it must be uncomfortable for HH the incarnation of Zong Rinpoche to reside in Gaden Shartse among all the turbulence which is happening now in the Tibetan community.
I remembered how HH Trijang Chocktrul was moved out of Gaden because of the suppression by the TGIE activist to restrain HH Trijang Rinpoche from his ladrang grounds.
I guess Zong Rinpoche must be going through the same if not worse.
May DS ban be lifted
May Zong Rinpoche be able to fulfill his Dharma work and aspirations!
Don't forget HH Dagom Rinpoche, who was forced to leave for Nepal. I don't think it's particularly comfortable for anyone actually, because most monks just want to get on with their practice and not be bothered by political issues. In fact, aren't we always taught to keep samsaric concerns away from our lamas, so all they need to focus on is teaching, spreading and preserving the dharma?
I guess Zong Rinpoche continues to inspires others in this life, simply by holding his surprise there he would continue to do so, just as he did in his previous lives! 
Actually, I don't think it is really uncomfortable for them. Outwardly, it may seem that way but with these high Lamas, nothing will shake their faith. It is their strength in the face of all the difficulties and "discomfort" that will inspire the continuing growth of DS lineage and generations more of practitioners.
Sure, maybe they have to go away from their "home" monasteries but if you see these lamas (and I have had the incredible and immense merit to have met great "exiled" lamas like Dagom Rinpoche, Gongsar Rinpoche, Gangchen rinpoche and the former Gaden oracle), they emanate such an amazing peace - they are practising every minute, wherever they are. they have shown me that dharma isn't about where you are; home is anywhere that you can practise Dharma. So maybe it's a little inconvenient to pack up and move away to a new place, but these lamas will find a way to pick up right where they left off "back home", or back in their previous lives, no matter what the circumstances may be. After all, we all know that samsara is a little bit of hell that we create for ourselves - we could be living in exactly the same place as these lamas but while they're abiding in peace, we're abiding in a state of the 3 lower realms we create for ourselves.
I believe that over time, we will see more and more how the lamas transform this recent controversy and difficulty into a situation of light. Just look at lamas like Geshe Kelsang Gyatso who now has well over 1000 centres in the world, bringing Dharma to modern people, Gangchen rinpoche inspiring peace and healing everywhere he goes etc etc not to mention all the other lamas all over US, europe, canada, asia, australia who have been "forced" out of their monastic "homes" but who have since brought Dharma to a whole new generation, culture and people. Never, in the process of all their growth and teaching of Dharma, do they ever step on anyone, hurt anyone or even show an angry, lonely, upset expression, sad for their own personal losses or difficulties. Never.
So there again, DS expresses the true nature of who he is - his great compassion, wisdom and kindness - through the very might and tenacity of the practitioners and masters who rely on and take refuge in him.