Author Topic: CTA's useless Sikyong and DIIR Kalon Lobsang Sangay  (Read 19192 times)


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CTA's useless Sikyong and DIIR Kalon Lobsang Sangay
« on: September 24, 2018, 05:46:22 AM »
This is a good summary of the most corrupted and useless leader in the world, the President of the Central Tibetan Administration (CTA), Lobsang Sangay. He is the midget Dhardon Sharling's best friend and her mentor who gave her the position because of the favors she can give in return. Both of them are the most famous CTA people who are good at self-promotions using the sympathy money donated by naive people around the world. These 2 partners in crime got together so well because all they care about is to fulfill Sangay's selfish wish.

September 17, 2018
A brief critique on Sikyong and DIIR Kalon Lobsang Sangay

Sikyong and DIIR Kalon; Lobsang Sangay was born in Darjeeling in 1968 and did his schooling from CST Darjeeling. He did his BA and LLB from Delhi University. He earned a Fulbright scholarship at Harvard Law School and did his LLM there.

In 2003, Sangay organized five conferences between Chinese and Tibetan scholars, including a meeting between the Dalai Lama and thirty-five Chinese scholars at Harvard University and he went to China in 2005.

His dissertation on Democracy in Distress: Is Exile Polity a Remedy? A Case Study of Tibet’s Government-in-exile got help from a number of people including Tendar (late) and Dawa Norbu (late).

He has used the word lama for HHDL.

He was named as the Accidental Prime Minister of Tibet by the Atlantic Newspaper, not having served CTA at all. In the interview given to the Newspaper, he had acknowledged that he had filed for the candidature at without any plan.

During the debate his cunningness as a law student worked against the modest opponent and  with his tall and empty promises he could fool the naïve Tibetans hoping for a change. He had no experience of working in CTA and his competency in Tibetan Language was minimal.

First time in the history of CTA, the DIIR Kalon, Deckyi Choeyang  and Desung Kalon Donchung Ngodup resigned from their post, being unable to work under LS.

In 2011, HH devolved all his political power to the elected leaders and the power intoxicated LS used all the media of CTA as his private property to boost his image rather than to reach out to the International media to highlight the plight of Tibetans inside Tibet with ever increasing self- immolation.

His second term election campaign started on a wrong footing, by using his official position as a platform to promote his candidature for Sikyong in 2016. He used religious teaching as a means to get leverage for election too that rocked Tibetan Society which led to the disheartenment of HHDL.

The election campaign was less on how one would administer CTA but more on vilifying your opponent. On the one hand PT had his manifesto printed yet the incumbent Sikyong was more on ‘I have five years of experience serving as Sikyong’. Khampa faction used intimidation, threat of assault, death threats and gang violence on Utsang supporters of PT that added fuel to the fire of division and disunity.

Since the election of Kalon Tripa, Utsang Cholkha had been at the forefront to name its candidates and they named PT as their candidate for Sikyong’s post. This right to nominate candidates is enshrined in the provision of the Charter and hence to cry that Utsang Cholkha’s filing of PT as candidate for Sikyong has led to the disharmony is incorrect and baseless.

LS won because no Utsang of influence stood up to awaken Utsang leytongs who form 75% of the exile population.

His termination of PT as the Dhonchoe of Ari was his biggest blunder of his political career because that clearly showed to the world that his word didn’t match his action: he had not forgotten and forgiven his opponent for giving him tough time in the election.

Moreover, LS didn’t want PT to shine by his reaching out to the Senators and to earn the praise of the abbots of the monasteries and Tibetans of United States because that would add milestone to the reputation of PT getting elected in the next election.

The issue of 1.5 million fund donation from Tibet Fund for buying the Office of Tibet was just an excuse to suspend PT, in which his MP aptuks also played their part.

