Author Topic: The Fake Karmapa is destroying the precious Karma Kagyu Lineage! Can't CTA help?  (Read 170067 times)


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Why has Tibetan Buddhism become so confusing? Who understands all these fake and real lamas?!

When will this be clarified so that people know what Tibetan Buddhism is about instead of creating all this confusion?

What is the purpose of this? The CTA should have all Tibetans best interests in mind and improve their living situation instead of damaging their people because of their religious choice!


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Why has Tibetan Buddhism become so confusing? Who understands all these fake and real lamas?!

When will this be clarified so that people know what Tibetan Buddhism is about instead of creating all this confusion?

What is the purpose of this? The CTA should have all Tibetans best interests in mind and improve their living situation instead of damaging their people because of their religious choice!

The main perpetrator of all the confusions and deceptions regarding the high lamas are created by the Tibetan government in their game of politics. High lamas are very influential in Tibetan society and CTA is trying to get as many high lamas on their side so they can influence the Tibetans to do their bidding.

However, not all high lamas are willing to be under the Tibetan government because their goals are different. The high lamas worked for the benefit of the public while the Tibetan government have their own agenda. They only work their own benefit while sacrificing others in the process is not a big deal for them.

Hence, many high lamas refused to work with the Tibetan government and one famous example will be Karmapa Ogyen Trinley. The Tibetan government was the one who gave Karmapa Ogyen Trinley his recognition and there is no reason for him to go against the Tibetan government. However, he is a true high lama and all he wants to do is to work for Buddha Dharma. Since the Tibetan government is not supporting on his goals, he left to the west and took up a Dominican passport so that he will be free from being controlled by the Tibetan government.


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The main perpetrator of all the confusions and deceptions regarding the high lamas are created by the Tibetan government in their game of politics. High lamas are very influential in Tibetan society and CTA is trying to get as many high lamas on their side so they can influence the Tibetans to do their bidding.

The Tibetan leadership really creates a lot of confusion with the 2 Panchen Lamas, the 2 Karmapas, and many more double Tulkus or Rinpoches. They are really destroying the faith of people in these High Lamas. Who should the public listen to? How would people know which Lama is real?


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The Tibetan leadership is famous for creating conflicts and tension in their own community and outside of their own community. They purposely break the Tibetan community into many small fractions. It seems like they are using the divide and conquer strategy to gain control of the Tibetan community.

Knowing that they are incapable but yet still want to hold the power so they can make personal gains, the best way to ensure no one challenges the CTA's authority is to break the people's power. If the Tibetan community is very strongly and closely related, they can easily change their leadership if their government is not performing.

To avoid being challenged, the CTA purposely created the 2 Panchen Lamas, 2 Karmapas issues to break the Tibetan community into different groups. Since each group has their own problems to take care of, these Tibetan communities would not pay much attention to how their leadership is doing. That is why the CTA can survive for so many years despite their poor performance.


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The main perpetrator of all the confusions and deceptions regarding the high lamas are created by the Tibetan government in their game of politics. High lamas are very influential in Tibetan society and CTA is trying to get as many high lamas on their side so they can influence the Tibetans to do their bidding.

The Tibetan leadership really creates a lot of confusion with the 2 Panchen Lamas, the 2 Karmapas, and many more double Tulkus or Rinpoches. They are really destroying the faith of people in these High Lamas. Who should the public listen to? How would people know which Lama is real?

CTA does not care about the lineage or the teachings at all. All they think about is how to get a high lama on their side so they can control the Tibetans. They do not care about the spiritual path of those Tibetans who might have followed the wrong lineage lamas that CTA had recognised. CTA created the situation of 2 Panchen Lamas, 2 Karmapas, and other important high lamas as well.

The strategy that CTA is using is divide and conquer. They will divide powerful large groups of Tibetans into smaller groups so they will not be as strong and CTA can easily rule over them. Hence, CTA is constantly creating schism in the Tibetans so that they won't be able to form a large power to be a threat to CTA.

This is how CTA ruled over Tibet for hundreds of years before the invasion. They are still doing it now because that is the only way they know on how to rule over Tibetans without having to earn their respect or have alot of acheivements to convince them.


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CTA does not care about the lineage or the teachings at all. All they think about is how to get a high lama on their side so they can control the Tibetans. They do not care about the spiritual path of those Tibetans who might have followed the wrong lineage lamas that CTA had recognised. CTA created the situation of 2 Panchen Lamas, 2 Karmapas, and other important high lamas as well.

Karmapa Ogyen Trinley's birthday is in a few days' time I wonder if the Central Tibetan Administration will even care enough to offer any prayers or Tenshug since the Karmapa has now abandoned them. You can see clearly that since Karmapa Ogyen Trinley is of no use to them now and doesn't seem to want to follow their 'leadership' (aka control), the CTA will not do anything to repair the relationship or make any attempt to make the situation better.

