Author Topic: A Beautiful Prayer from His Holiness  (Read 11318 times)


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A Beautiful Prayer from His Holiness
« on: January 17, 2010, 10:47:54 AM »
CONTEMPLATE THIS…Instead of turning away people who practise Dorje Shugden, we should be kind to them. Invite them, teach them, slowly and give them logic and wisdom without fear, then in time they give up the practice assuming it is ‘wrong’. Wouldn’t that be a Buddhistic approach to all ‘wrong-doers’? Actually Dorje Shugden practitioners are not doing anything wrong. But hypothetically, if they are, wouldn’t it be a better and more true to the spirit of Buddhism to be accepting? So those reading this website who have views against Dorje Shugden should contemplate this. Those who are practicing Dorje Shugden should forbear with extreme patience, fortitude and keep your commitments. The time will come as predicted that Dorje Shugden’s practice and it’s terrific quick benefits will be embraced by the world and it will be a practice of many beings.
Many beings who have said or thought negativities against this protector will regret and see the benefits and enlightened nature of Lord Dorje Shugden, King of the manifested deities who resides simultaneously in the Three Worlds…After all, if H.H. the Dalai Lama can say that his guru Kyabje Trijang Rinpoche is wrong in this practice, then he leaves the door wide open that His Holiness Himself can be wrong also. What would make His Holiness right and His Guru wrong?? If His guru can be wrong, then disciples of the Dalai Lama can say that the Dalai Lama is wrong also. If we choose that view, it becomes messy. So we have to think that outwardly His Holiness puts his ‘reputation’ on the line to speak out ‘against’ Dorje Shugden in His skillful means to not create fear in the hearts of sectarian people who use the holy lineages of Nyingma, Kagyu, Sakya and Gelug against each other. As the destruction of any lineage or deterioration would set the example for other lineages. They are somehow interdependent.
We at this website respect His Holiness the Dalai Lama from the depths of our hearts and at the same time follow our golden vajra commands of our lamas we met previous to His Holiness the Dalai Lama. The commitments of Dorje Shugden we have received from our root and lineage lamas prior to His Holiness must be upheld also. All those great lamas who are also the lineage lamas of His Holiness cannot be wrong. If they are, then the other practices, lineages, initiations, transmissions passed to His Holiness would be ‘stained’ by the practice of Dorje Shugden also?
So for example, His Holiness kindly confers the Kalacakra many times throughout the world. He has received this lineage from Kyabje Ling Rinpoche. Kyabje Ling Rinpoche’s root lama is Kyabje Pabongkha Rinpoche Jetsun Dechen Nyingpo recognized as the emanation of Heruka Cakrasamvara. Every great Gelugpa lama is directly or indirectly connected to this great being. Kyabje Pabongkha Rinpoche practised Dorje Shugden throughout his holy life. So if his practice is wrong, then he would be a wrong lineage lama to Kyabje Ling Rinpoche. If that is wrong, then His Holiness is passing practices that are so called ‘impure’ to many today. That is impossible. His Holiness is definitely pure as well as His lineage lamas, for example Kyabje Pabongkha Rinpoche. Even His Holiness could not override any master of any school of Buddhism or any sect, otherwise His Holiness would put Himself in the position of being eventually overridden also. Who would want to do that? All the many lineage masters who practiced Gyelchen Dorje Shugden in their previous incarnations are back and studying/teaching again. Many have been recognized by the oracle of Dorje Shugden and His Holiness the Dalai Lama himself. So why are they back?? Shouldn’t they have taken unfortunate rebirths??
Below is a beautiful prayer to the Dharma Protector Dorje Shugden as composed by H.H. the 14th Dalai Lama in the mid 70’s..His Holiness at that time and now is of the same mindstream, free of mistakes as He is the Bodhisattva Avalokitesvara. Those of you who have tremendous obstacles, fearful situations, desperate predicaments, financial woes that hinder your dharma growth and practice should engage in the tremendously quick and efficacious practice of Dorje Shugden. It must be combined with pure Guru devotion, consistent practice of one’s yidam, holding one’s vows and words of honor, no harm should be done to others, respect of all lineages and lineage lamas, teachers and masters. Forgive and forbear those who show enmity and disdain. For that would please the holy mind of the Dharmaphala King of the Three Lokas, Gyelchen Dorje Shugden. Even if one has no confirmed practice, lama or vows, still with good motivation, if one propitiates this holy protector, one can see the benefits. Like anything with time, the help, and mystical intervention of this supreme being will be felt more and more obvious. Especially if one is on the path of the cultivation of Lam Rim realizations. Put your energies not into worry, despair, depression, unnecessary wastage of time, but channel it into the modernly adapted yet supreme practice of this protector.


