Author Topic: Desecrating the Dharma???? Another 'interesting' article from Singapore!!  (Read 11640 times)


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Dearest Friends @ CAS,

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"Desecrating the Dharma"
We will like to deal with a touchy but necessary matter in this Special Issue, namely that of an exhibition of alleged relics of Lord Buddha, the Enlightened Lord for Buddhists world-wide: the Teacher of Gods and Men, the Blessed One.
We felt obliged to clarify the matter, regardless of how awful things have already turned out to be, and how potentially nasty things could become for us, the society at large and definitely for the Dharma. 
Questionable Advertising
A self-proclaimed incarnation of the great Bodhisattva - Guan Yin or Chenrezig - bombarded Singapore with thick, colourful booklets ( snail mail ) and big posters slapped into anywhere that fits ( bus-stops / MRTs / malls ). They blared of ( Again !! After an absence of about 1 to 2 years !! ) tempting coloured pills, they boldly pressed us to believe, were relics of the Buddha's saliva / blood / brain / bones and what not !!
The obvious hard-sell begs the question of why it is characteristically so UN-Buddhist but instead so reminiscient of strands of certain fundamentalistic Abrahamic tribal codes !!
Questionable "Relics"   
No Buddhists could recall any exhortation by the Buddha to fully equate happiness with worshipping Him .... much less, relics claimed to descend from Him and of truly unclear origins: historically / scripturally or otherwise !!
The big problem here is that there is not one single Buddhist scripture which has mentioned about the Buddha having left relics of saliva / blood or brains. There has never been any historical references, however weak, hinting about the existence of such relics. The blatant claims have confused and shocked indeed many Buddhists world-wide and has prompted not a few Buddhist umbrella organisations in many countries to distance themselves completely from the party hosting this event.
The so-claimed hair of the Buddha has also been twitched between human fingers in front of TV cameras to show how divine it is because it could quiver by itself ( gasp !! ) and also because it could swim like a cute tadpole in mug of water ( gasp again !! )   
Questionable Funding & Backers
Dark rumours of links with shady figures in communist China are not completely dismissed to account for the massive funding for their ambitious campaign.  For decades, fundings from political quarters have indeed been pouring into Chinese occupied Tibet to re-build either Bon ( the  shamanistic, pre-Buddhist religion ) or the shugden-tainted temples in wicked bid to split the Tibetans ( the old war strategem of "divde and conquer" lives on !! ) and to water down the influence of the Dalai Lama as He is THE Tibetan Buddhist Leader and not "Bon" and definitely not with shugden. So constructing shugden temples and Bon temples will gradually side-step the Dalai Lama's traditional leadership .... nice plan !!
Oops .... lets not forget another nice idea of funding Tibetan Buddhist centres all over the world .... but to support the shugden related ones. They will come in useful as another weapon against the Dalai Lama !! You see, the name has only very recently been switched from "Chinese Gelugpa XXX" ( they have used this name in their centres all the world over ) to "". Now, this newly-hatched "" is hosting relics NO Buddhists in the world has known existed before, right in Singapore's world-class international convention centre !!
To be fair, we acknowledge - unreservedly - that there has never been published proofs of the identity of their sheathed bed fellow, but, again, the rumours and suggestions are strongly compelling. Some more, neither sides have never openly denied their "patron-priest" relationship and some of the shugden "lamas" have received more than their lion's share of photo-ops with Chinese leaders ( eg: Gangchen and gang with Jiang Zemin & other post-communists ).   
