To the attention of whomsoever it may concern,
A well known saintly figure and Guru to thousands of Shugden followers, worldwide, Yongyal Rinpoche, who is on a visit to the settlement of Bylakuppe, India, to impart a series of teachings, is believed to have been detained in the Bangalore international airport.
By all accounts, it is learnt that the Lama had procured a 10 years valid entry visa for India. He even acquired the appropriate permit required for the settlement areas. Nevertheless, it is learnt that he is being held in the aforesaid airport on the grounds that his visa to enter India is invalid! Unconfirmed sources have claimed, that the immigration official concerned has stated, that the private office of the Dalai Lama has urged the MOH not to permit the lama entry into the country.
If this turns out to be true, as all suspicions with regards to the Dalai Lama’s animosity towards Shugden celebrities – even if they are apolitical and do not even speak out against the God king – is a known fact! This would be scandalizing and preposterous for the ministry concerned to assist in the dirty work of the Tibetan leader.
The said Yongyal Rinpoche had paid a successful visit at the settlement areas 3 years back. His visits unlike the Dalai Lama’s, carries no such motives or agendas, related to political indoctrination, heightening of hateful sentiments or even that of consolidation of the latter’s position! Everybody knows this saintly lama to be living a spartan life of pure simplicity and humility.
It would be sad, an outright discrimination and a grave injustice. Were a purely spiritual figure like the latter would be turned out of the country. Merely to gratify and keep the god king amused and docile in Dharamsala!
It must be pointed out, that thousands are allowed to visit India and even the restricted settlement areas from TAR region of China. Throwing all caution to the winds about the entry of potential Chinese spies. It is now documented and widely known, that the God king routinely spews venom and encourages Tibetans visiting from across the border to obstruct and exterminate the growing numbers of Shugden followers, by whatever means required.
Responding with hateful vengeance towards the animosity regularly expressed by the Dalai Lama and his cohorts, has never been present in the orientations of the great Shugden adhering stalwarts.
A great nation like India that embraces all cannot fall victim to hearsay and the whims of a singular disgruntled individual. Just because a fraction within the ministries feel the Tibetan leader to be a valuable can-card for political proxies!
Kundeling Sumati Gyana
(Kundeling Rinpoche)

Bangalore International Airport

Bangalore International Airport
January 14, 2015 – Kyabje Yongyal Rinpoche was travelling from Taiwan to Serpom Monastery in South India to give a series of teachings, initiations and oral transmissions. When Kyabje Yongyal Rinpoche arrived at the Bangalore airport and his passport was scanned, it came up as invalid. He was detained from that. The others such as the attendants and entourage had no problems. All their visas were applied for and approved before even getting onto the plane. He is still being detained as we publish this article. We will update as we get more news along the way.
Kyabje Yongyal Rinpoche travelled from Los Angeles to Taipei, Taiwan to confer some teachings. From Taiwan he transited through Hong Kong to get to Bangalore. From Bangalore he was suppose to head to Serpom Monastery four hours by car away to confer a series of teachings. Now the latest news is that detention of Kyabje Yongyal Rinpoche in Bangalore airport is over and he is being deported. Kyabje Yongyal Rinpoche is getting on a plane to return to Hong Kong.
The photo below was taken when Kyabje Yongyal Rinpoche first arrived in Bangalore Airport. He was detained for 20.5 hours before being deported to Hong Kong at 1:30am local time.
The photos below shows the scene in Bangalore International Airport before Kyabje Yongyal Rinpoche’s arrival. Hundreds of monks and lay students waited anxiously for Yongyal Rinpoche to arrive. However, due to the unfortunate incident, they all never got the chance to meet Yongyal Rinpoche as he was deported to Hong Kong.

