Author Topic: FedEx sues US Commerce Department over export restrictions that affect Huawei  (Read 4899 times)


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Just days ahead of the G20 summit in Japan, FedEx is suing US government for the trade war. Obviously, the trade war is affecting their business. This should put some pressure on Trump and start kissing some a**.

FedEx sues US Commerce Department over export restrictions that affect Huawei

FedEx (FDX) said in a statement Monday that the US Export Administration Regulations "violate common carriers' rights" by making delivery companies liable for shipments that may violate US restrictions. "FedEx is a transportation company, not a law enforcement agency," the statement said.

The regulations "essentially deputize FedEx to police the contents of the millions of packages it ships daily even though doing so is a virtually impossible task, logistically, economically, and in many cases, legally," the company said in its lawsuit.

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Bravo to the one who dared be the first to stand up to the bully Trump who's policies is only hurting his own compatriots. And the bully is being curtailed to cede to China even without China having to say too much. In stopping the ban on Huawei, it is of no surprise that Trump will have to relent, especially when Huawei's failure will affect so many of the US companies who were suppliers to Huawei. The ripple effect of the ban is too much that many US companies are lobbying against their own President. Even the world leaders are supporting China, against the US. The funniest is the picture of world leaders at the G20 summit which was taken without Trump. Well, a bully is never welcomed nor liked by anyone and China won on diplomacy.