Author Topic: 1000 years reign of Je Tsongkhapa's teachings  (Read 10798 times)

Ratna Shugden

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1000 years reign of Je Tsongkhapa's teachings
« on: February 02, 2012, 04:08:33 AM »
Is it true that Je Tsongkhapa prophesied that His teachings will remain in this world for only a 1000 years?
If this is true, how many years do we have left before Je Tsongkhapa's teachings cease to exist in this world?
What about other three schools of Tibetan Buddhism, Nyingma, Kagyu,& Sakya, do they also have prophesies on how long their tradition will last?

Which school of Tibetan Buddhism will be the last to remain in this world, before Buddha Dharma cease to exist in this world totally?


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Re: 1000 years reign of Je Tsongkhapa's teachings
« Reply #1 on: February 02, 2012, 09:34:21 AM »
Is it true that Je Tsongkhapa prophesied that His teachings will remain in this world for only a 1000 years?
If this is true, how many years do we have left before Je Tsongkhapa's teachings cease to exist in this world?
What about other three schools of Tibetan Buddhism, Nyingma, Kagyu,& Sakya, do they also have prophesies on how long their tradition will last?

Which school of Tibetan Buddhism will be the last to remain in this world, before Buddha Dharma cease to exist in this world totally?
it is true and the authentic dharma will stay for 1000yrs in Gelug and will change to another sect. By then gelug will be just an empty shell, whereas dharma will be in another sect. Don't ask about other sect as this is a sensitive question.

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Re: 1000 years reign of Je Tsongkhapa's teachings
« Reply #2 on: February 03, 2012, 02:27:21 AM »
Interesting... where can we find about this prophecy?

I only know that the Shakyamuni Buddha's reign will last for 5000 years. It had been 2500 years now...

Wow... this make Lama Tsongkhapa teachings even more precious...

I believe though the 'formal' teachings may not be available, with Buddhas' great compassion, there will still be dharma but in different form...

I surely don't want to be born at the time where there is no dharma... the thought of it is already very scary...


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Re: 1000 years reign of Je Tsongkhapa's teachings
« Reply #3 on: February 07, 2012, 10:51:21 AM »
Is it true that Je Tsongkhapa prophesied that His teachings will remain in this world for only a 1000 years?
If this is true, how many years do we have left before Je Tsongkhapa's teachings cease to exist in this world?
What about other three schools of Tibetan Buddhism, Nyingma, Kagyu,& Sakya, do they also have prophesies on how long their tradition will last?

Which school of Tibetan Buddhism will be the last to remain in this world, before Buddha Dharma cease to exist in this world totally?
it is true and the authentic dharma will stay for 1000yrs in Gelug and will change to another sect. By then gelug will be just an empty shell, whereas dharma will be in another sect. Don't ask about other sect as this is a sensitive question.

The reign and upkeep of Je Tsongkhapa's sacred doctrine is in our hands!

Regardless of the prophecy, we should not just sit in front of our computer screen and expect this miracle to happen without contributing. As I am typing, there are many centres who corrupt Je Rinpoche's teachings by mixing with their own and not engaging in the correct manner of memorization, practice, contemplation. By doing so, they do not promote the correct way of practice and over time, the people whom practice it will not gain the desired attainments. This is a total waste of time and definitely will contribute to the degeneration of the Gaden doctrine. We need to raise awareness to stop this!

Je Lama, Dharmaraja Tsongkhapa and many other sacred titles have been wonderfully conferred upon this holy Being for all the works He has done during his lifetime; setting an example for all of us to follow by. His work is by far incomparable and many a time we wonder why are there no famous monks or Lamas who hail from Gaden. The reason is that true to their spirit of humility, they practice and gain attainments and when they reach old age, they will retire into the caves in Gaden mountain to meditate before dissolving their winds and eject their minds to their next destination.

What can we really do to help keep this tradition alive for the next century?

1. Follow the advise given to you by your lineage Lamas

Je Rinpoche has many times advised: "Take the teachings of the Buddha as personal advise to heart!" The Buddha's teachings are like sunrays showering warmth and light to all beings and this love we should definitely take to our hearts and warm us from the delusions of our bad habituations. We need to move in one step closer to Je Tsongkhapa by following the advise given by our lineage. This enables us to save time from our daily schedules in order to see tangible results from the practice of following instructions from our Guru. From there, we learn, practice as taught and gain results from it. The result? Dharma remains strong in our mindstream and we are confident when we promote and expound it. When we expound it, the Dharma grows and REMAINS.


Je Tsongkhapa's attainments and that of other lineage masters, yidams, dakinis and protectors are of EQUIVALENT stature. There is no difference in their function and blessings from their end. IT IS NOW FOR LAMA TSONGKHAPA TO BENEFIT THE WORLD. Hence, we must promote his statues, images, teachings and practice for it will be very much influential and also EFFECTIVE for this place and time.

The lineage of the Yellow Hats has long been celebrated as the religion mainly practiced by the aristorats of the Chinese and its emperors within the palace walls. Because of its sacredness, only the Mahayana teachings of the Han tradition were widespread. The teachings of the Yellow hats helped the Qings rule their country in peace and harmony for many years. Distinct proof of this is the Yong He Lamasery and also the tombs of the Qing emperors.

There are many aspects of Lama Tsongkhapa's teachings to promote. Take one aspect of it daily and post on your FB, Twitter and other portals to PROMOTE!

3. Upkeep your daily Sadhanas and commitments

This is an intergral part of our daily lives to include our daily prayers and pujas in order to fulfill the commitments to our Gurus, Yidams and protectors to keep our Samaya clean and generate merits for the flourishing of Je Tsongkhapa's teachings. Everything which we do and undertake should be in full faith with Lama Tsongkhapa. From there, many things will arise and what we need for the teachings to grow and benefit will come.

I enclose here a beautiful prayer by Gyungtang Rinpoche whom from the deepest core of His heart made alot of efforts in restoring the Je Tsongkhapa's relics after the cultural evolution.

Prayer for the Flourishing of Je Tsongkhapa’s Teachings

Though he’s the father, producer of all conquerors,
As a conqueror’s son, he produced the thought of upholding
The conqueror’s Dharma in infinite worlds. Through this truth
May the conqueror Losang’s teachings flourish!

When of yore before Indraketu
He made his vow, the conqueror and his offspring
Praised his powerful courage. Through this truth
May the conqueror Losang’s teachings flourish!

That the lineage of pure view and conduct might spread,
He offered a white crystal rosary to the Sage,
Who gave him a conch and prophesied. Through this truth
May the conqueror Losang’s teachings flourish!

His pure view free of eternity or destruction;
His pure meditation cleansed of dark fading and fog;
His pure conduct practiced according to conquerors’ orders:
May the conqueror Losang’s teachings flourish!

Learned, since he extensively sought out learning;
Reverend, rightly applying it to himself;
Good, dedicating all for beings and doctrine:
May the conqueror Losang’s teachings flourish!

Through being sure that all scriptures, definitive and
Interpretative, were, without contradiction,
Advice for one person’s practice, he stopped all misconduct:
May the conqueror Losang’s teachings flourish!

Listening to explanations of the three pitakas,
Realized teachings, practice of the three trainings –
His skilled and accomplished life story is amazing.
May the conqueror Losang’s teachings flourish!

Outwardly calmed and subdued by the hearer’s conduct,
Inwardly trusting in the two stages’ practice,
He allied without clash the good paths of sutra and tantra:
May the conqueror Losang’s teachings flourish!

Combining voidness, explained as the causal vehicle,
With great bliss, achieved by method, the effect vehicle,
Heart essence of eighty thousand Dharma bundles –
May the conqueror Losang’s teachings flourish!

By the power of the ocean of oath-bound doctrine protectors,
Like the main guardians of the three beings’ paths –
The quick-acting lord, Vaishravana, Karma-yama –
May the conqueror Losang’s teachings flourish!

In short, by the lasting of glorious gurus’ lives,
By the earth being full of good, learned, reverend holders
Of the teaching, and by the increase of power of its patrons,
May the conqueror Losang’s teachings flourish!
Harry Nephew

Love Shugden, Love all Lamas, Heal the World!


