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By: Alexis Trabuio
Never in our wildest imaginations would we have expected to see this happen in Tibet, and perpetrated by Tibetans themselves. This shocking video shows a large group of Tibetans dumping a statue of a lama into a river from the back of a truck. The Tibetan language caption in the video states that it was a statue of the 14th Dalai Lama being thrown into the river in the Rigong area in Amdo, Tibet.
Even more shocking is the fact this all took place in Amdo, which is the province where the Dalai Lama was born and usually where his support is the strongest. The video is now circulating throughout various social media platforms.
It is more than obvious that the Tibetans are very unhappy with the Dalai Lama. They do not trust or believe in him any more as his policies keep changing. They simply cannot believe what he says. The Dalai Lama was once adored and even worshipped; he was the hope for all Tibetans. But now, both Tibetans inside and outside Tibet have lost their faith in him, and even wonder if he will ever return to Tibet as he promised.
It is true that the throwing away of lama effigies is not unheard of. In Tibetan Buddhism, there are long life rituals involving effigies of lamas or sponsors being destroyed, to represent the destruction of obstacles to the lama’s or sponsor’s long life. However, such long life ceremonies are solemn affairs accompanied by ritual instruments, chanting and prayers, ritual music as well as monks in robes. They are not marked by whoops and cheers of joy from lay people gathered to witness the lama’s or sponsor’s effigy being so callously thrown into a river. Many Tibetans who have watched the video have commented that the Dalai Lama’s karma is catching up to him for what he has done in the past.
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As to exactly what karma they are referring to, it has not been explicitly mentioned but in the past, the Dalai Lama has instructed others to stop their practice of Dorje Shugden, claiming him to be an evil spirit that causes harm to the so-called Tibetan cause. The supposed “advice” from the Dalai Lama then turned into an excuse for a rampage as Dalai Lama followers attacked Shugden practitioners in places like Dharamsala. Monks were expelled from their monasteries, practitioners were ostracized and their homes ransacked for anything related to Shugden practice, which was to be destroyed. Some monasteries even threw out their sacred Dorje Shugden statues that were consecrated by high lamas.

The Dorje Shugden statue at Phelgyeling Monastery in Nepal, made by the Fifth Dalai Lama
For example, in Gaden Choeling Nunnery which is located in Dharamsala, they even tied a rope to the neck of their Dorje Shugden statue and dragged it out into the street. They spat and sat on the statue before breaking it into pieces and throwing it onto a garbage dump in the town. This particular statue was consecrated by Kyabje Trijang Rinpoche, Kyabje Ling Rinpoche, Kyabje Zong Rinpoche and Kyabje Rato Rinpoche.
The nuns were later heavily criticized for stepping on the holy mantras contained within the statue. But, in the first place, it was on the Dalai Lama’s so-called “advice” against Dorje Shugden practice that these nuns broke their samaya with these lamas by destroying something so blessed. So perhaps this is karma coming back full circle, as the same is happening now with statues of the Dalai Lama.
Footage of the Dorje Shugden statue being removed
from Gaden Choeling Nunnery to be destroyed
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Every day we hear of more and more Tibetans giving up their belief in the Dalai Lama and what he says. Not only are Tibetans in Tibet and Dharamsala quickly losing respect and patience for the spiritual leader, but even Indians are too. This is definitely not a good sign. The question remains, will we see more images of the Dalai Lama being destroyed? Is this the end of the love and respect that the untouchable, unassailable Dalai Lama has received for so many years? Recent opinions definitely indicate that the Dalai Lama’s popularity has taken a turn for the worse and with the dumping of the Dalai Lama statue in the river, there is definitely no turning back. This really is the beginning of the end.
Indians tweeting about the Dalai Lama
Below are some examples of comments from Indians who are extremely unhappy and increasingly fed up with the Dalai Lama and Tibetans in exile. Never has public opinion of the Dalai Lama sunk so low to this level.
March 31, 2018
India is saying “no thank you” to the Tibetans, who are quickly losing their standing. India would rather make China happy for security in the region, as well as political and economic harmony.
1. “Thank you India” events held this weekend caused the Indian government apprehension as to how China is going feel, since China considers Tibetans in-exile to be separatists. On top of this, Tibetans themselves are highly embarrassed at the situation, given that their supposedly landmark events were so small.
2. Mr. Sonam Dagpo, chief organiser for the events and the Tibetan leadership’s spokesperson said that it was “futile” for Tibetans to hold such events. The Indian government had already told their officials not attend.
3. Dr. Jonathan Holslag said India giving in to China was largely symbolic. But that India needs to catch up with China. India needs to something to give them leverage in this situation, and all fingers point to distancing themselves from the Tibetans.
Harold Musetescu
March 31, 2018
Finally articles that point to the real demon the 14th Dalai Lama.
In Tibet their anger is against him and not his puppet CTA.
I have argued for years that the 14th D.L. is the real enemy.
But all people would write about was the evil CTA and never mention the real evil behind the CTA.
Thank you and H.E. Tsem Tulku for identifying the real enemy of Tibet and Dorje Shugden.
Tibetan in NYC
April 1, 2018
I am a Tibetan living in Jackson Heights, NYC. I grew up there. I am involved with some of the Tibetan organizations in NYC and I know for a fact there are many Tibetans especially the younger generation who are very unhappy with HH Dalai Lama’s policies. The Dalai Lama says he has stepped down from politics but far from it, he still talks about politics at every gathering, religious ceremony and opportunity. Tibetans know he is in charge fully behind the scenes. We are torn. Being comfortable with freedom of speech having grown up in USA, we tend to express the good and the bad about everything and people. But when it comes to the Dalai Lama, our parents and elders frown upon criticizing the Dalai Lama. Our parents are frustrated with many of Dalai Lama’s ‘mistakes’ and ‘blunders’ too but tend to speak up about it in closed circles or in hush-hush tones. It is just like in many dictator states, where people will air grievances about their leaders secretly for fear of backlash against them or their families. It is just like that within the Tibetan communities around the world and more so in India and Nepal. I have relatives in India and in Tibet and I know for a fact many are unhappy with the Dalai Lama. Some have outright lost all confidence in him.
Seeing this effigy of Dalai Lama thrown into the water is a surprise, but I think we will see more of it as the Tibetans are learning to speak out. I think we will see more of it now and after the Dalai Lama passes, even more will dare to speak out against the Dalai Lama. The Tibetans are interesting in that once, one person sets an example of something not done before, others will soon follow suit.
This short video of Dalai Lama’s effigy thrown into the river has gone viral in the social media of the Tibetan world.
Around the world many burn effigies of their leaders to express their unhappiness. This throwing Dalai Lama effigy into the river reminds me of the same expression of sentiment. 😖
May 1, 2018
Though I am not a tibetan, we live in harmony with tibetans frens in Bhutan. I have not seen Dalia lama but yet would like to say some few words to quench my thirst against all the accusation. I can understand the Indian . for Dalia Lama to go back for they have no reason of speeding Buddhism. It sounds like a lot of commotions. For Indian, their dream is to become super power so their is no chance for religion. Dear… You live in New York…. And you are talking Bull shit… It’s ok that you do not belief but at-least don’t sway your community from Buddhism. Think how the consequences landed you NYC.
A well wisher…. I do not know if Dalia Lama is heavenly or not… But I trust and believe in the principals of Lord BUDDHA…..
Sara Sha
April 1, 2018
What on earth? Is this is for real? It’s bloody shocking! I mean yes I do not agree with the Dalai Lama’s ban on Dorje Shugden and I do admit seeing HH keep on saying really stupid things to irk people, like saying Buddha is from India and angered an entire nation – Nepal. But still, I would never expect this especially coming from Tibet itself!
You’d think people in Tibet would have the deepest respect for the Dalai Lama and would be worshipping him instead of throwing his image/statue/whatever into the river! Wow u know what this means, more and more Tibetans are losing their faith in him, less trust. So this would mean CTA will no be able to use Dalai Lama’s name to easily get support and manipulate or bully people into obeying them. In this way, I am happily looking forward to that, but sad to see this hostility shown by the Dalai Lama. This is really shocking!
Tibetan in NYC said highlighted something and I also believe this will be the case, “The Tibetans are interesting in that once, one person sets an example of something not done before, others will soon follow suit.” It is quite sad to see this, so I hope more will speak up peacefully and His Holiness would actually listen and do something/say something to unite his people and bring them so peace.
May 1, 2018
I presume people in NYC with their present status feel that they are too well of and comments with their past grieve. No matter how your status are please remember that root was your foundation. There are still ways to correct that… Go home and see…..
Well wisher…..
April 2, 2018
Most Shugdenpas is Tibet still respect HH, even if they may not agree with him on everything. The Tibetan subtitle just says the statue is being put out into the water. It looks like a གླུད་/glud, that is a ransom offering, that is a effigy of the lama which is then disposed of to remove obstacles to his life and activities. Note that they are also throwing away the thread crosses མདོས་ often used in the ritual. And they are throwing khatas and lungta with the statue. To anyone who has a more detailed knowledge of Tibetan Buddhist ritual practice this just looks like a mass ritual done specifically to benefit the Dalai Lama- if indeed that statue was a statue of the Dalai Lama. It could just as well be the statue of another Gelug lama.
Go Home Tibetans!
April 2, 2018
Even the Tibetans themselves do not care about Tibet anymore 👎
Chewang Ngokhang
April 3, 2018
The formation of a new Asian golden triangle is taking place between China, India and Nepal. These three countries, strategically placed with access to ports, land and natural resources may become a central hub of trade in Asia in the future. Keen to make this golden triangle a reality is India who is shunning the Tibetans. They started with a directive from their Foreign Secretary instructing ministers and officials to avoid Tibetan events.
India is clearly serious about strengthening ties with China in this post-Doklam period but there is a stumbling block in this new relationship – the Tibetans. Instead of always being an obstacle, and since they are hosted by India, Tibetans should actually follow India’s political direction and not get in the way like they have been for decades. It is time for the Tibetans to take responsibility for their own 95,000 people in exile and not just wait for the Dalai Lama to beg for foreign aid on his international trips.
April 3, 2018
The Tibetan leadership is not as innocent as you would think. They are downright ungrateful. They have been using their freedom in India to irritate China and this has created tension between the two Asian countries. But now India is using the Tibetans, this time to improve ties with China instead.
(1) Indian Foreign Secretary Vijay Gokhale met with both the Dalai Lama and Tibetan Prime Minister Lobsang Sangay to tell them to move their ‘Thank you India’ events out of Delhi, as India gears up to please China.
(2) Gokhale told government officials not to attend Tibetan events, but he did not have to write his instructions down. These instructions were leaked. Some think it was intentional and hints at the fact it was both a ploy to let China know that India is changing its stance towards the Tibetans, and to let Tibetans know that it was doing so.
(3) The leak was probably to slight the Tibetan leadership, who even went ahead with their smaller-scale events without coordinating with the Indian ministry.
(4) Samdhong Rinpoche’s secret visit to China last year really irritated the Indian government. If the Tibetan leadership were to accept that Tibet was always a part of China, this would jeopardise the McMahon Line, and call into question India’s entire border with China.
(5) The Tibetan leadership are not shy about stoking the fire during sensitive times. Lobsang Sangay even unfurled the Tibetan flag at Pangong Lake, near India’s border with China. He did this on Indian soil, but what made matters even worse, he did so during the Doklam standoff, when India and China were on the brink of war.
April 4, 2018
Very shocking!Whatever it is we shd not throw holy items.Very bad karma.DL is buddha & respect by many.What he said must have his own reasons.He is buddha no karma to suffer.How stupid to think that his karma catching up.Ppl who throw holy items suffer the negative karma whether buddhist or not.Tibetans very shallow.They believe everything DL & CTA said about DS practice then when they don’t like what DL & CTA say now they throw holy items.Ppl must not behave like not educated.What ppl practice is up to them must show respect to ppl.What kind of world this ppl live in.
Dondrup Shugden
April 4, 2018
As mentioned by Bambi it is indeed very negative karma to throw Holy images in such a unceremonious way. But then people are people and very reactive to their emotions.
Whether Dalai Lama is a Buddha or not and whether we are able to understand his inconsistent policies within the scope of a bigger picture beyond our comprehension, personally I do not agree to the grief that he has caused by decreeing the ban on Dorje Shugden. This is a non political issue. The ban on Dorje Shugden caused sufferings to many Tibetans among Dalai Lama’s flock of followers. This in itself is against the Buddhist practice of compassion. And it has been on for 20 years.
If the Dalai Lama being a Buddha has no karma then it is the return of Karma of the CTA who are his executioners of the Dorje Shugden ban.
I do not think throwing Dalai Lama’s statue in such a crude manner is good manners but then on the flip side of the coin, I rejoice that for once Tibetans have the courage to say ENOUGH is ENOUGH instead of being silent underdogs. Maybe living amongst Chinese, Tibetans have learnt some level of bravery and courage.
Tenzin K
April 4, 2018
At one point many people listen and follow what Dalai Lama said. Example of Dorje Shugden ban which created so much suffering. Now people throwing Dalai Lama statue and have no faith in him. Does it mean people in Amdo do not need or support Dalai Lama anymore since close to 60 years the new generation may not really feel much of Dalai Lama and they have been under China for the past years.
Geraldine Sarie
April 4, 2018
In my opinion, whether you are HHDL followers or not, in any religious path we are thought to be respect on others though we strongly disagree or anger at the person. This is the very basic knowledge on spiritual path. Throwing holy items into river, destroying statues are really, really bad karma. Things can be sort out in polite way but not ill-mannered way. On contrary, I would wonder those people who was doing this, were really HHDL followers. Besides, if you a staunch Buddhist practitioner holding vows, would you spat and destroy holy items because you dislike and angry at it?
Tenzin Sangye
April 4, 2018
Tibetan ready hate Dalai Lama,. Is sad too see such sily action throwing His Holineness statue to river. What Dalai Lame fright for over 60 year to protect Tibetan yet they can do such thing to Dalai Lama without anu respect. This is totally dharma has regenerate down. We can said is Dalai Lama karma to putting ban on Dorje Shugden throwing his statue , but without Dalai Lama, tibetan buddhism would not be able separate to the world.
Make Peace Not War
April 4, 2018
I always told people who do not agree with Dorje Shugden practice to leave them alone, there is no need to criticize or to attack them, because you don’t believe in Dorje Shugden doesn’t mean other people also do not believe, we don’t have to interfere other people’s believe or their way of living, if you can accept we practice Dorje Shugden then we can be friend, but if you cannot accept, then just leave me and continue with your living, why want to create unnecessary suffering for yourself and myself and other people?
Similarity, if anyone who does not believe in Dalai Lama or does not like him or does not accept him, then just keep yourself away and continue with your living, if you don’t want his statues, then give it to other people who accepts him, there is no need to do this which I will never agree.
If we call ourselves Dalai Lama followers, if we call ourselves Dorje Shugden practitioners, if we call ourselves Buddhist, then we should know the cause and effect for committing such act and what type of negative karma we are creating. We should always look for peace and harmony, not war or disasters.
April 4, 2018
It was a shocking news for me, Dalai Lama statue thrown into river in Tibet..!! To Tibetan peoples, why you wanna thrown a High Reincarnation Lama Statue in river? Don’t your guys think how’s Dalai Lama helps Tibet?
I am here’s to wish The 14th HHDL live long and please lift the ban of Dorje Shugden practice.
Brian Little
April 4, 2018
Wow blimey, really didn’t see this coming. Tibetans couldn’t help but hate Dalai Lama these days? Was this out of frustration of real hopelessness or just plain angry to CYA who did nothing to help them with their welfare?
April 4, 2018
在60年前,画了一个大饼,所有西藏人都很开心。60年后,看不到任何有利于藏族,更看不到未来, 看到的是西藏行政中央的贪污和滥用政治权力禁止多杰雄登,搞到人民分裂,难道还要继续被愚弄,仍然保持沉默吗?我任然尊重达赖喇嘛,前提是请尊重信仰自由。
April 4, 2018
It is very sad how things have evolved but this is happening and it shows how desperate the Tibetans are.
The Dalai Lama should find a way to go and help his people in Tibet. The CTA should be in Tibet instead of hanging around in India!
It is very much shocking I agree and I hope that the Dalai Lama will take action to give the Tibetans hope back.
April 4, 2018
Every thing happen for a reason, hence,it’s called cause and effect / karma.
April 6, 2018
karma comes back… HHDL should know better than anyone of us.
April 4, 2018
Indeed shocking! Of all statues, the Dalai Lama? Surely Tibetans are really getting annoyed and angry with the Dalai Lama, whom they rever and fondly called the God King. Else why this unprecedented action. Tibetans know the Dalai Lama and the CTA are one – CTA do the bidding of the Dalai Lama, and the Dalai Lama turns a blind eye to the corrupt ways of the CTA. I scratch your back, you scratch mine.
