Author Topic: "Two More Years", a new book on Tibet: Author says no way back home  (Read 9537 times)


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I just came across this book review and find it very interesting.

It must be very hard to be away from one's family and back then there was no internet  This also shows the deep pain Dorje Shugden practitioners who have or had to live as they had to leave loved ones in Tibet but even in Dharamsala they were persecuted and not part of the community.

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Dharamshala — If you are an avid reader of anything that is Tibetan, then, you might be interested in buying a newly released Tibetan memoir book: Two More Years.

"Two More Years is my memoir and my way of looking at my life but in many ways, it is also the story of many Tibetans who have been in my shoes," says Tendar Tsering, author of the book.

Tendar explains, "When I was twelve, I decided to leave my family and cross Mt. Everest to study in India. This is the story of my life thereafter."

The story is told from the point of view of a twelve-year-old boy and the images of events unfolding in the story are very vivid and raw in nature.

The story is fraught with tension— the boy leaves his family behind and embarks on an arduous and dangerous journey in order to study at a boarding school in India.

On the way to India, the boy who is accompanied by some forty strangers often looks up in the sky and desires to return back but he has reached a point of no return; there's no way he can get back on his own. During the journey, the group often sleeps during the day and travels at night in order to not be caught by the Chinese border patrol.

Once the group arrives in India, Tendar finds out that India is not what he heard of and dreamed about when he was in Tibet. Even after being enrolled in the Tibetan Children's Village School, Tendar's tragedy doesn't end. He is homesick. He wants to go back to his hometown in Tibet but he also knows that there is no way that he can go back. The lump in his throat only grows bigger.

Tendar says Two More Years is a melancholic reference to the promise that he had made to his family when his mother begged to see him again—one he is yet to achieve even after twenty years of living in exile.

After twenty years of exile, Tendar looks back at his life and adds, [b]"I can't really say if I was lucky to study under the blessing of His Holiness the Dalai Lama or unlucky to be away from my family for last over twenty years."[/b]

"There is no black and white answer. It is very gray in nature," Tendar adds.

Leaving readers teary eyed and in awe, the story ends with Tendar's flight to the United States, thousands of miles away from his homeland and in contradiction to his promise to return home.

The book is available on Amazon and can also be ordered from Barnes and Noble.


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No one sings this tone anymore. Tibetans have long stopped travel to India because they are happy with Chinese's aid. Most of them no longer live in poverty and many are doing much better compared to those who are under the CTA. The CTA has proven that they do not care about their people. They are only interested in milking money for their own pockets. The TCV in Dharamsala has no students and had to combine the students into one class for pictures taking in order to continue getting donations. Also, the majority of the students are Nepalese and none of them are Tibetans.


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I just came across this book review and find it very interesting.

It must be very hard to be away from one's family and back then there was no internet  This also shows the deep pain Dorje Shugden practitioners who have or had to live as they had to leave loved ones in Tibet but even in Dharamsala they were persecuted and not part of the community.

Quite hard to read because the font was very small. But one thing you say is for sure... already you have suffered escaping Tibet then you still need to suffer under your own government and your own people, even families and friends just because you have a different practice. This to me is even more heartbreaking.

However, on a lighter note... what Rowntree say is very true... no one sing this tune anymore cos you know what... Tibet is doing well... at least there, there is religious freedom.


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Re: "Two More Years", a new book on Tibet: Author says no way back home
« Reply #3 on: January 30, 2019, 09:58:07 AM »
What the author has written is pretty sad but it also tells us about the CTA. The CTA has been painting a different picture to the Tibetans in Tibet to make them go against the Chinese government and encourage them to come to India. Once they arrive in India, only they realise life in Tibet is far better than in India.

In China, they are the citizen, they enjoy the benefits and welfare provided by the government. Everyone is subject to the law, tehre is no difference of who you are. In India, even though the CTA claims they are a democratic government, they rule the Tibetans like in the old days, no one is allowed to have a different opinion. If they do, the CTA will make their life very difficult. This is the case in the Dorje Shugden controversy. Dorje Shugden practitioners are being segregated by the CTA.

Tibetans who regretted to come to India has no option to go back to China to reunite with their family. Their lives in India is not better than in China. In fact, the lives of the Tibetans in China are better than those in India!  Many Tibetans now have realised that that is why fewer Tibetans are arriving in India now.


