Author Topic: CTA creates violence again  (Read 41197 times)


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CTA creates violence again
« on: January 02, 2014, 03:49:40 AM »
Re this article,, I am so disgusted to read of how a senior, respected monk can be so violently beaten. Have these people no shame? Gen Chonze is 84 years old and it needed FIVE men to attack this frail old monk?????

How can anyone stomach this kind of behaviour?? In the name of the Dalai Lama and the Dharma???

Those who think that the Shugden ban doesn't affect anyone really, please read this article and share it far and wide. People must KNOW of this atrocity going on right in the heartland of compassion - in a Buddhist monastery. And what is behind the ban and the unjustifiable lack of logic behind it.

Please read, be upset, and DO something about it. Write to your MP. I will!
Kate Walker - a wannabe wisdom Being


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Re: CTA creates violence again
« Reply #1 on: January 02, 2014, 05:24:54 AM »
The CTA is obviously not practicing the Dharma to harm an old monk. The news is shocking. New year and new violence by CTA. Well it is typical coming from them.

An old monk who has given so much benefit to society and served the dharma. Something always happens everytime the Dalai Lama comes to the south and speaks about dorje shugden.  The Tibetans and CTA who are anti shugden have been going on twitter about Tibetan Freedom unchallenged, I say lets give them something to think about online. They have been

Below are their twitter handles
@snowlions @TIBETANS  @bhorangzhen @Drlobsangsangay  @tibet


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Re: CTA creates violence again
« Reply #2 on: January 02, 2014, 06:16:37 AM »
It certainly is a dastardly act by the attackers and I would not blame anyone to conclude the attackers are directly influenced by HHDL's attack on Shugden practitioners during His speech in Sera. HHDL certainly know the consequences of His speech. How ironic, this coming from Chenrezig Himself?

The Shugden practice has not resulted in a scratch on His Holiness but yet Shugden monks has suffered so much, the latest being Gen Chonze. Where is the compassion? Where is the Dharma? It makes mockery of the Dharma and any teachings that He gave. Has the Sangha degenerated so much? Is it a reflections of the collective karma of Tibetans? I believe so.

Sorry to say, this make me think that Tibetans will not get Tibet back. It will forever be part of China. Why?  Because the CTA do not deserve it and they certainly do not represent all Tibetans.


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Re: CTA creates violence again
« Reply #3 on: January 02, 2014, 07:37:45 AM »
The Dalai Lama makes a speech inciting anti Shugdenists to attack Shugden practitioners. In his speech , he says that the pujas to Dorje Shugden are "killing" him. But how does peaceful Shugden bring about "killing"?Yet what he says is enough to incite CTA and cronies to begin violent attacks against Shugden practitioners. The timing of this speech and the attack on the 84 year-old longtime assistant of the previous and current incarnation of Kyabje Trijang Rinpoche, is too close to be unrelated. However, over and beyond this is the fact that this attack comes also an aftermath of the failed trip of the abbot of Gaden Shartse to US to persuade  Trijang Rinpoche to follow the Dalai Lama's instruction s to him to go to Sera Mey Monastery and attend His teachings there. Trijang Rinpoche also said "No" to the Dalai Lama about giving up his practice of Shugden.

That the Dalai Lama can so incite and the CTA can perpetuate such acts of violence, speak badly for Buddhism as a whole and Tibetan Buddhism in particular. Where is the essence of Buddha's teachings on compassion and peace and harmony?"In this sea of violence and powerplay, a sober and heartwarming from Trijang Rinpoche to the Dalai Lama , through the abbot of Gaden Shartse, was lost in transit. The message was to urge the Dalai Lama to focus on unity among Tibetans.




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Re: CTA creates violence again
« Reply #4 on: January 02, 2014, 07:54:30 AM »
Would it be possible for Admin or someone to post a translation of what the Dalai Lama said about Dorje Shugden, or to direct me to the appropriate webcast if there is an English translation?

The Dalai Lama needs to make up his mind. In one breath he says that Shugden pujas are killing him, but elsewhere he has said that he's going to live for a very long time, so which is it?

It sickens me that he gives Lamrim teachings and during that time, subtly or not so subtly, encourages violence towards Shugden practitioners. His non-sectarian stance is a lie - he'd better practise what he preaches before telling other people what to do.