It's just typical of Tibetan leadership to do that, that's why they lost their country in the first place - they never listened to the His Holiness the 13th Dalai Lama, and they never listened to Dorje Shugden's advice to attack the Chinese while they can. Read UNCOVERED TRUTH: Evidence of how Dorje Shugden was actually behind the Dalai Lama’s escape out of Tibet to India in 1959


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If the CTA doesn't offer any prayer to Karmapa Ogyen Trinley, it clearly shows that they themselves don't believe that the Karmapa Ogyen Trinley is the real Karmapa who supposed to be the emanation of Chenrezig. If they believe the Karmapa is Chenrezig, regardless of what, they will still offer prayer. This is very basic.

CTA is not a real democratic government, they still rely on Nechung to give them prophecy and guidance. If they chose to believe in protectors or deities, then they must also believe that Karmapa as a Buddha will never make mistakes. Therefore they should continue to respect him regardless of what he did. If they don't, means that they don't believe, then why recognized him?


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CTA is religious by name and not a bunch of real spiritual leaders. They do not care about Karmapa at all since he is not on their side now. All they care about is their power and who they can use to expand their power or to control the Tibetans in exile. That is why they will not do anything for Karmapa on his birthday.

The CTA is desperate for high lamas now because His Holiness is in the age range where high lama will pass into clear light. His Holiness has been manifesting sickness too and it is a clear sign that His Holiness is not going to stay very long into the future.

When His Holiness passes into the clear light, the Tibetans in exile will be left without a leader. CTA is their leader by name but it is proven that they failed miserable leading the Tibetans. It will be a dark age for the Tibetans. Hence, the Tibetans should treasure the opportunity to go overseas or join India as their citizen before it is too late.


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CTA does not care about the lineage or the teachings at all. All they think about is how to get a high lama on their side so they can control the Tibetans. They do not care about the spiritual path of those Tibetans who might have followed the wrong lineage lamas that CTA had recognised. CTA created the situation of 2 Panchen Lamas, 2 Karmapas, and other important high lamas as well.

Karmapa Ogyen Trinley's birthday is in a few days' time I wonder if the Central Tibetan Administration will even care enough to offer any prayers or Tenshug since the Karmapa has now abandoned them. You can see clearly that since Karmapa Ogyen Trinley is of no use to them now and doesn't seem to want to follow their 'leadership' (aka control), the CTA will not do anything to repair the relationship or make any attempt to make the situation better.

It's just typical of Tibetan leadership to do that, that's why they lost their country in the first place - they never listened to the His Holiness the 13th Dalai Lama, and they never listened to Dorje Shugden's advice to attack the Chinese while they can. Read UNCOVERED TRUTH: Evidence of how Dorje Shugden was actually behind the Dalai Lama’s escape out of Tibet to India in 1959

CTA is known to associate with anyone that is rich and can support their opulent lifestyle. Karmapa Ogyen Trinley is very, very rich! I would say that he was smart to get away from them while he could. Can you imagine living your life under the close scrutiny of the Tibetan Leaders every waking hours of your life? No wonder he turned to worldly pleasures to escape. That is what CTA does to one. Constantly having to be on guard as they will be plotting to get something out of you. Sad, don't you think? Lobsang Sangay could have ridden on the tailcoat (or should I say robe) of the Dalai Lama and make a name for himself as a kind and caring person but instead, he revels in being a professional beggar. Strange that he chose this path instead of asserting his authority to the world by strengthening his people's position to be global players. I guess investments into skills for his people will eat too much into his own retirement fund. Too bad! Soon he will nothing. As for the Karmapa, he must be relieved to be out of the clutches of greedy CTA.


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CTA is known to associate with anyone that is rich and can support their opulent lifestyle. Karmapa Ogyen Trinley is very, very rich! I would say that he was smart to get away from them while he could. Can you imagine living your life under the close scrutiny of the Tibetan Leaders every waking hours of your life? No wonder he turned to worldly pleasures to escape. That is what CTA does to one. Constantly having to be on guard as they will be plotting to get something out of you. Sad, don't you think? Lobsang Sangay could have ridden on the tailcoat (or should I say robe) of the Dalai Lama and make a name for himself as a kind and caring person but instead, he revels in being a professional beggar. Strange that he chose this path instead of asserting his authority to the world by strengthening his people's position to be global players. I guess investments into skills for his people will eat too much into his own retirement fund. Too bad! Soon he will nothing. As for the Karmapa, he must be relieved to be out of the clutches of greedy CTA.

Of course, Karmapa Ogyen Trinley is relieved to be out of the clutches of greedy CTA. His life has not been good with the CTA and there are a lot of restrictions and manipulation from the CTA. When he successfully escaped to the west, he released a video of himself saying he is depressed and he is unable to fulfil his duties as the Karmapa.