Belinda Mae
April 6, 2018
I couldn’t believe my eyes when I read this article. What is happening? Followers of H.H Dalai Lama in Amdo , Tibet threw statue of Dalai Lama into the river? Have they lost faith? Have they lost trust? I guess they just too tired listening to promises which will never happen.
April 6, 2018
Jing Jing
April 6, 2018
HHDL used to be the hero and the god of Tibet. Tibetans inside and outside. Disappointment one after another for the last 60 years to show no result but talk. 150 Tibetans burned themselves to death yet nothing happen. Vietnam took only one monk’s life to stop the war. I can only say, for the last 60 years, the tibetans are longing for the independent and HHDL to return home but the truth is HHDL and the CTA are enjoying themselves out there and forgot about the people. On top of all the sufferings they have, they are being torn apart from their family, friends and being discriminate for the last 20 years due to the not logical ban of Dorje Shugden. Even so Tibetans still support HHDL even given up their lives for him. Well, by look at the situation now, other than throwing his statue to the river to show their anger and unhappiness to him, they are hurt, extremely disappointed, at the end they will all give up on him.
Richard TamLak
April 7, 2018
This already proven all. Even the people from the Dalai Lama birth place also don’t believe what he says anymore. We all know that throwing one’s name on the floor, throwing one’s thing that represent that person on the floor or even in river doesn’t show respect. By doing this, can see that the Tibetans are really fed up of their leader. They even can do that to the Dalai Lama statue who was once their most respect Lama, then who is Lobsang Sangay?
Kalsang Norbu
April 7, 2018
During the international security conference in Moscow, India’s Defence Minister Nirmala Sitharaman met with her Chinese counterpart Wei Fenghe on the sidelines. Although no official details of the meeting are available, it is understood that the geopolitical security is one of the main concerns and border issues between the two countries were discussed.
With the Dalai Lama’s wish for Tibet to remain in China, the topic of Tibetan independence can no longer be used to maintain India’s geopolitical security. Hence India is now taking a more proactive approach in directly negotiating practical solutions with China.
So not only did the Central Tibetan Administration (CTA) render themselves useless to the Indian government, but this was reaffirmed by the meeting between Sitharaman and Wei – China and India will now deal directly with one another, without the CTA as an interference. So once again, the CTA has proven themselves to be a failure. In publicly stating they wish to be a part of China, the CTA sent a strong message to India that they will do what it takes to become a part of China, and therefore not do anything to support their kind host of 60 years.
At this rate, it won’t be long that the Tibetans are asked to leave India.
Rinchen Nyima
April 11, 2018
The news of Karmapa Ogyen Trinley being allowed by the Central government of India to enter Sikkim is not well received by everyone.
The 3rd claimant to the Karmapa’s throne, Lama Dawa Sangpo Dorjee is challenging Karmapa Ogyen Trinley to be tested for authenticity. Karmapa Ogyen Trinley was recognised by Tai Situpa, a high lama in the Kagyu tradition while Lama Dawa Sangpo Dorjee was identified by Jamgon Kongtrul Rinpoche, another lama in the Kagyu tradition as the incarnation of the 16th Karmapa.
This adds to the messy affair and confusion in the Kagyu lineage as there are 3 Karmapas recognised by 3 different lamas in the Kagyu tradition. Which one is the real one?
April 12, 2018
The Tibetan leadership seems determined to sabotage the union between India and China at a time when it was made known that India is trying hard to mend its relationship with China. Despite being asked to move their Thank You India event out of Delhi and a memo sent to all Indian ministers to not attend any Tibetan event, the Central Tibetan Administration (CTA) insisted on organising such an unnecessary event and went ahead to put up a show. Because of this, India was forced to send representatives to Dharamsala for the event, apprehensive of the potential damage and friction with China.
On top of that, the CTA’s Secretary for the Department of Information and International Relations tried to throw the responsibility of the Tibetan struggle onto India with the public statement that India is the foundation of the Tibetan cause. So, not only have they freeloaded off India for 60 years, they want to now dump their issues with China on India. This desperation must have arisen since the US no longer sees the value of the Dalai Lama and the Tibet card in their geopolitical negotiations with China.
Is that how the Tibetans “thank” someone they appreciate? Well, India’s message back cannot be any clearer, if Tibetans in exile really want to thank India, then it’s time for them to go back to Tibet.
Samten Dhundup
April 12, 2018
The Dalai Lama’s health has been a concern for many around the world, especially for the Tibetan community. It’s really sad to know that the Dalai Lama last year reported and confirmed that he has prostate cancer, and had to undergo radiation treatment for his condition. It is mentioned here on the Dalai Lama’s own website, confirming his ailment.
It was announced at the end of last month that the Dalai Lama canceled all foreign travel for the rest of the year due to age and exhaustion. Last week, the Dalai Lama was rushed to Delhi for a check up and surprisingly declared fit upon his return. Is the Tibetan leadership trying to cover the truth about the Dalai Lama’s state of health because they want to continue to use him to attract donations and support?
April 12, 2018
In 1992, Tai Situ, a regent of the Karma Kagyu lineage recognized a boy as the 17th Karmapa, endorsed by the Tibetan leadership in Dharamsala. This move went against tradition as the Tibetan leadership has NEVER been involved in the recognition of the Karmapas AND it has been the Shamarpa who is traditionally responsible for recognizing the incarnations of the Karmapa.
As a result of the Tibetan leadership’s involvement, a feud arose between the two candidates’ supporters and split the Karma Kagyu lineage into two factions. One group supported the Sharmapa’s candidate; the other group supported Tai Situ’s candidate because he got the endorsement of the Tibetan leadership.