People across Cholkhas found PT termination unreasonable and uncalled for on the basis of JA-PUNUN Drekzuk. Did LS and his Kalons listen to the voice of the dissent of the people? Was he not accountable to the people who put him in power? Instead he was dancing with the Khampas who were howling at the airport and singing Sungta Lemo So and carrying his photos to display their slavish devotion to the man simply because they are phayul chikpa. LS only incited the division within Cholkhas for his own gain. How can you now question the people saying that the divisive forces are very dangerous for the unity? You are the source and you are the cause. It was he who called for Lithang pungdrik in 2011 sikyong election. He lit the spark of negative regionalism in 2011 which turned into a wildfire in 2016 engulfing everything it came into contact with.

After getting elected as Sikyong in 2016 and vindictive a personality that he is he taught Dardon Sharling a lesson for talking against him in the preliminary debate. He appointed her as a Kalon for DIIR only to be disqualified two days later. She also lost her parliamentary seat to his former health minister’s brother Tenzin Jamyang.

Narcistic that he is he employed three CT staff to manage his Facebook account!

He gave positions to all of his campaign managers even though none of them served CTA for a single day prior. You see people like Choephel Thupten and Gelek Jungney were appointed as the Chief Representative of Southern Tibetan Settlement and Welfare officer of Lugsam Settlement.

Touring the world himself and letting all his ministers go around the world irrespective of one’s portfolio with personal holidays annexed to the pretext of Thank You program is the highlight of his second term. Are we expecting butter by churning water?

Talks with Chinese counterpart is nowhere in sight and the number of self immolators has crossed 152. What is LS led Kashag doing?

Sikyong and his Kalons didn’t attend the International Conference on MWA saying they don’t attend NGO meetings, yet they attended the Ngari Chithun Tsokpa’s dinner invitation and gave speeches.

He did not attend MWA conference because the key speaker was PT!

Preaching yarab sangchoe LS miserably failed to present himself as a role model. His misdeeds betrayed him

Simultaneously, the talk on need for unity is getting louder and louder from LS, yet his act of division is gaining momentum. In the world of internet and technology, the leaders can no longer fool the people with emotion-packed empty talks.

Recently concluded, DIIR organized 5/50 Youth Meet is the talk of the Tibetan public across the globe. The true color of how much LS cared for the preservation of Tibetan Language is revealed to the world. The Tibetan section of the booklet was filled with tons of grammatical mistakes. He failed to show basic respect to the Tibetan language. The language used in the meeting was mostly English and even LS spoke in English. Is this how we preserve our language?

Khabdha has penned an article with a caption “5 Tibetans and 50 English”

Can we afford to live in the fool’s paradise?

The situation inside Tibet is getting bleaker by the day. What are you doing other than building buildings in Gangchen Kyishong?

What have you as Sikyong accomplished for the Tibetan cause in 8 years?



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Re: CTA's useless Sikyong and DIIR Kalon Lobsang Sangay
« Reply #1 on: September 24, 2018, 04:38:42 PM »
I still think Lobsang Sangay is in fact a Chinese agent.

No one can spend 8 years being so inept and not achieving anything at all.

Remember he had properties that got mysteriously paid off.


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Re: CTA's useless Sikyong and DIIR Kalon Lobsang Sangay
« Reply #2 on: September 24, 2018, 07:13:01 PM »
I don't understand how a useless person can be the president of a government in exile for 8 years doing nothing and they are ok with it.

This shows their level of care for the Tibet and Tibetan's welfare because they would have sacked this useless bum out of the office years ago. In fact that he can be president for 8 years doing nothing shows that the people in the Tibetan government do not care whether they can perform or not. As long as their wallet is full and they don't have to do much work they are content. I pity those Tibetans who are suffering under their leadership.


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Re: CTA's useless Sikyong and DIIR Kalon Lobsang Sangay
« Reply #3 on: September 24, 2018, 09:22:15 PM »
@Rowntree, the memes of Dardon Sharling was really funny. Her "husband" looks so much younger and stood there like she was contagious or something. Anyway, LS is definitely as useless as they come, even with a PHD from Harvard University and on scholarship too. Sure a "smart-a**". Well he is a testament that smart or intelligent does not mean wise. All that he had ever done is to fulfill his own wishes. Married man? Never ever hear any mention of his family at all? Always with Dardon Sharling at his side, official or non official functions. Wonder what is blinding the sponsors or the Tibetans into accepting him even after his countless blatant actions of selfishness? Weird huh.


