Author Topic: Death Threats by Anti Shugden  (Read 20398 times)


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Re: Death Threats by Anti Shugden
« Reply #15 on: May 04, 2014, 05:36:47 PM »
Looks like the motto for CTA, HHDL and anti-Shugden camps is : "if you cannot silence them, get rid of them". can you silence people, if the very foundation of what you are acting against is wrong and baseless to begin with? Silencing us through violence and assassination is not going to get you anywhere, CTA. In fact, you're admitting to the world that you're wrong, that you cannot fight back through dialogue (which is what is done in the modern world you and I are living in) and that the easiest way to "win" is to not say anything but get rid of those who speak up..because you cannot challenge what is the truth. So that's the easiest way out. But how can you silence millions around the world, who will continue to speak up for what is right, for the ban to be removed, for justice and the right to religious freedom because no matter what you do, the united voice of Shugden practitioners will be heard.


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Re: Death Threats by Anti Shugden
« Reply #16 on: May 06, 2014, 01:44:09 PM »
I'm just curious, of all the death threats that have been received by high DS lamas, how many threats have actually been followed through. I mean how many death of DS high lamas have been claimed by anti-Shugden groups?

As far as i know, there have been no proven murders of DS High Lamas although there was a rumour circulating at one point that HE Dagom Rinpoche had been murdered. Being a rumour, it is not substantiated though it was widely believed. Death threats are very real though, as evidenced by the high level of security HH Trijang Choktrul Rinpoche has to endure.

Whether or not the death threats are implemented is secondary to the very fact that it is acceptable for death threats to be made!! In the UK, a death threat is treated very seriously (see )

At the very least it is indeed a childish ploy. I mean is there nothing else you can state for your cause or in your favour than to brandish a death threat?
Kate Walker - a wannabe wisdom Being

Tenzin Malgyur

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Re: Death Threats by Anti Shugden
« Reply #17 on: May 11, 2014, 03:15:29 PM »
The Anti Shugden group is getting over zealous with their drive against the Shugden practitioners. Issuing death threats to another fellow Tibetan shows how helpless they are to the point of resorting violent. And they are the same people who have been crying out to the world that the Chinese Government are torturing the Tibetans.
I am very sure His Holiness the Dalai Lama (the emanation of Chenrezig) would not condone such actions. If only HH would tell the Anti Shugden group to stop all the violence.


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Re: Death Threats by Anti Shugden
« Reply #18 on: June 12, 2014, 03:12:20 AM »
This is a posting by Himalaya Yak and Lobsang Kunga on Facebook to threaten Adar Tsering who is an outspoken Shugden activist.  Despite what Adar Tsering has to faced, the many death threats and oppositions from pro-Dalai Lama people, he is still courageous and carry on his movement to bring down the ban.  You can see his remark on his FB posting loving his enemy.  He is a real hero.

Kim Hyun Jae

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Re: Death Threats by Anti Shugden
« Reply #19 on: June 12, 2014, 03:41:48 AM »
I guess the CTA has run out of steam of degrading Ideas on how to demean the Dorje Shugden community and its practitioners to cause them to lose their morality, to deviate from the pure teachings of Lama Tsongkhapa and cause bodily harm to them.

Can the CTA call themselves dharma practitioners at all, to continue their loyalty to Buddhist practice?


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Re: Death Threats by Anti Shugden
« Reply #20 on: June 12, 2014, 10:06:12 PM »
Oh my lord! That is disgusting ICY! Adar Tsering should bring this image to the police and make a report. This is no joke really. And if this is not considered life threats than what do you make out of this? And CTA says there is no ban, no discrimination, no disunity, no aggression and no one harms Shugden practitioners. Wow... what do you then call this CTA?

So why the CTA and HHDalai Lama do not say anything to this sort of discrimination and obviously life threatening actions? Why are they silence to this? Are they not suppose to practice compassion, kindness and isn't there "religious freedom" that you so called claim CTA? If there is and there isn't any problems than why do your supporters act this way? Is this how you represent His Holiness the Dalai Lama who is suppose to teach peace and compassion and religious tolerance etc.?   


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Re: Death Threats by Anti Shugden
« Reply #21 on: June 12, 2014, 11:58:21 PM »
This is so sickening, that in our modern era (okay, its degenerate times, but still) that people would make this sort of death threats for speaking up that you think it is okay to have equal rights if you.... pray.
  Okay... I know His Dalainess thinks this is spirit worship--- but there is nothing new about people thinking that other groups are worshipping idols, spirits, demons, etc., while their group is really great.  He doesn't get that this is just his opinion.  Or rather, that his opinion really is just that.... I think the issue is that when someone decided to tell this poor man that he was Chenrezig, then he got mixed up about the nature of Chenrezig.  We all have the inner nature of Chenrezig, but if we get told, 'oh you are Chenrezig' from childhood, then we may think that our deluded minds are the best we can be.  Really, we all have to realize the state of Chenrezig--- the issue with the Dalai Lama is that he didn't notice he needed to do that since people kept telling him he already was one.


