Since the 1950′s, Tibetan Buddhism has been traveling out of Tibet and into the West. It was through this exodus that the start of the New Kadampa Tradition (NKT) came to pass. Founded by Ven. Geshe Kelsang Gyatso, NKT’s spiritual guide and a spiritual mogul of the Western world, NKT has grown to 200 centres and 900 study groups worldwide in just over two decades.
The NKT’s headquarters, Manjushri Kadampa Meditation Centre (Manjushri KMC), located in Ulverston, Cumbria in North West England on a 70-acre piece of land, is a contemporary temple that brings the ancient teachings of Buddha to the modern people of today.
Originating from the pure Kadam lineage transmitted by their respected spiritual guide, the teachings in Manjushri KMC center greatly around the Lam Rim, where ordained and lay students study, practice, and realize the full potential of the precious human life.

Unlike most traditional Tibetan Buddhist dharma centers, Manjushri KMC has a modern outlook that appeals to the masses that patron the temple.
Yet, despite its modern appearance, NKT are famed for the Dharma books produced by their publishing arm, Tharpa Publications. These highly-regarded books comprise mainly teachings from Geshe-la, which are in accordance with Buddhist scriptures that form part of the traditional Tibetan monastic curriculum.

The Kadampa Temple for World Peace in Manjushri KMC, England
One of the most important structures in Manjushri KMC is the Kadampa Temple for World Peace. Conceptualized by Geshe Kelsang Gyatso, who even personally oversaw its construction, this beautiful world peace temple was built to safeguard the Dharma for future generations. Upon completion of this blessed project in 1997, the International Temples Project (ITP), a worldwide fund dedicated to bring Dharma to the public, was founded by Geshe-la. To date, over 20 temples located in 20 major cities around the world have been funded by this project.

An aerial view of the Kadampa Temple for World Peace. The Temple was conceptualized and designed by Ven. Geshe Kelsang Gyatso
Having had its inception in the mind of an enlightened master, Geshe Kelsang Gyatso, it is no wonder that every detail of the temple is pregnant with meaning and symbolism. Just like a Buddha statue, Geshe-la blended ancient Tibetan iconography with modern architecture as a method to subdue our samsaric minds and remind us of the profound teachings of the Buddha.
The lowest level of the temple is square, with a door on each side, indicating the four ways to enter the path of liberation. It is also a reminder that permanent liberation from suffering can only be achieved by living a spiritual life. Above each doorway is a Dharma wheel with a male and female deer on each side, symbolizing the final stages of the spiritual path to enlightenment.
The next level above features an octagonal structure with a lantern tower topped by a golden five-pronged vajra, which symbolizes the five wisdoms of an enlightened being. Other vajras placed on the corners of the building symbolize the indestructible qualities of an enlightened mind.
Precious materials are employed throughout the temple structure, for instance the gold-leafed roof of the lantern tower, and the gold-impregnated glass windows. The use of such precious metals reflects the preciousness of the Buddha’s teachings, especially when put into practice.

Inside the Kadampa Temple for World Peace during a Dorje Shugden initiation in 2012
The interior of the temple is designed to bring peace of mind and cure the sufferings of all who enter. Many auspicious symbols adorn the temple walls, mimicking the Pure Lands of Enlightened Beings. It is in this very temple that countless initiations and dharma teachings have taken place.

One of Geshe-la’s Dharma teachings. Notice the grand Dorje Shugden altar at the far right
The temple’s main shrine features the largest bronze Buddha Shakyamuni statue in the West. To the left sits Maitreya (embodying the enlightened mind) while on the right is Manjushri (embodying enlightened wisdom), both manifesting as Buddha’s disciples. Further left is a magnificent Lama Tsongkapa statue and his two heart disciples.

The Dorje Shugden shrine in the Kadampa Temple for World Peace
Moving further right, one will see a magnificent protector shrine hosting the five different forms of Dorje Shugden. The largest statue is Duldzin, the main emanation of Dorje Shugden, surrounded by his other four emanations.
The NKT are known for their strong faith in the protector, and have never given up his practice despite the negative press and countless threats they have received from the Dalai Lama and the Tibetan community over time. Instead of succumbing to the ban on Dorje Shugden, the students of Geshe Kelsang Gyatso were one of the first to take an active stance against the ban by forming the Shugden Supporters Community and the Western Shugden Society, to reveal the truth and educate the public on Dorje Shugden’s true enlightened nature.

Gen-la Kelsang Dekyong, the Spiritual Director & Resident Teacher in Manjushri KMC
Like many of NKT’s Dharma centres, Manjushri KMC has their very own home grown resident teachers. This is significant because not only is it an auspicious sign that the Dharma is flourishing in their center, but it is also, in a practical sense, easier for the public to relate to the Dharma when taught by a teacher that comes from similar roots.
Gen-la Kelsang Dekyong is the Spiritual Director and Resident Teacher of Manjushri KMC. A student of Geshe-la for more than 30 years, Gen-la’s deep trust in her spiritual guide and her vast experience of teaching thousands of people across the globe in many of NKT’s branch centres has shaped her into the leader that Manjushri KMC needed. Highly respected amongst the ordained and lay people of the centre, Gen-la continues to manage the centre on behalf of her teacher, guiding people along a spiritual path that will ultimately bring them to liberation.
Manjushri KMC also offers a variety of Dharma programs that cater for Buddhists of all levels – day courses or weekend retreats for casual practitioners to extensive retreats, empowerments and teacher training programs for the serious practitioner. Due to the extreme kindness of Geshe Kelsang Gyatso and his close disciples who have worked tirelessly to translate essential Tibetan scriptures into the English language, Western Buddhists now have this precious chance to be learned Buddhist scholars.

All ready for an event in Manjushri KMC

The vibrant spiritual community in Manjushri KMC
Manjushri KMC is also a full fledged retreat centre that conducts meditation and retreat courses, and is equipped with all the necessary facilities including accommodation, a dining area, communal spaces, and even a gift shop, where Buddhist art, statues and supplies can be purchased.
Manjushri KMC even have their own art department where Buddha statues and Buddhist art are produced. The temples built under the auspices of the International Temples Project receive their statues directly from this art studio. And for those who are not inclined towards study or meditation, Manjushri KMC’s structured volunteer program offers a choice of other activities including cleaning, cooking, gardening, and more.
We at are extremely delighted to see the teachings of Losang Drakpa and Atisha flourishing in the west; and the practice of our great protector Dorje Shugden touching the lives of many. May Manjushri Kadampa Meditation Centre turn the wheel of Dharma and continue to expand their reach to many more countries around the world.
Contact Manjushri KMC
Address: Conishead Priory
Priory Road (A5087 Coast Road)
Cumbria LA12 9QQ
United Kingdom
Email: [email protected]
Tel: +44 (0)1229 584029
Fax: +44 (0)1229 580080