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Re: CTA's useless Sikyong and DIIR Kalon Lobsang Sangay
« Reply #4 on: October 11, 2018, 03:18:25 AM »
Lobsang Sangay is not an agent to anyone, he is a slave to the money. For the 8 years he has been in the position as the leader of the Tibetans, he has not done anything good at all. People only hear negative news, how he misuses the fund and of course, the sex scandals as well. He has not shown any intention to build a better relationship with India or China, all he cares about is how many self-immolation cases are there and how he can use it to earn sympathy from the west and get money from them.

India wants to have a better relationship with China but the Tibetans are in the way, if Lobsang Sangay is grateful to the Indian government, he should work with India to help them. The Dalai Lama has expressed his wish to go back to Tibet many times lately, but Lobsang Sangya is not doing anything to fulfill his wish. In fact, if Lobsang Sangay works with India, he can please 2 parties at a time. Why is he not doing that? He is not here to protect the welfare of the Tibetans, he is just making use of his position to make money for himself.


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Re: CTA's useless Sikyong and DIIR Kalon Lobsang Sangay
« Reply #5 on: October 14, 2018, 08:41:59 PM »
Lobsang Sangay is from Lithang in Tibet. Lithang is very famous for their Dorje Shugden practice. Sangay's family, relatives and friends are all Dorje Shugden practitioners. They have all helped by Dorje Shugden and I am sure Sangay's Harvard school fees are paid off with help of Dorje Shugden! Instead of being grateful, look how he is disparaging Shugden and spread wrong propaganda about Shugden. He published books, denied their basic rights and have conferences etc. to put Dorje Shugden and his practitioners down.

Not only is Sangay useless, but he is also irresponsible, ungrateful and evil. A person like this cannot achieve anything and bring benefits to others. He is only good at making other people's lives miserable and involved in a ménage à trois with Dhardon Sharling. See how much Dhardon Sharling is in love with him. She turned away when she takes a picture with her 'husband' but always stay close with Lobsang Sangay in pictures they take together.


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Re: CTA's useless Sikyong and DIIR Kalon Lobsang Sangay
« Reply #6 on: October 14, 2018, 11:39:49 PM »
OMG I love the meme - so funny!

Yes Lobsang Sangay is the worst Sikyong Tibetans ever had. Basically ever since he became Prime Minister everything went downhill and all the scandals appeared. The Dalai Lama and the Central Tibetan Administration has never had it this bad. Imagine all the bad press they've been getting these days, especially the Dalai Lama and now "Dalai Lama advocates Tibetans’ return to China to capitalize on China’s prosperity"

This is probably the biggest joke of the year and real big SLAP in Rangzen fighters face. You see Rangzen is actually the ones who goes against the Dalai Lama and his wishes... but they are never confronted for it, why is that?

And Lobsang Sangay is still going around irking China and jeopardising Dalai Lama's wish to return to China, why is that? Why are they doing the opposite of what the Dalai Lama wants? Seems very contradictory. If this is the case, there is no way Dalai Lama will be heading back to China and giving his people any hope of actually preserving the Tibetan culture and Buddhism.


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Re: CTA's useless Sikyong and DIIR Kalon Lobsang Sangay
« Reply #7 on: October 15, 2018, 03:01:48 PM »
OMG I love the meme - so funny!

Yes Lobsang Sangay is the worst Sikyong Tibetans ever had. Basically ever since he became Prime Minister everything went downhill and all the scandals appeared. The Dalai Lama and the Central Tibetan Administration has never had it this bad. Imagine all the bad press they've been getting these days, especially the Dalai Lama and now "Dalai Lama advocates Tibetans’ return to China to capitalize on China’s prosperity"

There is a double standard when it comes to Rangzen people and Dorje Shugden people. Rangzen people r

This is probably the biggest joke of the year and real big SLAP in Rangzen fighters face. You see Rangzen is actually the ones who goes against the Dalai Lama and his wishes... but they are never confronted for it, why is that?

