Author Topic: HH the Dalai Lama on the 51st Anniversary of the Tibetan National Uprising Day  (Read 6476 times)


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Statement of His Holiness the Dalai Lama on the 51st Anniversary of the Tibetan National Uprising Day
Wednesday, March 10 2010 @ 08:34 am UTC

Today marks the 51st anniversary of the Tibetan people's peaceful uprising in 1959 against Communist China's repression in Tibet, as well as the second anniversary of the peaceful protests that erupted across Tibet in March 2008. On this occasion, I pay homage to those heroic Tibetan men and women, who sacrificed their lives for the cause of Tibet, and pray for an early end to the sufferings of those still oppressed in Tibet.

Despite the great hardships Tibetans have faced for many decades, they have been able to keep up their courage and determination, preserve their compassionate culture and maintain their unique identity. It is inspiring that today a new generation of Tibetans continues to keep Tibet's just cause alive. I salute the courage of those Tibetans still enduring fear and oppression.

Whatever circumstances we find ourselves in, it is the responsibility of all Tibetans to maintain equality, harmony and unity among the various nationalities, while continuing to protect our unique identity and culture. Many Tibetans in Tibetan areas are working in various responsible posts in the party, government and military, helping Tibetans in whatever way they can. We recognise the positive contribution that many of them have made up to now, and obviously when Tibet achieves meaningful autonomy in the future, they will have to continue to fulfil such responsibilities.

Let me reiterate that once the issue of Tibet is resolved, I will not take any political position nor will members of the Tibetan Administration in exile hold any positions in the government in Tibet. I have repeatedly made this clear in the past. To understand the situation of the Tibetans in exile and their aspirations, I invite Tibetan officials serving in various Tibetan autonomous areas to visit Tibetan communities living in the free world, either officially or in a private capacity, to observe the situation for themselves.

Wherever Tibetans in exile have settled, we have been able to preserve and promote our distinct cultural and spiritual traditions, while generating awareness of the Tibetan cause. Unlike other refugees, we have been relatively successful because we have also been able to give our children a sound modern education, while bringing them up according to our traditional values. And because the heads of all four major schools of Tibetan Buddhism and the Bon religion are in exile we have been able to re-establish various institutions for religious training and practice. In these institutions over ten thousand monks and nuns are free to pursue their vocations. We have been readily able to provide educational opportunities for those monks, nuns and students who continue to come from Tibet. At the same time the unprecedented spread of Tibetan Buddhism in both East and West and the prospect of continuing to flourish in the future gives us hope that it may yet survive. This is some solace to us during this most critical period in Tibet's history.

Today, the Chinese authorities are conducting various political campaigns, including a campaign of patriotic re-education, in many monasteries in Tibet. They are putting the monks and nuns in prison-like conditions, depriving them the opportunity to study and practise in peace. These conditions make the monasteries function more like museums and are intended to deliberately annihilate Buddhism.

Tibetan culture based on Buddhist values of compassion and non-violence benefits not only Tibetans, but also people in the world at large, including the Chinese. Therefore, we Tibetans should not place our hopes in material progress alone, which is why it is essential that all Tibetans, both inside and outside Tibet, should broaden their modern education hand in hand with our traditional values. Above all, as many young Tibetans as possible should strive to become experts and skilled professionals.

It is important that Tibetans maintain friendly relations not only with people of all nationalities, but also amongst themselves. Tibetans should not engage in petty disputes with each other.  I earnestly appeal to them instead to resolve any differences with patience and understanding.

Whether the Chinese government acknowledges it or not, there is a serious problem in Tibet. As the world knows, this is evidenced by the fact that there is a huge military presence and restrictions on travel in Tibet. It is good for neither party. We have to take every opportunity to solve it. For more than 30 years, I have tried my best to enter into talks with the People's Republic of China to resolve the issue of Tibet through the Middle-Way Approach that is of benefit to us both. Although I have clearly articulated Tibetan aspirations, which are in accordance with the constitution of the People's Republic of China and the law on national regional autonomy, we have not obtained any concrete result. Judging by the attitude of the present Chinese leadership, there is little hope that a result will be achieved soon. Nevertheless, our stand to continue with the dialogue remains unchanged.

It is a matter of pride and satisfaction that our mutually beneficial Middle-Way Approach and the justice of the Tibetan struggle have gained growing understanding and support year by year from many political and spiritual leaders, including the President of the United States of America, reputed non-governmental organisations, the international community, and in particular from Chinese intellectuals. It is evident that the Tibetan issue is not a dispute between the Chinese and Tibetan peoples, but has come about because of the ultra-leftist policies of the Chinese Communist authorities.

Since the demonstrations in Tibet in 2008, Chinese intellectuals inside and outside China have written more than 800 unbiased articles on the Tibetan issue. During my visits abroad, wherever I go, when I meet Chinese in general, particularly the intellectuals and students, they offer their genuine sympathy and support. Since the Sino-Tibetan problem ultimately has to be resolved by the two peoples themselves, I try to reach out to the Chinese people whenever I can to create a mutual understanding between us. Therefore, it is important for Tibetans everywhere to build closer relations with the Chinese people and try to make them aware of the truth of the Tibetan cause and the present situation in Tibet.

Let us also remember the people of East Turkestan who have experienced great difficulties and increased oppression and the Chinese intellectuals campaigning for greater freedom who have received severe sentences. I would like to express my solidarity and stand firmly with them.

It is also essential that the 1.3 billion Chinese people have free access to information about their own country and elsewhere, as well as freedom of expression and the rule of law. If there were greater transparency inside China, there would be greater trust, which would be the proper basis for promoting harmony, stability and progress. This is why everyone concerned must exert their efforts in this direction.

As a free spokesperson of the Tibetan people I have repeatedly spelled out their fundamental aspirations to the leaders of the People's Republic of China.  Their lack of a positive response is disappointing. Although the present authorities may cling to their hard-line stand, judging by the political changes taking place on the international stage as well as changes in the perspective of the Chinese people, there will be a time when truth will prevail. Therefore, it is important that everyone be patient and not give up.

 We acknowledge the Central Government's new decision taken at the Fifth Tibet Work Forum to implement their policies uniformly in all Tibetan areas to ensure future progress and development, which Premier Wen Jiabao also reiterated at the recent annual session of the National People's Congress. This accords with our repeatedly expressed wish for a single administration for all those Tibetan areas. Similarly, we appreciate the development work that has taken place in Tibetan areas, particularly in the nomadic and farming regions. However, we must be vigilant that such progress does not damage our precious culture and language and the natural environment of the Tibetan plateau, which is linked to the well-being of the whole of Asia.

On this occasion, I wish to take the opportunity to offer my sincere thanks to the leaders of various nations, their intellectuals, the general public, Tibet Support Groups and others who cherish truth and justice for continuing to support the Tibetan cause despite the Chinese government's pressure and harassment. Above all I wish to pay my heartfelt gratitude to the Government of India, the various State Governments, and the people of India for their continued generous support.

Finally, I offer prayers for the happiness and well-being of all sentient beings.

The Dalai Lama

10 March  2010

++ My comments: the Dalai Lama says:

1. Today, the Chinese authorities are conducting various political campaigns, including a campaign of patriotic re-education, in many monasteries in Tibet. They are putting the monks and nuns in prison-like conditions, depriving them the opportunity to study and practise in peace.

++ i hope the Dalai Lama is not conducting campaigns against Shugden practitioners and will allow us the opportunity to study and practise in peace.

2. It is important that Tibetans maintain friendly relations not only with people of all nationalities, but also amongst themselves. Tibetans should not engage in petty disputes with each other.  I earnestly appeal to them instead to resolve any differences with patience and understanding.

++ I also hope the Dalai Lama means that there should be harmony between Shugdenpas and non-Shugdenpas.

3. ++Let me take the liberty to be a bit cheeky and substitute a few words here: On this occasion, I wish to take the opportunity to offer my sincere thanks to the leaders of various nations, their intellectuals, the general public, [Shugden] Support Groups and others who cherish truth and justice for continuing to support the [Shugden] cause despite the [Tibetan exile] government's pressure and harassment.

As the Dalai Lama says: there will be a time when truth will prevail. Therefore, it is important that everyone be patient and not give up.

I think he is talking to the Shugdenpas :)

Kate Walker - a wannabe wisdom Being


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Heartfelt request from monks in Mundgod

"This situation is like a butterlamp which is just about to extinguish due to lack of oil.

At this very difficult period of our life, we have decided to face any difficulties, even to place our own life, if necessary, as a target, to safeguard the precious lineage of teaching and practice of the Dharma.

However, for a bird to fly in the sky it requires two wings.

 In order to fulfil this great responsibility, and for us to overcome the difficulties of the present time, we ask for your support, your help and assistance, by all means. "
« Last Edit: March 10, 2010, 09:21:12 PM by Lhakpa Gyaltshen »


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The 74-year-old monk, speaking from his home in exile in northeast India, accused China of having a policy to "to deliberately annihilate Buddhism".

I thought that was his job? ;D 

He accuses authorities of keeping monks and nuns in prison-like conditions - not allowing them to study and practice their religion - what he says is essentially transforming monasteries into museums.

Anybody else see "pot calling kettle black" here?  The Dalai Lama expelled the monks from their monasteries, not allowing them to study, and explicitly banned their practice of Dorje Shugden, so how is he any better than the Chinese authorities?


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++ My comments: the Dalai Lama says:

1. Today, the Chinese authorities are conducting various political campaigns, including a campaign of patriotic re-education, in many monasteries in Tibet. They are putting the monks and nuns in prison-like conditions, depriving them the opportunity to study and practise in peace.

++ i hope the Dalai Lama is not conducting campaigns against Shugden practitioners and will allow us the opportunity to study and practise in peace.

2. It is important that Tibetans maintain friendly relations not only with people of all nationalities, but also amongst themselves. Tibetans should not engage in petty disputes with each other.  I earnestly appeal to them instead to resolve any differences with patience and understanding.

++ I also hope the Dalai Lama means that there should be harmony between Shugdenpas and non-Shugdenpas.

3. ++Let me take the liberty to be a bit cheeky and substitute a few words here: On this occasion, I wish to take the opportunity to offer my sincere thanks to the leaders of various nations, their intellectuals, the general public, [Shugden] Support Groups and others who cherish truth and justice for continuing to support the [Shugden] cause despite the [Tibetan exile] government's pressure and harassment.

As the Dalai Lama says: there will be a time when truth will prevail. Therefore, it is important that everyone be patient and not give up.

I think he is talking to the Shugdenpas

Very interesting read - Thanks WB for this post and nice reading between the lines statements!

"It is important that Tibetans maintain friendly relations not only with people of all nationalities, but also amongst themselves."
This one is definitely addressing Shugdenpas and the Pro Dalai Lama groups.

I sure do hope that the "truth will soon prevail" and spiritual harmony restored!!!

I think HH is beginning to realize that the BAN campaign is starting to make HH and his govt less credible and unless they quickly do something about it, I think the world will not be so easily fooled by the "middle-way approach" and more cautious, since there is none for Tibetan Shugden people.

a friend

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Why are you reading this with such imaginary wishful thinking?
I understand that we all wish this ban to be abolished, but I don´t think it´s proper
to attribute such intentions to the words of the Dalai Lama.
You forget that he said that his words against the Protector do not have an interpretive
meaning, that they are definitive.
We can and should pray for his mind to change, but we cannot twist his words nor his
will. We only can wish and hope that he himself one day will change his mind.


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Dear 'a friend',

Why are you reading this with such imaginary wishful thinking?

Thank you for saying what I was thinking, but probably people think I'm a bit too extreme regarding the DL, so it's better that you said it, LOL.  It is such unrealistic and 'fluffy' thinking that leads to no opposition of this ban and that will destroy the practice of Dorje Shugden.  It's rot from the inside, which is exactly how Buddha Shakyamuni predicted that Dharma would degenerate and disappear from this world.

Lee Dhi

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The Dalai Lama’s speech communicates a message that can bring benefit if the focus is on the content and not the judgments and assumptions on the person conveying the message. 

I can imagine that it is not easy to look pass the Dalai Lama to receive his message when HH has made decisions that caused great suffering for many individuals. It is also difficult to accept the contradiction between what he says and what he does, which he has been called a hypocrite for. However, for the long-term benefit of pure Dharma and the worship of our great protector – Dorje Shugden, it is more advantageous for us to take his message and apply it to our daily lives rather than judge or criticize. Start with the man in the mirror. Let’s not let the fact that (maybe) the Dalai Lama (or for the matter, anyone) does not practice what he preaches, WE should…I should.

Dharma WILL NOT die or disappear from our world if all of us who participate in this forum practice it daily in our lives with EVERYONE: Dalai Lama, Shugdenpas an non-SHugdenpas.

Yes, Buddha Shyakamuni predicted that Budhadharma as we know it will degenerate and disappear. However, based on the principal of impermanence, this prediction can change. A change in ACTION will cause a change in its affects. Therefore, I believe it is more important to reflect on and change our own actions of body, speech and mind before we comment on those of others.

I do not agree with the ban on Dorje Shugden and I am ashamed of the suffering Dharma practitioners have to endure to uphold the worship of my kind and supreme Protector, Dorje Shugden. Therefore, I am committing myself to support all efforts to uphold and spread Dorje Shugden’s practice sincerely so that 1) the suffering will eventually end, 2) the efforts those who have suffered will not be in vain and 3) the worship of our protector will flourish.


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Tibetans should not engage in petty disputes with each other.  I earnestly appeal to them instead to resolve any differences with patience and understanding by taking oaths never to share material or spiritual resources with Shugden practitioners.