A Propitiation of Mighty Gyalchen Dorje Shugden,
Protector of Conqueror Manjusri Tsongkhapa’s Teachings
By the Supreme Victor, the Great 14th Dalai Lama


Glory of the wisdom, compassion and power of infinite Buddhas
Miraculously powerful protector of Manjusri Tsongkhapa’s Teachings
Arisen as a lord of all wrathful worldly hosts
Come from the abodes of Tushita, Kechara, and so forth!

Prostrating with devotion of body, speech, and mind
I confess all mistakes and faults in which
Out of delusion, I have contradicted your holy mind:
Accept with forbearance and show your smiling face!

Arising from the sport of non-dual bliss and void
Are offerings and torma of flesh and blood heaped like a mountain
First portions of milk, yogurt, beer and tea swirling like the ocean

Auspicious signs and substances and various animals
Peaceful and wrathful ornaments, enemy-destroying weapons and armor
Amassed samaya substances, outer, inner, and secret, without exception!

Having fulfilled your heart commitment and purified degeneration
By making these actually arranged and visualized offerings
Increase Lozang the Victorious One’s Teachings
And the life span and activities of the Teachings’ upholders!
Further the happiness of beings in the Gaden [Podrang] dominion!

Especially pacify all harm to us, the yogis and entourages
That arises because of previous karma and immediate conditions
And spontaneously accomplish, just as we wish
All good things, both spiritual and temporal!

Grind to dust without remainder
Enemy hordes that think and act perversely
Towards the teachings and lay and ordained people
With potent, accurate, powerful great vajra fire!

Especially, cause the saffron-clad community of Dungkar Monastery
Brightly beautiful in bonds of pure morality
To soar the path of immortal liberation
On unified wings of Sutra and Tantra!

In brief, we enthrone you, O Deity, as the supreme
Collected nature of all Gurus and Protective Deities!
From densely gathered clouds of the four activities
Pour down a cool rain of the two siddhis!

This, A Propitiation of Mighty Gyalchen Dorje Shugden, Protector of Conqueror Manjusri Tsongkhapa’s Teachings, entitled Melody of the Unceasing Vajra ’s composition was urged, not only by the vajra prophecy of the great emanated Dharmapala himself, but also on behalf of the general community by the master of the Dratsang and all of its officers, with offerings. Accordingly, the one called Holder Of The White Lotus, Bearer of the Buddhadharma, Ngawang Losang Tenzin Gyatso Sisum Wangyur Tsungpa Mepa De composed it at Dungkar Monastery with spontaneous auspiciousness.
All benefit and bliss! Siddhi Rastu
Domo Geshe Rinpoche, at whose Dunkar Monastery His Holiness composed these inspiring verses, was one of the greatest Mahasiddhas in Tibetan history. A greater example of saintliness and, mind you, non-sectarian compassion would be hard to find. Kyabje Trijang Dorje Chang said of him, “We are exactly the same”, and Domo Geshe put his Monasteries in Kyabje Trijang Rinpoche’s care before he passed on. The 13 th Dalai Lama praised him as Je Tsongkhapa incarnate. Both the 13 th and the 14 th Dalai Lama praised Dungkar Monastery’s oracle, through which they obtained very valuable advice in difficult times.
This prayer shows beyond the shadow of a doubt the enlightened origin and the “holy mind” of the King Protector as seen by His Holiness. No “ghost” can come from Tushita and Kechara, Maitreya and Vajrayogini’s pureland. No “ghost” can cause you to “soar the path of immortal liberation on unified wings of Sutra and Tantra”!
Seeing this, we think it is safe to conclude what this conflict is not about. And who knows, maybe it is not a conflict at all, except in our conflict-hungry minds that can’t stand the notion of interdependence and cause and effect?


