
Dorje Shugden Initiation to Thousands at Markam, Chamdo, Tibet

Dorje Shugden initiation given by Geshe Wangchuk at Markam, Chamdo, Tibet In the video, you can see the Tormas (8:12) prepared for Dorje Shugden’s initiation. You can also see the thangka of Dorje Shugden (10:44)


Dalai Lama and Oracle

It is very interesting His Holiness the Dalai Lama a monk, scholar, erudite master and a very down to earth and logical person also consults ancient oracles for his decision making. The first deity he consults through the oracle is Nechung, who is known to be an unenlightened being. This is very fascinating also. You…


THE TRUTH behind who saved the Dalai Lama’s life

and  Read this article An incredible revelation has come to light about the H.H. the 14th Dalai Lama’s perilous escape from Tibet, and the truth about who really saved his life during those most dangerous times. Some very courageous monks from both Gaden and Sera Monasteries have revealed many very interesting facts as below, which…


Dorje Shugden Initiation & Tsongkhapa Long Life Initiation to Thousands

Dorje Shugden Initiation & Tsongkhapa Long Life Initiation to thousands by Lama Jampa Ngodup Video 1: Dorje Shugden Initiation at Zinai Monastery Video 2: Tsongkhapa Long Life Initiation


Must Watch Advice from HH Kyabje Zong Dorje Chang on Dorje Shugden Part 2

Dear readers, This initiation of Dorje Shugden was conferred in Los Angeles in the 1980s onto Geshe Tsultim Gyeltsen’s own students in Thubten Dhargye Ling. Prior to Kyabje Zong Rinpoche giving the advice, Geshe-la formally requested Kyabje Zong Rinpoche to give an initiation of Dorje Shugden. Geshe Tsultim Gyeltsen was a very strong and devoted…


Dalai Lama Says Directly – His Guru is Wrong?

The Heart of Buddhist practice is relying sincerely upon the Holy Spiritual Guide who reveals the path. For 2500 years, each disciple has been completely devoted to their root Guru, following their teachings to the letter.. Question to Dalai Lama : All the masters who have worshipped this deity for the past 300 years,…were they…


Thangkas That Include Dorje Shugden

From Thangkas of various Buddhas, Protector Deities, and Tibetan Lamas that include an image of the Wisdom Buddha and Dharma Protector Dorje Shugden.


Dorje Shugden Thangkas

From Some beautiful thangkas of the Dharma Protector and Wisdom Buddha Dorje Shugden for you to enjoy.


Dorje Shugden Images

From Some beautiful images of the Dharma Protector and Wisdom Buddha Dorje Shugden for you to enjoy


Dorje Shugden Statues

From Some beautiful images of the Dharma Protector and Wisdom Buddha Dorje Shugden for you to enjoy


The Manjushri Jenang 2011

On 23rd, September 2011, Venerable Abbot Jetsun Lobsang Phende conferred the Manjushri Jenang, also known as the Permitting Empowerment, to the Shar Gaden students at the request of the teachers’ association. The spiritual event was conducted for the students to improve their learning skills in their daily educational activities. Manjushri is also known as the…


Homage to All Dorje Shugden Practitioners

The Wisdom Buddha Dorje Shugden’s function is to protect the pure teachings of the Buddha – the Buddhadharma. Lamas like Zasep Tulku Rinpoche, Kyabje Dagom Rinpoche, Pabongka Rinpoche, Kyabje Trijang Rinpoche, Kyabje Zong Rinpoche, the Gaden Oracle, the Simla Oracle etc are featured in this video.