The crowd welcomes Achok Rinpoche

Ven. Tripon Rinpoche (center), the head of Serpom Library was also at Bangalore airport to welcome Kyabje Yongyal Rinpoche

Geshe Tsering Dondrub (left), Geshe Sopa (centre), and Geshe Tenzin Palchok (right)

Geshe Tenzin Palchok from Hong Kong, Geshe Sopa from Trijang Buddhist Institute, USA and Meli Kyabgon Rinpoche from Serpom Monastery waiting to welcome Kyabje Yongyal Rinpoche
January 14, 2015
The simple monk Tenzin Gyatzo has an entourage of politically oriented people that are not at all interested in the principles of Buddha even less in Truth,they just follow their allucinations guided by a confused leader.
Glory once more to Kundeling Rinpoche may H.H.Yonghiel Rinpoche quicly proceed to Serpom without interferences.
a devoted of Gyalchen Dorje Shugden since 1971.
[email protected]
January 14, 2015
Since 1969 when I visit India for the first time I have the impression that India is the only true democratic country,free of discriminations.Jae Matha,Jae India.
Tom Fine
January 14, 2015
Serious ‘Acts of Desperation’ by the Central Tibetan Administration.
Personally I am doubling my efforts to combat the scourge of the CTA!
January 14, 2015
I hope this is all a misunderstanding and that they quickly release Yongyal Rinpoche. So many people are looking forward to his teaching and the initiation. May this grave obstacle quickly clear up to benefit many.
p.s I really hope this is not a form of discrimination cause Yongyal Rinpoche is a DS practitioner !!
Danny Short
January 14, 2015
How is it that the whole entourage was not denied entry by the Indian immigration except Yongyal Rinpoche? Could it be some misunderstanding or oversight by the immigration officers? Or worse by the Dalai Lama’s private office?
I trust the Indian Home Minister who tweets by @thekjgeorge does his job and investigate into this matter, an embarrassing matter for India as the world watches.
Eli Buchen
January 14, 2015
To stop the turning of the wheel of dharma is very grave and heavy karma. I hope the people who brought this about knows what they are getting themselves into.
Kyabjye Yongyal is an exemplary lama, and benefits many many people, he is the gurus of all gurus. Mother India is the protector of Buddhists and Hinduism, may it maintain its fame as the protector of many faiths and practitioners. This is a very dark smear on India’s record if the world comes to know of India as a place that prevents spiritual leaders from carrying out their duties.
Rita Woo
January 14, 2015
If the news is confirmed this is ridiculous.
It shows how insecure Central Tibetan Administration is. How corrupted Indian Government is. Where is the good reputation of Indian government? Indian government you owe us an explanation.
January 14, 2015
This is not good at all for Yongyal Rinpoche. He is an elderly man and may need medical attention and medication for his diabetes. I hope the immigration officers offer their best services to make Yongyal Rinpoche as comfortable as possible while they sort out this mess to allow him into India for his scheduled dharma teaching.
January 14, 2015
Government India is a great country, we should always remind and thanks for father of democratic Country, Unfortunately today this incident invalid visa of our great sage Kyabje Yongyal Rinpoche refused to enter into Country, nevertheless what happened and who influenced behind this incident no need to explain here if we refer back on History then it is quite clear False Dalai Lama. Motive of attacking to Shugden Buddhist Scholars and masters is his main Agenda.
1) 10th Panchen Lama
2) Gen Yeshi Wangchuk
3) Gen Nyendak.
4) Denma Gonsar Rinpoche.
5) Kyabje Dagom Rinpoche
6) Kuten Lama from Swiss origin Nepal.
List may goes on lack of time stop here. Above all great masters was passed in Nirvana cause by poisoning, vehicle accident.
Liu xian
January 14, 2015
I think we need to investigate first before jumping to conclusion. If this is totally unrelated incident, then how you are going to retract. Some of the white fascist in the NKT using every opportunity to put us against other lamas.
Nick and Rabten need to cool down and look at the long term NKT issues. You guys come and go but NKT set up by Geshe la needed to stay to benefit people. So don’t bend your anger to throw all of us against other lama please Rabten and Nick.
Kelsang Choney
January 14, 2015
This is first hand news about what has happened from Kundeling Rinpoche who lives in Mysore and in contact with Yongyal Rinpoche’s entourage. This news is completely accurate. Do read the new updates in the article.