Everything the Dalai Lama knows about Lamrim has come for the kindness of his Gelugpa Teachers who he is completely disrespecting by his actions. Can he really be so foolish not to realise that by undermining the credibility of those Teachers by causing them to be regarded as demon worshippers, he's also undermining the credibility of his own spiritual education?


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Re: CTA creates violence again
« Reply #5 on: January 02, 2014, 08:28:25 AM »
What still riles me about this latest act of violence by CTA or its cronies . is that they did not have even the slightest pinprick of conscience about hurting and inflicting injury on an elderly person, what more a monk, and one who had faithfully served two great Masters - the previous incarnation of Trijang Rinpoche(who had also been the 14th Dalai Lama's Tutor/Guru) and the current incarnation - for over 60 years. They did this act in a cowardly manner too. The attackers did not speak a word and they wore masks and were completely covered up.

Thank goodness that we have received good news that Gen Chonze is recovering from his injuries. 
May he leave many more years in peace and good health to continue to serve the Dharma and Trijang Rinpoche in Trijang Ladrang.


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Re: CTA creates violence again
« Reply #6 on: January 02, 2014, 09:37:51 AM »

We will have something up very soon.

Would it be possible for Admin or someone to post a translation of what the Dalai Lama said about Dorje Shugden, or to direct me to the appropriate webcast if there is an English translation?

The Dalai Lama needs to make up his mind. In one breath he says that Shugden pujas are killing him, but elsewhere he has said that he's going to live for a very long time, so which is it?

It sickens me that he gives Lamrim teachings and during that time, subtly or not so subtly, encourages violence towards Shugden practitioners. His non-sectarian stance is a lie - he'd better practise what he preaches before telling other people what to do.

Everything the Dalai Lama knows about Lamrim has come for the kindness of his Gelugpa Teachers who he is completely disrespecting by his actions. Can he really be so foolish not to realise that by undermining the credibility of those Teachers by causing them to be regarded as demon worshippers, he's also undermining the credibility of his own spiritual education?


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Re: CTA creates violence again
« Reply #7 on: January 02, 2014, 10:32:27 AM »
We will have something up very soon.

Thanks for your kindness and dedication. :)

Dulzie Bear

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Re: CTA creates violence again
« Reply #8 on: January 02, 2014, 12:36:36 PM »
What a crying shame that this has happened. By the violence that the Dalai Lama seemed to have knowingly incited, he brings even more discredit to himself. Only a few weeks before, the Dalai Lama had said this in an interview:

” Analysing the “Song on the Stages of the Path to Enlightenment,” the Tibetan spiritual leader offers a taste of the universalism that has made him a popular prophet for a secular age. He urges avoidance of Buddhism’s 10 specified non-virtuous acts – killing, lying, stealing, divisive talk among them – but then observes that shunning such actions is not exclusively Buddhist.

“If people are Christian, it can be a Christian practice; if they are Muslim, it can be a Muslim practice, and if they are Buddhist, it can be a Buddhist practice,” he says. “I respect other traditions for the help they bring their followers.”


The hypocrisy of the Dalai Lama is quite astounding and the world needs to know how dangerous the Dalai Lama can be. This culture of violence has been spreading like virus as members of the CTA, Lobsang Sangay himself, Pempa Tsering and Thupten Lungrhik have recently been heard uttering words that call for violence to be inflicted on Shugden worshippers.

The CTA has sold an image to the world of their being a just government fighting for freedom of the people but violence and crime are very much part of the CTA’s culture. In 1976 the head of the 13 Settlements (that opposed the Dalai Lama’s political ambitions) Gunthang Tsultrim was shot several times at point blank and when his assassin, Amdo Rekhang Tenzin, was caught, he confessed that the Tibetan government in exile had hired him to kill Gungthang Tsultrim, and even the 16th Karmapa. One wonders if the Dalai Lama had a hand in that murder too and who knows how many criminal acts have been perpetrated in the name of the Dalai Lama or under the instructions of the Dalai Lama.

The point is, one should NOT be shocked that the Tibetan government are up to this and clearly, neither is the Dalai Lama’s hands clean.

What is really very puzzling is how the good people of Tibet, the honest politicians and the monks who have taken vows can sit idly by and watch as the Dalai Lama and CTA destroy their own nation of people. This matter is not about whether one believes in Shugden or not, it is about whether one will continue the Tibetan leadership to continue in their gangsterism.

