Author Topic: Australian Buddhists supports same-sex marriage  (Read 35614 times)

negra orquida

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Re: Australian Buddhists supports same-sex marriage
« Reply #15 on: April 26, 2012, 04:13:35 PM »
This is what His Holiness the 101st Gaden Tripa Lungrik Namgyal said about homosexuality (extracted from

Homosexuality seems to be getting more common in the world these days. Homosexuality, like heterosexuality, are both activities of samsara. Neither seems to be particularly better or worse than the other. Whether a man or woman is straight or gay does not make him or her any particularly better or worse than the other. In general, both are activities of lay people. Not that, however, that there is no karma involved in homosexuality, only that it is just like heterosexuality, another activity of samsara.

If we look at it this way, then yes DSFriend, there isn't much big deal about sexuality. Straight or gay, from the highest point of view, they are the same. 

I'm not so sure about homosexuality being more common "these days" tho... I thought it has been common all along just that its more acceptable nowadays.  If it is indeed "more common these days" compared to before, why is that so?


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Re: Australian Buddhists supports same-sex marriage
« Reply #16 on: April 26, 2012, 08:08:28 PM »
This is what His Holiness the 101st Gaden Tripa Lungrik Namgyal said about homosexuality (extracted from

Homosexuality seems to be getting more common in the world these days. Homosexuality, like heterosexuality, are both activities of samsara. Neither seems to be particularly better or worse than the other. Whether a man or woman is straight or gay does not make him or her any particularly better or worse than the other. In general, both are activities of lay people. Not that, however, that there is no karma involved in homosexuality, only that it is just like heterosexuality, another activity of samsara.

If we look at it this way, then yes DSFriend, there isn't much big deal about sexuality. Straight or gay, from the highest point of view, they are the same. 

I'm not so sure about homosexuality being more common "these days" tho... I thought it has been common all along just that its more acceptable nowadays.  If it is indeed "more common these days" compared to before, why is that so?

I like the way HH Gaden Tripa Lungrik Namgyal put it in that both homosexuality/heterosexuality is just another activity in samsara. Marriage is just another activity in samsara, just like working, purchasing of houses and cars, travelling etc. Why do we get married in the first place? To make sure that the relationship is locked down, black and white? Because that is just what society thinks is normal in life? What makes the signing of 2 people on paper more valid than having a relationship without the signing of papers? The essence of the relationship should not be based on a contract, in hopes that each remains loyal. The foundation of the relationship is based on the relationship itself, between both parties, and the respect they have for each other. The 'marriage' of two people should be based on respect, loyalty, trust, love, care, kindness and forgiveness towards each other. If that is absent, even if the 2 are married, it will not work. So then, why the need for papers?

Same-sex or not, it doesn't matter. The physicality of one is perceived by our senses, judged by our minds with influence from society and years of deluded thoughts. Same-sex relationships are just as strong as relationships between opposite genders - who are we to say that same-sex relationships are invalid, when it is all based on the one common thing - love.

I am pretty sure it is more common these days because more people are coming out, more people are accepting it. It may be a culture fad, but I'm pretty sure it is more of a shift in society's progression towards open-mindedness these days and the many across the world who courageously fought over the years for their rights. Human Rights.

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Re: Australian Buddhists supports same-sex marriage
« Reply #17 on: April 27, 2012, 06:26:34 AM »
Totally agree !


If same sexes decide to get married, obviously they are confident that their matrimony will further enhance their relationship and bring happiness to each other. Law that forbids such matrimony will only bring frustration and pains to the couple, which is not Buddhist advocate.

By legally marrying gay couples, the couples are bound to observe fidelity towards each other. This will in turn reduce the spread of sexual diseases .

It is definitely a positive move for all concerned.

Dear Kurava,

With regards to what I have highlighted from your post, you probably did not mean it intentionally, however what you shared above could be seen as derogatory and a sweeping statements of sorts, implying that the spread of sexual diseases are by the gay/homosexual segment of society!

Infidelity in this day an age in society is across the board, however, it may seem more prevalent in gay scenes as it is more "in your face" so to speak. That does not mean they are the only ones. Statistically, brothels frequented by heterosexual men are one of the leading causes for the spread of sexual diseases. That in itself could be a sweeping statement so let us not generalize and look at the topic at hand please.

I dislike one sided statements or inequality... thank you... :)


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Re: Australian Buddhists supports same-sex marriage
« Reply #18 on: April 27, 2012, 02:01:10 PM »
I rejoice that this Australian Buddhist approves of same sex marriages. I might be straight but I do have friends who are gay so I do hear stories about the problems that they have to endure. Also, I think that love transcends all and love should not just be limited by our gender. Also, I find that people do get ostracized from their friends if they decide to choose that form of sexuality. This is actually similar to Dorje Shugden practitioners as they are ostracized from their monastic institutes and abandoned by their friends. I find this very sad. I wish that governments around the world would just allow love to be spread regardless of gender.


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Re: Australian Buddhists supports same-sex marriage
« Reply #19 on: April 28, 2012, 02:59:54 AM »
I find using the verb tolerant and Buddhist kinda redundant! First and foremost, should there be a difference at all? Whether one is gay, lesbian, bisexual, straight, weird, crazy, silly... whatever really. We all share the same planet... it is a choice and we make all sort of choices in life. Some bad some not. Who is to say what is wrong or what is right. Certainly not us judging each other...

I find articles such as these really off putting (nothing against your post Namdrol), but it really makes my blood boil that such an article is "newsworthy" in this day an age... sigh!

Having said that, it is I suppose a step in the right direction as that segment of society is still segregated after all this time! But kudos to the Australians for making the stance!

Positive Change - Thank you thank you !! You got the words right out of my 'mouth'!

Really, in this days and age, it is really sad that most people are STILL discriminating fellow human beings based on their sexual preference, race, religious believe etc etc etc the list is endless! Sentient beings are born EQUAL because we are our own karma and be responsible to our own actions.

Putting other issues aside, why should we discriminate other people just because they are not like the rest of us? Same sex marriage is just like the rest of the 'straight' people, they love each other and want to spend the rest of the lives to be with each other - what's wrong with that? It is just happen that these people have close affinity with people who are born same sex with them this life time. period.

Down with the BAN!!!

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Re: Australian Buddhists supports same-sex marriage
« Reply #20 on: April 29, 2012, 07:16:32 PM »
I find using the verb tolerant and Buddhist kinda redundant! First and foremost, should there be a difference at all? Whether one is gay, lesbian, bisexual, straight, weird, crazy, silly... whatever really. We all share the same planet... it is a choice and we make all sort of choices in life. Some bad some not. Who is to say what is wrong or what is right. Certainly not us judging each other...

I find articles such as these really off putting (nothing against your post Namdrol), but it really makes my blood boil that such an article is "newsworthy" in this day an age... sigh!

Having said that, it is I suppose a step in the right direction as that segment of society is still segregated after all this time! But kudos to the Australians for making the stance!

Positive Change - Thank you thank you !! You got the words right out of my 'mouth'!

Really, in this days and age, it is really sad that most people are STILL discriminating fellow human beings based on their sexual preference, race, religious believe etc etc etc the list is endless! Sentient beings are born EQUAL because we are our own karma and be responsible to our own actions.

Putting other issues aside, why should we discriminate other people just because they are not like the rest of us? Same sex marriage is just like the rest of the 'straight' people, they love each other and want to spend the rest of the lives to be with each other - what's wrong with that? It is just happen that these people have close affinity with people who are born same sex with them this life time. period.

To add to your post Tammy... if we believe in reincarnation and hence previous lives, the logic is we certainly have been both male and female before... so regardless of what sex we are in this lifetiime, we are technically BOTH gay and straight as we have been both male and female... :p


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Re: Australian Buddhists supports same-sex marriage
« Reply #21 on: May 02, 2012, 01:02:33 PM »
Buddhist are not the ones who discriminates same sex marriage. I personally don't think its a bad idea. People should be free to choose the way they want to live their lives. They are not harming anyone by getting married. I just feel that if they have the karma to together as a couple, in what capacity are to question their choice. why are we discriminating them even? It is of course different from our so called normal society but it is not their fault either to be falling in love. Its the two minds that can find peace together and take care of each other.


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Re: Australian Buddhists supports same-sex marriage
« Reply #22 on: May 06, 2012, 10:59:39 AM »
This is what His Holiness the 101st Gaden Tripa Lungrik Namgyal said about homosexuality (extracted from

Homosexuality seems to be getting more common in the world these days. Homosexuality, like heterosexuality, are both activities of samsara. Neither seems to be particularly better or worse than the other. Whether a man or woman is straight or gay does not make him or her any particularly better or worse than the other. In general, both are activities of lay people. Not that, however, that there is no karma involved in homosexuality, only that it is just like heterosexuality, another activity of samsara.

If we look at it this way, then yes DSFriend, there isn't much big deal about sexuality. Straight or gay, from the highest point of view, they are the same. 

I'm not so sure about homosexuality being more common "these days" tho... I thought it has been common all along just that its more acceptable nowadays.  If it is indeed "more common these days" compared to before, why is that so?

It's so true. In a nut shell, desire is desire. Just "another activity of samsara". As long as it's between consenting people, there's nothing wrong with same-sex marriage. Nobody is being hurt or suffering in these relationships. If family members and or friends are emotionally hurt, it's due to their fixated mind set of how life should be. And if they are really so wise, all of them would be Buddhas by now.

That's what I like about Buddhism. There is no discrimination and segregation of people and animals. It's all about compassion and tolerance. There so many other pressing issues like pollution, slavery, wars and famine. Shouldn't we be focused on alleviating issues like that?


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Re: Australian Buddhists supports same-sex marriage
« Reply #23 on: May 06, 2012, 01:25:16 PM »
People are people regardless of race,gender,religion,and sexuality.They should have the same rights as others have.It's not about religion,marriage is supposed to be between a man,a woman and anything.They have the human right to love whoever they want to. Any person has every right to seek happiness,whether that happiness is found in someone of the same gender.To deny someone that right because they are different is being closed minded.
Look at the interracial marriage which are considered taboo and wrong by older generations,but now when they happen the are perfectly acceptable.It's an evolutionary change.Changes happen and we can either accept them or fight them and make life harder for everyone.


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Re: Australian Buddhists supports same-sex marriage
« Reply #24 on: June 16, 2012, 04:12:23 PM »
i learn that buddhist country is open more about this and accept the same-sex marriage. And also the citizen in country also agree for it. I guess as the religion teach them to accept in the different and look at people happiness therefore they accept it. As same-sex marriage do not create any problem to anyone or in society, instead they create more harmony and good energy in society. 


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Re: Australian Buddhists supports same-sex marriage
« Reply #25 on: June 17, 2012, 05:06:03 PM »
In a 1994 interview with OUT Magazine, the Dalai Lama clarified his personal opinion on the matter by saying, "If someone comes to me and asks whether homosexuality is okay or not, I will ask 'What is your companion's opinion?'. If you both agree, then I think I would say, 'If two males or two females voluntarily agree to have mutual satisfaction without further implication of harming others, then it is okay.'"

From a buddhist point of view, I totally agree that there is no difference in the Samsaric attachment in either a gay or straight relationship. In our refuge vows, the closest that applies to gay marriage is about no sexual misconduct. My refuge teacher has explained that this means not causing harm or hurt to anyone through our "sexual" actions.

So what the dalai lama has said rings deep in me, and I am glad to hear the outcome in Australia.

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Re: Australian Buddhists supports same-sex marriage
« Reply #26 on: June 17, 2012, 07:19:37 PM »
Buddhism is a religion which practices compassion as such accepting same-sex marriage is nothing surprising. Personally I am not supportive of same-sex marriage as it does not conform to what I was brought up to believe. However, learning much about Buddhism - and in this post about removing human suffering - I can understand that in practising Buddhism, I should not be fixed in my thinking about same-sex marriage. Then again, there are articles like this which makes me think again:

This says in Buddhism, homosexuality is not allowed... Thus, this is still a debatable topic. 


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Re: Australian Buddhists supports same-sex marriage
« Reply #27 on: June 17, 2012, 09:30:31 PM »

I totally agree with you Sonamdhargey! THere should not be such laws in the first place. Putting such a law is discrimination already and now talking about why we should remove it. It is like creating a problem and then thinking of how to solve the problem when the problem did not exist in the first place. All are human beings who should have the freedom to choose who they want to be with.

And since society created the civil law of having a marriage certificate to be certified as married, so it is society who decides opposite sex marriages are legal and same sex marriage is illegal. Change it the other way around, and see how they feel?

In Buddhism, to me, marriage is a form of attachment. By right, we should not be getting married also. Think about it!

In addition,

Laws are created by human and can be changed.

If only heterosexual marriage are allowed, does it not mean straights want everyone to support and being approved of sex between different sexes, if homosexual marriage are allowed they feel kind of threaten in their space and what they think of.

If i recall correctly what I learnt during college days in Anthropology class, is that the institution of marriages started due to economic reasons, such as ownership of land, herds etc. There was no mention for such institution having started with the sole reason to preserve the "sanctity" of a male and female couple/relationship. The original reason hasn't changed that much since it first started...people are getting married because of financial benefits and securities. Without these benefits that are backed up by law, I'd think the statistics of married people will be much lower!

One thing main stream religion has contributed is by infusing its bollocks rules of what should and shouldn't be to constitute a "holy" union in terms of sexuality. It was never there before and now so much effort is being put in to re-educate the society to consider "hey, perhaps sexuality is not such a big deal after all"

Well, the mindset of society is of such today,.. so i will rejoice in whatever little progress, openness and acceptance I see.

Imagine the laws are created to ban heterosexual marriage, or even banning marriage. With no marriage law, you can be together and stay under one root but you won't get a certificate or anything beneficial. But then again some will interpret it as they can do whatever they wish since there is no marriage law.  :P


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Re: Australian Buddhists supports same-sex marriage
« Reply #28 on: June 18, 2012, 04:33:43 PM »
Hi Folks,
Sorry i am speaking honestly about how i feel about this issue, please do not flame me. My guts feeling is that something is very amiss when you agreed to the same sex marriage or union.
This is something that is out of "natural". If you guys agreed upon it, next moment we may hear something bizarre somewhere such as they are people who agree upon incest etc. some people agree upon mouth, anal etc. ???

Are we out of Dharma context??? Is there someone with appropriate Dharma knowledge , such as some Rinpoche care to explain such topic? All along Buddha taught us the nature of the universal laws and emptiness, I do not recall hearing Buddha preaching on same sex union?

It is due to the ripening of karma that certain people have such behavior, hence there is no reason to discriminate them and neither to encourage such behavior, if some of  those people who could be converted back to straight.

Or maybe we should consult our Spiritual Guide for advice, before inputting self opinionated views here? 


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Re: Australian Buddhists supports same-sex marriage
« Reply #29 on: June 18, 2012, 04:54:52 PM »
BTW i would definitely not rejoice for same sex marriage or union, as this is resultant of negative karma that befall upon these folks. The teachings of Buddha taught us to follow and respect the nature of how things are supposed to be. Not to go against the nature.