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Re: "Two More Years", a new book on Tibet: Author says no way back home
« Reply #4 on: January 31, 2019, 08:11:47 AM »
I just came across this book review and find it very interesting.

It must be very hard to be away from one's family and back then there was no internet  This also shows the deep pain Dorje Shugden practitioners who have or had to live as they had to leave loved ones in Tibet but even in Dharamsala they were persecuted and not part of the community.

It is very sad that many of the Tibetans were made refugees and having to leave their homes for India. And many in Tibet thinks that life in India is all rosy but as we know, it is not so. It is more sufferings for everyone especially when the Tibetan Leaders do not care enough to invest the billions of sponsorship money to lift them out of poverty with education and skills training. Instead, Tibetan Leaders create chasm within their community with the illogical ban on Dorje Shugden practice, which created the divide amongst families, friends and acquaintances. All these pains to hide the Tibetan Leaders' failures in returning their people back to Tibet. At a time, Nechung had predicted that the refugees will be able to return within 5 years and everyone just kept their things in suitcases, trunks and containers expecting their exodus home. 5 years passed and no call for the journey. Imagine the hope and the pain these people felt. Now no one trusts what their Leaders promise anymore and had already sought greener pastures. Those who remained just couldn't afford to leave and when trying to apply for Indian passport, the Leaders created obstacles for them to prevent this. All to keep them in poverty so the Leaders are able to continue receiving sponsorship, professional begging at their best. Such a shame to have such Leaders to not care for their people.


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Re: "Two More Years", a new book on Tibet: Author says no way back home
« Reply #5 on: February 19, 2019, 08:50:04 AM »
The reason why Tibetans have to leave their home is because of the Tibetan leadership. They are too arrogant and weak to protect their own country. Dorje Shugden oracle actually gave them advice on what to do prior to the invasion of the Chinese army. However, the Tibetan leadership are too focused on their own benefit and arrogantly ignored the advise.

Hence, when the Chinese invaded Tibet, they are unable to protect their own country because they had never invested in making their country strong to defend outer threats. They spend their time being corrupted and fight among each other that leads to nowhere. When they settled in India, they did the exact same thing that they do in Tibet and that is why they are unable to do get back their country until now.

It is impossible for the Tibetans to go home now because China had already established a firm grip on Tibet while the Tibetans are still fighting among each other. Now even the Tibetans in Tibet prefer to stay under the governance of the Chinese government. That is how good the Chinese government had become. Tibetans can forget about their dream to return to an Independent Tibet.


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Re: "Two More Years", a new book on Tibet: Author says no way back home
« Reply #6 on: March 12, 2019, 09:01:36 AM »
Over the years, many Tibetans have risked their lives escaping from Tibet to come to India. India is like a dreamland for them where there are more opportunities and where their god-king the Dalai Lama is. They are actually tricked into coming to India by the CTA, including the Karmapa Ogyen Trinley.

The CTA's donations from the west pretty much dependent on the number of Tibetans they have in the exile community. The more refugees they have, the more money they can get from their sponsors. They mislead the Tibetans to come to India by saying negative things about China and painting a beautiful image of India to them. The CTA give them the impression by coming to India, they will have the real freedom and life will be so much better than in China.

Unfortunately, the CTA is lying to them. Those who have arrived in India are very regretful after a few years because life in India and as a refugee is worse than the life in Tibet. In Tibet, there are more opportunities, they are able to own a business or properties whereas, in India, they are only a refugee. The CTA doesn't take care of its own people, they are exploiting them!


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Re: "Two More Years", a new book on Tibet: Author says no way back home
« Reply #7 on: March 19, 2019, 09:12:29 AM »
Over the years, many Tibetans have risked their lives escaping from Tibet to come to India. India is like a dreamland for them where there are more opportunities and where their god-king the Dalai Lama is. They are actually tricked into coming to India by the CTA, including the Karmapa Ogyen Trinley.

The CTA's donations from the west pretty much dependent on the number of Tibetans they have in the exile community. The more refugees they have, the more money they can get from their sponsors. They mislead the Tibetans to come to India by saying negative things about China and painting a beautiful image of India to them. The CTA give them the impression by coming to India, they will have the real freedom and life will be so much better than in China.

Unfortunately, the CTA is lying to them. Those who have arrived in India are very regretful after a few years because life in India and as a refugee is worse than the life in Tibet. In Tibet, there are more opportunities, they are able to own a business or properties whereas, in India, they are only a refugee. The CTA doesn't take care of its own people, they are exploiting them!

