If there was no ban on the Shugden practice at all, Jamyang Tsering wunderould have no need to discourage anyone on the practice.
No one “needs” to promote a witch-hunt. The elderly Jamyang Tsering did so because he holds perverted, criminal views, under the influence of his mastermind, the evil dalai.
And this incident of landing in the torturous jail would be decrease.
You are more likely to find “the torturous jail” in US, “the land of the free”, where many naive, deceived, if not idiotic Tibetans think there is such thing as “human rights”.
Or try US administered jails such as Guantanamo or Abu Ghraib. Here is a list of torture techniques routinely adopted in Guantanamo with presidential approval (
1. Sexual Assault/Humiliation
2. Sleep Deprivation
3. Sensory Deprivation
4. Solitary Confinement/Isolation
5. Mock Executions
6. Forced Medication
7. Use of Dogs to Scare Detainees
8. Temperature Extremes
9. Sensory Bombardment (Noise)
10. Watching Others Being Tortured
11. Psychological Techniques
Meanwhile, and since one picture speaks louder than one thousand words, below follow some pictures of infamous US-managed Abu Ghraib prison: