Author Topic: HH Dalai Lama being used to "poke" China  (Read 8659 times)

Ringo Starr

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HH Dalai Lama being used to "poke" China
« on: December 01, 2016, 11:50:11 AM »
Reuters has just carried a report entitled "Poking the Dragon: Trump to Meet With Dalai Lama". It can be viewed here:][url][/url]

I can't agree more. As long as the CTA's posture with regards to Tibet is for independence, HH Dalai Lama will always be viewed as a pawn, tool or weapon to be pulled out whenever convenient, by the powers he seems to serve (the US and some of its allies) to "poke" China.

HH recently visited Mongolia and it has not achieved anything much except for a reminder from China not to "poke" it. China has just slapped new fees on Mongolian exporters. Read the Reuters article here:

And as long as the CTA demands independence and HH Dalai Lama continues to "poke" China, there will not be any positive development for Tibetans vis-a-vis HH Dalai Lama as can been seen in another tightening stance, this time by the authorities in Nepal:

In summary, the CTA's stance which is pro-independence for Tibet and HH going around "poking" China on behalf of America, has not and is not going to benefit Tibetans at large, either spiritually or materially. It is time Tibetans in exile wake up!


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Re: HH Dalai Lama being used to "poke" China
« Reply #1 on: December 02, 2016, 02:51:04 AM »
The Dalai Lama IS a tool. There is no country and real government for them. They are squatting on Indian soil, have a temporary government, have no GDP and what not to speak of, they are dependent on the western world's charity, so what do you expect?

The shame of making a beautiful religion into a secular business. The blaming of a deity for human failure because it is more convenient. They forget about the balance of power globally. They think the US can go and bomb China and give Tibet back to them. It doesn't work that way. The Dalai Lama knows dialogue is the way but as long as the CTA creates the karma for that not to happen by not talking to all the different schools and get rid of schism, hey, that dialogue with China ain't gonna happen.

And, the Dalai Lama continues to "poke" China? well, that seems to be his favorite pastime. President Obama sent him out by the back door, President elect Trump may do the same.

And, yeah, Ringo Starr, I agree that the CTA's stance which is pro-independence for Tibet and HH going around "poking" China on behalf of America, has not and is not going to benefit Tibetans at large, either spiritually or materially. It is time Tibetans in exile wake up!


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Re: HH Dalai Lama being used to "poke" China
« Reply #2 on: December 04, 2016, 01:33:00 PM »
It is interesting that during the Dalai Lama's visit to Mongolia, the Central Tibetan Administration (CTA) keep praising Mongolia for standing up against China. Now that the Dalai Lama's visit has ended, Mongolia is left alone to suffer the consequences from this visit. China canceled diplomatic meetings including a 4.2 billion loan negotiation that could end Mongolian economic crisis. China implemented new tariffs that caused mining giant like Rio Tinto to stop exporting commodities from Mongolia. Now that Mongolia is suffering, there are not even one word of support of offer for help from the CTA. The CTA's Lobsang Sangay travelled the world to promote Tibetan cause, but there is no news about him approaching anyone to help Mongolia who is suppose to be his 'friend.' How ironic!


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Re: HH Dalai Lama being used to "poke" China
« Reply #3 on: December 08, 2016, 09:54:51 PM »
After so many years of exile in refugee status without any solution in sight, I just find it terrible that CTA resorts to using the Dalai Lama as a pawn to aggravate China when all he wanted now is to reconcile with autonomy rule in mind. It is very clear that CTA lacks the clout to stand out on the world forum without the Dalai Lama and also their long dependency on sponsorship of USD19 million per annum from USA and various donations. If the Dalai Lama were to get his wish, then it would be logical that all these free-money will stop immediately. And on top of that, I find it close to impossible for China to let CTA members back in to Tibet after all those trouble they had caused and is still causing. Besides, the current Tibet(China) already has a governing body in place and why should they allow troublemakers to be part of the ruling party? I don't think any sane country who puts the peace of their citizens first, would. As such, CTA will definitely be the huge loser if the Dalai Lama was to return to Tibet. No wonder they would selfishly use such an exalted Lama to be used rather than treasure him for his enlightened state and the precious Dharma he teaches. And to top of their stupidity, they spent huge amount of money on media propaganda on Dorje Shugden instead of on their people facing drought in South India. Giving the current change where most countries scramble to be good friends of China, CTA really better wake up quickly and hasten their project of befriending China as well as stop all those overt and clandestine harassments. They must lift the ban on Dorje Shugden to get the support of millions practitioners worldwide and be seen as fair governance. Who knows, maybe the Shugden Lamas who had made headway into China will compassionately put in a good word for CTA. After all we know who are the real practitioners who practices pure lineage teachings of compassion and kindness, right.

Tenzin Malgyur

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Re: HH Dalai Lama being used to "poke" China
« Reply #4 on: January 03, 2017, 01:34:07 PM »
It is sad to see the Dalai Lama allowing himself to be used as an object by Trump to provoke China. Does this get them more resources to fund the CTA's anti Shugden move and to pay the salaries of the non performing leaders and ministers? On the China side, it would only shut the door even tighter on Dalai Lama to any opportunity of having a dialogue. Sad, sad, sad. It looks like the CTA leaders do not have any intention of ever returning to Tibet.


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Re: HH Dalai Lama being used to "poke" China
« Reply #5 on: January 08, 2017, 12:31:29 PM »
It is a shame that after the Dalai Lama’s visit to Mongolia, the Mongolians are suffering even more as China has pulled out on the massive loan to help their economic crises and also slapped them by imposing new fees on commodity shipment between the two countries. The CTA is nothing compared to giants like China. They should not provoke China and aggravate the already strained relationship.It is time they should "wake up" and be friends with China.


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Re: HH Dalai Lama being used to "poke" China
« Reply #6 on: January 22, 2017, 09:24:54 AM »
The CTA is so embarrassing! How can they let their people suffer for so long and not searching a peaceful solution? China is huge and the Tibetans have lost already in 1959! Let's face it CTA, you will not achieve anything positive for your people by creating videos against Dorje Shugden practitioners! The only way is to face China and start a constructive dialogue. Become a real government for the Tibetan people and start to make friends with those who the Tibetans have to face every day in Tibet - the Chinese!


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Re: HH Dalai Lama being used to "poke" China
« Reply #7 on: January 22, 2017, 09:10:17 PM »
The evil dalie says that he “will go to see the new president”. But it's still unclear whether or not Trump will be willing to promote the Soros puppet by granting him an audience.

Remember, all these worldwide anti-Trump protests and women's marches are sponsored by the evil dalie's puppet master, George Soros.

Please observe that the news link quoted by the original poster comes from the extremist Evangelical Christian Zionist outlet Charisma News, owned by people all to eager to use Trump (and of course the evil dalie) as a weapon against China and Buddhism.


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Re: HH Dalai Lama being used to "poke" China
« Reply #8 on: January 25, 2017, 03:32:36 AM »
*all too eager