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Re: Death Threats by Anti Shugden
« Reply #22 on: June 19, 2014, 11:58:07 AM »
How very sad and pathetic the ban had become! I am certain His Holiness Dalai Lama the ever compassionate emanation of Chenrezig who had initiated the ban on Dorje Shugden would not tolerate with such inhumane act!

But since the evil terrorist Dondrup Lhamo not only does tolerate, but also explicitly encourages such and other inhumane acts, it follows that you are just deceiving yourself and harming the reputation of Buddha's teachings calling him an ”emanation of Chenrezig”.


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Re: Death Threats by Anti Shugden
« Reply #23 on: June 19, 2014, 12:18:07 PM »
I'm just curious, of all the death threats that have been received by high DS lamas, how many threats have actually been followed through. I mean how many death of DS high lamas have been claimed by anti-Shugden groups?

How many do you want? And what do you want to prove with your question? Maybe that the evil dalai and his minions are just joking around with their death threats? Or that death threats by dalaites are not a crime serious enough to maculate the reputation of your ”Chenrezig”? Or, who knows, that Dorje Shugden followers are just complaining too much without any serious reason?

This sounds rather like the question of a ban-denier, not inconsistent with the attitude of someone who sees the evil terrorist as an ”emanation of Chenrezig”.

Gabby Potter

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Re: Death Threats by Anti Shugden
« Reply #24 on: February 02, 2015, 01:57:25 AM »
I really do not understand why is it that the people are making Dorje Shugden such a big threat?! Dorje Shugden is an enlightened Buddha and there's nothing wrong about doing His practise. If Dorje Shugden really were a '' spirit '' which He's not even close to, you don't have to be scared or afraid if you didn't so anything wrong, right???


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Re: Death Threats by Anti Shugden
« Reply #25 on: February 02, 2015, 05:11:17 AM »
Death threats like this reminds me of the good old cowboy movie depicting wanted poster and also Asian black magic movies. This are all phycological threats to scare others and assigning negative emotions to the viewer about Shugden practice in this case.
Perhaps it may still work in lesser educated societies, but at least in the west here, we just laugh at it and feel pity for the perpetrators for their silliness. Oh yes, reminds me of "Scary Movies" parodies.

Dondrup Shugden

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Re: Death Threats by Anti Shugden
« Reply #26 on: June 14, 2015, 04:31:32 PM »
Yes, all readers and contributors of this forum.  The death threats are still continuing. Sad but true.


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Re: Death Threats by Anti Shugden
« Reply #27 on: June 18, 2015, 03:53:49 AM »
This is what the Dalai Lama said before when he said we are living in an era of violence, of anger and fear. He kind of forgot to tell his followers not to create those situations and he's too busy travelling and giving teachings to tell his followers to stop the threats and violence, and the creation of anger and fear. :( In all the fame came a lot commitments, so the true teachings of Buddha Shakyamuni and Aticha and Lama Tsongkhapa of the middle way  is left on the wayside. :-\


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Re: Death Threats by Anti Shugden
« Reply #28 on: June 19, 2015, 04:40:06 PM »
Why are the Anti-Shugden people so aggressive and cruel to the Shugden people? Is there a need to be so aggressive? Even if you do not like Shugden, the proper way to address a practice that you don't like in the Buddhist way is to just not follow it and find the practice that suits you. So, why be so aggressive and call yourselves some kind of buddhists. Also the Shugden people didn't insult or want to harm the Dalai Lama in any way so there is no need to be so aggressive.

Since the Anti-Shugden people claim to be with the Dalai Lama's wills and wishes and they claim to be Buddhists and do not follow the buddhist ways of other practices and non-violence about anything even though there is nothing to be violent about, it just means they are against religious freedom and rights. So we should all not have rights and religion according to them. That is what they mean because that is what they are saying if you break down the facts. That is how you should look at this situation and these people with their threats.


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Re: Death Threats by Anti Shugden
« Reply #29 on: June 26, 2015, 05:13:51 PM »
It is really shocking to see that these anti Shugden people dare to make death threats to people openly. Don't they know what the Buddha taught?
Even if you want to be anti Shugden, you should find ways to do that peacefully and not pick fights or make death threats. 
Everything no matter what, we should do it peacefully.
I really hope that these death threats will end soon.