Author Topic: China supports Tibetan Buddhism  (Read 13062 times)


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China supports Tibetan Buddhism
« on: November 20, 2015, 05:57:33 PM »
One thing Ive not quite got around to understanding when it comes to the CTA is how illogical they are. On the one hand they complain that the Chinese destroyed Buddhism. On the other hand, they complain when the Chinese rebuild the monasteries. Nothing is ever good in their eyes.

As far as Im concerned Dharamsala would rather see the Tibetan Buddhist monasteries and the lineage rot than accept Chinese money to do what is a very necessary job. I hope the Tibetans wake up to this fact.

  • Dungkar Monastery (Domo Geshe Rinpoche's monastery) received US$1.3mil in aid for renovations after it was damaged by the earthquake in 2011. As of July 2015, the work was nearly completed
  • Chamdo Jampaling received US$14mil
  • Gaden Sumtseling has also been a beneficiary of government aid
  • This other monastery received US$196mil:

What would the Tibetans rather they do? Not accept the money and let the monasteries fall to pieces? I highly doubt Dharamsala would be able to offer the same kind of financial assistance. Its quite simple really, shut up or pay up.


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Re: China supports Tibetan Buddhism
« Reply #1 on: November 21, 2015, 08:55:56 AM »
The CTA has been using the monies they have received from different sources for their own benefit. For example, Lobsang Sangay before he became Kalon Tripa had a huge debt for his home, just before he was elected, his debts was miraculously paid off by the CTA. If there is an arrangement made known prior to his election and someone sponsored, it is fine if such a thing took place. But it is evident that it was an undisclosed arrangement to put a puppet in power to direct the rest according to their agenda.

the biggest proof? Money collected in the form of "taxes" from all the monasteries in exile in India goes into the CTA's account. Yet, nothing is allocated for the monasteries to upgrade their facilities or to help the monks. The current state of the monasteries is a testament to what really CTA's agenda is.

This piece of news is worth rejoicing because it provides alot of comfort to know that China is putting in the funds and effort towards rebuilding the monasteries which have been destroyed. I hope that this becomes a trend and will silence CTA's ill agenda of killing the Dharma and the different seats which were meant to proliferate the Buddha Dharma
Harry Nephew

Love Shugden, Love all Lamas, Heal the World!

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Re: China supports Tibetan Buddhism
« Reply #2 on: November 21, 2015, 09:20:13 AM »
Thanks for the sharing DharmaDefender. I would rather rejoice for the news that China is providing aid to renovate/refurbish the monasteries. It’s something we as a Buddhist would rejoice as what will be the worst thing going to happen from this act as who else will help them?

If CTA is not happy what can they do to help those monasteries?
For whatever reason from the Chinese to restore the monasteries it still bring benefit to the monasteries and the people. In fact we are seeing China being more open in Buddhism compare to before which spiritual teaching is no way to be taught.

I see the a positive light of the spiritual practice being spread off from this big country. More opportunity of Buddhism teaching in future. Not forgetting that Je Tsongkhapa teaching and Dorje Shugden practices resided in China long time ago and we shall see the teaching coming back to benefit the people here again.

James Bond

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Re: China supports Tibetan Buddhism
« Reply #3 on: November 24, 2015, 01:48:16 PM »
Its good to see that other nations, especially such a powerful nation is in support of Buddhism. Its good that they are rebuilding monasteries and I do not see the logic behind the CTA. They need to set their priorities straight to whether they want China to support Buddhism, or whether they do not want China to support it. But as for now, its good to see that China is doing this to the destroyed/damaged monasteries. I am happy to hear this news. No matter what the CTA may think or announce, they cannot change the fact that China's involvement and support for Buddhism is good.


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Re: China supports Tibetan Buddhism
« Reply #4 on: November 27, 2015, 11:08:09 AM »
China has developed their economy to that of being the second largest in the world (so will say the largest). Hence, it has somewhat alleviated poverty and the next thing to do for the government is to increase stability of the people through practices of the mind. This can be done through cultural, sports and spiritual methods. Hence, to support religion and more so, organically support Tibetan Buddhism is a logical way in a development of a country.
What is encouraging though, is for the leaders of China to actually do the correct thing for the country. I think it is a high virtue for leaders of China. I rejoice.


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Re: China supports Tibetan Buddhism
« Reply #5 on: November 29, 2015, 01:02:34 AM »
It is interesting that China is providing aid to rebuild the monasteries in Tibet. I would like to point out that it was also China who destroyed many of the monasteries in Tibet to begin with. It was a hostile takeover. Let's call it what it is. This doesn't mean I am a fan of CTA which I personally think is the worst of the two government. Anyway I feel it is unfair to praise China just because they are now providing some aids to Tibet. It should take more than that to win the trust of the Tibetan people and to integrate Tibet as part of China's sovereignty.


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Re: China supports Tibetan Buddhism
« Reply #6 on: November 29, 2015, 04:55:41 PM »
Helping monasteries China gets flack, not helping the monasteries CHina also gets flack.

What does the CTA wants China to do? At least the action to benefit, is better than doing nothing at all.

And with regards to doing a positive actions, the Chinese people will collect merit which really wonderful for them in this and future lifetimes.


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Re: China supports Tibetan Buddhism
« Reply #7 on: November 29, 2015, 05:41:53 PM »
It should be noted that Tibetans themselves have being deviant themselves in the past. They deviate from the teachings, not practicing the real Dharma, and so on. It is not as rosy as one what may see. This is the same as pot calling the kettle black.