Tai Situ was subsequently banned from entering India from 1994 to 1998 for his alleged pro-China and anti-India activities, after he travelled frequently to Tibet to enthrone his Karmapa candidate at Tsurphu Monastery, which is the traditional seat of the Karmapas in Tibet.
Because of the Tibetan leadership’s validation of one of the candidates, the two Karmapas situation continues to be unresolved today, with many disputes and scandals. This unprecedented strife destroys the harmony and sanctity of the Karma Kagyu school of Buddhism, all because the Tibetan leadership had to get involved and exert its power, even in matters where it has no authority over.
Today, Rumtek Monastery, the main seat of the Karma Kagyu lineage outside Tibet is not known for its sacred relics, but as a focal point for the sectarian tensions and violence because of the Karmapa rivalry, thanks to the Tibetan leadership.
April 13, 2018
Considering the almost God-like reverence almost all Tibetans have for the Dalai Lama in the past, such drastic turn of event is very telling of the level of their frustration and disappointment. Although any disrespect towards any Sangha is not right but more so for the Dalai Lama considering that Tibetans’ deep-rooted respect and reverence for the Dalai Lama. One can only imagine the seriousness of such frustration and disappointment that compelled the Tibetans to resort to such extreme show of anger and displeasure. It is really sad that more and more Tibetans and even non-Tibetans are losing respect for the Dalai Lama largely due to the failures and unscrupulous actions of the Tibetan leadership. Regardless of whether it is part of the illusory play or otherwise, it is still hard to watch any Sangha being disrespected and treated with disdain.
April 13, 2018
The West has finally recognized that the Dalai Lama, the icon of universal peace, love, and tolerance, is undoubtedly the driving force behind the discrimination and ostracization of Dorje Shugden practitioners around the world. His ‘government’ in exile, the Central Tibetan Administration (CTA) led by Lobsang Sangay, advocates the ‘Tibetan way’ of democracy that is ‘unique’ – they give the order, and the Tibetans are to follow without question. The undemocratic way of firing people from their jobs, expelling monks from the monasteries and prohibiting Dorje Shugden practitioners from attending the Dalai Lama’s talks are just some of the ways used to intimidate the Tibetans to do what the CTA wants.
Clearly, the CTA’s democracy and their ‘noble’ Tibetan cause are just a veil that conceals the underlying hypocrisy and abuse of human rights, which is ironic as they are asking China for the same rights. The religious apartheid, segregation, and discrimination continue to be enforced internationally after two decades, just because the Dalai Lama said so.
Dawa Sangpo
April 13, 2018
Amongst all those who vehemently attack Dorje Shugden practitioners online, one person seems to stand out like a sore thumb – Tenzin Peljor. He is even said to be operating several websites registered under various aliases to negatively influence online discussion regarding the Shugden controversy and sway opinion in his favour. These websites claim to be the premier sources for “authoritative and independent information” on the subject.
It is more than disturbing that a so-called ‘simple’ Buddhist monk is so engrossed in promoting hatred against Dorje Shugden practitioners. Such behaviour is not becoming of a Buddhist monk. His actions caught the attention of to investigate further and what they found was appalling. Hidden behind a monk’s robes, the East German Tenzin Peljor has a complex background including involvement with the Stasi; a huge interest in the dynamics of Nazism, dictatorship, totalitarian systems; and Buddhist cults.
The investigation uncovered the hidden agenda behind his websites and his connections with the leadership of the Tibetans in-exile. Apparently, he was hired to ensure that propaganda ostracizing and persecuting Shugden practitioners continues unabated, even to the level of inciting violence on innocent people.
Ngawang Tsering
April 15, 2018
Professor Robert Thurman’s involvement in #LamaGate is very unbecoming. He even solicited members of Anonymous to hack into legitimate Twitter accounts that he referred to as “Shugden group(s) targeting the Dalai Lama.”
It is amazing that Thurman would risk disgracing the Dalai Lama by committing cybercrime. Hacking is after all a federal crime. His disrespect for the First Amendment of the United States Constitution is dumbfounding. This Amendment is what protects the rights of citizens, including freedom of speech. On top of this, the act of soliciting hackers showcases his malicious intent to cause harm towards the operators of those Twitter accounts.
Why would a professor at Columbia University in New York, the co-founder and president of Tibetan House US, go to the extent of wanting to hire hackers, unless he himself has something to hide?
Thubten Palden
April 15, 2018
It is due to the kindness of the Indian Government that the Dalai Lama and the Tibetans have been living safely in exile. They do not even have to pay a single cent in tax. Some may say it is only fair because the Dalai Lama is not only a refugee but a spiritual leader who speaks about peace and compassion.
If you have followed the Dalai Lama closely, you would have heard of the Dalai Lama’s Charitable Trust. All funds collected during the Dalai Lama’s events and tours go to this single trust. However, recently, questions and doubts were raised by a trustee and it was revealed that the funds were being used like the Dalai Lama’s ‘personal bank account’ even though it was declared a public trust. Severe concerns were raised as to how much of the funds were used to sustain the Dalai Lama’s lifestyle, something that does not conform to the trust’s charitable aims.
This article highlights a very dodgy system that lacks transparency. It is not even clear where the millions of dollars donated to the trust actually go. With the Dalai Lama’s ‘personal emissary’ suspended over allegations of corruption, and a US$1.5 million loan that went ‘missing’ under Sikyong Lobsang Sangay’s administration, will an investigation into the Dalai Lama’s Charitable Trust reveal more dirt on the Tibetan leadership?
Jigme Norbu
April 15, 2018
The supposedly well-known Buddhist scholar and author Robert Thurman of Columbia University and President of Tibet House US actively engages in hate campaigns online. These are meant to ostracize and discriminate against Dorje Shugden practitioners. He is also known to publically solicit hackers to hack into Twitter accounts that belong to people who do not agree with his views. This is something that is a criminal offense according to US law.