A great place for spiritual communities to gather

A conducive environment for your spiritual needs

Taking a peaceful stroll to the Kadampa Temple for World Peace

Peace and tranquility

The gift shop in Manjushri KMC

Twice a year, Manjushri KMC hosts the Kadampa Festival, an international celebration of modern Buddhism attended by thousands
August 30, 2014
Wow….. KMC is indeed a beautiful place. The prayer hall is very nicely done up which is the brainchild of Geshe-la. The whole place feels so serene and peaceful. Such an ideal place to learn and cultivate. I really hope that I could go there one day to attend the classes.
Of course i also love the Duldzin statue. He looks so grand. Definitely he has protected NKT and continued blessing the centre to grow. They have not given up their practice from the beginning despite facing strong objections from the Dalai Lama.
August 31, 2014
Why is it NKT people, monks, nuns and students never compliment, recognize or rejoice in the other Dorje Shugden monasteries in the world?
Why is it NKT people never compliment, publish, rejoice, share or speak of other Dorje Shugden lamas and centres?
Why does NKT only speak of themselves and no one else?
August 31, 2014
WOW indeed ! I hope there will be many many more such beautiful centres all over the world practising the teachings of the Great Tsongkhapa ! And of course with the most suitable Protector practice of our present times, DS !
August 31, 2014
You see, NKT will never promote or rejoice in anyone else’s works. There are so many great lamas and teachers in and out of Tibet that all should know about especially during the time of this ban that we can rejoice in, but NKT will never share. After all if Tsongkapa’s teachings are made to flourish by different teachers and centres, NKT should rejoice right?
I attend Trijang Rinpoche’s talks in Vermont and NKT will not even acknowledge the incarnation of the current Trijang Rinpoche. Are we saying reincarnation doesn’t exist now or highly attained lamas cannot reincarnate back to continue with their works?
If you see their websites, their members social media pages, or anything they talk about, it is only about themselves. They never share anyone else’s works and never mention it as it has to be only NKT. This is my first time here on this site and I surprised this site promotes NKT.
No other Tibetan lama, centre, monastery or news will ever be shared by NKT or their members. Never. You figure out why? The answer should be clear.
Carol W. McQuil
August 31, 2014
Let me attempt to explain.
NKT uses the other Gelug teachers and centres for their advantage. On facebook, if you write or post anything on them and them only, they will ‘like’ it. But if you post on any other great teacher practicing Gelug or Dorje Shugden, your ‘lucky’ if a few of them will even like it. Why? Because that is Geshe Kelsang’s policy. That is why I left NKT and joined up with Gangchen Rinpoche. Gangchen Rinpoche even praises Geshe Kelsang, but I’ve never heard Geshe Kelsang praise any other current teachers. I am not trying to create a rift here between Gangchen Rinpoche and Geshe Kelsang only pointing out the fact that NKT should have more self confident to speak of other lamas of our tradition.
Kelsang Jigme
August 31, 2014
I’ve approached the seniors of NKT in the past and they told me everything we need is perfectly embodied in the teachings of Geshe Kelsang Rinpoche and therefore we need not seek it anywhere else. We should be firm with our guru devotion and practices and not necessary to mix it with others. That was the answer I received when I attended a summer festival.
August 31, 2014
Nkt and Kelsnag Gyasto is wrong and detstry dharma . They never speak other lama becase they are jealous. They only belive themself because they are cult. if not cult they will share of other too.
NKT survivor
August 31, 2014
Everything in NKT looks good on the surface. It’s only when you join and understand more you will be brainwashed or leave. I left and I am fine now. Their members will even private message very rude and threatening messages to frighten you. Ironically I still practice Dorje Shugden.
August 31, 2014
I rejoice for the success of NKT in benefiting so many people and not abandoning the practice of Dorje Shugden. I believe that when Geshe la stands firm on his guru devotion, many blessings will come and dharma will flourish as a result. Thank you Geshe la and all NKT students for making this stand and inspiring all of us to always have guru devotion.
Michael Brown
August 31, 2014
All the information on this and all dhogyal websites are created by Kundeling lama. Kundeling speaks very good English and has many students in Europe who are fanatically against HH Dalai Lama. Kundeling:
Kundeling does all the informational mailing to many organizations around the world in the futile attempt to destroy the reputation of the Dalai Lama. Kundeling was ‘recognized’ as a reincarnation by Lama Gangchen in Italy. They all join forces with NKT to defame Dalai Lama using dhogyal. This is all confirmed by monks of Sera Mey Monastery. Beware of these ‘lamas’.
September 1, 2014
Michael, what do you have against Kundeling Rinpoche? Just because he speaks good English? Virtually all of NKT speak good English. Kindeling Rinpoche has suffered so much and compared to what he has been through, Rinpoche has said relatively little about the Dalai Lama. And if he did, what of this site is found to be wrong? The Dalai Lama has made so many enemies over the decades and some of them are even in his close circles and yet it is always Kundeling Rinpoche that is blamed for everything. Please stop pointing fingers!
Michael Brown
September 1, 2014
Wake up and be realistic. Kundeling had said innumerable negatives about the Dalai Lama. He even had false lies printed in the Indian papers against the Dalai Lama. He did his best to get the Dalai Lama to court:
What did Kundeling suffer? He has a 10 acre villa in South India. Complete with chapel, living quarters, servants, guest quarters and huge garden area.
He escaped out of the Tibetan areas because he insulted and hurt many people’s sentiments by being so belligerent against Dalai Lama. Many were not happy with him.
I have nothing personal against him, but I don’t respect him and his work he is doing here on this website to continuously defame the Dalai Lama. He continues his work against the Dalai Lama. You should go to the FB page WE NEED TO TALK ABOUT SHUGDEN and get more information.
September 2, 2014
Dear Carol and KC,
Carol you did bring up an interesting point. However though I am not following Lama Gangchen he is a great great lama, I love to look at picture of Lama Gangchen. Lama Gangchen’s previous incarnation built Borobudur. Lama Gangchen will not be offended in any manner as he is a Buddha.
I can’t understand the policy of Geshe Kelsang and NKT. I vouch a theory though, the Western people and most nations if we have observed had discarded Christianity and they believe in any thing but Christianity. And Westerners have changed elements of that faith that sometimes people question how much of that spirit of Christianity remains till this day from 2000 years ago.
Given that the Western people can turn things upside down or when they feel like it do as they like American style, guns blazing or post modernistic way anything goes. Perhaps to keep discipline, to know and follow one Spiritual Director, one lineage. NKT appeals more to the Western minds it seems. Plus given that guru devotion is kind of antithesis to all how the Western mind operates which, in most part like to oppose authority or anti government, challenge conventions which contributed to science and innovation of course, perhaps to follow on Lama is the most optimal way for them given their rapid expansion.
Will things remain the same later, is anyone’s guess. Organisations are living, they can choose to change when the time is right or forced to. Organisations are like an living organism. I have read some of the NKT literature it is light, very contemporary feeling and easier to contemplate and digest and NKT has started to give Lamrim books to Shar Gaden children, so perhaps things are changing. History shows that NKT broke away from FPMT and thy have survive on their own, and NKT brings peace to many people, so perhaps NKT is still Work In Progress. NKT has surpassed FPMT in all aspects.
Nasruddin Hodja
September 2, 2014
All should be aware to read up about NKT before joining. There is massive amount of online literature on the damage they have done to individuals. My sister was one of them.
They have nuns that eat meat in their rooms, monks that enjoy pornography and monks who pose as one person on social media with huge anger management issues by day and dharma teachers by night in Tara Centre by night.
September 2, 2014
i am following another Lama, but for sure Geshe Kelsang is doing an incredible job to spread Buddhism and Dorje Shugden practice, for the benefit of this world: so why should we criticize, if they have their own ways??
September 2, 2014
Michael Brown, I have been to We Need To Talk About Shugden. What of it? It’s just a bunch of angry people egging each other on and looking stupid in the process. The same people turned on the Dalai Lama before they became NKT haters. Now they are biting the hand that fed them dharma. Just like the Dalai Lama. How can anyone trust these people who clearly have no integrity? It doesn’t seem like they stand for anything real and therefore will fall for anything that catches their deluded fancy. Also their methods seem very similar to those of the Dalai Lama and his band of gangsters passing off as a government of a non existing country, which is to divide and rule . Looking at what they bare doing now to the Shugden camp? Throwing accusations and creating chaos amongst NKT people. And you expect me to believe them?