And Lobsang Sangay is still going around irking China and jeopardising Dalai Lama's wish to return to China, why is that? Why are they doing the opposite of what the Dalai Lama wants? Seems very contradictory. If this is the case, there is no way Dalai Lama will be heading back to China and giving his people any hope of actually preserving the Tibetan culture and Buddhism.

There is a double standard when it comes to Rangzen people and Dorje Shugden people. Rangzen people are those who support the independence of Tibet which is totally opposite of what His Holiness the Dalai Lama root for currently. His Holiness is going for Umaylam which is the Middle Way approach. Since Rangzen people are going against His Holiness 's wishes, why are they not labeled as Chinese Spy or traitor, unlike the Dorje Shugden people?

Why are they still allowed to take pictures with His Holiness and attend functions where His Holiness will be? Why are the Dorje Shugden people are being discriminated and segregated? They are even denied of basic health care, education and also any form of service from the community.

From this, we are able to know the double standards in the Tibetan community. CTA decides who is the good guy and bad guy even if they both violate the same law. It is a profit game after all. Those who can profit CTA will be alright and can escape any fault they make while Dorje Shugden practitioners are being persecuted by just praying to the deity that they dont approve.


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Re: CTA's useless Sikyong and DIIR Kalon Lobsang Sangay
« Reply #8 on: October 18, 2018, 11:55:24 PM »
I still think Lobsang Sangay is in fact a Chinese agent.

No one can spend 8 years being so inept and not achieving anything at all.

Remember he had properties that got mysteriously paid off.

Why do you think Lobsang Sangay is a Chinese agent? I think he is not an agent, he is just a greedy man who will do anything for money. He doesn't care about the future of the Tibetans in exile or have their best interest at heart.

I think his paper qualification has fooled the Tibetans, they voted him as the president thinking he is exposed to the western culture, he must know more. They thought Lobsang Sangay can make a difference. Unfortunately, this is not the case. Lobsang Sangay is only good at giving a speech but not execution.

Until today, there is no other Tibetan who has a qualification that is higher than Lobsang Sangay or similar. They probably are not confident in taking up the responsibility as the president, that is why Lobsang Sangay can still be in the position for so long! Besides, for the many years Lobsang Sangay has been the president, he has created so many damages, no one wants to clean the mess he has done, it is too much work.


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Re: CTA's useless Sikyong and DIIR Kalon Lobsang Sangay
« Reply #9 on: October 19, 2018, 07:34:36 PM »
I dont think Lobsang Sangay is a Chinese spy. He is just plain incompetent as the president of Tibet. He has not been able to achieve anything for Tibet nor establishing anything with China which is CTA's main concern.

All he cares about is his wallet and how much money he can get as donations. He does not care about His Holiness the Dalai Lama because if he does, he would not be still fighting for Rangzen after His Holiness said he wants Umaylam. He should just drop Rangzen and start to work hard to Umaylam.

He is openly defiling His Holiness by challenging what His Holiness said about Umaylam. He is still attending Rangzen events to support the cause. Once again prove that his intention is not for the Tibetan. It is always for himself.


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Re: CTA's useless Sikyong and DIIR Kalon Lobsang Sangay
« Reply #10 on: October 20, 2018, 12:20:44 AM »
OMG I love the meme - so funny!

Yes Lobsang Sangay is the worst Sikyong Tibetans ever had. Basically ever since he became Prime Minister everything went downhill and all the scandals appeared. The Dalai Lama and the Central Tibetan Administration has never had it this bad. Imagine all the bad press they've been getting these days, especially the Dalai Lama and now "Dalai Lama advocates Tibetans’ return to China to capitalize on China’s prosperity"

This is probably the biggest joke of the year and real big SLAP in Rangzen fighters face. You see Rangzen is actually the ones who goes against the Dalai Lama and his wishes... but they are never confronted for it, why is that?

And Lobsang Sangay is still going around irking China and jeopardising Dalai Lama's wish to return to China, why is that? Why are they doing the opposite of what the Dalai Lama wants? Seems very contradictory. If this is the case, there is no way Dalai Lama will be heading back to China and giving his people any hope of actually preserving the Tibetan culture and Buddhism.