January 14, 2015
Oh No !! His deportation to Hong Kong would be such a great loss to those waiting for his teachings and initiations ! Sigh ! All these politicking is sickening !!
Sam Don
January 14, 2015
CTA camp really used all the resources they can to prevent teachings by Shugden Lamas. They can stop one but they can’t stop all. It may seems as a loss for the Shugden followers but this incident will make them stronger and will motivate them to fight harder for their right to practice freely.
Lynn Tay
January 14, 2015
What’s wrong for a high Lama have a pure motivation just to teach Dharma? Why some of the people who have bad intention to stop the Dharma grow…Don’t harm a high lama like Yongyal Rinpoche! Stop harm,hurt and abuse DS practitioner, it is very bad!
Sonam la
January 14, 2015
Hello !
This so-called Yongyal Rinpoche (or devil in human form) should not deport, but sentence to Jail for rest of his life in Bangalore !
Indian Immigration Officers has found something wrong with his documents as all of his documents must be fake to travel outside !
It would not be any pressure from His Holiness the Dalai Lama and his Private office !
It is sad to know that he was safely deported as I wish him to be imprisoned for a life !
January 14, 2015
As a Dharma practitioner waiting at Serpom, this is the teaching. Let us all focus on the welfare of most holy Kyabje Yongya Rinpoche and keep positive thoughts even for those who have committed this despicable act.
thomas canada
January 14, 2015
Desperate Measures by a Desperate Man~ Obsessed with a Ghost is hardly a reason to deny entry into India for a pure lama spreading the dharma. Dalia Lama is very sick. All the years of playing both sides against the middle have left him deranged. I hope our prayers heal this unfortunate sentient being. I pray he comes to his senses and begs forgiveness for all the harm he has created for sincere seekers following the precepts of Lord Buddha~~
May Lord Shugden provide the best environment for him to heal.
Joo Won
January 14, 2015
Such a hear HE Kyabje Yongyal Rinpoche is is fine and heading to Hong Kong.
Dave JayaShanker
January 15, 2015
Shame on you CTA, by committing such lowly acts they are really showing their impotence on the growing trend and spread of DS movement… thus their desperation.
January 15, 2015
I believe the party/person behind this ban must be so fearful of HE Yongyal Rinpoche that they decided to bar his entry – thus not realising the barring creates even greater international attention and strengthens DS brothers and sister resolve to unite even stronger agaisnt such a ridiculous ban.
However we should not fills our minds with anger at this time – where dialogue is possible with the authorities let it be done by the Senior ones, while the others can perform daily Serkym to our Dharmapala specifically to clear obstacles for HE Yongal Rinpoche to step foot again in India to continue teaching the Dharma.
January 15, 2015
the simple monk tenzin gyatso and his cta are really desperate ………………
January 15, 2015
We are still hoping for the rinpochelas return.
Indian goverment should take responsible for it..
For the fake detainment.
January 15, 2015
that so unbelievable how can a high lama are not allow to enter a country to benefit more people, this is ridiculous I hope this incident is not plan by CTA because if yes they are really bad how can they ban people from learning the holy Dharma., anyway glad to know that Congeal Rinpoche is safe now.
subtle voice
January 15, 2015
Kyabje Yongyal Rinpoche has a valid visa prior to the entry. Why would he be barred from entering? People who committed crimes, and escaping are the ones that should be barred from entry. Yongyal Rinpoche has not harm anyone nor run afoul the laws. This is simply ridiculously. Even politicians can gain entry without problem.
January 15, 2015
It is just another way for the “powers” that is there to obstruct the growing awareness of the truth. That the lineage is pure and politics is the dirtiest thing in samsara when used to benefit just some individuals’ so that they are not threatened of their narrow view.
Fear is the devil here!
January 15, 2015
This is absurd.
There should not be any reasons as to why Yongyal Rinpoche’s visa should be declined on any grounds, since his assistants and entourage had all cleared immigration successfully and they must have had been traveling on the same visa type. . This is outright discriminatory fueled by the Dalai Lama and CTA. Since the Dalai Lama claims that there is no ban on Shugden practise, why go through all the efforts to stop a high Shugden Lama, from entering the country to give teachings and initiations? Why only Yongyal Rinpoche, and not all other monks and lamas who enter India on the same visa, whether they are Shugden practitioners or not?