In this grand charade, one is tempted to question who is the puppet and who gains more from the show !!
PROVEN Dishonesty
Most Venerable Denma Locho Rinpoche, one of Tibet's most respected hierarchs, received an apparently innocent request for a short audience. Having received easily a few thousand requests for audiences a year, Locho Rinpoche's secretary acceded to what appears to be yet another devoted audience for blessings, naming of new-borns or scriptural clarifications.
What ensued spurned completely out of imagined sacrileged. The self-proclaimed incarnation of Guan Yin or Chenrezig ( the main organiser of this brazen circus with his oh-so recognizable little stub of goattee ) popped deftly into Locho Rinpoche's room, flashed one sample of his claimed "relics" across Rinpoche's eyes, lashed out his limb to grab Rinpoche's blessed palms and gruffly commanded his attendants to snap pictures upon pictures from every angle !! The subsequent nightmare was flooded into the literally millions of booklets and posters: Denma Locho Rinpoche recognized these thousands of coloured balls as Lord Buddha's saliva, blood and brain relics; applauded his relic world-tour and in short, approved and loved him as the recognized incarnation of holy Chenrezig !!
When the matter bombed-shelled, Locho Rinpoche's office issued an open clarification to His literally hundreds of thousands of disciples, both lay and monastic, and also to His Holiness the Dalai Lama's Private Office, that He has NOT endorsed anyone as Chenrezig incarnate nor affirmed any archaelogically unproven pellets as the venerated relics of Lord Buddha, the Enlightened One.
Despite every attempt to get this party to stop making misleading claims in relation to Locho Rinpoche ( they have been duly informed !! ), this time round, they continued with their dirty deception by re-publishing pictures of Rinpoche and the goattee man, lying about how Locho was head over heels with their enlightened activities and how lovely Locho Rinpoche considered his absurd pellets to be !!
Traditionally, acts and depths of such scale are attributed very long rebirth in the most terrible of hells and this time, we are truly concerned for their well-being !!
The deceptions are not just to this purest of masters ( ie: THE Most Venerable Denma Locho Rinpoche ), the lies they spinned are bringing them the crowds of innocent, undiscerning public, full of faith in Lord Buddha and His teachings. Very unholy for them, too, these innocent souls will be offering their hard-earned cash where they shall pour into yet soon another campaign of flashy posters and screaming booklets and of how "Happiness" shall come to those who worshipped their small, funny balls.
Unfortunate After-taste
1) ALL Buddhists will be further, eagerly by some, blackened as strange ball-worshippers: superstitious / shamanistic / mediocre / medieval / pitiful ( !! ). This will effectively embolden assaults on the pure Dharma and help convince hordes of innocent youngsters that rock-bands in other houses of worships are definitely more cool than kow-towing to strange balls, a practice they saw with their own eyes, advertised as "Buddhists" and the "Buddha's" !!
2) The Buddha's teachings could be re-oriented ( if these guys are successful enough !! ) into worshipping of "relics", whether true ones or suspicious ones, instead of purposeful and doctrinally sound emphasis upon the Three Higher Trainings of Ethics / Meditation and Wisdom. In short, it could detract Buddhists from REAL Dharma work and practices and genuine relics ( say from archaeologically verified sources in ancient Taxila / Bodhigaya ) of the Buddha could be snubbed and dismissed ....     
"Amituofo !!"     
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Dear Forum friends,

