Author Topic: Why HHDL's assistant need to lie about the BAN?  (Read 10730 times)

DS Star

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Why HHDL's assistant need to lie about the BAN?
« on: May 28, 2012, 04:14:52 AM »
This is not a new video but I just chanced upon it. The question here is, why must he lied about the ban?

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If the ban is necessary and for the good of all Tibetans, why can't he openly say it?

This is very obvious that the ban is un democratic and violated human rights! Otherwise, what other reasons to justify for NOT admitting that it IS a BAN???

Not consistent at all...

What do you think?


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Re: Why HHDL's assistant need to lie about the BAN?
« Reply #1 on: June 03, 2012, 11:24:51 AM »
I think the representative denied it because it is against human rights. How can anyone discriminate a spiritual practice and cause so much grief just because they practise Dorje Shugden?

To have the representative deny it, would cut short a lot more questions being asked by the reporters. Furthermore, there is less evidence to use against HHDL.

What I find surprising is why is there no legal case against CTA for mistreating the Tibetans who practise Dorje Shugden? There are many other evidence in the internet to prove the discrimination. Why are they not used to pursue this? As the nun mentioned in the video, the media can go to the monasteries and personally see for themselves. Is this happening?

DS Star

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Re: Why HHDL's assistant need to lie about the BAN?
« Reply #2 on: June 03, 2012, 09:47:16 PM »
Exactly Klein, the ban violated human rights in every sense we can think of...

I guess no legal action yet against CTA because CTA itself is not even 'legal'..! They are refugees themselves and CTA is not a legal entity in its own country... so pathetic isn't it? And yet, instead of uniting all Tibetans as one to demand for their rights, CTA is dividing and causing disharmony among them.

When I read about HH the Dalai Lama attending Christian mass in Austria, I feel very sad. When can we see HHDL attending Dorje Shugden's puja? Or at least allow DS practitioners attending other pujas together with HHDL? If you have a heart so big... big enough to embrace the practice of a totally different faith, why can't you embrace the practice of your own gurus, your lineage gurus and fellow Gelug-pas? WHY???


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Re: Why HHDL's assistant need to lie about the BAN?
« Reply #3 on: June 04, 2012, 12:03:37 AM »
Politics and religions are always intricately mixed since day one.Religions need political power to spread and political power needs religions to achor its grip in peoples' hearts and souls.

HHDL has always been a pawn in the game played by the world's power boys. USA and other Western countries' politicians have always been ardent supporters of  DL's claim for Tibetan human rights against China in their effort to dampen China's growing popularity with the rest of the world as a result of China's phenomena economic growth. Therefore , how can these nations/ governments that support DL speak up against their team mate when DL himself is guilty of the same injustice committed against his own people ?

HHDL's representative denied this ban because CTA is not following wise saying that don't do onto others what you do not wish to receive. Isn't the world full of ironies ?


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Re: Why HHDL's assistant need to lie about the BAN?
« Reply #4 on: June 04, 2012, 05:30:15 AM »
How can the representative say that there is no ban, when all over the Dalai Lama's website, there's articles putting down Dorje Shugden, when all over the CTA's website, there's articles putting down Shugden, and where there are youtubes of HHDL saying to not practise Dorje Shugden. If there was no ban, monk's wouldn't be forced to swear in against the practise, and they would be allowed to attend the teachings that HHDL gives. Saying that there's no ban is illogical.

Maybe they just want to save face. Because if the representative were to be questioned further about the ban (if he did admit it), he wouldn't have known how to answer. So it's easier to just deny.

diamond girl

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Re: Why HHDL's assistant need to lie about the BAN?
« Reply #5 on: June 04, 2012, 07:30:33 AM »
By admitting on media is political suicide. This is not a new crisis management technique used by any party or figure on international news. To deny is not to incriminate oneself even when the facts are glaring truth. By admitting is like literally putting his own shoe into his mouth and he will need to swallow the other side of his shoes too.

Besides, if we look at the video and all that is going on, by denying it creates more news....more "juice". And such news sells..... and in turn this news will promote Droje Shugden even more.


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Re: Why HHDL's assistant need to lie about the BAN?
« Reply #6 on: June 04, 2012, 08:52:33 AM »
It has been 4 years since the day the video was recorded and we do not see any improvements in the situation. The ban is still in place. Families are still divided, people cannot buy food or travel unless your sign the oath and denounce the practice. They are treating their own people worst than China are treating them. No wonder the assistant lies about the ban. Lying about it is the only way to stall the world's media. Then they marginalize the practice and claim DS is a spirit. To the world they say, they are just banning a spirit. No big deal.

But the world must wake up to. Beyond banning a lineage practice, this is a Human Rights issue.


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Re: Why HHDL's assistant need to lie about the BAN?
« Reply #7 on: June 09, 2012, 07:44:56 PM »
I think he is trying to look good and covering up at the beginning of the ban. Politics!

Agreed with yontenjamyang that it has been so many years and the ban is still there. CTA has been claiming that DS is a spirit and it is OK to ban. However, the act of separating families and friends, harming  denying DS practitioners from buying food, getting medical treatment, using public facilities. it is not just a banning to a religious practice anymore but it involved Human Rights issues.

We should work together to create awareness to the world. Let the world know the truth and put pressure on CTA to admit their mistake and lift the ban!
May the ban be lifted soonest!


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Re: Why HHDL's assistant need to lie about the BAN?
« Reply #8 on: June 09, 2012, 09:07:32 PM »
Thank you western Shugden Society for putting up this video to youtube :) Time to expose and lift the ban!!