Just the title of the book already makes people feel so sad. Indeed there is no way back home because CTA failed to fulfill their promise to bring Tibetans back to Tibet after 60 years. CTA has not done much to make sure their cause will be a success. They only relied on the words of Nechung oracle. When Nechung oracle said 5 years, they were happy to hear that. But they did not do the necessary to make it happen.

CTA has so much funding from the west but how did they use the fund? They are the only group of refugees in the world who receive so much financial aid from the west but did not deliver anything tangible. All CTA does it to irk China and leech on India. They use the money to pay fake human rights activists to condemn China and they pay Sanghas to spread lies and rumours about Dorje Shugden.

It is very obvious that CTA is not interested in making the Tibet cause successful, they are very focus on creating conflicts and disharmony in the Tibetan community. For those who escape from Tibet in the last 10 years, they realised they are cheated by CTA, just like the author. CTA tricks the Tibetans in Tibet to come to India so they can still keep the exile community at a certain number to continue to ask for free money. This is how CTA destroys the lives of the Tibetans. 


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Re: "Two More Years", a new book on Tibet: Author says no way back home
« Reply #8 on: March 22, 2019, 12:54:04 AM »
This is what the Tibetan government had created for being selfish and never cared about their own people. The invasion of Tibet by the Chinese is totally avoidable because Dorje Shugden oracle had already given them advice. The advice of the Oracle is very precise and if they followed the advice precisely, then Tibet could have been saved.

Tibet has been saved by Dorje Shugden oracle's advise before during the 13th Dalai Lama's time where they avoided an invasion by renovating 2 holy sites with the support of the whole nation. However, due to their own selfishness and arrogance, they did not follow what has been advised by Dorje Shugden and the result is Tibet being taken over by the Chinese.

Tibetans suffered alot and they are still suffering because they are still refugees in India until now which is 60 years after they fled Tibet. Tendar's story is just another example of how Tibetans are forced to leave their country and their family and suffer overseas. This is how bad the Tibetan government is and they are still doing it to Tibetans by not fighting for their future. Looks like the Tibetan government is comfortable being refugees for a century.


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Re: "Two More Years", a new book on Tibet: Author says no way back home
« Reply #9 on: March 25, 2019, 04:30:14 AM »
This is so sad. This is how the CTA ruin people's life. The author came to India because the CTA has painted such a beautiful picture of India to the Tibetans in Tibet. They influence the Tibetans to come to India so they can have more people in the exile community for them to ask for free money. The author was naive to believe the CTA and he now regretted so much to run away from Tibet. He didn't get to live a better life but instead, he is living in misery.


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Re: "Two More Years", a new book on Tibet: Author says no way back home
« Reply #10 on: March 25, 2019, 04:43:20 AM »
This is so sad. This is how the CTA ruin people's life. The author came to India because the CTA has painted such a beautiful picture of India to the Tibetans in Tibet. They influence the Tibetans to come to India so they can have more people in the exile community for them to ask for free money. The author was naive to believe the CTA and he now regretted so much to run away from Tibet. He didn't get to live a better life but instead, he is living in misery.

This is a sad story, but it's not the only sad story.  I believe if you go to the Tibetan settlements and ask around, you will hear even more sad stories like this. This is how the CTA treats their people who trusted them so much to the extend of willing to sacrifice their lives. CTA is a government with no conscience. Their karma is manifesting now. 


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Re: "Two More Years", a new book on Tibet: Author says no way back home
« Reply #11 on: March 25, 2019, 04:56:21 AM »
More examples of how the Tibetan government cause suffering for their own people. They gave them empty promises and also painted a too good to be true pictures of the situation in India which influenced a lot of Tibetans to flee their home in Tibet to go to India. However, when they reach India, they will find out the truth and by that time, they have no means to escape anymore. How can a government create so much suffering for their own people? They have no regard for the welfare of their own people and they use them to get benefits for themselves. This book is just another evidence of how CTA had created suffering for their own people.