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Re: A Beautiful Prayer from His Holiness
« Reply #1 on: January 17, 2010, 02:20:12 PM »

'In brief, we enthrone you, O Deity, as the supreme
Collected nature of all Gurus and Protective Deities!
From densely gathered clouds of the four activities
Pour down a cool rain of the two siddhis!'

The above is the final verse in the prayer written by HH Dalai Lama to Dorje Shugden.
In this, HHDL ENTHRONES Dorje Shugden who is the 'collected nature of all Gurus and Protective Deities'. He is saying that Dorje Shugden is not only enlightened but the collected nature of all Gurus and Protectors.

So what happened now??

HHDL also ask Dorje Shugden to 'Pour down a cool rain of the two siddhis,' which implies that Dorje Shugden has the actual qualities that we may solicit such a request from Him.

So what happened now?? Why is HHDL who composed this prayer, saying the opposite about Dorje Shugden's qualities these days again and again???

After writing this praise to Dorje Shugden, HHDL says he further investigated and Dorje Shugden is a spirit and negative?? So does that imply HHDL does things on a spur of a moment and regrets later?? Or that he can make mistakes also. If he can make mistakes, then perhaps the current ban/hate campaign against Dorje Shugden is a mistake also and if he checks further, he may be wrong? Why does HHDL write a praise to Dorje Shugden extolling Him to be very high and THEN INVESTIGATES and finds out Dorje Shugden is very low or a spirit??

It is all very confusing. Better to just continue strongly practicing Dorje Shugden because his help, blessings, and assistance has never wavered just like the Masters who initiated us into His practice.


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Re: A Beautiful Prayer from His Holiness
« Reply #2 on: October 20, 2012, 09:44:49 PM »
I fully agreed to what you have said tk. A high lama would be always consistent in his values and practices. so, I would believe HHDL would not abandon Dorje Shugden practices especially this is taught by his Gurus and the ban is for the bigger picture. So we should continue practicing Dorje Shugden and spread Dorje Shugden to the world as he is truly helpful and bringing lots of blessings to all of us in our spiritual practice.

HHDL followers and CTA should really contemplate what is his true purpose in the ban and do not harm the DS practitioners and be a disgrace to Buddhism which is always known as bring peace and harmony.


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Re: A Beautiful Prayer from His Holiness
« Reply #3 on: October 21, 2012, 08:04:05 AM »
Yes it is all very confusing and I have maintained all this while that HHDL has made many contradictory statements which may have seemed to be out of character for one who is considered to be a living Buddha in the modern world. But who are we as lay people to question and doubt the actions of His Holiness? How can we even comprehend the depth and profound nature of His Holiness' spiritual psyche and his unusual ways of spreading Buddhism to the modern world? We can only have faith that there is a bigger purpose to all this confusion and seemingly states of unrest and violence. Like tk proposed, we should just continue to practice DS strongly and trust in our Gurus whose compassion had initiated this powerful practice to benefit all sentient beings.

Tenzin Malgyur

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Re: A Beautiful Prayer from His Holiness
« Reply #4 on: October 21, 2012, 08:29:36 AM »
Thank you so much tk for highlighting all these details here. I do agree with you that it is so confusing that we are reciting praises written by His Holiness Dalai Lama, and yet now HH have banned the practice of Dorje Shugden . Luckily, I have the merits to have my own teacher guiding me on the right path and I shall follow all his instructions. May HHDL lift the ban very soon and say it is perfectly alright to practice DS. Then there would not be so much confusion any more for there are so much proof that Dorje Shugden is NOT a spirit.


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Re: A Beautiful Prayer from His Holiness
« Reply #5 on: October 21, 2012, 02:06:49 PM »
MELODY OF THE UNCEASING VAJRA is so beautifully written by HH Dalai Lama.  It is unbelievable that HH Dalai Lama who had propitiated Dorje Shugden with this beautiful prayer could turned around to condemn Him saying he is a spirit!  If Dorje Shugden is a spirit, why did HH Dalai Lama compose this propitiation in the first place?  It is totally illogical and confusing! 

Buddhism teaches us not to accept at face value any teachings.  This includes HH Dalai Lama’s claim that Dorje Shugden is a spirit.  How can a Buddha become a spirit?