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Re: Why HHDL's assistant need to lie about the BAN?
« Reply #9 on: June 15, 2012, 06:27:52 PM »
What I find surprising is why is there no legal case against CTA for mistreating the Tibetans who practise Dorje Shugden? There are many other evidence in the internet to prove the discrimination. Why are they not used to pursue this? As the nun mentioned in the video, the media can go to the monasteries and personally see for themselves. Is this happening?

Yes there was law suits by GKG and Kundeling Rinpoche. But I think GKG /NKT have dropped them, perhaps they have found another alternative ways that is far more conducive to voice out their thoughts. Perhaps they will do another demonstration in Manchester tomorrow? We shall see.

As for His Eminence Kundeling Rinpoche...

The Dalai Lama has be taken to court by Kundeling Rinpoche on grounds of religious discrimination for his ban on the Buddhist Deity Dorje Shugden.

The reporter has added at the end of the updated report: "The case against the Dalai Lama is still with the courts. We hope to bring you an update later in the year."

As the lawyer for the persecuted Shugden practitioners, Shree Sanjay Jain, explains: "It is certainly a case of religious discrimination in the sense that if within your sect of religion you say that this particular Deity ought not to be worshipped, and those persons who are willing to worship him you are trying to excommunicate them from the main stream of Buddhism, then it is a discrimination of worst kind."

Al Jazeera adds: "No matter what the outcome of the court case, in a country where millions of idols are worshipped, attempting to ban the Deity is an uphill battle. One in which many Buddhist monks have lost their faith in the spirit of the Dalai Lama."

But this is the latest thus far we have heard... here is his situation now and here Kundeling speaks openly, from his heart, with logically explanation about the Dorje Shugden ban. How it has affected himself, his students, his life, the lives of Tibetans and practitioners around the world.  There is a video here in this post


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Re: Why HHDL's assistant need to lie about the BAN?
« Reply #10 on: June 16, 2012, 09:02:59 AM »
The assistant looked like he was in a hurry in the video Maybe he just wanted to get out of the situation fast and not explain too much. Because if he does, the reporters will start asking more questions. Even though the video was 4 years ago, the ban is still causing much disturbances in many places. People can't come out in the open, ostracized, made to swear, hurt, etc. Where is religious right? Why must religious issues be international and ugly? Ugly because Buddhism is something that practices compassion and wisdom, not protests or ban. But you know what, I see the bigger picture. All the people who watch the news will know who Dorje Shugden is, the controversy, Dalai Lama, the people who are suffering, etc. Maybe the Dalai Lama is using His wonderful skillful methods to bring Dorje Shugden to the world?  :o ::) ;D


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Re: Why HHDL's assistant need to lie about the BAN?
« Reply #11 on: June 17, 2012, 05:13:55 AM »
My opinion is there is no basic to support by openly said out why there is a ban. But there can be the interview here and there say about to not practice dorje shugden and against shugden practice in society ie not receive benefit from tibetan goverment and can not attend the teaching by the HHDL. The monks in the monastery has to choose they want to continue the practice or stop and if they want to continue they have to leave the monastry which have their teachers and friends.. so what all this things that happened call, if not the ban.


Tenzin K

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Re: Why HHDL's assistant need to lie about the BAN?
« Reply #12 on: June 17, 2012, 12:17:28 PM »
Obviously he is just looking for an easy way out. By saying “there is a misunderstanding” does not match with the suffering that the Lord Shugden practitioners going through now.

The CTA is an organization stated goals of "rehabilitating Tibetan refugees and restoring freedom and happiness in Tibet" . What kind of freedom are they talking about if they can’t event give the freedom for their own people in spirituality?

For them to deny will just create the situation for the world want to know more. I see it in a positive angle. May this kind of news spread to the world and make more people learn and understand more about Lord Shugden and make it grow even bigger. 

DS Star

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Re: Why HHDL's assistant need to lie about the BAN?
« Reply #13 on: June 17, 2012, 03:49:03 PM »
Tenzin K, like you said, the suffering of DS practitioners doesn't match...

I would say it is an illogical lie... how can he tell such a lie while independent news reported numerous discrimination against DS practitioners. CTA does not have the guts to own up to the stand it believed in, so how can Tibetans trust CTA leaders to fight for their rights?

CTA's stated goal of "restoring freedom and happiness in Tibet" seems like a fairy tale, now that DS practitioners are not given the 'freedom' to practice their faith and to find their own "happiness".

Furthermore, by promoting self immolation of young Tibetans in Tibet, CTA is pulling itself further from any chance of peaceful cooperation with Chinese government.


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Re: Why HHDL's assistant need to lie about the BAN?
« Reply #14 on: June 18, 2012, 12:29:07 AM »
Yes, this representative of the Dalai Lama and the CTA has been captured so clearly on camera for uttering a blatant lie. "There is no ban" he says; but he doesn't look at the camera and is just hurrying away from the scene. This is so plain preposterous because, at the time this lie was uttered, the ban had just been imposed.

There are more things that appear to have been stifled. The 2 legal suits against this ban have seemingly been 'frozen' , and there have been no updates on them.

Furthermore, the appeal by the spokeswoman(the nun in this video)of the Western Shugden Society to the World Media to investigate and check on the matter(the Ban) appears to have fallen on deaf ears.

Perhaps, on a more hopeful note, the Western Shugden Society and others have decided that protest is not the way to go. The way to go is like the way this website has taken, a peaceful and constructive way to create causes for the ban to be lifted.