Michael Brown
September 2, 2014
Thom, What is so great about NKT? Why are you so driven to highlight them as some messianic solution to all of our problems? Have you ever joined them or participated in their activities over time? They only look good but when you get to the inner sanctums, it’s corrupt, controlled by a power hungry ‘Geshe’ Kelsang and have nothing better to do but protest the Dalai Lama? I mean get real, go do your meditations, rituals and learnings. Try to get enlightened if what you teach is so accurate. NKT is not recognized nor respected by any Buddhist organization throughout the world. That says a lot in itself. Everyone can’t be wrong can they?
September 2, 2014
Michael Brown, everything Kundeling Rinpoche says here or anywhere else is the truth and easily verifiable. It is strange that you should be more interested in who runs the site than the contents herein which are irrefutable. You can’t attack the truth so you now attack him who speaks the truth. Shame on you!
September 2, 2014
@KC/@anonymous: I and my friends some of who are NKT practitioners have been helping other DS monasteries/practitioners. Check out also Gen-la Khyenrab’s Facebook praising non-NKT places/people. I’ve done lots of donations to non-NKT people/places. Facebook pages of non-NKT DS groups/monasteries have hundreds “likes” from my friends many of who are NKT practitioners. We’re happy especially in our hearts about all that. Recently Geshe-la authored and donated of The Oral Instructions of the Mahamudra book, written in Tibetan, to hundreds of non-NKT monks.
@Carol: I rejoice you met a precious path with Gangchen Rinpoche _()_ Geshe-la says at the beginning of Modern Buddhism ebook: “Today we can see many different forms of Buddhism, such as Zen and Theravada Buddhism. All these different aspects are practices of Buddha’s teachings, and all are equally precious.”
@Kelsang Jigme: + Geshe-la encourages us to study different paths (not just NKT’s) and progress in one that we like. (I paraphrased here but he said it very clearly that we should study different paths – non-NKT’s including – and try the one that we’re happy with.)
@NKT survivor: I’m glad the situation is better now.
@Edaw: _()_
@Nasruddin Hodja: for me that is very, very hard to see that ever happening in any of the NKT centres in Europe that I’ve studied/practised in, in my life… seen lots, lots of compassion and wisdom and not a single moment of seeing anyone eating meat or watching pornography – almost unimaginable with the people that I’ve been with
In a college, yes, in a NKT centre, not really. I realise that some lay/ordained teachers/practitioners do really bad things like all that and in these cases, the centre/NKT try and address the situation.
@JD: _()_ who is this Lama that you’re following?
@Michael Brown: I and many of my relatives/friends have been, deeply grateful to Geshe-la and his many teachers/students – we have studied and practised the path of compassion and wisdom. Some of my relatives and friends have become unbelievable, true Bodhisattvas – be great for you to meet them.
September 2, 2014
Just to clarify, the comments posted above by “Kelsang Jigme” were not posted by me. I’m not at all sure why anyone would pose as me, and I’m sure there must be other people (from Tibet, Nepal, Bhutan, etc.) called Kelsang Jigme, but as far as I know I’m the only one so far in the NKT!
I also live at Tara Centre and I don’t know anybody who eats meat in their room, or who pretends to have anger management issues!
I suspect that there might be a few people posting dishonestly here.
Best wishes,
September 2, 2014
@Nasrudin Hoja In all religion there are people not adhering to the religion, so does it invalidate a faith or belief system? We should evaluate a system of teaching not just by looking at its practitioners. We have to check it for ourselves like how Lama Yeshe always says. Is it logical, when we apply it does it help us in any way, does the teachings benefit?
September 3, 2014
Rejoice for whoever that involved in this project I must said very beautiful very grand yet a lot of tradition that still remain in the center. The retreat center are so well organize very beneficial for people who engage the retreat the place is so relax and tranquility .
September 3, 2014
I find it sad that some people are using this article to sound off about their negative views of the NKT. I myself always rejoice in pure Dharma activities of any tradition. It’s not good to criticise other traditions – as Geshe Kelsang said in an interview with Tricycle magazine in 1998:
“Each tradition has its own uncommon good qualities, and it is important not to lose these. We should concentrate on our own tradition and maintain the good qualities of our tradition, but we should always keep good relations with each other and never argue or criticize each other. What I would like to request is that we should improve our own traditions while maintaining good relations with each other.”
September 3, 2014
dear Ben,
I (..try to) follow Lama Gangchen Rimpoche
thank you for your peaceful messages
all the best!
September 3, 2014
I take that back about “Kelsang Jigme” posing as me! I’ve seen some of his or her other comments on other posts and it’s clear that he or she is Tibetan, and not “posing as me” at all! I did wonder why on earth anyone would want to…
I apologise for my self-importance and for jumping to conclusions; I think I was a bit flummoxed by Nasruddin’s strange comments about people at Tara Centre!
September 3, 2014
Hello Everyone
That is such a lovely article about Manjushri, it’s such a beautiful place, many people have worked very hard to restore it. It is such good news that so many new temples are springing up all over the world. I think this shows that despite negative comments the NKT must be bringing thousands of people a great deal of happiness, otherwise this tradition would not be growing as quickly as it is.
I know that I am very happy with our wonderful spiritual guide and teachers. I also know that in any large organisation there are going to be problems between people, some people will not be happy with the NKT and they will hopefully find happiness elsewhere.
I would encourage people that haven’t been to any NKT teachings to come along and try it for yourselves, make up your own mind. Geshe La always says, don’t accept everything that is said to you, check it for yourself.
May everyone be happy, wherever they go and in whatever they do.
September 4, 2014
Rejoice for all the efforts & hard work of the NKT people, especially Ven. Geshe Kelsang Gyatsothe the founder & spiritual guide of the New Kadampa Tradition. Geshe-la’s skillfull means in presenting the ancient Buddhist teaching in a contemporary style in many ways has brought great success & benefits to the practitioners of the Western World. This clearly exhibits his attainments, wisdoms & compassion in spreading the Dharma wherever he goes.
The centre’s studies & practices are focus on the Lamrim & the protector Dorje Shugden has again shown their strong guru devotion & pure lineage practice which is the very basis of the Gelug tradition. Hence the growth & flourishing of so many NKT centres around the world.
Thank you for sharing this wonderful & inspiring articles. May the teachings of Atisha & Lama Tsongkhapa continue to flourish & benefits many; and the practice of Dorje Shugden bring all the resources necessary for the growth of the Dharma.
January 12, 2015
Hi Sangha,
I can confirm that dozens and dozens of NKT members support other Traditions and, in particular Dorje Shugden lineages, that are suffering due to the illogical ban. They may not shout about it, but you can be confident that this support is happening through mental, verbal and physical activity. Only recently Geshe Kelsang showed his support of this website which endowed the worldwide sangha with much cohesion and spiritual power.
Geshe Kelsang is not power hungry, it is laughable to even suggest that considering he very rarely even expresses his opinion unless it is to teach or help someone with a dharma issue, or overcome an obstacle to virtue.
Please do not be fooled by the deceptive nature of some commenters on these pages who try to start a rift between Dorje Shugden sangha. We are stronger than that – because of our wish to help others.
With love
A fellow DS practitioner.
Jendrik Rohsius
May 27, 2016
I come to the Manjushri Kadampa Buddhist Centre at least twice a year, visiting for retreats, weekend courses and festivals. I enjoy meeting the positive and happy people from all walks of life and countries, learn about meditation and training my mind or just go for a stroll down the beach or a swim in nearby lakes. It is a pure and peaceful spiritual place. Highly recommend it for a visit!
August 23, 2016
Manjushri Kadampa Meditation Centre in Ulverston, Cumbria in North West England looks really regals andd yet calm at the same time, so very serene and perfect for a meditation centre. Kadampa Temple for World Peace has been carefully designed and built to reflect the meaning and symbolism behind it.
And, most important of all, NKT has kept their faith in Dorje Shugden and brought the practice to England for the benefit of many and also spread the pure teachings of Lama Tsongkhapa.
At the core of it all, the Buddhadharma is the most important of all, not any naysayers nor mischief makers hell bent of causing schism within the Sangha and Tibetan Buddhism practitioners.