Author Topic: Australian Buddhists supports same-sex marriage  (Read 33492 times)


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Australian Buddhists supports same-sex marriage
« on: April 22, 2012, 11:54:52 AM »

Buddhists in genereal are very tolerant towards gays, lesbians and bisexuals, what are your views?,10847,0,0,1,0

Buddhists come out for equality
Star Observer, 19 April 2012

Perth, Australia -- The House of Representatives public hearing on same-sex marriage, held at NSW Parliament on April 12, saw the largest non-Christian religious faith in Australia come out in support of marriage equality.

The Federation of Australian Buddhist Councils (FABC), representing Buddhist laypeople, and the Australian Sangha Association, representing Buddhist clergy, both put their support on the record.

Buddhist monk Bhante Sujato spoke on behalf of both groups.

“We should be focusing on the alleviation of human suffering, responding to human need,” Sujato told MPs.

A FABC submission to the Standing Committee on Social Policy and Legal Affairs by Bodhinyana Monastery abbot Ajahn Brahm said religion had never owned the institution of marriage.

“Marriage was not always a religious ceremony,” Brahm wrote.

“Well before Christianity and Islam appeared, and independent of any Jewish tradition, Buddhism recognised and supported marriage without claiming to have invented it. The fact is that the rite of marriage existed before religion, and thus no one faith can legitimately claim ownership of it.

“The suggestion that a civil contract is good enough for gays and lesbians is like throwing crumbs to the hungry. It is not acceptable to them, or to any other clear-thinking person.

“We owe it to the institution of marriage, and to those who are married, to extend its warmth to those who are presently excluded. Extending love can only make for a better society.”

Australia’s Buddhist community is as large as its Muslim and Jewish communities combined.

Union for Progressive Judaism executive director Steve Denenberg reiterated Progressive Judaism’s support for marriage equality at the hearing.

Denenberg later told J-Wire that he told the committee that, “based on our beliefs that each person is created in the image of God, the way that person expresses his or her sexuality, each person is equal”.

“Therefore, their rights for full participation in society should be equal, including the right to marry,” Denenberg said. “Equality would dictate that same-gender couples should be able to marry.”

Sikh and Hindu speakers at the hearing were either opposed or undecided.

The final number of submissions to the Senate inquiry into marriage equality was 75,000, the most an Australian Senate inquiry has ever received.

Of those, 44,000, or 59 percent, were in favour while 31,000 were against.

“The unprecedented level of support for this legislation reflects the fact that a majority of Australians support marriage equality and support it passionately,” Australian Marriage Equality national convenor Alex Greenwich said.

“The take-home message for our federal politicians is that the Australian public wants this reform and wants it now.”

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Re: Australian Buddhists supports same-sex marriage
« Reply #1 on: April 22, 2012, 02:23:23 PM »
I find using the verb tolerant and Buddhist kinda redundant! First and foremost, should there be a difference at all? Whether one is gay, lesbian, bisexual, straight, weird, crazy, silly... whatever really. We all share the same planet... it is a choice and we make all sort of choices in life. Some bad some not. Who is to say what is wrong or what is right. Certainly not us judging each other...

I find articles such as these really off putting (nothing against your post Namdrol), but it really makes my blood boil that such an article is "newsworthy" in this day an age... sigh!

Having said that, it is I suppose a step in the right direction as that segment of society is still segregated after all this time! But kudos to the Australians for making the stance!


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Re: Australian Buddhists supports same-sex marriage
« Reply #2 on: April 22, 2012, 02:45:18 PM »
“We should be focusing on the alleviation of human suffering, responding to human need,” Sujato told MPs.

Firstly, I fully agree with this, if same sex marriage is an avenue to alleviate human suffering, then I do not see a reason to stop it. In my opinion the idea that we have to marry someone of the opposite sex, is just what has been implanted into society. Of course biologically it is natural, but if two people of the same sex love each other, just as two people of an opposite sex do, then why should we stop it, just because some religions say so. That is why buddhism is good, it accepts all. I mean after all in christianity if god created everyone equal, and in his image, and that person is gay for example, then why should we over write the power of god. I myself am buddhist, but this is just logical thinking, which brings me on to the next point:

Denenberg later told J-Wire that he told the committee that, “based on our beliefs that each person is created in the image of God, the way that person expresses his or her sexuality, each person is equal”.

“Therefore, their rights for full participation in society should be equal, including the right to marry,” Denenberg said. “Equality would dictate that same-gender couples should be able to marry.”