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Re: "Two More Years", a new book on Tibet: Author says no way back home
« Reply #12 on: March 25, 2019, 05:09:45 AM »
More examples of how the Tibetan government cause suffering for their own people. They gave them empty promises and also painted a too good to be true pictures of the situation in India which influenced a lot of Tibetans to flee their home in Tibet to go to India. However, when they reach India, they will find out the truth and by that time, they have no means to escape anymore. How can a government create so much suffering for their own people? They have no regard for the welfare of their own people and they use them to get benefits for themselves. This book is just another evidence of how CTA had created suffering for their own people.

And what more if you are a Dorje Shugden practitioner? The CTA, your so-called leader who is supposed to protect you will target you, discriminate you, shun you, condemn you yet they dare talk about human right? Disgusting! Pure hypocrites as they are one of the worst in human rights violation. And they are the worst in how they treat the sangha. I just cannot imagine the kind of karma they are accumulating. I would not be surprised if CTA goes down. Karma has no discrimination.


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Re: "Two More Years", a new book on Tibet: Author says no way back home
« Reply #13 on: April 05, 2019, 07:55:55 PM »

And what more if you are a Dorje Shugden practitioner? The CTA, your so-called leader who is supposed to protect you will target you, discriminate you, shun you, condemn you yet they dare talk about human right? Disgusting! Pure hypocrites as they are one of the worst in human rights violation. And they are the worst in how they treat the sangha. I just cannot imagine the kind of karma they are accumulating. I would not be surprised if CTA goes down. Karma has no discrimination.

It is very sad that the Dorje Shugden practitioners are discriminated against by their own government. The CTA is the only government in the world that treats their own people unfairly. Just because the CTA wants to cover their own failure in fulfilling their promise to the Tibetans, they make a small group of Tibetans suffer.

No other government in the world mix religion with politics together. They usually have a department that governs the teaching of different religions but they don't get involved directly in religious matter. The religious matters are left to the religious body to manage. The CTA does not practice the same as the rest of the world. They encourage their own people to segregate Dorje Shugden followers and have create so much disharmony in their community.

Due to the 'good job' of the CTA, the Tibetan community is split into many groups. With so many groups with different views, opinions and ideologies, it is hard to have a community that unites and has a common goal. This is one of the main reasons why the free Tibet movement has been a failure. Maybe CTA does not want the free Tibet movement to be successful so they can continue to ask for free money from the sponsors.


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Re: "Two More Years", a new book on Tibet: Author says no way back home
« Reply #14 on: April 07, 2019, 06:37:32 AM »

And what more if you are a Dorje Shugden practitioner? The CTA, your so-called leader who is supposed to protect you will target you, discriminate you, shun you, condemn you yet they dare talk about human right? Disgusting! Pure hypocrites as they are one of the worst in human rights violation. And they are the worst in how they treat the sangha. I just cannot imagine the kind of karma they are accumulating. I would not be surprised if CTA goes down. Karma has no discrimination.

It is very sad that the Dorje Shugden practitioners are discriminated against by their own government. The CTA is the only government in the world that treats their own people unfairly. Just because the CTA wants to cover their own failure in fulfilling their promise to the Tibetans, they make a small group of Tibetans suffer.

No other government in the world mix religion with politics together. They usually have a department that governs the teaching of different religions but they don't get involved directly in religious matter. The religious matters are left to the religious body to manage. The CTA does not practice the same as the rest of the world. They encourage their own people to segregate Dorje Shugden followers and have create so much disharmony in their community.

Due to the 'good job' of the CTA, the Tibetan community is split into many groups. With so many groups with different views, opinions, and ideologies, it is hard to have a community that unites and has a common goal. This is one of the main reasons why the free Tibet movement has been a failure. Maybe CTA does not want the free Tibet movement to be successful so they can continue to ask for free money from the sponsors.

For all these years since CTA escaped to Tibet with His Holiness the Dalai Lama, they have been fighting for the future of fellow Tibetans in India, Tibet and all over the world. However, 60 years have passed and there is still no improvement in the situation of the Tibetans. They still remained where they are 60 years ago.

Tibetans who trusted their government risked their lives and escaped to India just for a better future. However, when they reach India, the truth hits them that the situation there is not any better than Tibet and it is even worse now. However, they are unable to return to Tibet last time even if they want to. Hence, they are stuck in India, fooled by the lies of CTA to get them into India.

This book is heart-wrenching and readers can feel how heartbroken these Tibetans are when they find out that they had been cheated and they are unable to return to Tibet after that. They are forced to escape overseas to a foreign land to fight for their own future. This is how CTA treated their own people.