Author Topic: Proof of the bigger picture - Chinese demanded monks to worship Shugden!!!  (Read 33237 times)


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HH Dalai Lama had understood the mentality of the Chinese Government knowing that whatever HH Dalai lama does, the Chinese Government would do the opposite. Hence to make Dorje Shugden very famous and spread far and wide especially in the mainland China, HH Dalai Lama had initiated the ban on Dorje Shugden.  HH Dalai Lama had to sacrifice many including his own reputation to make this a reality.  If Woeser’s report about monks in Polha monastery (and later being extended to universities nationwide in China) were demanded to worship Shugden is true, then HH Dalai Lama’s brilliant plan is finally working! We shall see that the truth of the bigger picture behind the ban on Dorje Shugden revealing, and soon the ban shall be lifted!
I agree with WidomBeing and Tammy that forcing monks against their will to practise Dorje Shugden is unpleasant and inappropriate.  HH Dalai Lama is Chenrezig and has the clairvoyance to know all these ‘negative’ impact the ban on Dorje Shugden will bring about.  Why are so many suffering from the inconvenience and pains of this ban on Dorje Shugden?  It is definitely due to our negative karma.  It is a blessing in disguise as this ban is a form of purification for us.  I concurred with Shugdenprotect, Tammy & Barzin on this.


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There is no doubt that HHDL's ban of Dorje Shugden practice and the resulting persecution of DS practitioners have caused considerable pain and suffering. However, there is no way anyone can suffer unless they have the karma to suffer. And if they do not have the karma to suffer, there nothing anyone can do that can cause any suffering.

As shallow and samsaric beings we see all suffering as being a terrible thing and we try our best to avoid it but ultimately we fail because pain and suffering are very much part of life in samsara. Perhaps we should look at it another way. If I have to suffer because it is my karma to suffer, what better way to experience that suffering than as the result of my refusal to break an oath and to give up my Practice! What an incredible way to experience suffering which I cannot avoid anywhere...and what incredible benefits to suffer in worship of our protector.

In my opinion HHDL's objective of imposing the ban on DS has always been to cleverly enroll the Chinese into spreading the Shugden practice. But can't the Chinese see through that we ask? Not really...after all aren't we all blinded by our anger and delusions?

diamond girl

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I agree with vajratruth in that if we believe in Karma in that nothing happens without a cause, the sufferings of the Shugden practitioners is not so much a result of the ban but of their own karma. Perhaps the fruitioning of their negative karma is also a gift from HH Dalai Lama. I mean we can have all sorts of fruitioning of our negative karma but to actually experience our negative karma because of our loyalty to our Dorje Shugden practice is pretty meritorious if i may say so.

With regard to this topic of the Chinese forcing monks to practice Shugden, it is also the karma of the monks who are being forced to do a practice they would rather not do. And i think that being forced to do Dorje Shugden practice is also very meritorious compared to other things the monks could be forced to do.

All in all, while i also concur with several of the other forum posters that being forced to do any practice is unpleasant, the end result is a positive one - the monks are being made to do the practice of an enlightened Buddha. I could think of many things worse than this!


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This is such unbelievably wonderful news to receive! Thanks Namdrol!!!

It is no with no doubt that all the absolute causes and conditions were created by the Dalai Lama specifically for this very reason and this very goal! Otherwise CTA u better shut up now because it is lierally being implemented by the Chinese Govt as this site has predicted! Which is better, Ban Dorje Shugden amongst one over million Tibetans while it spreads to about 1.4 billion people? The latter is obvious.
If they only lift the ban then there will be less pressure and nothing for China to go against.