This i like very much. And we should not stop, or prohibit same sex marriage. Society is changing, so why are we going to be stuck in old fashioned viewpoints, and why are we going to limit our mind, by saying "this is the way it should be". We should just learn to accept everyone for who they are. Just because they have a certain sexual preference doesn't make them a bad person, in fact they could be better than you will ever be.


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Re: Australian Buddhists supports same-sex marriage
« Reply #3 on: April 22, 2012, 02:59:09 PM »
I don't see what is wrong with having same sex marriage. Banning and imposing laws preventing gay, lesbian marriages Just because they are straight and are against their beliefs does not mean they are right. Basic humans rights of equality goes across all platforms if anyone want to be righteous about equality. That make them bias and only laws that suits them are allowed. What kind of double standard is that? Gays and lesbians are human beings too.


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Re: Australian Buddhists supports same-sex marriage
« Reply #4 on: April 22, 2012, 05:06:32 PM »
I don't see what is wrong with having same sex marriage. Banning and imposing laws preventing gay, lesbian marriages Just because they are straight and are against their beliefs does not mean they are right. Basic humans rights of equality goes across all platforms if anyone want to be righteous about equality. That make them bias and only laws that suits them are allowed. What kind of double standard is that? Gays and lesbians are human beings too.

I totally agree with you Sonamdhargey! THere should not be such laws in the first place. Putting such a law is discrimination already and now talking about why we should remove it. It is like creating a problem and then thinking of how to solve the problem when the problem did not exist in the first place. All are human beings who should have the freedom to choose who they want to be with.

And since society created the civil law of having a marriage certificate to be certified as married, so it is society who decides opposite sex marriages are legal and same sex marriage is illegal. Change it the other way around, and see how they feel?

In Buddhism, to me, marriage is a form of attachment. By right, we should not be getting married also. Think about it!


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Re: Australian Buddhists supports same-sex marriage
« Reply #5 on: April 23, 2012, 02:42:14 AM »
I applaud this move by the Australian Buddhist not because I am either pro or against same sex marriage, but simply because I am against any form of discrimination. Whether we are Buddhist or not we should regard everyone and every sentient being as equally entitled to be able to fulfill their happiness. 

It is important to everyone but particularly to those seeking higher understanding of spirituality to first transcend all that keeps us imprisoned within ourselves i.e. our own perceptions; and our projections of how things and people should; and our strong desire to impose rules agreeable to our minds unto others to comply.

Anything that makes us see the similarity between ourself and other people and sentient beings, rather than the differences, is something to promote and protect.


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Re: Australian Buddhists supports same-sex marriage
« Reply #6 on: April 23, 2012, 09:15:51 AM »
Totally agree !


If same sexes decide to get married, obviously they are confident that their matrimony will further enhance their relationship and bring happiness to each other. Law that forbids such matrimony will only bring frustration and pains to the couple, which is not Buddhist advocate.

By legally marrying gay couples, the couples are bound to observe fidelity towards each other. This will in turn reduce the spread of sexual diseases .

It is definitely a positive move for all concerned.


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Re: Australian Buddhists supports same-sex marriage
« Reply #7 on: April 23, 2012, 07:16:07 PM »
We live in this world where a "normal" marriage is between a male and female. That's why we have such a term called "same-sex" marriage.

We also live in a a world where a "normal" marriage it involves only 1 male and 1 female. But in not too distant past, there are marriages which involve multiple partners.

My point? Just because we are so used to "normal", we are easily caught up with the "no so normal" and keep asking if "we can accept them". Again, who are we to judge?

There is nothing wrong for being straight, gay/lesbian. What is not OK, is to be attached to sex. If a person is attached to sex, no matter the partner is different sex or same sex.


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Re: Australian Buddhists supports same-sex marriage
« Reply #8 on: April 23, 2012, 11:48:19 PM »
When we really exercise "equality" for hummanity and the wish for happiness for all beings, then we should not oppose marriage of the same sex.

People who are gay, lesbian are like any of us, they want love and happiness. So if they are born to have the inclination for the same gender, so be it.

I know many conservative people are against this, think it is dirty, disgusting and adnormal, but  is it more disgusting when we hear news that the father is raping his own child and or a girl have been gang raped in our news every day!!  I personally find that is more disgusting as it is done without the consent of the other party.