It is good that he took up a Dominican passport so that he will be out of the clutches of evil CTA. It seems like Karmapa Ogyen Trinley is a good monk and he is sincere with his dharma work. Once he got the chance, he met up with the other Karmapa to reconcile their differences and together, they released a statement urging the harmony between their followers and Karma Kagyupas.

From his action, we are able to see that Karmapa Ogyen Trinley is sincere with dharma and he is a monk that we should support regardless if he is the real Karmapa or not. What is most important is to see is his actions and not just the title that he bear.


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The CTA is run by a group of greedy and selfish people, they only care about their own interest. They want money and power and they will do anything to achieve their personal goals. People in CTA are fighting internally so their personal interest will not be threatened.

The CTA sees no benefits in interfering the 2 Karmapa issues now because the Karmapa they recognised has run away from India and they have never recognised the other Karmapa since day one. The chances of them getting control of the other Karmapa is definitely not possible. Their intention has never been to protect and preserve the precious Vajrayana Buddhism.


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The CTA sees no benefits in interfering the 2 Karmapa issues now because the Karmapa they recognised has run away from India and they have never recognised the other Karmapa since day one. The chances of them getting control of the other Karmapa is definitely not possible. Their intention has never been to protect and preserve the precious Vajrayana Buddhism.

Few days back was Karmapa Ogyen Trinley's birthday. Seems to not have any celebration in Dharamsala? I read news that it was celebrated in Sikkim. The newly elected Chief Minister of Sikkim Prem Singh Tamang expressed his gratitude for being a part of the occasion and thanked the Prime Minister Narendra Modi and his efficient team in the Centre for having accorded blanket permission to His Holiness the 17th Karmapa Ogyen Trinley Dorjee to visit Sikkim. However, with the current situation, I wonder if Ogyen Trinley will ever visit Sikkim. Who is the real Karmapa now since the 'real' Karmapa has abandoned the Tibetan leadership/Dharamsala?


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The CTA sees no benefits in interfering the 2 Karmapa issues now because the Karmapa they recognised has run away from India and they have never recognised the other Karmapa since day one. The chances of them getting control of the other Karmapa is definitely not possible. Their intention has never been to protect and preserve the precious Vajrayana Buddhism.

Few days back was Karmapa Ogyen Trinley's birthday. Seems to not have any celebration in Dharamsala? I read news that it was celebrated in Sikkim. The newly elected Chief Minister of Sikkim Prem Singh Tamang expressed his gratitude for being a part of the occasion and thanked the Prime Minister Narendra Modi and his efficient team in the Centre for having accorded blanket permission to His Holiness the 17th Karmapa Ogyen Trinley Dorjee to visit Sikkim. However, with the current situation, I wonder if Ogyen Trinley will ever visit Sikkim. Who is the real Karmapa now since the 'real' Karmapa has abandoned the Tibetan leadership/Dharamsala?

It is obvious that Karmapa Ogyen Trinley is just a pawn to CTA, someone that CTA can use and just dump with no care or whatsoever. Ever since Karmapa Ogyen Trinley ran away to the west, CTA had been trying to get him to come back with various methods. However, Karmapa Ogyen Trinley refused to go back to India and CTA quickly tried to get to the other Karmapa.

It shows how quickly CTA can dump their own Karmapa once they did not get cooperation from him. Karmapa Ogyen Trinley to them is just an asset to control the Tibetans. On the other hand, CTA never recognises Karmapa Thaye Dorje from Day 1 and even refused to be connected to him. Now that they needed him to be on their side, they shamelessly went to him. Fortunately, Karmapa Thaye Dorje is wise enough to avoid them.


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Wow, guess what! I heard from the grapevine that some Sakya monks are actually visiting DS related websites and the Tibetan leaders have absolutely no control over this. This is definitely spreading and soon the people will see through CTA's lies and doubt whatever CTA says. No more control! No more power!


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It shows how quickly CTA can dump their own Karmapa once they did not get cooperation from him. Karmapa Ogyen Trinley to them is just an asset to control the Tibetans. On the other hand, CTA never recognises Karmapa Thaye Dorje from Day 1 and even refused to be connected to him. Now that they needed him to be on their side, they shamelessly went to him. Fortunately, Karmapa Thaye Dorje is wise enough to avoid them.

This really shows CTA's true colours. Now after they are abandoned by the 'real' Karmapa, they do not hesitate but wants to get the 'fake' Karmapa on their side. They have no respect for the sacred tradition of Tibetan Buddhism - who's the real Tulku or not, as long as they can be used as pawn or support their unethical corrupted self-serving administration. Look at Lobsang Sangay, what has he done for the welfare of Tibetans in exile, really?  His self-glorifying speech, 'business' trips overseas, firing of Penpa Tsering drama causing further regionalism sentiments....   :(  It's so different when Samdhong Rinpoche was the Kalon Tripa.