I pasted this strange article re Denma Locho Rinpoche who has no history of bombasting Shugden in anyway or form. In fact he did travel to Taiwan, give many teachings, transmissions and Yamantaka initiation to Serkong Tritul/Jamseng Rinpoche/students. Serkong Tritul offered Millions in Taiwan dollars as an offering. Denma Locho Rinpoche took that money, offered it to Loseling Monastery. At the time they were building their new prayer hall and did not have enough money. They accepted the money. Then later Loseling Monastery criticized Denma Locho Rinpoche by posting letters all over the Monastery saying that he accepted money from a shugden practitioner and that they will investigate further. But the incredible thing is that LOSELING NEVER REFUNDED THE MONEY AND KEPT IT WHILE CRITICIZING THIS OLD TEACHER, DENMA LOCHO RINPOCHE. To top it off, they invited the Dalai Lama to inaugurate the new prayer hall, which the Dalai Lama did!!
To this day, Loseling Monastery DID NOT REFUND THE MONEY TO DENMA LOCHO RINPOCHE OR TO SERKONG TRITUL RINPOCHE. They used the money to pay off their loans for the new Loseling Prayer Hall paid by a Dorje Shugden practitioner!!

We should write into this website and correct the misunderstandings with kind words, the truth and a rebuttle with good motivation.



« Last Edit: January 12, 2010, 12:14:54 PM by tk »

a friend

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I don't understand a word of their mayonnaise. Only thing I can say is:
anybody who dares speak ill of the great healer Lama Ganchen Rinpoche is wrong.
No doubt they are accomplices of the campaing started in Dharamsala against our
holy Lamas more than 30 years ago.

Let's concentrate in the great news about our monasteries flourishing, and let's
learn, contemplate and meditate on our Gentle Protector Je Tsongkapa's teachings,
this is the best way of protecting the lineage and the teachings, and to comply with
our Protector Dorje Shugden's true intent.


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I agree with what A Friend has written very much.

At the same time, I think we should take half hour out and write to the writers/centre/organization to let them know facts and that they are wrong.

Let them know they are 'watched.'


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A friend and TK,

absolutely right.

Friend - Gangchen Rinpoche has only done wonderful things with his work with the UN and promoting world peace.

TK - writing in is our only way to have a voice.

Thanks for the suggestion.

warmest wishes


Kate Walker - a wannabe wisdom Being

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Thank you Kate.

Actually we were waiting for Trinley Kalsang to make suggestions for a new letter, something coming from this Forum, that we might be willing to send to different addresses of the extraordinary list that Thom has produced (Administration has a list too, I wonder which among those are still current).
But Trinley Kalsang is very busy. Originally the idea was to take as departure point the last discourses of DL in Bodhgaya.
Suggestions are welcome.


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Re: Desecrating the Dharma???? Another 'interesting' article from Singapore!!
« Reply #5 on: February 04, 2010, 07:34:24 AM »
i have heard that this guy is a student of Serkong Dorje Chang, and recognized by him as well. They also propiciate Dorje Shudgen and building a huge temple dedicated to Shudgen in Taiwan soon.

no matter how "doubtful" it is, i feel that commenting negatively on fellow practitioners of Shudgen is very weird.


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Re: Desecrating the Dharma???? Another 'interesting' article from Singapore!!
« Reply #6 on: February 04, 2010, 09:20:48 AM »

This 'guy' is not a student of Serkong Dorje Chang. Serkong Dorje Chang is a young lama in his early 20's living in Gaden Jangtze and has no centre in Taiwan. This 'guy' is a student and recognized by Serkong Tritul Rinpoche. Serkong is affixed in front of their names because they are both from Gaden Jangtze SERKONG KHANGTSEN.

Serkong Tritul Rinpoche Dorje Shugden Monastery in Taiwan and in Nepal. The pictures are both on this website.


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Re: Desecrating the Dharma???? Another 'interesting' article from Singapore!!
« Reply #7 on: February 04, 2010, 09:32:43 AM »

This 'guy' is not a student of Serkong Dorje Chang. Serkong Dorje Chang is a young lama in his early 20's living in Gaden Jangtze and has no centre in Taiwan. This 'guy' is a student and recognized by Serkong Tritul Rinpoche. Serkong is affixed in front of their names because they are both from Gaden Jangtze SERKONG KHANGTSEN.

Serkong Tritul Rinpoche Dorje Shugden Monastery in Taiwan and in Nepal. The pictures are both on this website.

ah thanks for the clarification. i only heard serkong from my source, didnt know there was 2:D


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Re: Desecrating the Dharma???? Another 'interesting' article from Singapore!!
« Reply #8 on: February 04, 2010, 09:50:41 AM »

Actually there are three:

Serkong Dorje Chang Rinpoche

Serkong Tsenshab Rinpoche

Serkong Tritul Rinpoche

All three are Gaden Jangtse Monastery in South India.

Serkong Tritul Rinpoche was expelled from Gaden Jangtse because he would not relinquish his Dorje Shugden practice.


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Re: Desecrating the Dharma???? Another 'interesting' article from Singapore!!
« Reply #9 on: February 04, 2010, 09:54:55 AM »
(Administration has a list too, I wonder which among those are still current).
Suggestions are welcome.