Dalai Lama speaks about Dorje Shugden July 11 2011

His Holiness speaks about the issue of those who worship Dorje Shugden, who he refers to as a worldly spirit. He says that this spirit presents a danger to himself, the unity of Tibetan Buddhism and the Tibetan cause. He suggests that rather than taking refuge in spirits one should take refuge in the Buddha,…


The Debate Test – 2011

The Debate Test of the Annual Geluk Exam is displayed before the superior masters of both monasteries – Shar Gaden and Serpom. This year (2011), it takes place in Shar Gaden as per the rule of rotating its venue every year. It is an acid test for every exam candidate where randomly-selected subjects written on a…


The Tibetan Inquisition

In pursuing the ban on the practice of Dorje Shugden, fostering schism in the Kagyu tradition, as well as other instances of meddling in all four traditions of Tibetan Buddhism, the Dalai Lama is creating a modern day inquisition. As tensions in the Tibetan exile community rise, he has started to manipulate the Tibetans’ raw…


Dorje Shugden

This video shows various images of Buddha Dorje Shugden from around the world. In the background, a prayer to Dorje Shugden is recited. The extract of this prayer is below: I make heartfelt prayers to the Holy Dharma Protector, Buddha Dorje Shugden. May you continuously bestow your compassionate blessings upon all your faithful practitioners, And…


Oracles and Demons of Ladakh

Oracles and Demons of Ladakh Directed by Rob McGann (Avenue E Production) – 2003, 71 min (English). Trailer (4’20″) Isolated in the Indian Himalayas, Ladakh is a western enclave of the Greater Tibetan Plateau untouched by Chinese occupation. Home to each of the four sects of Tibetan Buddhism, this vibrant land of high mountain passes…


Maitreya Prayer 2011, Serpom Monastery

Listen to the deep, resonant recitation of the Maitreya prayer conducted at Serpom Monastery in 2011. The recitation is accompanied by a beautiful photo slideshow of Serpom Monastery, the main altar and prayer hall.


Kyabje Damcho Rinchen Jungne in Tibet

This great lama, Kyabje Damcho Rinchen Jungne, has a large following of disciples all over Tibet. This video comprises a slideshow of photographs and a Tibetan narration (with Tibetan and Chinese subtitles). The video is from the North American Gelug Buddhist Association of USA (NAGBA). NAGBA is one of leading Gelugpa organizations that supports the…


Shar Gaden Monlam 2011

“The Great Prayer Festival is dedicated to the long life of holy Gurus of all traditions, for the survival and spread of Dharma to the minds of all sentient beings and for world peace” It is so wonderful to see the scenes from Shar Gaden at their Monlam 2011 festival. Monks young and old joined…


Serpom Young Monks Reciting Ganglongma Daily

Video by Ven. Lozang Gyaltsan. Extracted from his Facebook: This is how the young monks of Serpom begin their school-day at 9 a.m. assembling in the courtyard to chant Gangloma, a prayer to have a sharp, fresh mind for acquiring knowledge. Their day really begins with puja [6 -7:30 a.m.]~Lozang Gyaltsan (Serpom Monastery is one…


Dagom Rinpoche Guru Puja Commentary

This video is part 1 (of two parts) of a commentary on the Guru Puja by His Eminence Dagom Rinpoche (in Tibetan, with no English subtitles). Dagom Rinpoche was the highly respected lama who had commissioned the Gelug Lineage tree thangka to include Dorje Shugden among the group of supramundane protectors portrayed in this thangka…


Inauguration Ceremony November 2007

The Kadam Tashi Choe Ling dharma centre was founded in 1995 under the spiritual guidance of Kyabje Dagpo Rinpoche. The centre was officially registered as a society on 17th August 2007 under the name of Persatuan Kadam Tashi Choe Ling Malaysia and inaugurated by Dagpo Rinpoche through prayers and an auspicious 4 days of teachings…


Monlam Festival at Serpom Monastery

Pictures of the Monlam Festival at Serpom Monastery in 2011, set to Buddha Shakyamuni’s mantra, recorded by Asa Bennet and Kelsang Yangchan.


Samdong Rinpoche’s Speech (Jan 2011)

Ven Samdhong Rinpoche is coming to the end of his term as Kalon Tripa (Prime Minister of the Tibetan Government in Exile) and makes a surprising speech. His speech makes you think much more of who he really is and where his devotions are. He has not done his work for the Tibetan nation, people,…


NAGBA and Zawa Tulku Rinpoche

This is a selection of videos of the North American Gelug Buddhist Association (NAGBA) with Zawa Tulku Rinpoche present. Part 2 Part 3 Part 4


Homage to All Protector Deities

The Dalai Lama accuses Dorje Shugden practitioners of being sectarian and damaging other Buddhist Traditions. However, all four Tibetan traditions rely upon protector deities who are similar in nature and aspect to Dorje Shugden.