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Re: A Beautiful Prayer from His Holiness
« Reply #6 on: October 22, 2012, 03:29:56 AM »
Domo Geshe Rinpoche, at whose Dunkar Monastery His Holiness composed these inspiring verses, was one of the greatest Mahasiddhas in Tibetan history. A greater example of saintliness and, mind you, non-sectarian compassion would be hard to find. Kyabje Trijang Dorje Chang said of him, “We are exactly the same”, and Domo Geshe put his Monasteries in Kyabje Trijang Rinpoche’s care before he passed on. The 13 th Dalai Lama praised him as Je Tsongkhapa incarnate. Both the 13 th and the 14 th Dalai Lama praised Dungkar Monastery’s oracle, through which they obtained very valuable advice in difficult times.
This prayer shows beyond the shadow of a doubt the enlightened origin and the “holy mind” of the King Protector as seen by His Holiness. No “ghost” can come from Tushita and Kechara, Maitreya and Vajrayogini’s pureland. No “ghost” can cause you to “soar the path of immortal liberation on unified wings of Sutra and Tantra”!

I can't agree more to the fact that there's no greater non sectarian figure than HH Domo Geshe Rinpoche and his works in reviving and upholding the sacred teachings of Lord Buddha, Guru Rinpoche and of course Lama Tsongkhapa without out rightly promoting it by word. His actions were well established beyond thought.

To help the enlightened activities of this noble master, there could not be another protector more fit to assist in the four activities none other than the great Dorje Shugden himself. If the Dalai Lama recognized Domo Geshe Rinpoche to be an emanation of Jamgon Tsongkhapa himself, only protectors who are emanations of Manjushri will be fit to help and assist. We all know that we can only debate with non believers until we turn blue and nothing will change their mind about the situation. I agree with TK to continue practicing, promoting and clear away this misinformation with our devotion and dedication.

Harry Nephew

Love Shugden, Love all Lamas, Heal the World!

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Re: A Beautiful Prayer from His Holiness
« Reply #7 on: October 23, 2012, 07:26:16 PM »
This is a beautiful prayer and its an amazing document that was composed at the behest of Dorje Shugden and the general Sangha community of Dungkar Monastery. This is just incredible and I think it is a valuable document that reveals the real view of the Dalai Lama of Dorje Shugden.

I don't pretend to understand the intent and motivation behind the actions of great Lamas but sometimes, a little traces are there to hint of what their real intent is and I strongly believe this document, this text is a valuable and insightful peek at what the Dalai Lama truly believes and observed of Dorje Shugden.

Also inconsistent about this, the Dalai Lama is extremely consistent about everything else. That's an interesting line of thought. To me, this is not inconsistency but perhaps a hidden reason behind it and we can only speculate about this right now. However, the answer will come soon enough.


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Re: A Beautiful Prayer from His Holiness
« Reply #8 on: December 03, 2012, 04:12:46 PM »
That was the 14th Dalai Lama. But did you know that H.H. the 5th Dalai Lama also composed praises to Dorje Shugden? It was written after His Holiness realised that Dorje Shugden was not a harmful spirit, as he had first assumed because of the disturbing appearances that manifested after Tulku Drakpa Gyaltsen’s death.


Prayer by the 5th Dalai Lama to Gyelchen Dorje Shugden

Though unmoving from the sphere of primordial spontaneity,
With wrathful turbulent power, swifter than lightning,
Endowed with heroic courage to judge good and bad,
I invite you with faith, please come to this place!

Robes of a monk, crown adorned with rhinocerous leather hat,
Right hand holds ornate club, left holds a human heart,
Riding various mounts such as nagas and garudas,
Who subdues the mamo’s of the charnal grounds, praise to you!

Samaya substances, offerings and torma, outer, inner and secret,
Favorite visual offerings and various objects are arranged.
Although, previously, my wishes were a bit dense,
Do not stop your powerful apparitions, I reveal and confess!

Now respectfully praising with body, speech, and mind,
For us, the masters, disciples, benefactors and entourages,
Provide the good and avert the bad!
Bring increase like the waxing moon in spiritual and temporal realms!

Moreover, swiftly accomplishing all wishes,
According to our prayers, bestow the supreme effortlessly!
And like the jewel that bestows all wishes,
Always protect us with the Three Jewels!

At that time, His Holiness also created a statue of Dorje Shugden with his own hands, as an object of worship after he realised the true nature of Dorje Shugden as an enlightened being (see pic!).

So I dont know what the 14th Dalai Lama is going on about now... ??


