Author Topic: CTA creates violence again  (Read 41198 times)

DS Star

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Re: CTA creates violence again
« Reply #30 on: January 04, 2014, 07:57:09 AM »
This is very disturbing… how can anyone hurt an old man that didn’t do any harm to other people? Even if he practices something you disagree on.

This incident is unmistakably done to retaliate against HH Trinjang Rinpoche’s refusal to submit to HH Dalai Lama and CTA’s demand to stop Dorje Shugden’s practice.

It shows that CTA is feeling the heat from HH Dalai Lama’s camp. It surely does, by merely looking at the ever rising popularity of HH Trinjang Rinpoche and the growing of Dorje Shugden’s practitioners, one already can see that CTA is loosing grip of its own Tibetans and its ‘fight’ with China authority. Then again, it is still wrong to put this old monk through all this pains.

The ban is really unnecessary and didn’t do any justice to anyone. It only generate hatred, which is the total opposite of what Buddha taught.

Down with ban!


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Re: CTA creates violence again
« Reply #31 on: January 04, 2014, 08:46:40 AM »
I'm sure this is a topic that has been talked to death here. From what I have read, this violence has started way back when the ban first started. The irony of it is that Tibet and CTA has been asking for international intervention against the invasion of Tibet and even now the deteriorating situation in Tibet by the Chinese government but on the other hand outside of Tibet, the CTA is instigating violence in the name of HHTDL against DS practitioners.

CTA wanted to raise Tibet issue to the international community citing the world general stand in human rights. On the other hand, their actions against DS practitioners specially violence would bring the attention of the international community towards CTA acts against human rights. This is the shameful hypocrisy of CTA.

The recent attack case on Gen Chonze is absolutely atrocious and appalling. With this kind of actions from CTA, there is no way CTA can gain any international support for any of their agendas.

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Re: CTA creates violence again
« Reply #32 on: January 04, 2014, 08:51:27 AM »
I am just outraged! How could they! The CTA is risking everything and turning this into a witch hunt all over again. If they are not careful, this will destroy the Dalai Lama’s name and risk turning this into a religious war that would be harmful for the Dalai Lama himself. If they have any sense, they would cease all violence and find for a more peaceful solution instead.

I also think that CTA is desperate and do not know how else to cease the growth and spread of Dorje Shugden's practice. It seems that too much information is available to the masses these days via this website and facebook. I am guessing their are doing their very best to halt Dorje Shugden but as more brainless attempts are made, it will only serve to make Dorje Shugden lamas and practitioners the martyr to the unbiased eye. Thus, I think it will only accelerate the crumbling of the Dorje Shugden by sheer force of awareness and opposition of their unfounded actions.

Therefore, we must bring awareness of everything to the people and let people judge for themselves.

Kim Hyun Jae

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Re: CTA creates violence again
« Reply #33 on: January 04, 2014, 12:10:19 PM »
I am asking this question here "with no disrespect to the Dalai Lama and the CTA representation of the Tibetan people - why does the Dalai Lama who is known as Chenrezig, peaceful and compassionate would associate himself with the CTA and their associates that incite VIOLENCE against Dorje Shugden's followers and the Dorje Shugden sangha community?"

How does the Dalai Lama or the CTA get away with answering such question these violence? Are they going to make another excuse to cover up their error or mistakes again over and over again? Are the CTA going to continue to lie to the world about Dorje Shugden?

We are peaceful Buddhist and we certainly will not take likely to any kind of violent attack against anyone. So please, the CTA - let us make world peace together with Dorje Shugden.

As I reflect on the recent report of NGOs representation in the United Nations - there were far too few representations from the Buddhist faith. Why are we, Buddhist of the same family fight against each other? This is NO way to bring peace. We must bring forth the Buddhist faith in the United Nations to make Buddhists in all the world proud.



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Re: CTA creates violence again
« Reply #34 on: January 04, 2014, 01:32:08 PM »
This is utterly disgusting!!! How can a Government/ Administration incite violence against their own people. If they are really unhappy with Trijang Rinpoche for not attending the teachings by the Dalai Lama, they can use other peaceful methods rather than hurting an old monk.