I this HHDL is not stupid and definitely does not create havoc or disunity amongst his own people... though unfortunately some sacrifices need to be made for the bigger cause and for the long term future. I am most certain now that all was premeditated for this exact results.... and with much eagerness may the Chinese spread it throughout the whole country till it spills over to down to Asia!!! Rejoice  ;)


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HH Dalai Lama had understood the mentality of the Chinese Government knowing that whatever HH Dalai lama does, the Chinese Government would do the opposite. Hence to make Dorje Shugden very famous and spread far and wide especially in the mainland China, HH Dalai Lama had initiated the ban on Dorje Shugden.  HH Dalai Lama had to sacrifice many including his own reputation to make this a reality.  If Woeser’s report about monks in Polha monastery (and later being extended to universities nationwide in China) were demanded to worship Shugden is true, then HH Dalai Lama’s brilliant plan is finally working! We shall see that the truth of the bigger picture behind the ban on Dorje Shugden revealing, and soon the ban shall be lifted!
I agree with WidomBeing and Tammy that forcing monks against their will to practise Dorje Shugden is unpleasant and inappropriate.  HH Dalai Lama is Chenrezig and has the clairvoyance to know all these ‘negative’ impact the ban on Dorje Shugden will bring about.  Why are so many suffering from the inconvenience and pains of this ban on Dorje Shugden?  It is definitely due to our negative karma.  It is a blessing in disguise as this ban is a form of purification for us.  I concurred with Shugdenprotect, Tammy & Barzin on this.

Dorje Shugden practitioners who do not support HHDL should read this. How can Chenrezig be wrong??? Just because we don't have the wisdom to see beyond doesn't mean our deductions are always right.

What dondrup wrote is so true. I believe HHDL is purifying the karma of the Tibetans who are suffering as a result of the ban. Just like our Lama orchestrates situations where we "suffer" but suffer less of the negative karma that we were supposed to experience. These are skillful methods that only attained Lamas are able to do.

If we truly believe in karma, why would we blame HHDL for our own sufferings? It doesn't make sense.


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Yes the GREAT EXCEPTION triumphs over the GREAT DECEPTION. Well now we have proof that the Chinese are now getting the monks in Tibet to engage in Dorje Shugden. Well I think it is not just the Chinese are trying to get to the Dalai Lama. All over Tibet the Dorje Shugden lamas and people especially in Chatreng I feel have showed to the Chinese Government their quality and what they bring to the community. I am sure any government is appreciative of peace loving citizens and what they bring to the country.


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Nice find mate. Now Im just waiting for Phayul trolls to pick up on this and say, "SEE! We TOLD you Dorje Shugden practitioners are agents of the Communists!"

You know what? Boo frickin hoo Phayul. If you dont want Dorje Shugden, 1.2 BILLION Chinese want him. And by banning Dorje Shugden amongst the Tibetans, clearly you have just created yet ANOTHER reason for the Chinese to impose rules on Tibetans living in though the poor sods dont have enough problems already.

Can anyone say BACKFIRE?


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Thank you Namdrol for the news.

Am happy and sad at the same time. Happy to hear that China is making the monks practice Lord Dorje Shugden!
Am sad that so many are still being tortured for loving Tibet and HHDL.

Everything is falling into place. The ban and HHDL... getting famous everyday! I should've known it. The ban is for something much BIGGER but some of us lack of wisdom therefore it took some time to actually realize the BIGGER picture. It's just a matter of time now! Can't wait!


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When more people embrace the practices of Dorje Shugden, the voice of those who are against the practice will be drown out. If 10% of the population in China started to do the practice, there would be over 100 million practitioners! This website is getting popular with up to date information of recent affairs. By enrolling our friends, colleagues at work, family, visit here is one of the ways we may embark upon to assist in the lifting of the ban.


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I have not travelled to Tibet myself, but have heard many accounts of friends' travels there and seen their photographs. It is impressive, to say the least, how well preserved these monasteries are across the country. Friends relate that these monasteries and other prominent religious buildings receive financial support from the government, who invest to preserve, restore and enhance them. So there seems to be encouragement (though forcibly, in some cases), both for actual practice as well as in the physical set-up and institutions to facilitate practice.

Even if there is resistance towards practice of Shugden within China, it signals that the practice is made readily available to people who DO want to practice - and there are certainly a lot of people in China, with many more from the outside world wanting to go in to visit.


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I do not see how we can rest our hope on this theory that HHDL is doing it for a bigger picture and jumping up and down feeling elated over one news like this. Until now, this 'I am sure HHDL is doing it for a bigger picture' remains a theory. And until the ban is lifted only then do I believe this theory.