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Re: 1000 years reign of Je Tsongkhapa's teachings
« Reply #4 on: February 07, 2012, 11:23:07 AM »
The best thing about prophecy is its not always set in stone  :)
Times change according to the Dharma that is suitable for us. Example this is the era of Heruka and Vajrayogini where as before Tsongkhapas emphisis was on the 4 Tantras of Guhyasamja, Yamantaka, Kalachakra and Heruka. Just because the emphisis on one area of his teachings changes it doesnt mean we become degenerate but simply that we have to intergrate all the teachings into onne area. We keep Lama Tsongkhapas lineage alive through faith and devotion to practice as times become more degenerate Lama Tsongkhapa will reveal practices from Tushita heaven to our lineage masters just like the practice of Dorje shugden while practicing the essentials of Sutra and Tantra Je Rinpoche will protect his doctrine as he see's fit.

The Terma's of the virtuous ones  ;D


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Re: 1000 years reign of Je Tsongkhapa's teachings
« Reply #5 on: February 07, 2012, 06:03:11 PM »
I believe that Je Tsongkhapa's teachings will not just cease to exist. Instead times will become so degenerate that we cannot learn or understand the Dharma even if it is right in front of us. What I do know is that it is prophesied that in 2500 years the teachings of Buddha Shakyamuni will have disappeared, and dharma as we know it will not exist. At this time Maitreya Buddha will arise and perform miraculous actions to turn the wheel of Dharma once again. Therefore I do not doubt that there will be a time where Je Tsongkhapa's teachings will no longer be applicable or exist, so another form of teaching the dharma will have to replace Tsongkapa's precious teachings.

Read more about Maitreya Buddha, and his future coming here ""
It is very interesting!


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Re: 1000 years reign of Je Tsongkhapa's teachings
« Reply #6 on: February 08, 2012, 04:05:40 PM »
I believe that Je Tsongkhapa's teachings will not just cease to exist. Instead times will become so degenerate that we cannot learn or understand the Dharma even if it is right in front of us. What I do know is that it is prophesied that in 2500 years the teachings of Buddha Shakyamuni will have disappeared, and dharma as we know it will not exist. At this time Maitreya Buddha will arise and perform miraculous actions to turn the wheel of Dharma once again. Therefore I do not doubt that there will be a time where Je Tsongkhapa's teachings will no longer be applicable or exist, so another form of teaching the dharma will have to replace Tsongkapa's precious teachings.

Read more about Maitreya Buddha, and his future coming here ""

It is very interesting!

You are right jeremyg, there will be a time when it is so degenerated that temples are just temples with  monks not  practising the dharma, it is just like a shell. I don't know where the source came from that prophesize Tsongkhapa teachings would only last 1000 years, while that may happen, I am not losing hope as I do see that Dorje Shugden will arise as an unique school of buddhism on its own. The reason is quite simple,  people are more concerned about their welfare even if they are practising dharma, they may just go to temple to seek good business, good relationship, good future for their kids, etc, rather than having a sincere motivation of benefiting others. So Dorje Shugden just comes as the right antidode for people at that time (even now, DS is the right antitode).

DS would fulfill one's wishes even though the wishes are very samsaric oriented, then when the connection is made and people continue to propitiate DS, DS would slowly guide them to the right path. Afterall, Lama Tsongkhapa is Manjushri and DS is Manjushri, they come from the same mind stream just in different froms for different times.

Like you said, another form of teachings would replace Lama Tsongkhapa teachings, perhaps Dorje Shugden is the answer!!!


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Re: 1000 years reign of Je Tsongkhapa's teachings
« Reply #7 on: February 09, 2012, 02:14:49 PM »
This is the first time I have heard of this prophecy of Lama Tsongkhapa's teachings lasting only 1000 years.
Now i think about it it makes sense as Lama Tsongkhapa's teachings are so profound and we are in the dharma ending age so for it to last 1000 years in the dharma ending age is quite a miracle in itself. There are still 400 years not a long time so lets make the best of this time whilst Lama Tsongkhapa's tradition is still around. 