Why would someone like Thurman go to the extent of breaking the law over this? What is he hiding? Could his actions be evidence of a deeper plot to keep Tibetans and Tibetan Buddhists divided, perpetrated by the Tibetan leadership that he works for?
Rinchen Wangmo
April 15, 2018
While the Central Tibetan Administration (CTA; the Tibetan leadership based in Dharamsala) are not capable at all of making a positive difference in the lives of Tibetans in-exile, they are more than capable of blaming others for their failures. They like to call critics and those who challenge their authority “Chinese spies”.
The inept CTA hurls this derogatory blame against virtually everyone to distract from the truth that they have turned the Tibetan cause into a hopeless one; scapegoated Dorje Shugden practitioners; persecuted Lukar Jam and his supporters, as well as Mila Rangzen and others. However, even the Tibetans have grown tired of the CTA’s lame excuses. An increasing number of dissatisfied Tibetans have left the exile communities for greener pastures, some have even returned to China. This is a clear indication of how much the CTA has failed their people and how badly managed it is, despite an overwhelming amount of resources, aid, and goodwill from foreign supporters at their disposal.
The CTA has no intention to fight for the welfare and future of the Tibetan people. All the CTA does is lie, manipulate, abuse its power, discriminate, ostracize, embezzle funds and squander Chatrel money (contributions from Tibetans) to persecute those who do not follow or agree with them. Welcome to the CTA’s version of ‘democracy’.
Jamyang Dolma
April 16, 2018
In most parliaments, ministers discuss policies, budgets and legislation that can make a positive impact for their nation. However, in the Tibetan Parliament in-Exile, they talk about a bunch of postcards critical of their poor leadership. Astounding! That is how they plan to ‘save the world’ and lead the Tibetan people back to Tibet? Their intelligence is simply out of this world. It looks like the postcards were right after all, they are extremely ineffective.
Bhuti Kelsang
April 18, 2018
After almost 60 years of living in political limbo, the Dalai Lama is now paving the way for his future and that of his fellow Tibetans in-exile. During a recent Thank You India event in Dharamsala, the Central Tibetan Administration (CTA) President Lobsang Sangay presented the Dalai Lama’s wish to return to Tibet as his “last unfulfilled dream.” Some of the important Indian officials in attendance welcomed this dream and noted their support for the wish to be realized.
However, India has a precarious role to play in pushing for the Dalai Lama’s return to China. India can use the Tibetans to negotiate favourable terms to protect her interests, including the settlement of the Sino-Indian border issues. China’s acknowledgement of Arunachal Pradesh as part of India can be one of those conditions India imposes on the Dalai Lama’s return to the Tibetan Autonomous Region. But the move could back fire, if the Dalai Lama accepts China’s stance that Tibet was never an independent state, but an integral part of China, India may need to concede sections of her northern territory to China. The current border was drawn up between British India and the Tibetan leadership before 1959. If the Dalai Lama was to state that Tibet was never independent, the demarcated border would be moot. The Tibetan leadership would never have had the authority to sign any agreement, nullifying the one that created the border in the first place. Either way, the Dalai Lama and the Tibetans in-exile continue to be a thorn in the relationship between India and China.
The fact that the Tibetan cause was downgraded from one that sought complete independence to one that seeks autonomy is a clear sign that the prospect for a free Tibet is bleak. The CTA has failed. Once the Dalai Lama steps foot on Chinese soil, he would no longer be a ‘refugee’ and Tibet’s fate as a part of China would be completely sealed.
Dawa Tsering
April 19, 2018
More evidence has surfaced regarding His Holiness the Dalai Lama’s Charitable Trust’s dubious activities in India.
The Buddhist Community Centre UK (BCCUK) paid “donations” of £50,000 to the trust for the Dalai Lama’s talk in Aldershot in the UK 3 years ago. This is yet another example against the claim that the Dalai Lama does not charge or receive money for his highly priced and ticketed talks around the world. The other highly infamous case was the US$1 million received for the Dalai Lama’s appearance in Albany in 2009. This actually let to the Dalai Lama’s Trust endorsing the sex-cult leader, Raniere. In addition, a trustee also revealed that the trust is used to transfer profits made from events like this in order to evade tax.
It seems that charities set up in the Dalai Lama’s name show poor levels of accountability, lack transparency in the use of the money raised, and are involved in criminal activity. Millions of dollars are poured into these charities through various Tibetan advocacy groups and foreign NGO’s in an effort to support the ‘Tibetan cause’. It is extremely unethical for these charities to take advantage of the sentiments for Tibetan victims of self-immolations against China, to get money. On top of that they squander the hard-earned cash of donors and treat it like one’s ‘personal bank account’.
Kunchok Gyaltsen
April 20, 2018
China is serious about matters of security. A new website in both Mandarin and English allows members of the public to report incidents which could endanger China’s national security. Nagchu County in the Tibetan Autonomous Region even offers promises of cash rewards for leads on “criminal” activity, including the reporting of organizations or persons advocating “separatism”, and the “abuse of religion, power, and family connections to illegally encroach on property”.
Not only is China stepping up its curbing of national security threats, the legal system is also being improved, providing stronger guarantees for the lawful rights and interests of the public. Earlier this month, China issued a white paper noting that the country adheres to policies on religious freedom, and that China forbids discriminatory behaviour against religion and even ethnicity.
On one hand the Central Tibetan Administration baselessly persecutes Dorje Shugden practitioners as “criminals in history” simple due to their religious beliefs and even blames Shugden practice for the failure of the Tibetan cause. On the other hand, China seems to be sensible when dealing with issues threatening national interests, and does not blame religious practitioners for their woes. Perhaps the Dalai Lama has realised that the Tibetan leadership is useless and that’s the reason why he wants to return to Tibet. China is much better at leadership than the Central Tibetan Administration.