Whichever side of the fence you are in, beings are suffering. If you are a Tibetan Shugdenpa, you are ostracised. If you are a monk in Tibet, you cannot practice your religion freely. And if you are a monk in China and do not want to practice Dorje Shugden, you are probably termed as non allegiance to your country. Why cant human beings be allowed freedom of spiritual choice???


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HH Dalai Lama had understood the mentality of the Chinese Government knowing that whatever HH Dalai lama does, the Chinese Government would do the opposite. Hence to make Dorje Shugden very famous and spread far and wide especially in the mainland China, HH Dalai Lama had initiated the ban on Dorje Shugden.  HH Dalai Lama had to sacrifice many including his own reputation to make this a reality.  If Woeser’s report about monks in Polha monastery (and later being extended to universities nationwide in China) were demanded to worship Shugden is true, then HH Dalai Lama’s brilliant plan is finally working! We shall see that the truth of the bigger picture behind the ban on Dorje Shugden revealing, and soon the ban shall be lifted!
I agree with WidomBeing and Tammy that forcing monks against their will to practise Dorje Shugden is unpleasant and inappropriate.  HH Dalai Lama is Chenrezig and has the clairvoyance to know all these ‘negative’ impact the ban on Dorje Shugden will bring about.  Why are so many suffering from the inconvenience and pains of this ban on Dorje Shugden?  It is definitely due to our negative karma.  It is a blessing in disguise as this ban is a form of purification for us.  I concurred with Shugdenprotect, Tammy & Barzin on this.

Dorje Shugden practitioners who do not support HHDL should read this. How can Chenrezig be wrong??? Just because we don't have the wisdom to see beyond doesn't mean our deductions are always right.

What dondrup wrote is so true. I believe HHDL is purifying the karma of the Tibetans who are suffering as a result of the ban. Just like our Lama orchestrates situations where we "suffer" but suffer less of the negative karma that we were supposed to experience. These are skillful methods that only attained Lamas are able to do.

If we truly believe in karma, why would we blame HHDL for our own sufferings? It doesn't make sense.

further to these sharings above, one should ask ourselves what good and successful leaders would do? Prepare someone to take over when they pass on. I think deep down inside, HHDL knows that during these degenerate times, no political figure can take the place of HHDL.

Only when Dorje Shugden takes mainstream within the minds of the Chinese, would Tibet and its people secure their wonderful culture and spiritual practice. There's so much political upheaval happening within the CTA now that they cannot focus on the real problem of the Tibetans. Only by having the next 'leader' (Dorje Shugden/Shugden Lama) outside of the CTA would be the real solution to what these people need for this time and situation.

Can't wait for Dorje Shugden to spread like wild fire across the land of the Dragon and eventually, to the world!
Harry Nephew

Love Shugden, Love all Lamas, Heal the World!


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The Chinese will do anything to go against HHDL's words. Demanding monks to worship Shugden, sponsoring of pro-shugden temples, refurbishment of their prayer rooms etc..The Chinese are doing to the pro-shugdenpas what the CTA is doing for the anti-shugdenpas. I read in an article that the Chinese government allies itself with Shugden supporters and they are assured to "enjoy genuine freedom of religious practice".

But having the Chinese demand monks to worship Shugden, is like the monks being forced to swear in against Shugden in the monasteries. Both ways have no religious freedom of practise.


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The Dorje Shugden ban is probably the only ban in the world where despite the ban on people worshipping this deity the numbers are increasing by the day. Just look at this phenomenon of NKT centers, they are not slowing down in the numbers of devotees and now as China pushes for more and more people joining the practice. It is like defying gravity :) . The Great Exception is becoming more and more real by the day, sorry the Great Deception does not hold water too many inconsistencies and Dalai Lama is fulfilling his role as the Buddha of Compassion and giving the world what it needs Dorje Shugden.


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Wow! Thanks for sharing this. It is very interesting. The bigger picture is very obvious. The practice of Dorje Shugden can and will spread very widely in China. The Chinese government is encouraging monks to practice Shugden. There are more people in China than in Tibet, the Dalai Lama putting the ban will result in more Chinese supporting the practice. His Holiness has a very great mind that can understand the causes to the spread of Dorje Shugden. To the people who slander His Holiness by saying that he is bias against Dorje Shugden, think again! He is spreading the practice like wildfire.