All Dorje Shugden practitioners should not reinforce this practice and effort in bringing the ban down. That the Dalai Lama and his coterie are getting reckless is a sign of their panic and fear. They are losing control of the people and their lies are being uncovered very quickly. Now they resort to violence – attack is their form of defence. How shameless and despicable it is to attack a monk let alone a holy and elderly monk who is innocent.

Is this the “government” the Tibetans want to control them? Is this the acts of people who practice the Dharma? What kind of spiritual leader preaches violence and pretends to me a man of peace?



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Re: CTA creates violence again
« Reply #9 on: January 02, 2014, 02:15:48 PM »
The Dalai Lama clique is still stuck in their primitive brutality of old Tibet where theocratic and dictatorship rule but they call themselves democrats and whose prime minister is a master of human rights. In the fore front they have a face of dharma abiding, peace loving and compassionate people but behind the scene they are brutal and commit hideous crime. They are such hypocrites beyond words.

Tibetans have to endure the harassments of religious suppression, intimidation and violence. It is unbelievable that it is not the Chinese who are preventing religious freedom, it is the exiled Tibetan government in India!

It is indeed utterly shameful they have to resort to inciting an attack on an elderly senior monk for their failure in accomplishing the mission to request Trijang Rinpoche’s return to Gaden and for Dalai’s teachings. They must have seen it coming, a super force in Trijang Rinpoche, a great power in Tibetan Buddhism arising too quickly for their comfort which will become a threat to them.


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Re: CTA creates violence again
« Reply #10 on: January 02, 2014, 03:13:06 PM »
I am really disgusted and appalled to read this horrific news for the New Year 2014!!!

Has Tibetan Buddhism degenerate to such a barbaric state where in front you act holy but at the back you kill people who do not agree with you? It's obvious it is a planned attack and even if CTA you say it has nothing to do with you, well just by you keeping silent, is a clear indication you are okay with this!

HH Dalai Lama if you are a pure monk, a Boddhisattva and an emanation of Chenrezig, how can you say that "Shugden" puja is killing you? It's totally nonsense, against the Dharma and what are you insinuating by making such statements except creating more hate and schism and dividing discriminating Shugden practitioners. Obviously there is no kindness and compassion allowed to be given to Shugden practitioners, otherwise why are your pro-Dalai Lama followers doing this? This is a CRIME! It is an attempt MURDER! This is not what Buddhadharma is about... this is creating WAR amongst your people and it's all coming from the words you say! This is injustice and the world will come to know.

Banning anyone's religious beliefs is saying they have no right to religious FREEDOM which is against Human Rights policy. Forget kindness and compassion because it is clear that there is none!

What's NEXT? What else are you & CTA going to incite and ignite? Are you going to harm the Shugden monasteries? Are you rallying people to hurt more Shugden practitioners like in the past? Oh My Buddha... this has got to STOP!


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Re: CTA creates violence again
« Reply #11 on: January 02, 2014, 04:07:02 PM »
I listened to Dalai Lama’s speech translated into English and it was mind boggling! I am perplexed that Dalai Lama said that Tulku Dragpa Gyeltsen was wrongly recognized, that means the lamas and divinations done were wrong before recognition, which means, all the lineage masters in the past were wrong. I wonder if it also means those masters were wrong in recognizing Dalai Lama. That’s food for thought.

Dalai Lama said he used to practice dhogyal but has since stopped after he did investigations. How can a high being like him be wrong for so many years? Again, it’s food for thought. It leads me to think that Kyabje Dorje chang, HH Pabongka Rinpoche, Tagphu Rinpoche and so on were wrong and only Dalai Lama is right.

Dalai spoke of guru devotion, where is his guru devotion? Sorry. It seems that by saying so, Dalai Lama has thrown guru devotion out of the window. And Dalai Lama has started a new lineage?

I am confused with all these politics resulting in deaths, injuries caused by violence and untold sufferings of innocent people, people who just want to practice real guru devotion and real dharma. I hope all these lead to a positive result. After all, no one lives forever.

A friend told me, “There is nothing to understand as it does not make much sense, so, just be on top of things.” Good advice.