Dalai Lama can't speak against Shugden
April 21, 2018
His Holiness the Dalai Lama has been openly saying he wants to return to Tibet. He has dreams he is in his potala palace with many butterlamps lit and meeting Tibetan people meeting him. Lobsang Sangye says Tibetans should make the Dalai Lama’s dream come true. Members of the Indian govt also says they hope he can go back.The interesting thing is if Dalai Lama goes back to Tibet, he will not be able to speak against Dorje Shugden anymore. Speaking against Dorje Shugden forces people to take sides and segregate. So much disharmony and pain created. The Tibetan leadership have divided their exiled Tibetan communities into two factions due to their illegal ban against Dorje Shugden. Dorje Shugden people are not allowed into Tibetan hospitals, clinics and events since the ban started in 1996. Their children are asked to leave Tibetan schools which was damaging. Dorje Shugden people have suffered tremendous discrimination due to the ban from the Tibetan leadership.
China does not want social disharmony especially in Tibet for whatever reasons. So China does not ban Dorje Shugden but ironically gives religious freedom. Therefore the ban against Dorje Shugden by the Tibetan leadership in exile will not be allowed if Dalai Lama returns to Tibet. In fact, if Dalai Lama and his people want to get on the good side of China to even be considered to visit or return to Tibet, they better stop speaking about Dorje Shugden negatively. The tables have turned. The oppression against Dorje Shugden people have to end now.
Video of His Holiness Dalai Lama expelling monks from monasteries solely because they practice Dorje Shugden. Remember, Dorje Shugden has been practiced in major monasteries for the last 400 years. Dalai Lama in the video says he is happy they are kicked out:
Doreen Park
April 23, 2018
Personally, I don’t think that it is right of these Tibetans to throw the statue of the Dalai Lama into the waters of a river, whatever their frustrations over the way the Free Tibet movement is going. Tibetans have been brought up to revere His Holiness as an emanation of Avalokiteshvara.
Instead they should have vented their frustrations on the Tibetan Leadership. Since their taking over the Leadership of the Government in Exile, they have not even entered into a single negotiation with the Chinese government over Tibet.
April 23, 2018
It is such a sad state of affairs that the statue of the Dalai Lama is thrown into the river with approval from the crowd. The Dalai Lama had my respect for all his teachings of wisdom towards overcoming our neurotic mind for better appreciation of living. This was when I was much younger and knew nothing much about Buddhism except that its a religion of kindness and compassion. However after my fateful connection with my Guru and Tibetan Buddhism, I soon learn the disparity that is practiced by the Tibetan Leaders. Even when the Dalai Lama disengaged himself officially from politics, he is very much entrenched within and his words or “advises” as he puts them, are taken as rule and implemented ruthlessly. The Tibetan Parliament is seemly there to solely enforce his “advises”. Example being that the Dalai Lama “advises” his people not to practice authentic enlightened Dorje Shugden and CTA created so much sufferings for practitioners with discriminations, persecutions, segregations, abuses and some extreme cases resulting in death. Why? All just to distract their people from failures in their promise of return back to Tibet. Sadly, Nechung’s prediction failed yet again. With the world already turning their backs to the Dalai Lama, now even Tibetans are starting to turn their backs at their idolised Dalai Lama. Although I strongly disagree with the lack of religious freedom or democracy practiced by the Tibetan Leaders and feel for the sufferings of Dorje Shugden Lamas and practitioners, especially seeing how my own Guru suffers so much abuses and threats, I would not wish for the Dalai Lama to suffer the fate of Dorje Shugden who had been wronged. Yes, I do however believe in karma coming full circle to those who created it in the first place. May the Tibetan Leaders realise their shameful actions and lift the ban on Dorje Shugden practice and restore people’s rights of practice.
Tenzin Tsundue
April 25, 2018
Samten Lhamo
April 25, 2018
It sure looks like both China and India are determined to achieve successful reconciliation, something that will mark a new milestone in the history of India-China relations. This will continue to impede the Tibetan leadership’s attempts to spew anti-China rhetoric and propaganda. India already began its clampdown on the Tibetans in March, when they banned key Tibetan events, including cancelling celebrations marking the Tibetans’ 60 years in exile, which were going to be held in Delhi.
India changed her strategy after recognising that a hard-line approach with China did not work. Rather, there is much more to gain if Asia’s two giants come together for the common goal of mutual benefit. If all goes well, India may even be the one cutting a deal with China to allow the Dalai Lama’s return to Tibet. After all, the Tibetan leadership in-exile have failed miserably in making progress in this regard. Nonetheless, we know for sure that India will no longer tolerate nonsense from Tibetans in-exile that would jeopardize their relations with China any further.
Karma bhu
April 27, 2018
Did His Holiness the Dalai Lama recognize the wrong Karmapa?
The Karmapas and Sharmapas are spiritually inseparable. Both are fellow holders of the 900-year-old Karma Kagyu lineage, a spiritual tradition that predates the lineage of the Dalai Lamas by over 200 years. They are also responsible for the recognition of each other’s reincarnations. However, in 1992, Tai Situ recognized a Karmapa candidate different from the candidate chosen by the Sharmapa. He effectively overrode centuries of tradition amongst the four Karma Kagyu regents. Tai Situ went ahead and enthroned his own candidate without the Sharmapa’s approval, and received the Dalai Lama’s approval. Therefore, the Dalai Lama may have endorsed the wrong Karmapa.