All you have to do is ask...I'm sure many of us here would be happy to search and update that list...


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Re: Desecrating the Dharma???? Another 'interesting' article from Singapore!!
« Reply #10 on: February 06, 2010, 09:30:34 PM »
Serkong Tritul Rinpoche Dorje Shugden Monastery in Taiwan and in Nepal. The pictures are both on this website.

Serkong Tritul new monastery in Nepal is v impressive. Large, clean, organised yet traditional-style. His older monastery also in Nepal is very old and has mostly young monks there - the older ones and senior monks were sent over to SharGaden to create a larger sangha community there. Tritrul Rinpoche flies the flag high for DS lamas standing firm for their practice and protector. Gangchen Rinpoche and Gaden Trisur Rinpoche also


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I think the news written here needs a good rewrite. I think this is the cause for the great Denma Locho Rinpoche to be considered an outcast by TGIE.

Dear Shugdeners,

please be more mindful when we're on the go even on the upbeat of promoting DS.There are some high Lamas who have private plans for this practice and their disciples in the future. Obtaining there recognition in such a way isn't ethical and will put them to pure trouble. I can't tell u how sad I feel when I received this news. Locho Rinpoche has to bear it all.

May Lord Shugden watch closely over Locho Rinpoche that his Dharma career may continue to flourish.

Harry Nephew

Love Shugden, Love all Lamas, Heal the World!

Lee Dhi

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Wow, taking the fund raised by Denma Locho Rinpoche to build a prayer hall that was inaugurated by the Dalai Lama himself WHILE shunning him like a criminal without solid proof! I am simply baffled that a Dharma community is capable of doing something like this.

This will make it frightening for the Shangha community as they go around the world. A peaceful symbol of Buddhadharma (the Sangha) will now have to go around suspiciously like a businessman dealing in an environment full of deceit and lies so that he will not "get into political problem". At the same time, it will cause question and suspicion from sponsors and contributors on the purity and sincerity of the cause they are asked to support.

There will not be a good conclusion if such acts continue as there will not longer be a distinction between the spiritual world and the secular world.


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Dear Forum friends,

I pasted this strange article re Denma Locho Rinpoche who has no history of bombasting Shugden in anyway or form. In fact he did travel to Taiwan, give many teachings, transmissions and Yamantaka initiation to Serkong Tritul/Jamseng Rinpoche/students. Serkong Tritul offered Millions in Taiwan dollars as an offering. Denma Locho Rinpoche took that money, offered it to Loseling Monastery. At the time they were building their new prayer hall and did not have enough money. They accepted the money. Then later Loseling Monastery criticized Denma Locho Rinpoche by posting letters all over the Monastery saying that he accepted money from a shugden practitioner and that they will investigate further. But the incredible thing is that LOSELING NEVER REFUNDED THE MONEY AND KEPT IT WHILE CRITICIZING THIS OLD TEACHER, DENMA LOCHO RINPOCHE. To top it off, they invited the Dalai Lama to inaugurate the new prayer hall, which the Dalai Lama did!!
To this day, Loseling Monastery DID NOT REFUND THE MONEY TO DENMA LOCHO RINPOCHE OR TO SERKONG TRITUL RINPOCHE. They used the money to pay off their loans for the new Loseling Prayer Hall paid by a Dorje Shugden practitioner!!

We should write into this website and correct the misunderstandings with kind words, the truth and a rebuttle with good motivation.


This article is really sounds childish and unprofessional. It just sounds like another jealous center trying to create problems because they didn't get the to create such a huge event. At the end of the despite all the criticism and so many opposing them, they still did it! Amazing how Dorje Shugden protects and make the Dharma grow. Only a Buddha can do that.

Yes we should write in to clear doubts in people's mind. If the money is so "dirty" then might as well return it - after all we wouldn't they feel happier to not have taken money from an practitioner practicing "spirit" - it might cause them "harm"! oops.