal liberation on unified wings of Sutra and Tantra”!
Seeing this, we think it is safe to conclude what this conflict is not about. And who knows, maybe it is not a conflict at all, except in our conflict-hungry minds that can’t stand the notion of interdependence and cause and effect?

His Holiness welcomes a visit from Kyabje Trijang Chocktrul Rinpoche while in Northampton, Ma. USA (May 2007)
(Photo from Trijang Buddhist Institute)
Julia T
September 25, 2012
This is news to me. I didn’t know that the DL himself had written prayers to Dorje Shugden so I am quite shocked at his turnaround. It does not make any sense to me that a so-called enlightened master can make a mistake like this. Why would he confuse his followers this way?
jim Messenger
October 14, 2012
The title of this article is quite nasty and critical towards the Dalai Lama.. It should be changed…. Now it shows the immaturity of your movement.
Moris B
October 25, 2012
This is a well written article with a powerful message we should understand clearly. It will open up minds if we contemplate on it. Thanks.
David Lumley
November 8, 2012
Why does this article sounds so negative to me – surely the buddhist way is to live and let live – Sounds like Geshe Kelsang Gyatso followers are jealous of the Dalai Lama and trying to convince his followers that they shouldnt trust him or his judgement. If I am not mistaken Buddha himself said do not follow me I can honestly say that The NKT turned me away from buddhism for many years and has left me wary of all Tibetan Buddhist schools of thought- The world is so fortunate to have Theravada , we are blessed to have the Dalai Lama
December 7, 2012
@jim I think the ban is quite nasty and critical. It shows the immaturity of the CTA, to ban things they do not agree with. Is that how a democratic, progressive government behaves? Because I believe bans are more commonly associated with dictatorships.
@David why does it sound so negative to you? Your perception
everything is your / our / my perception isnt it? Just a question – if your wary of Tibetan Buddhist schools of thought, and thankful that the Theravadan teachings exist, why are you on Its so clearly not a Theravadan website… !
shertrul zyelnen
March 11, 2013
Respected la
i am have learned many things…thank u very much
November 14, 2014
Because the admin of this weeb site is working, no doubt very
qquickly it will be well-known, due to its quality contents.
December 25, 2015
Reading through all the comments above certainly proves how adverse the ban has been to our minds. Our minds have become unstable. The 8 worldly Dharma of gain/praise/recognition/pain steps in. The mind becomes deluded and is expressed through poor speech and thoughts. This ban is a real test of Dharma and faith.