It is true the society we are living in is very different than the time my parents were in. But by discrimination of same sex marriage,  we are creating more tension in the society, same with discrimination of other religions. At this age, it is all the more important to practice acceptance and equality. You can eat your tomatoes and I can eat my potatoes. It is all good. Everyone is happy.  What kris said in his post earlier is true, one of the causes of sufferings is the attachment to sex, as long as we are not attached to sex, being gay, Lesbian or straight is all fine, as long as one finds happiness and solace in his/her companion.

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Re: Australian Buddhists supports same-sex marriage
« Reply #9 on: April 24, 2012, 11:54:12 AM »
Marriage is a process when two people who love each other go one step further by making their relationship public and official.  It is two people joining in a bond. 

So if the marriage is between two people of the same sex, that does not make them any less a human being than we are.  They are also on the path seeking happiness for themselves together.  Even a marriage between a man and a woman does not guarantee life-time happiness, so what is wrong with two guys or two women marrying each other?


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Re: Australian Buddhists supports same-sex marriage
« Reply #10 on: April 24, 2012, 02:12:09 PM »
What rights do the straights have to set laws to prevent same sex marriage? Gays and lesbians are human beings too and they have a right to choose their partners. Every human being whether gays/lesbians/straights should have equal human rights. As long as the marriage last and they are happy with each other company there is nothing wrong with gays/lesbians marrying each other.

How would the straights feel if the majority of the world's population comprises of more gays/lesbians than straights and the gays/lesbians set a law to prevent marriage of two different sex? Won't they feel hurt that they are being discriminated? So let us live in harmony as human beings regardless of whether we are gays/lesbians or straights.

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Re: Australian Buddhists supports same-sex marriage
« Reply #11 on: April 24, 2012, 05:00:25 PM »
Once my boss shared with me his theory that in the future marriage will become redundant.  Everyone probably knows about how divorce statistics are growing, how fertility rate is dropping, how men and women are getting married later... these trends shows that the idea of marriage and the importance place on it is changing, and these ideas are perhaps more prevalent in developed countries.  It is a matter of time that all countries become developed and follow this trend.  If this is indeed going to be the case in the future... what is the big hooha about who can marry who now?

The world is becoming more "gay friendly", and this way of thinking is consistent with Buddhist thinking.  People finally are appreciating the fact that gay or not, we all want happiness, we don't want suffering, we find happiness in different packages.


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Re: Australian Buddhists supports same-sex marriage
« Reply #12 on: April 24, 2012, 05:29:48 PM »
This is just basic human characteristics... at least the ones that have shallow thinking. They always make an issue out of something that's not even worth thinking about, and in this case... making it a huge issue for same-sex marriages to be so called 'legal'.

Frankly speaking I'm not a firm supporter of marriages... be it straight or same-sex marriage. I think weddings is a total waste of time and resources. If we truly love someone, it should go beyond just getting married and starting a family like what most people do.

Weddings nowadays are just so commercialized... everyone seems to be doing it, so it makes people want it although it is not entirely necessary... Of course throughout the years, some laws and regulations regarding shared partnership to protect both parties since most of the time couples share assets etc.

However, despite my personal view that marriage is actually unnecessary.... i strongly think that it is one option that should be available for us!


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Re: Australian Buddhists supports same-sex marriage
« Reply #13 on: April 26, 2012, 06:07:41 AM »
I seriously do not mind having lesbians or gays as friends, in fact I have more of them as friends than the straight ones. I observed that they are kinder and more loving people compared to the straight ones. Whether it is because of religion or not, we have no rights to say what they can or cannot do. They didn't choose to be like that. Did any of you choose to be poor? Disabled? Nope. I don't think so. Why must we judge them for what they do? It's just a piece of paper with words that legally bind 2 people together!


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Re: Australian Buddhists supports same-sex marriage
« Reply #14 on: April 26, 2012, 09:59:52 AM »
If i recall correctly what I learnt during college days in Anthropology class, is that the institution of marriages started due to economic reasons, such as ownership of land, herds etc. There was no mention for such institution having started with the sole reason to preserve the "sanctity" of a male and female couple/relationship. The original reason hasn't changed that much since it first started...people are getting married because of financial benefits and securities. Without these benefits that are backed up by law, I'd think the statistics of married people will be much lower!

One thing main stream religion has contributed is by infusing its bollocks rules of what should and shouldn't be to constitute a "holy" union in terms of sexuality. It was never there before and now so much effort is being put in to re-educate the society to consider "hey, perhaps sexuality is not such a big deal after all"

Well, the mindset of society is of such today,.. so i will rejoice in whatever little progress, openness and acceptance I see.