I cannot believe the the India Government, or Ministry of Home Affairs , succumbed to the pressures from His Holiness and CTA and did something as ridiculous as this! They should explain themselves for their politically motivated agendas.
Manisha Kudo
January 15, 2015
Many monks and lay persons were expected the arrival of Yongyal Rinpoche for a teaching. I am sure they must be disappointed and devastated now. How could the visa be faulty. This is totally nonsense. The thing is that it is easy to know who the culprit is and the Dalai Lama and CTA don’t seem to care at all that all fingers are pointing at them. Thanks to Kundeling Rinpoche for keeping the world abreast with the heinous actions of the Dalai Lama. May the truth prevail and overrule the ban!
January 15, 2015
Chinese stooges should not be allowed in India. Serpom and Shargaden should be closed. They work closely with the Chinese intelligence service. Nga lama Kundeling is a chinese spy. He should be put behind bars.
Well done, Indian Intelligence.
Doreen Park
January 15, 2015
This is so incredible! A great and well-known pandit and saintly Lama is barred from entering a country, where he has come purely to teach the holy Dharma and to give initiations!
And why are Indian authorities bowing to the demands of someone (no matter how high in political stature), without any strong or substantial reason? This is even made more ridiculous by the fact that Kyabje Yongyal Rinpoche’s assistants and entourage travelling with him, on the same visa type, have been allowed to enter and their visas found valid!
Can CTA explain why thye are stopping the turning of the wheel of Dharma in the name of poilitics?
January 15, 2015
Really really ridiculous!! How can they do this to a respectable and high Lama? All these Great Lamas do… Is teach. What ‘harm’ can they bring? Unless… The party who did this are so afraid of losing their so called powers. For everything this party do, don’t forget there are consequences. Karma will ripen and down you will fall. Hard!
Kelsang Phagpa
January 15, 2015
Well done India.
Dogyal wallas has been kicked out of Bhutan. They should be kicked out from India too.
Thank you India.
Jamyang Alexandre
January 15, 2015
Kyabje Yongyal Rinpoche is the current abbot of Serpom Monastery in Bylakuppe and has transited back and forth so many time, this was taken 3 years back in Serpom Monastery, i do not see the logic for the detention of Yongyal Rinpoche, and i trust that HE assistance made sure of all the visas and documents is up to date for the travel.
Ali kati
January 15, 2015
Where was shugden when Kyabje Yongyal needed him during the immigration center in Banglore.
Maybe Kyabje Yongyal should go and ask NKT for Indian Visa.
Good. This is what you get for slandering HHDL and working with the communist Chinese.
January 15, 2015
This cannot be merely a coincidence for a celebrity DS lama to be conferring teachings in Serpom Monastery to be denied entry to India if it’s not all CTA’s doings. I cannot imagine the disappointment for those awaiting his arrival.
January 15, 2015
Why some people always have to be so negative and blame Dorjee Shugden followers linked with Chinese all the time without any proof. I am a Tibetan and a sugden follower but I don’t have any relation with chinese people and I don’t have any thing to do with China. I work very hard to earn my living as RN and take care of my family . You know that Religious segregation is Not Right! It’s a human right to practice our own religion that has been practiced for ages. Why do u have to be so nasty to Shugden followers. People, please get a life and don’t poke your nose in other’s business. World is watching! Live and Let Live! Kabje Yongyal Rinpochen just wanted to do some teacher in monastery in India. Kyab Sum Che Rinpochen la.
January 15, 2015
unfortunately, the CTA pays people to comment on websites. These shills are very easy to recognize by their ad hominem attacks. I never engage with them because that is what they want.
January 16, 2015
Indian New Paper Reports in regard to expulsion of Yongling Lama from India.