Yes, you are right Lobsang Sangay has not brought any improvement to the CTA or the welfare of the Tibetans. The position of the CTA decreases day by day ever since Lobsang Sangay became the Sikyong. He is no longer called a prime minister but a president. He has been downgraded to a head of a union. LOL.

Lobsang Sangay works for nobody but money. He does not work for the Tibetans, he does not work for the Dalai Lama. He supports Rangzen because Rangzen group has the money, they are supported by the west to irk China, they have lots of funds. It will be stupid for Lobsang Sangay to go against them.

The Dalai Lama, on the other hand, cannot give Lobsang Sangay much benefit. He is older now so he cannot go on many world tours to make money for the CTA or Lobsang Sangay. Returning to China means Lobsang Sangay will lose his position and money, he will not do that!


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Re: CTA's useless Sikyong and DIIR Kalon Lobsang Sangay
« Reply #11 on: October 21, 2018, 04:31:26 AM »
I still think Lobsang Sangay is in fact a Chinese agent.

Why do you think Lobsang Sangay is a Chinese agent? I think he is not an agent, he is just a greedy man who will do anything for money. He doesn't care about the future of the Tibetans in exile or have their best interest at heart.

I think his paper qualification has fooled the Tibetans, they voted him as the president thinking he is exposed to the western culture, he must know more. They thought Lobsang Sangay can make a difference. Unfortunately, this is not the case. Lobsang Sangay is only good at giving a speech but not execution.

Until today, there is no other Tibetan who has a qualification that is higher than Lobsang Sangay or similar. They probably are not confident in taking up the responsibility as the president, that is why Lobsang Sangay can still be in the position for so long! Besides, for the many years Lobsang Sangay has been the president, he has created so many damages, no one wants to clean the mess he has done, it is too much work.

Lobsang Sangay came across as a Chinese agent because he has shown no intention to make things better for the Tibetans. He has come into the Sikyong office for 8 years with no result. This expected for someone who is not in the office for what he is supposed to do.

Besides, one of his Ph.D. professors mentioned that Sangay had very good Chinese network and connections, yet Sangay secure no dialogue with the Chinese for 8 years. How is this possible except he is in it as a spy. China is famous for using a spy and their intelligence agencies already exploit their soft power for espionage activities under the cover of legitimate activities all over India.

China’s Confucius Institute on India’s covert agencies’ radar

Monday, 15 October 2018 | Rakesh K Singh | New Delhi

The role of China’s Confucius Institute, which is overtly an intellectual institution, has now come under the scanner of the Indian covert agencies, which suspect that the institute is exploited by Beijing worldwide for Intelligence gathering. The establishment of one Confucius Institute centre in Mumbai University and efforts at setting up similar centres in Vellore, Sulur, Coimbatore and Kolkata has sent alarm bells ringing in the Intelligence community here.

The Chinese agencies’ efforts through Chinese businessmen to gain access to decision making levels in Indian establishments have also emerged as another area of concern, a senior Intelligence official said. Amid China’s growing geopolitical ambition, the Indian Intelligence agencies are apprehending aggressive Intelligence gathering by Bejing.

The agencies are keeping a watch on the MoUs signed with Indian universities /colleges, student exchange programmes and attempts to manipulate the post-Dalai Lama situation in their favour. China has reportedly sought the custody of the 17th Karmapa Ogyen Trinley Dorje from Washington. Karmapa Ogyen Trinley Dorje deceitfully exited from India to the US in April last year.

Karmapa is the second most important leader in the Tibetan Buddhism hierarchy after Dalai Lama. China already has taken custody of another key Tibetan Buddhist leader Panchen Lama.

Union Home Ministry sources said Home Minister Rajnath Singh is seized of the threats emanating from Chinese penetration in Indian educational institutions and has sought a strategy to be put in place to deal with the challenge. 

The Intelligence agencies have advised the States to keep a watch on the Chinese activities and inform the Central agencies for collation of data and remedial action.

