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The Annual Consecration Ritual Pujas are performed once a year as part of Shar Gaden’s significant Dharmic events. It is a three-day puja that begins on 8th October and lasts through to 10th October.
It is dedicated to all sentient beings around the world – that they may be free from suffering, poverty war, ailments, financial crisis and etc. At the same time, it is to pray that each sentient being may be introduced to the true path of life that leads to eternal happiness.
These pujas are also done to avert any coming climate or natural disasters or unpleasant events around the globe. May there always be understanding, mutual respect and friendship among all races, religions and regions.
The highlights of this 3-Day event is the extensive Yamantaka 13-Deity- Sand Mandala and the Yamantaka Fire Puja, accompanied by unique hand gestures and melodic recitation of the mantras.