‘Pro-China’ Tibetan lama is deported from Bengaluru’
On orders from the Centre, the leader of Shugden practitioners, Yongyal Rinpoche, was refused entry into the country due to ‘visa issues’
India has refused entry to Yongyal Rinpoche, a Tibetan spiritual master and leader of Shugden practitioners.
January 16, 2015
Music to this ears.
Thats what happens if these dogyal followers politic with the communist.
Dogyal followers are basically digging their own graves by working with the chinese and dancing to their communist tunes.
They should have been more shrewd and just done their practise in their monasteries quietly.
If they continue to slander, distort, it will be all their downfall.
Kelsang Gakyi
January 16, 2015
Sonia has just made a threat. Will the authorities take note. This threat, is clearly a response to the joyful peaceful demonstrations against this unlawful ban. This is childish and will not lead to the cessation of the demonstrations. The only thing that will stop them is for HH to lift the ban. Thats it! The Indian authorities maybe cohorts in this action. I think it very childish and spiteful to prevent the spread of Buddhas teachings. Surely if one is a holy man, one does not prevent the flourishing of the Dharma, regardless of ones difference of opinion on a Dharma protector. This is clearly a deluded act. I wonder what the karmic consequences are for the worldly and deluded action of hindering the spread of Buddhas teachings, and causing a schism in the sangha?
January 17, 2015
The present Tibetan world is turning against the law of Nature. Can`t we first solve the problem with China and then with Shugden Spirit. The spirit doesn`t exit as such but China exits in reality and therefore CTA must deal first with the reality which I think is hard work than dealing with this Spirit. I think this so called Spirit,Dogyal,Shugden or etc is a scape goat for the failure of CTA`s policy dealing with China.
We are living in 21.century and such thing as Spirit worship “banning” or advising against worshiping this Spirit is totally rediculous and unacceptable; it is sheer ignorant by taking this issue more important than dealing with China.
Peter Smith
January 17, 2015
We need to calm down, be silent, single pointed and meditate deeply into the cause and effect of all our action. India hosts the largest Shugden practitioners on this planet, after Tibet. The Dalai Lama is considered the most important guest of the country, even above political lines as no political party can use or abuse his name.
Indian government also considers him as the true and the only successor of the Dalai Lam reincarnations.
When the Western Shugden practitioners, mostly underachieved and educationally challenged social outcastes white people, defaming the former with “False Dalai Lama” slogan delights the Dalai Lama and his supporters for it mobilizes the entire world behind them; people who thinks the Dalai Lama is false is like accusing mother Teresa being thief, way out of line and need no justification.
This pervert campaign led the Indian government to be with the supporters of the Dalai Lama. If we don’t change the course of our campaign, it would give the supporters of the Dalai Lama another assets, the two monasteries, Serpom and Shar Gaden as it can easily revoke the property licenses if the parties fail to respect the rule of the land. Under the current rule, the Dalai Lama is a guest of Indian State and he is the genuine reincarnation of the successive Dala Laima.
January 17, 2015
Do you see anyone from the CTA trying to assist Rinpoche out of this? Or are they quiet? Why are they quiet when a senior and elderly great teacher is detained they don’t assist. This is in CTA’s own backyard. Because they are the cause of it. This will turn around on CTA and become a very big embarrassing episode for their wrongdoings again. CTA is well known for poisoning and silencing their own people when they speak up. They are known to cause trouble for their own people when they don’t fall in line. CTA are not democratic in any sense of the word but tyrannical. Their fall will be soon as karma is ripening.
January 18, 2015
Based on the report form the article, it does sound odd that Venerable Yongyal Rinpoche’s visa was found invalid while his attendants & entourage were all allowed to pass the immigration checkpoint without any problem. In the tradition of Tibetan Buddhism, it is a great honour to be of service to one’s lama & the responsibility of an attendant to the lama is upholds with great care & respect. Hence, it is very doubtful that the visa was invalid but rather it was used as an excuse not to allow the entry of Venerable Congeal Rinpoche to carried out his duty spreading the dharma to benefit others. Denying or stopping the spread of the holy dharma carries with it very heavy negative karma, those involve should be vey wary of it as our karma follow us wherever we go even after death.