“The modus operandi of the Chinese Intelligence gathering apparatus globally is using amateurs and its expatriate community settled worldwide which is not only a big challenge to detect but also difficult to prove in a court of law. China is the most active nation involved in cyber espionage with formidable capabilities,” an Intelligence official said.

The Chinese intelligence agencies are also known to be different from their counterparts in US and Russia wherein Beijing exploits its soft power for espionage activities under the cover of legitimate activities.

Notably, China indulges in intelligence gathering through academics and scholars, business people and Intelligence operatives under official cover of diplomats, defence attaches and journalists, another official said.

India and China share a complicated relationship due to the lack of delineation of India-China boundary, lack of clarification of the Line of Actual Control, Beijing’s concern about presence of the 14th Dalai Lama Tenzin Gyatso in India and New Delhi’s concerns regarding post-Dalai Lama scenario.

The relationship is further complicated by Chinese support to Northeastern insurgent groups, increased Chinese interest in the Indian Ocean Region and the China-Pakistan Economic Corridor (CPEC, a part of BRI) which passes through Pakistan-occupied Kashmir and growing Chinese influence in India’s neighbourhood especially Nepal, Bangladesh, Myanmar, Sri Lanka and Maldives, added the official.


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Re: CTA's useless Sikyong and DIIR Kalon Lobsang Sangay
« Reply #12 on: January 15, 2019, 03:12:56 PM »
Lobsang Sangay is really a useless president. I am amazed that he can be in the office for so long. During his term as the president, he has achieved nothing aside of creating alot of rumours and disharmony in the Tibetan community. How can the Tibetans still let someone that sexually abuse women and steals money from them to continue to be their president?

In the western world, someone who is holding such high powerful position will immediately be requested to resign from their position. Someone who shows a breach of conduct will be deem unfitting be a leader or to occupy such an important position. However, it is a different case in the Tibetan community. Lobsang Sangay is still their president as if nothing had happened.

No one is saying anything and other leaders in the Tibetan leadership are not saying anything. I guess they are either receiving benefits from this president or they are just the same as the president. Tibetans are very unfortunate to have such leadership to lead them to fight for a better future. They will not go anywhere with that kind of leadership. That is why Tibetans are still refugees in India after 60 years.


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Re: CTA's useless Sikyong and DIIR Kalon Lobsang Sangay
« Reply #13 on: January 15, 2019, 04:56:56 PM »
I think Lobsang Sangay is just a greedy man who wants money, fame, and women. It shows how naive the Tibetans are when they voted for Lobsang Sangay the first time knowing he didn't have any plan for them. If he didn't have a plan for the Tibetans, why did he want to become the Sikyong?

Clearly, Lobsang Sangay has other agenda. He must have taken a lot of money and gotten a lot of benefits during his first term of Sikyong, that was why he wants to continue with the 2nd term. Life as the Sikyong is very easy. He doesn't have to deliver anything to the Tibetans. All he has to do is to fly on a first class plane, stay in a 5-star hotel, go to some fancy restaurants and beg for free money.

If Lobsang Sangay can run a country and bring benefits to the Tibetans, the Tibetans community would not be divided into so many fractions. He is the one who created the disharmony among the Tibetan community by condemning Dorje Shugden practitioners. He even spent lots of money to produce books and videos to smear Dorje Shugden. He is a useless Sikyong.


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Re: CTA's useless Sikyong and DIIR Kalon Lobsang Sangay
« Reply #14 on: February 19, 2019, 05:23:27 PM »
Sikyong Lobsang Sangay is one of the most shameless men in the world. Him being the president of the Tibetan leadership is very detrimental to the entire Tibetan cause which proven to be true. Until now, the Tibetan in exile is still bearing the status of a refugee and unable to reclaim their country after 60 years.

It seems like it will not be possible for Tibetans to set foot in an independent Tibet ever again because of the ineffectiveness of the Tibetan government. Lobsang Sangay has been the president of CTA for a few years now and there is no result at all. All he does is support the Dorje Shugden ban and also fighting with Penpa Tsering.

Now that he is being exposed to be a sexual predator to have sexually assaulted several women, he still refuses to let go of his position as the president of the Tibetan leadership. People like him would have resigned to show that they regret their actions.