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Re: 1000 years reign of Je Tsongkhapa's teachings
« Reply #8 on: September 12, 2012, 07:09:02 AM »
I believe that this 1000 year reign refers to the efficacy of the teachings. During this 1000 years before it ends, Lama Tsongkhapa's teachings will be the most effective way of practicing the Dharma and that there will be results when we actually put his teachings into practice. This is what it means by the teachings lasting for 1000 years. After this period, there will be little or no effect for the teachings and it is only for general knowledge because perhaps, the lineage would have already been exhausted by then and there is nothing but an empty shell, statues, words on paper, robes will be seen as costumes but nobody understands what they are and nobody practices anything. It is not so much of whether or not Gelugpa will still be around after 1000 years, it probably will, but there will be no efficacy in the teachings, much like how Shakyamuni teachings no longer produces much results, not from the fault of the teachings but from the fault of the people and environment as references and indications and examples used during Shakyamuni's time makes people of this time hard to relate to.

It's already been around 600 years since Lama Tsongkhapa manifested. We still have another 400 years to apply his teachings into practice and gain attainments from them before it is too late.


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Re: 1000 years reign of Je Tsongkhapa's teachings
« Reply #9 on: September 12, 2012, 03:33:47 PM »
I believe that this 1000 year reign refers to the efficacy of the teachings. During this 1000 years before it ends, Lama Tsongkhapa's teachings will be the most effective way of practicing the Dharma and that there will be results when we actually put his teachings into practice. This is what it means by the teachings lasting for 1000 years. After this period, there will be little or no effect for the teachings and it is only for general knowledge because perhaps, the lineage would have already been exhausted by then and there is nothing but an empty shell, statues, words on paper, robes will be seen as costumes but nobody understands what they are and nobody practices anything. It is not so much of whether or not Gelugpa will still be around after 1000 years, it probably will, but there will be no efficacy in the teachings, much like how Shakyamuni teachings no longer produces much results, not from the fault of the teachings but from the fault of the people and environment as references and indications and examples used during Shakyamuni's time makes people of this time hard to relate to.

It's already been around 600 years since Lama Tsongkhapa manifested. We still have another 400 years to apply his teachings into practice and gain attainments from them before it is too late.

I have a question about this topic in relation to Dorje Shugden. Dorje Shugden arose to fulfill a promise to protect the teachings of Tsongkhapa so that it may grow and spread far. So how does one reconcile the fact (if indeed the prophecy is true) that Tsongkhapa's teachings is supposed to last only 1000 years and yet Dorje Shugden's promise is to protect it for an unspecific and infinite time?

Personally I do not doubt the supreme power of Dorje Shugden to protect Tsongkhapa's teachings and I also do not think it is correct to say that a Buddha like Je Tsongkhapa and his holy teachings would not have any effect after 1000 years. Tsongkhapa teaches the Lamrim and the Buddha's dharma and there is no use-by date for the truth. So it cannot be anything related to Tsongkhapa and/or Dorje Shugden.

I can only deduce that our collective karma will be so terrible in 400 years that we will no longer be able to meet Tsongkhapa's teachings and even if we did, we wont be able to comprehend it, or that the environment would not be conducive for us to practice the dharma then.  So if the prophecy is true, then there is an urgency for us to master Tsongkahpa's teachings without delay. However, human beings are so heavily obscured by our negative karma and hence there is a need for "divine intervention" - a special Protector who is able to help practitioners overcome heavy obstacles to dharma ,especially during this degenerate times.

Dorje Shugden arose not only to protect Je Tsongkhapa's teachings, but specifically to protect our individual study and practice of Tsongkhapa's doctrines which takes us on the swiftest path to enlightenment.


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Re: 1000 years reign of Je Tsongkhapa's teachings
« Reply #10 on: September 12, 2012, 04:53:41 PM »
I have a question about this topic in relation to Dorje Shugden. Dorje Shugden arose to fulfill a promise to protect the teachings of Tsongkhapa so that it may grow and spread far. So how does one reconcile the fact (if indeed the prophecy is true) that Tsongkhapa's teachings is supposed to last only 1000 years and yet Dorje Shugden's promise is to protect it for an unspecific and infinite time?
Because Lama Tsongkhapa's teachings is not just what he has wrote and preached. Lama Tsongkhapa did not invent anything new, he just reiterated the Buddha's and Nagajurna's teachings. thus, Dorje Shugden in that aspect protects the Dharma as a whole but of all the lineages he focuses on Gelug. This is how I see it with regards to this confusion. The mold and container that it originates from Lama Tsongkhapa may fade over time, but not the actual content of the teachings with is the Buddha's and Nagajurna's correct middle way philosophy.

Personally I do not doubt the supreme power of Dorje Shugden to protect Tsongkhapa's teachings and I also do not think it is correct to say that a Buddha like Je Tsongkhapa and his holy teachings would not have any effect after 1000 years. Tsongkhapa teaches the Lamrim and the Buddha's dharma and there is no use-by date for the truth. So it cannot be anything related to Tsongkhapa and/or Dorje Shugden.
There is no use-by date for the truth, but there is a use-by date for the methods used to present the truth. this depends on the receptiveness of the people of that time and how responsive they are to these methods. When Vajradhara promised that he will appear as Gurus in the future, he actually meant that he will appear again and again to modify the presentation of the teachings to suit the times and dispositions of the people to make them effective. These people are called Gurus and which is also why we respect them highly.

I can only deduce that our collective karma will be so terrible in 400 years that we will no longer be able to meet Tsongkhapa's teachings and even if we did, we wont be able to comprehend it, or that the environment would not be conducive for us to practice the dharma then.  So if the prophecy is true, then there is an urgency for us to master Tsongkahpa's teachings without delay. However, human beings are so heavily obscured by our negative karma and hence there is a need for "divine intervention" - a special Protector who is able to help practitioners overcome heavy obstacles to dharma ,especially during this degenerate times.
It would probably mean that by then, something else will happen and open up, perhaps maybe a new lineage or new method will be discovered because the karma of the people then will cause them to not be able to receive Tsongkhapa's teachings anymore. So the time is NOW for us of the Gelugs to use it to achieve liberation.

Dorje Shugden arose not only to protect Je Tsongkhapa's teachings, but specifically to protect our individual study and practice of Tsongkhapa's doctrines which takes us on the swiftest path to enlightenment.

Thank you so much for reminding me about the Dorje Shugden point, but I do want to point out that Lama Tsongkhapa didint make up his own teachings, he merely reiterated the Buddha's and Nagajurna's teachings. Since his teachings are equal to the Buddhas and Dorje Shugden protects Lama Tsongkhapa's teachings, in essence Dorje Shugden is protecting Dharma.


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Re: 1000 years reign of Je Tsongkhapa's teachings
« Reply #11 on: September 16, 2012, 11:30:23 AM »
I believe when we as disciples achieve more in our own practices and commitments, and move faster in our spiritual progress, and when we are benefiting more people, the faster our spiritual growth and accelerations as a group of practitioners, the slower the degenerations in this world. Logically the teachings can be extended to reach out to more people. Of course if we belief we can make a difference by wishing to reborn again in our next life to help learn, practice and spread the Dharma, then it would be most beautiful.

The predictions for some is to increase their faith, for some is to remind them buck up and don't regret later when you are so fortunate to be able to understand and appreciate the teaching. Something very precious and rare, don't miss the boat or ferry.  :)


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Re: 1000 years reign of Je Tsongkhapa's teachings
« Reply #12 on: December 07, 2012, 09:03:53 AM »
I believe when we as disciples achieve more in our own practices and commitments, and move faster in our spiritual progress, and when we are benefiting more people, the faster our spiritual growth and accelerations as a group of practitioners, the slower the degenerations in this world. Logically the teachings can be extended to reach out to more people. Of course if we belief we can make a difference by wishing to reborn again in our next life to help learn, practice and spread the Dharma, then it would be most beautiful.

The predictions for some is to increase their faith, for some is to remind them buck up and don't regret later when you are so fortunate to be able to understand and appreciate the teaching. Something very precious and rare, don't miss the boat or ferry.  :)

Hi fruven, your conclusion makes sense as well! We as the disciples should also work very hard so that we can prolong the teachings in the long run. I do echo your feelings that the predictions are as a wake up call for us to put more effort into our Dharma practice before it is too late. All of us have a human body now and so we need to really take full advantage of this human body, like what Lama Tsongkhapa has taught.