See here in English:
Dalai Lama talks about ban on Dorje Shugden, 2013


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Re: CTA creates violence again
« Reply #12 on: January 02, 2014, 04:09:13 PM »
It is true what WisdomBeing said. The attack occurred in a monastery, a place where monks study and  meditate in order to benefit others. The victim is an old monk! Why hurt an old man? Or were they so blinded by anger and ignorance that it didn't matter who they beat up. Their faces were all covered and no one could recognise them, so it would be impossible to make an arrest. Although they can escape jail, they can't escape karma. It is really so sad.


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Re: CTA creates violence again
« Reply #13 on: January 02, 2014, 05:26:42 PM »
This news greatly saddened and infuriated me as the world celebrates the beginning of the new year with global citizens and leaders praying for world peace. I have posted this on various related Facebook and news page, and guess what, the response I got is that it is a lie. Why wouldn't the people investigate and solve the issue, instead of just live in denial and blind faith? I was hoping that the new generation of Tibetans are more educated with more exposure would respond differently.  :-\

This is not the first time the Tibetan citizens have used violence as they took matters in their own hands, desperate for solutions against the purported “enemy of state” who was endangering the cause of Tibet and His Holiness the Dalai Lama’s long life. I strongly urge the CTA to immediately stop all the propoganda, campaigns and ban against Dorje Shugden and its practitioners.

As Tibetans stand disunited in diaspora and with the 99 years lease for the Indian settlements ending in the near future, wouldn’t it be better for the government to focus on issues such as presevation of Tibetan culture & language due to the re-education that is happening in Tibet, discuss how to effectively execute the Global Solidarity with Tibet Campaign launched in December 2012, look into the environmental destruction in Tibet and so on, instead of focusing on this agenda that further breaks up the Tibetan community and caused continuous civil unrests.

Allowing incidents like the violent attack above and worse, keeping silent about it greatly impact His Holiness the Dalai Lama’s global stature directly, as His Holiness is synonymous and famous for his non-violence approach as a Nobel Peace prize winner. This also mars the image of the Tibetan government and people, especially the new administration under the Sikyong.

As the Tibetans rally about the deteriorating human rights condition in Tibet, perhaps it is time to reflect on whether the standards in the proclamation and adoption of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights by the United Nations in 1948 were observed in continuously promoting and executing the ban of the practice of Dorje Shugden, especially the discriminations and harassments faced by the practitioners and their families.

When the CTA marches ahead to fight for Tibetan dignity, Tibetan identity, Tibetan freedom, and seeking equality, please take a few steps back to check in your own backyard if policies such as the ban is in fact in line with what the CTA wishes to achieve in the motherland Tibet.

When shouting about Tibetans suffering from political repression, economic marginalisation, social discrimination, environmental destruction and cultural assimilation in their homeland Tibet, please see how your own Tibetans (Shugden practitioners) are treated as second-class citizens and worst still, enemies in their own homeland.

I plea for the Tibetan Parliament-in-Exile to uphold the charter/ constitution of Tibet, where it states that “All religious denominations are equal before the law” and that every Tibetan shall have the right to freedom of thought, conscience and religion. These religious rights include the freedom to manifest one’s belief, to receive initiation into religious traditions, practice with matters relating to religious commitment, such as preaching and worship of any religion, either alone or in community with others.

A decade ago, Shugden practitioners were violently attacked by a mob of more than 2000 Tibetans in Mundgod ( A decade later, this type of incidents still happen and an old monk is being attacked at his ‘home’ – the household of a respected spiritual leader of the community.

What is wrong with this picture? How can the Chinese or the global community be sure that the CTA is capable of leading the Tibetan community if safety in one’s own home is compromised and cannot be guaranteed? :(

christine V

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Re: CTA creates violence again
« Reply #14 on: January 02, 2014, 07:09:24 PM »
Tibet supposed to be a country to take up the responsibility to preserved and spread the Dharma.
In fact, they are fighting amongst themselves. Arguing over this unrealistic ban and neglected the freedom of religious and human rights. Is this what the CTA capable of? After all these years, did you project a good image to people about harmonious?
Shame! shame ! Even a 85 years old monk have to be beaten to "proof" to other people what you all will do to Shugden's practitioner. Where's the human rights? You are bullying your own people.
You bring shame not only to Dalai Lama but the Tibetan!