Due to the Dalai Lama’s endorsement, the Tibetan leadership in Dharamsala acknowledged Tai Situ’s candidate, Ogyen Trinley, as the 17th Karmapa, hosting him at the Gelug lineage’s Gyuto Tantric monastery. They even side-lined the Sharmapa’s candidate, Thaye Dorje. The world’s media were also misled to believe that “the Dalai Lama’s Karmapa” is the sole and legitimate candidate for the position. Until today, thanks to the Tibetan leadership, there is no end in sight to the rift that the Karmapa issue caused within the Karma Kagyu tradition. This long-standing feud occurred because of the Tibetan leadership’s political interference in spiritual matters.
Tsering Wangyal
April 27, 2018
The beginning of the end for Tibetan leadership in India.
The Dalai Lama and Tibetan govt in-exile better be on the alert now. For years they have met politicians, organizations and private individuals while talking negatively about China and painted an ugly picture of China wherever they went to get sympathetic votes and more free aid in dollars. It didn’t work, as the whole world wants to be China’s friend now, even the Indians. Tibet was no Shangrila and the reason they even lost their country back in 1959 was due to their own ineffective and corrupt leadership. It’s their own fault. For the last 60 years living Tax free in India they have still not secured their country back. It shows their lack of abilities and ineptness. Now Prime Minister Modi has landed in China to meet the powerful President Xi. One of the agendas to be discussed is the Dalai Lama and the Tibetans in India. Definitely China will work something out with Modi against the freeloading Tibetan refugees. High time too. Many Indians on social media have called for the Dalai Lama and Tibetans to return home as they have overstayed their welcome in India. Why should India stick their necks out any further for the useless Tibetans? That is how the Indians have rightly complained.
Now with Modi getting closer to China and President Xi, this spells doomsday for the Dalai Lama and the Tibetans. For years the Tibetans have been meddling in Indian politics and insulting China and now the day of reckoning is near. The Tibetan govt in-exile are corrupt, useless, self-serving, schismatic and hateful. For years they have spoken against Dorje Shugden practitioners, segregating them and inciting violence against them in India. Now their karma has returned. The Tibetan govt in-exile likes to call Dorje Shugden pracitioners ‘Chinese spies’ and the funny thing is now the Dalai Lama is nearly begging China to return to Tibet/China. Who is the Chinese spy now?
Now the Dalai Lama and his exiled govt better keep quiet about China and be humble. They better remain silent on the unjust treatment of Dorje Shugden people and ‘allow’ religious freedom. They are losing power and losing support fast. Now the time has come they will have to swallow their own bitter pills they so happily doled out to others previously. Tibetan govt leaders better keep quiet and be humble now. The Tibetan govt in-exile should not have segregated Dorje Shugden people. Now Dorje Shugden people should go and become friends with China and return to Tibet to live also. The Dalai Lama wants to return to Tibet so bad but China does not want him. Too bad. India does not want him either. Too bad. Should have been friends with Dorje Shugden people in order to have more support in the hundreds of thousands. They should not have made trouble. Too bad the Tibetan leadership is so corrupt. So narrow minded, they trampled on their own people’s religious rights. Now we will see who wins. The Tibetan leadership or Dorje Shugden. I have a feeling Dorje Shugden will win.
April 27, 2018
His Holiness on Why a Woman Should Be Very Attractive to Be a Candidate for the 15th Dalai Lama
How come a spiritual leader is commenting on the value of women based on their looks? This is not funny, not intelligent and not politically correct. It is wrong. It is debasing and makes people lose respect for a monk such as Dalai Lama for talking about human beings in this manner.
Tsering Kyi
April 29, 2018
Breaking news!
Well, all the people who was saying China-backed Panchen Lama is fake sure look ridiculous now. They attacked all the Tibetans and supporters who respected the China-backed Panchen Lama calling them all types of dirty and foul names in person and on social media. Calling them China stooges and China paid vulgar names for believing in the China-backed Panchen Lama. Now who looks so ridiculous? Now the Dalai Lama says the China-backed Panchen Lama is good and has a good teacher. If he has a good teacher it means he is turning into a good teacher himself. So he is qualified to teach. The end.
Dalai Lama says the China-backed Panchen Lama is an emanation of the previous Panchen Lama because high lamas can incarnate back as several lamas at the same time. So the Panchen Lama recognized by the Dalai Lama and the China-backed Panchen Lama are both good and both are incarnations of the previous Panchen Lama. How the tables have turned. Now all the people who criticized China-backed Panchen Lama can keep quiet and remember how ridiculous they look now. Listen to what the Dalai Lama says now as of April 2018 about the China-backed Panchen Rinpoche
The Panchen Lama recognized by Dalai Lama is alive and well also according to Dalai Lama himself.
Sonam Rinchen
May 4, 2018
Is it time to save the sinking ship that is the Tibetan cause? But wait a minute, the ship has already been sunk for the likes of Mr Ugyen Gyalpo.
Gone are the days when Tibet’s independence was possible, yet Tibetans like Mr Gyalpo are still living in a fantasy, asking the Central Tibetan Administration (CTA) to go against the Dalai Lama’s goal of meaningful autonomy for Tibet, and advocate full independence instead. On top of that, he wants India to help Tibet gain its independence, disregarding how these actions would jeopardize India’s relationship with China.
This is the same kind of illogical, self-centred, wishful thinking that caused the Tibetans to lose their country to China by signing the 17-Point Agreement in 1951. Why ask someone to fight for a lost cause? Perhaps Mr Gyalpo was on holiday and did not catch the latest media flurry about the Dalai Lama stating that he is happy for Tibet to be in China. The CTA President Lobsang Sangay even urged Tibetans to make the Dalai Lama’s dream of returning to Tibet come true.
It is time for My Gyalpo and other pro-independence activists to seriously wake up from their self-imposed slumber and plan what they can actually do if and when the Dalai Lama gets the green light to go back to Tibet. Do they want to support the Dalai Lama, their spiritual leader? Or will they betray and abandon him?