His Holiness Trijang Rinpoche and his brother Prince TJ Versace

His Holiness Kyabje Trijang Rinpoche with his older brother Prince TJ Versace, who now lives in America and Europe as a private citizen.


NAGBA Summer Festival 2011, Montreal, Canada

This is a collection of beautiful celebration pictures of the 25th Anniversary of the Tibetan Buddhist Temple in Montreal, Canada.


Tibetan Oracle of Ladakh

For centuries, Tibetan oracles have been sought after for advice and guidance. Monks undergo years of disciplined training to be suitable to become an oracle.


Dalai Lama speaks about Dorje Shugden at Kalachakra, Washington DC (July 11, 2011)


Mantra of Dorje Shugden

A video to illustrate the pronunciation of Dorje Shugden’s mantra.


Great King Duldzin Dorje Shugden

The Dalai Lama says that he imposed a ban on the practice, which is true; but then says that people have religious freedom to choose whatever Deity they want to worship! He also claims that Shugden practitioners are receiving support from Communist China, a statement that has no basis in fact. This is a calculated…


The Symbolism of Dorje Shugden

Dorje Shugden’s form teaches the complete stages of the path of Sutra and Tantra. This proves that he is an enlightened being because such qualities are not possessed by the forms of worldly beings. He appears as a fully ordained monk to show that the practice of pure moral discipline is essential for those who…



Wisdom Buddha Dorje Shugden is the Dharma Protector of Je Tsongkhapa’s teachings. Enjoy these images of Dorje Shugden.


Pabongka Rinpoche and Other Great Lamas

Je Pabongkhapa and many other great lineage lamas of old have been defamed by the Dalai Lama simply because of their devotion to the Wisdom Buddha Dorje Shugden. Learn the truth about what the Dalai Lama said and the implications of his statements.


BBC: An Unholy Row – New Kadampa Tradition & Dorje Shugden – Documentary 1998

Alternatively, you may watch in Youtube: Part 1 Part 2


Jampa Ling – A Monastery with Dorje Shugden in Chamdo, Tibet

Jampa Ling in located in Chamdo, Tibet. It was buily by Lord Tsongkhapa’s disciple in 1444. It has 12 dratsangs and there used to be 5000 monks during its prime. It is surrounded by many small chapels, and is especially famous for its annual “Lama Dance”. This monastery currently has 1300 monks. Overlooking the town…


Dorje Shugden oracle takes trance while Lama Thubten Phurbu is giving Dharma talk

An official young oracle of Dorje Shugden takes trance while Lama Thubten Phurbu is giving Dharma talk in Tibet Lama Thubten Phurbu is a highly respected teacher in Kham, Tibet. He is outspoken about Dorje Shugden and brings Shugden’s practice to many. In Lhasa, there are three oracles to Dorje Shugden. One of them is…


Chod Tsok, Gaden Nyengyu

In this video, Zawa Tulku Rinpoche is performing Chod Tsok. The Chod offers us a method to forcefully cut off the source of our most undesirable negativities—self-cherishing and ego-grasping. In this book the translators have rendered into English both the Chod texts and its commentary given by His Holiness, the late Kyabje Zong Rinpoche. Kyabje…

Contemplate This

.…Instead of turning away people who practise Dorje Shugden, we should be kind to them. Give them logic and wisdom without fear, then in time they give up the ‘wrong’ practice. Actually Shugden practitioners are not doing anything wrong. But hypothetically, if they are, wouldn’t it be more Buddhistic to be accepting? So those who have views against Dorje Shugden should contemplate this. Those practicing Dorje Shugden should forbear with extreme patience, fortitude and keep your commitments. The time will come as predicted that Dorje Shugden’s practice and it’s terrific quick benefits will be embraced by the world and it will be a practice of many beings.

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