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Re: A Beautiful Prayer from His Holiness
« Reply #9 on: December 04, 2012, 10:49:06 AM »
Reading this kind of made me realized another point: If the Dalai Lama was really clairvoyant, how could he have made a mistake about Dorje Shugden and even composed a prayer to him?! Why is it that after such a beautiful and long prayer to Dorje Shugden and after so many years of practicing Dorje Shugden that he suddenly says that he is wrong? Someone who is clairvoyant would not make mistakes at all, logically. So what is really going on here? Is His Holiness unreliable?


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Re: A Beautiful Prayer from His Holiness
« Reply #10 on: December 04, 2012, 04:37:00 PM »
That was the 14th Dalai Lama. But did you know that H.H. the 5th Dalai Lama also composed praises to Dorje Shugden? It was written after His Holiness realised that Dorje Shugden was not a harmful spirit, as he had first assumed because of the disturbing appearances that manifested after Tulku Drakpa Gyaltsen’s death.

In his website the Dalai Lama tried to cast doubts on whether the 5th Dalai lama actually wrote the propitiation to Dorje Shugden: "They say, for instance, that even the Fifth Dalai Lama (1617-1682) composed a prayer for assistance (‘prin’ chol) addressed to Dolgyal. Of course, it is difficult for us to prove convincingly whether it belongs to the Fifth Dalai Lama or not". The truth is, not only did the 5th Dalai Lama write the prayer after His Holiness realized His mistake, and that Dorje Shugden was in fact an enlightened Buddha, the 5th Dalai Lama even made a statue of Dorje Shugden with his own hands. In addition, the 5th Dalai Lama founded Trode Kangsar for Dorje Shugden.

The 5th Dalai Lama was not the only Dalai Lama who honoured Dorje Shugdn as a Buddha, the 11th Dalai Lama enthroned Dorje Shugden as the principal protector of the Yellow Hat teachings.

There is ont thing the present Dalai Lama cannot deny that is, His Holiness is the one who wrote Melody Of Unceasing Vajra, clearly praising the Protector as a Buddha and referring to the Protector as "Glory of the wisdom, compassion and power of infinite Buddhas, Miraculously powerful protector of Manjusri Tsongkhapa’s Teachings".


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Re: A Beautiful Prayer from His Holiness
« Reply #11 on: December 04, 2012, 05:00:43 PM »
That was the 14th Dalai Lama. But did you know that H.H. the 5th Dalai Lama also composed praises to Dorje Shugden? It was written after His Holiness realised that Dorje Shugden was not a harmful spirit, as he had first assumed because of the disturbing appearances that manifested after Tulku Drakpa Gyaltsen’s death.

In his website the Dalai Lama tried to cast doubts on whether the 5th Dalai lama actually wrote the propitiation to Dorje Shugden: "They say, for instance, that even the Fifth Dalai Lama (1617-1682) composed a prayer for assistance (‘prin’ chol) addressed to Dolgyal. Of course, it is difficult for us to prove convincingly whether it belongs to the Fifth Dalai Lama or not". The truth is, not only did the 5th Dalai Lama write the prayer after His Holiness realized His mistake, and that Dorje Shugden was in fact an enlightened Buddha, the 5th Dalai Lama even made a statue of Dorje Shugden with his own hands. In addition, the 5th Dalai Lama founded Trode Kangsar for Dorje Shugden.

The 5th Dalai Lama was not the only Dalai Lama who honoured Dorje Shugdn as a Buddha, the 11th Dalai Lama enthroned Dorje Shugden as the principal protector of the Yellow Hat teachings.

There is ont thing the present Dalai Lama cannot deny that is, His Holiness is the one who wrote Melody Of Unceasing Vajra, clearly praising the Protector as a Buddha and referring to the Protector as "Glory of the wisdom, compassion and power of infinite Buddhas, Miraculously powerful protector of Manjusri Tsongkhapa’s Teachings".

If HHDL has to resort to such means in order to get the point across, or rather, resort to such means in order to gain a foothold over people by means of deception (in this case, by providing one side and incomplete information which people will eventually find out), the it's either that he is not the Dalai Lama or that he is doing all this for a higher reason, perhaps. Because, it makes no sense at all that the Dalai Lama would want to provide information to people who would want to verify them, although we all know some people will not choose to verify them before accepting.