From the perspective of Dharma restoring monasteries is a meritorious deeds. Who is CTA to judge China? CTA overrides what Buddha taught?


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Re: China supports Tibetan Buddhism
« Reply #8 on: November 30, 2015, 04:22:19 AM »
We all already knew that the CTA and the illogical people that continue to resent and deny the ban are completely illogical. Not only are they trying to make an enemy out of everyone, they are just being so stubborn. They are already denying the ban of Dorje Shugden and still can say it is good and it is there, which doesn't make sense, but now they are just being so stubborn and unforgiving. Is this what is expected from representatives of modern Buddhism?

People are suffering because of the ban and bad things happening which China is willing to support. But CTA? No? Willing to let things be ruined because of stubbornness? OK? Fine. That is just how it will be then.


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Re: China supports Tibetan Buddhism
« Reply #9 on: December 11, 2015, 09:14:54 AM »
No s*** China destroyed many of the monasteries to begin with, but at least China is trying to make amends. What is Dharamsala going to do for the monasteries that were destroyed? Nothing.

You want to call it for what it is? Encourage them then. I dont think its unfair to praise China because lets give the country a break and a little encouragement. Calling them every other name under the sun hasnt worked, why not try niceties for once.

Dharamsala wont do anything for the Tibetan monasteries in Tibet because their too busy filling up their own coffers.

Seems youve missed the whole point of this mate.

It is interesting that China is providing aid to rebuild the monasteries in Tibet. I would like to point out that it was also China who destroyed many of the monasteries in Tibet to begin with. It was a hostile takeover. Let's call it what it is. This doesn't mean I am a fan of CTA which I personally think is the worst of the two government. Anyway I feel it is unfair to praise China just because they are now providing some aids to Tibet. It should take more than that to win the trust of the Tibetan people and to integrate Tibet as part of China's sovereignty.


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Re: China supports Tibetan Buddhism
« Reply #10 on: August 10, 2016, 04:46:50 PM »
As Buddha had taught, nothing is permanent. Yes China destroyed the monasteries during their invasion but had realised that to maintain harmony, she will need to elevate the people's living condition and the level of their spirituality. As such China invested millions into rebuilding Tibet, including places of religion. As spiritual teachings are guides to pure morality, China encourages religious freedom and do not tolerate religious persecution. The living condition of Tibetans are rising unlike the refugees living in camps under CTA's administration.

On the other hand, CTA hoards all the sponsorships and donations whilst dispensing only towards political support. They put a ban on the practise of enlightened Protector Dorje Shugden and accused him of being a "spirit". It may look benign but with the ban, CTA encouraged and supported acts of abuse, segregation, schism and depravation of medical care, schooling, jobs as well as financial support which the donations were intended for. Tibetan Shugden practitioners live in constant fear and Shugden Lamas were expelled from their monasteries where they had lived for most of their lives. The effects of the ban are going deeper into being a terrible threat to the pure lineage teachings and practises. So, Duhhh! What right do CTA and supporters have in complaining about China??


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Re: China supports Tibetan Buddhism
« Reply #11 on: August 11, 2016, 06:13:11 AM »
This is a wise move, instead of letting the monasteries crumpled in bad conditions; China is contributing towards the rebuilding of the monasteries. Monasteries hold great religious and cultural significance and I rejoice to see China being more open towards Buddhism.

The CTA should not complain of these good deeds by the Chinese. If they are not agreeable, they should take the lead to restore the monasteries. It is a shame they are not doing anything yet complained of China's actions in funding the restoration works.


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Re: China supports Tibetan Buddhism
« Reply #12 on: August 11, 2016, 06:22:02 AM »
People will just want to complain. China had invaded Tibet and destroyed monasteries and culture back in 1959. Now this new China is trying to do the best they can as they recognize that the people need spiritual wealth for happiness. Are we to say that it is wrong too?

CTA cannot even bring the Tibetans in exile in India to a better way and standard of living, so why begrudge the hand extended in aid back in Tibet? If CTA had been helping and doing good for these monasteries as well as the Tibetans in exile, then they have cause to complain and accuse. Otherwise, they should just bow their head and keep quiet.

Have the grace to be grateful that someone, even though considered your enemy, is helping to keep the monastery and sangha well and able to propagate Tibetan Buddhism to alleviate the sufferings of the people.

Tenzin Malgyur

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Re: China supports Tibetan Buddhism
« Reply #13 on: August 12, 2016, 01:52:50 PM »
Now its getting more obvious what the CTA have in their minds. Instead of feeling thankful to the China government for putting in money to rebuild Tibetan monasteries, they are making awful remarks about it. It's made me look at the situation as the CTA is upset the money spent on rebuilding the monasteries is not going into their coffers.
Just wondering how convincing they can be now that the whole world is witnessing all the claims that CTA have accused China of committing to be untrue. Looks like the Chinese government is doing a better job at encouraging and preserving Tibetan Buddhism than the CTA.


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Re: China supports Tibetan Buddhism
« Reply #14 on: August 12, 2016, 04:33:25 PM »
 Tenzin Malgyur, i do agree that at this point, so far it looks like China is really doing something to atone for their mistakes of previous years. Do not expect everything to change without effort. CTA is doing an awful job of protecting the interest of the Tibetans in exile, so how can anyone expect them to look into the interest of the Tibetans in Tibet?

It's a matter of who has the better spin doctor at this point.