True to the article, it is really a retaliation done by the CTA to show their unhappiness with Trijang Rinpoche. And also a warning to others that if they do not follow or listen to what the CTA says, then bad consequences will follow. It is such a barbaric act in this century where all the Dalai Lama promotes all over the world is compassion and peace!!!

CTA, please do not disgrace the Dalai Lama like that!


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Re: CTA creates violence again
« Reply #35 on: January 04, 2014, 06:10:05 PM »
What a shame to labelled themselves a Buddhists. Whichever party who did this shameful act, personally i think there are not qualify to call themselves as a Buddhists or even human being. How can you be chanting OM MANI PADME HUM, be compassionate but in another hand you were knocking on Trijang's Rinpoche's Ladrang, Yes, Trijang Rinpoche's Ladrang in Shar Gaden. Trijang Rinpoche is one of the linage holder of Gelug Sect, a true master and Lama. And you all started attacking one of his student. Imagine i come to your house and started banging on your door and attacked one of your family member. And this is Trijang Rinpoche's house. This is way too much and is an act of terrorist!!! And you call your self a Buddhist...Why, are we supposed to practise compassion and respect each other?

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Re: CTA creates violence again
« Reply #36 on: January 04, 2014, 09:42:53 PM »
This is really unbelievable and very disturbing! CTA again act inhumanly and really give a very bad image to the Dalai Lama. Using violence for spirituality, really doesn’t equate anything Dharma teaching from the Dalai Lama at all. Once hand giving a lengthy speech against Lord Shugden practices and on the other hand CTA act insanely attacking a respectful monk who has been servicing the Dalai Lama's teacher (previous life) great master Trijang Rinpoche.
CTA who’s again using violence which is the only barbaric method that they know to govern their people obvious shown how they fail to hold their country not to say how to improve the situation but it’s really fail as in basic human value.

Frankly speak if the pujas by Lord Shugden will really kill the Dalai Lama as Dalai Lama claimed, Dalai Lama would have dead by now as the pujas have been done for so many years and by so many monastery. Yet Dalai Lama still able to give his Lamrim talks at Sera Monastery recently. Look carefully by against the cruel government CTA for the ban of the Lord Shugden pratices where until today there is still no basis to support the claim of harming the Dalai Lama causes so many people in suffering and this is obvious and can witness with our own eyes!

The world should know how this barbaric government runs their show and it definitely will not give any good impression to the Dalai Lama from the view of the world.

Tenzin Malgyur

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Re: CTA creates violence again
« Reply #37 on: January 05, 2014, 04:42:46 AM »
This is such a shameful incident. The five men who attacked Gen Chonze are really heartless. What compassion were they practicing? Looks like they are the bigger demon worshipers than the people whom they are accusing. But they are not to be blamed for they are obviously down right dim and have no minds of their own. The speech by His Holiness Dalai Lama have incited the CTA to carry out this brutal attack on a harmless, frail old monk.
I am thankful that Gen Chonze is recovering well. May Gen Chonze's pains and stitches open up the eyes of many people to the plight of all those suffering because of this illegal ban imposed by CTA on Shugden practitioners. Hopefully, the sponsors and supporters of CTA get a clearer picture of where their cash and kind are being channeled to.

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Re: CTA creates violence again
« Reply #38 on: January 05, 2014, 10:34:40 AM »
OMB... This is not Buddhism but downright attributes of hooliganism. How can people on the banner of spiritual practice cause harm onto others, especially one of such defenselessness? Where is the compassion? Where is the act of kindness... all i see is hatred and we all know where that comes from and leads to... not a good place. Enough of this nonsensical violence already. We have to PUT A STOP TO THIS HURTFUL BAN!!!!

This is not religious freedom! This is just plain and simple a human rights violation in any sense of the word. To top it off, its physical and mental abuse and invasion of private property... so many violations for what the CTA deems to be done in the name of spiritual liberties! Whole load of horse shit if you ask me. It is just pure and simple anger and hatred which has NO place in Buddhism and the modern world in general. We can STOP THIS. Make this story go viral and get the attention of the world and then we will see who stands for such acts of cowardice and malice!


Freyr Aesiragnorak

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Re: CTA creates violence again
« Reply #39 on: January 05, 2014, 10:50:38 AM »
This is horrific and shocking to the core. To think that these men could attack such an elderly person in this way, let alone a monk is truly disgusting. This is a man who has spent the greater part of his life practicing the Dharma, with the Mahayana motivation of achieving enlightenment for others, but gets treated in this abhorrent manner. The CTA should be ashamed of themselves for inciting this through their inappropriate and schismatic propaganda!!!


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Re: CTA creates violence again
« Reply #40 on: January 05, 2014, 12:16:16 PM »
This is not something new and the CTA has been known to employ violent and criminal means to achieve their goals and to dispose of opposition. We are outraged that anyone could attack an elderly monk and we see that the threats are real. This is precisely what a young Trijang Choktrul Rinpoche faced when the ban first started and the Dalai Lama gave him an ultimatum to abandon the Protector practice. There have been many accounts of how serious the threats to Trijang Choktrul Rinpoche were such that monks had to stand guard 24/7 until the young tulku as safely out of India.

It is not surprising that we hear no news from the Dalai Lama condemning such attacks nor do we hear the CTA doing anything to catch the perpetrators. Some people have suggested that perhaps the Shartse Khenpo's invitation for Trijang Choktrul Rinpoche to return to India was an attempt to lure into a trap and to dispose of him. Judging from the CTA's history, I would not not rule that out.

Here is another account where the CTA has been implicated in the death of another DS lama, Geshe Yesshe Wangchuk:

In 1997, he was killed in a car accident in Kongpo which was allegedly engineered by the Central Tibetan Administration (CTA). On the day of the accident, Geshe Yeshe Wangchuk had to travel. Just before departing, the Geshe appeared to have a premonition. Normally, his attendants would accompany him when he traveled, but this time, he told them to stay behind and he went alone. He was the sole passenger in the car with the driver and midway through the journey, the car careened off a cliff. Just before the car hit the bottom, the driver escaped by jumping out of the car.

The Geshe was said to have come out of the wreckage and sat on the ground outside the car, where he entered clear light. Several lamas from his monastery came to the area of the accident and did pujas around him. As a sign of his high attainments, he remained in clear light meditation (Tugdam) for around eight days after the accident. Later, the Chinese police managed to track down and arrest the driver but he denied all accusations of foul play.

While it was inconclusive who actually assassinated Geshe Wangchuk, most people believed that the CTA was behind the incident. It is not surprising because all Dorje Shugden lamas suffer from constant death threats issued by supporters of the Dalai Lama because of the Dorje Shugden ban. Within the Tibetan community in India, the CTA is well known to deliberately publicize the whereabouts and identities of Dorje Shugden lamas that, implicitly encouraging assassination attempts.



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Re: CTA creates violence again
« Reply #41 on: January 05, 2014, 03:07:50 PM »
why would CTA be so cruel to initiate such harm to even Sangha members?? really, i find it very disgusting to even hear about! Why CTA would want to harm it's own people? So called protecting the interest of Tibet's independence and freedom to its people... why they just had to do this? Where is Dalai Lama, where is Lobsang Sangye? where are justice for the Shugden practitioners??? Why for believing in what they believe in can be so hard to accept for others? Why would monks who clearly cannot and will not pose a threat will be harmed in such manner??


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Re: CTA creates violence again
« Reply #42 on: January 05, 2014, 05:19:31 PM »
How can CTA do this to a senior Monk like Gen Chonze ? and you guys still considered  yourself as a Buddhist ? You guys better think twice about this seriously !!! Really sad and I just don't understand !!!

Let us all pray for Gen Chonze and wish he will get well soon.


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Re: CTA creates violence again
« Reply #43 on: January 05, 2014, 07:20:39 PM »
The funny thing about this incident is, the anti-ds people kept saying that is reporting something that is untrue and want to create disharmony...

I believe, only the truly ignorant will not be able to see through this incident as an act from the CTA, and even if it was indirectly related to the CTA due to them planting subliminal messages in the locals, it still make them an accomplice to this unfortunate incident. 


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Re: CTA creates violence again
« Reply #44 on: January 05, 2014, 08:10:06 PM »
The CTA banished the Shugden practitioners from the monastery and the community. It was decreed that no people should involve and having anything to do with Shugden practitioners anymore. Why are these people going up to the old monk and injuring him? Are you sending the message this good monk who practicing Dharma doing good will suffer the consequences? While those who do nothing or go against Shugden practitioners with violence are better people? This is total nonsense!!