After such incident, I am confident that Venerable Yongyal Rinpoche will not be discouraged from visiting India again in the very near future to continue spreading the Dharma because he embodies the wisdoms & compassion of the Buddha whose sole purpose is to benefits others & liberate them from suffering.
I pray for his good health & continue turning of the Dharma Wheel.
Truth prevails
January 18, 2015
First of all, Kundeling at Mysore himself is a fake lama, investigate who gave him this title when authentic Kundeling Rinpoche is at Drepung Gomang Monastery.
Yongyal Rinpoche must have some hidden motives which we common people doesn’t know and Indian Intelligence might have more information on this.
Even when His Holiness comes to Bangalore airport, there is no such gathering of people to welcome him like the ones that we saw in your picture. Doing fancy welcome will no go well and this might have brought attention of Intelligence officers.
Chris Denham
January 18, 2015
Those involved in this act of barring Kyabje Yongyal Rinpoche from entering a country should study more of the Lamrim ,sutra and tantra teachings to avoid creating such heavy negative karma by doing such act to a great and saintly Lama.
Tenzin K
January 20, 2015
It’s sad that India such a religious freedom country influenced by the CTA to create such a problem to the Shugden Lama and practitioners. This is the negative effect when politic mix with spiritual and the downside is the people that miss the precious buddha teaching.
The Indian government should be more neutral on this matter and look at then bigger picture of the benefits of the people on spiritual rather than being bias.
The nasty CTA always create trouble and being violent towards shugdenpas is well known but the world should see and stop them from keep creating more suffering to the shugden practitioners.
January 20, 2015
Why doing such thing to obstruct the spreading of Dharma? Yongyal Rinpoche is only going there for a teaching that will benefit the people there. The world will view this as India has started to pick side on their religion and moving away from being a peaceful and democratic country. This will also leave a very bad image to India government. It means that anyone who has obtained the legal documents to enter India can be detain at any moment without valid reason. How will we feel secure if we are to visit India?
January 20, 2015
Why cause problem after Yongyal Rinpoche and his entourage arrive in India!? Why not stop them from getting on the plane since the visa is invalid? Why not reject the visa? The Indian authority knew about Yongyal Rinpoche’s event much in advance as teachings form from a revered teacher are planned way ahead…So, why permit all the preparations only to snub the flame dead.
Could the detention of Yongyal Rinpoche in this “preventable” manner be intended to humiliate, to show disrespect, to punish Dorje Shugden practitioners and use Yongyla Rinpoche to teach the rest a lesson?
What surprises me is that Indian government who has displayed religious and cultural tolerance would do such a thing.
Putting religion aside, how could a governing body treat an elderly individual so badly? Knowing the long hours of detention, flying long hours etc is tedious for the body.
Additionally, the lack of respect displayed for the people who traveled to India just to attend the teachings. How does the government do justice for their country’ reputation as a pilgrimage destination?!?
India has certainly shown the world something through this incident. A deteriouration in their value. I sincerely hope that the whole drama is a huge misunderstanding and that appropriate apologies will be extended.
Jazz China
January 20, 2015
Kyabje Yongyal is such highly attained lama. What Kyabje Yongyal Rinpoche wants to do is just to teach the Dharma. But all this has been taken away by this people who has been misused their power on their own benefits. And they claimed themselves Buddhist? They created so much of bad karma for stopping people from receiving the holy Dharma. I feel very sad for them as the accumulations of the bad karma will really destroy them. Talking about karma. I remember my guru said, once committed bad karma, you will attract more bad karma to ripen up. That’s a very simple theory of seeing these people actually keep doing bad things again and again due to more and more ripen karma that they have. Kyabje Yongyal Rinpoche has nothing to loose but these people who has been doing this created tremendous karma.
January 20, 2015
This is so sad to hear. What had Yongyal Rinpoche done to have his Visa removed?
Where in the world could this happen to monk – been in detention and brought outside of the country like a criminal?
So many people have been deceived and could not receive the Dharma from this high Lama.
I hope this nightmare of ban will be ended very soon!