Author Topic: What is  (Read 8399 times)


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What is
« on: February 17, 2010, 08:22:50 PM »
Interested to see what kind of results come back from all of you anon DS people

a friend

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Re: What is
« Reply #1 on: February 18, 2010, 04:45:29 AM »
whats the purppose of>
 to bash HHDL --  How about "A place where to make the world aware of the truth in the DS ban and ensuing problems initiated by the DL"?
a resource for serious DS Practiioners  -- No need to put "serious". Some of us love to laugh too.
a place to stir peoples minds       -- Stir, maybe ... we gave up on trying to change other´s opinions, particularlie the n ... ewbies´
a waste of time  -- As of late, yes, it seems a waste of time, since the recent invasion took place and people keep repeating the same again and again and again and again, did I say and again?
no purpose  -- Maybe. The original mission statement does not match the majority of the website´s oldies endeavors and thoughts. So good question, which is the purpose now? I'm satisfied with complying with TK's desire, he said he wishes to read us and talk to us too.



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Re: What is
« Reply #2 on: February 18, 2010, 10:32:49 AM »
I think the banner says it all. is the place where friends of the Dharmapala congregate.

We congregate for many different reasons, mainly to gain strength from each other as a Sangha community of practitioners, to get the latest news and updates from those 'in the know' in India about developments there and to express our views about the issue created by the Dalai Lama, to try to get some perspective.

I agree with 'a friend' -the forum has been much more busy since the flood of newbies arrived but it hasn't been more productive as we see the same hopeful, idiotic excuses for the Dalai Lama's insane actions being expressed again and again and again (did I say again?  ;D).  These views are watering down the powerful wrathful actions of the WSS and are extremely detrimental to the cause of our Protector.  Sorry, but there it is.

P.S. Nothing personal, but I haven't taken part in the survey as I don't agree with the options as you've presented them. 'to bash the Dalai Lama' says it all and speaks volumes about the prejudice of the person who instigated this poll which I suspect has an alterior motive.


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Re: What is
« Reply #3 on: February 18, 2010, 09:00:30 PM »
I really like the tagline "where friends Dharmapala congregate".

I know that people may not agree with the views of the newbies and some of us also don't necessarily agree with the views of some of the oldies. We agree to disagree, perhaps, but I do appreciate having this space to discuss and debate and share different (differing opinions).... I think the differences are good and healthy actually - it makes us think, contemplate our own position and for other even newer people who may fall upon this website, the forum discussions will also provide what I hope will be valuable discussions and knowledge for them to take away and contemplate also.

I think this website sets out to provide information without making a very pronounced stance either way about the issue - I do agree that it provides good resources and information and I have personally found it very valuable to have this wealth of information that provides quite a balanced view without hiding the facts and truth of what is really going on in the gruesome behind-the-scenes of the Tibetan communities. In my short time here in the forum, I like to think of the forum as being a natural extension of this website - i.e. that it doesn't make you feel like you have to subscribe to a particular view to participate (and you know that there are many groups / sites out there that can be quite militant in its approach... or which I find to be a bit too overwhelming and rah-rah anyway)... and that this forum provides good information (either in facts or in views) that will help people in their own debates and questioning and discussions.

Anyway, I am enjoying the forum very much and appreciate the views here (even if we have differing opinions) I actually enjoy that there are different opinions. I don't think it'd be helpful or useful if everyone on a forum all shared the same views all the time! :) :) :)


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Re: What is
« Reply #4 on: February 19, 2010, 05:15:42 PM »
Mission Statement

This website, an ongoing work in progress, is dedicated to the glorification and deeper appreciation of the name and holy work of His Holiness the Dalai Lama, who by peaceful, increasing, subjugating and wrathful means spreads in this world the general and profound teachings of the Buddhadharma that can dispel all suffering and its causes. We believe that what may sound contradictory today, will be revealed as skilful means in the future.

It is dedicated to the lineage Lamas, without whom the holy teachings would have disappeared, and without whose blessings, obtained by a pure bond of faith and reverence, the transmission is broken and the foundation of Enlightenment destroyed.

It is dedicated to the increasing number of aspiring practitioners who have been affected by the apparent controversy about the nature and intent of Gyalchen Dorje Shugden, whose enlightened mind and qualities have and are being recognized and relied upon by so many exalted Masters, some of them with reincarnation lineages all the way back to Buddha Shakyamuni.

We have no wish to convert or even convince anyone about this. In Buddhism we can only convert ourselves, by studying and applying the methods offered – if you practice Tara and become more arrogant and materialistic, it is a bad practice, as far as YOU are concerned. If you pray to Dorje Shugden and become more humble and committed to the Bodhisattva ideal, it is a good practice, as far as YOU are concerned. It is our thoughts, words and actions that make karma. It is our motivation that determines these.

We have a great wish to serve in healing the schism and doubts created in the minds of those new to Dharma or otherwise yet unable to look deeper and strive to apply the principles of non-harming and introspection on every level.

Extracted from:

I really do appreciate those who put in their time to try to help me to understand the “truth” re Dalai Lama but I chose to believe in the Dalai Lama and also Dorje Shugden. Like TK,  I believe in the prophecy of Trijang Rinpoche that Dalai Lama and Dorje Shugden are working hand in hand.

Perhaps I will not understand the distress, pain anguish, and isolation but I will thank all of you for your strength and tenacity in upholding your practice in this difficult and testing time. Thank you also for your patience and willingness to share (and repeat perhaps again and again) what you have experienced and I’m sure spent hours thinking about this issue.

I believe THAT is one of the cause for DS practice to grow big in the future when the ban is lifted or fade.
Ok I do agree that WSS has made a stand for the Shugden practitioners. I don’t agree with some of their methods doesn’t mean I will ‘wipe away’ their contribution and their courage to stand up for the group being suppressed.

I look forward to learning more here re glorious Dharmapala Dorje Shugden who is Manjushri himself. I am sure Manjushri won’t mind us ‘tearing’ each other for the sake of learning as ultimately it will benefit all of us in Dharma learning and practice – whatever “side” you are on. And I do agree partly with Atishas cook in the other thread : Re: Dalai Lama is a liar, we are all on the same side.  the only "sides" are Dorje Shugden practitioners defending their lineage.


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Re: What is
« Reply #5 on: February 24, 2010, 04:16:00 PM »
I also think it would be a shame if people came onto this website sincerely looking for resources and information about DS but end up getting sucked into a giant whirlwind of just endlessly talking about the DS vs DL polarity, which can come across to a new person/practitioner as being quite political and/or mundane.

I think DS.COM does strike a good balance in that the information presented on the website itself is balanced and covers many subjects, including the history, practice, prayers, lamas etc. now let's bring that spirit forward in the forums also :)


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Re: What is
« Reply #6 on: February 24, 2010, 07:49:17 PM »
It seems to be recently that there has been alot of talk about the DL. When the forum started there was more talk about practice etc, but this was before the DL went to south India and stirred up problems, after that there was much more talk about the DL. The forum disappeared for quite a while then re-appeared last year much to our delight.
It is nice to visit some of those first pages and see what was going on, maybe bring some of them to life again. :)


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Re: What is
« Reply #7 on: February 26, 2010, 09:27:55 AM »
The forum disappeared for quite a while then re-appeared last year much to our delight.
It is nice to visit some of those first pages and see what was going on, maybe bring some of them to life again. :)

Dear Mohani, very well said. Thank you.


Alexis Ball

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Re: What is
« Reply #8 on: February 26, 2010, 08:01:04 PM »
This being my first time on this website, it was just appropriate to find this topic of What is  I was looking for news about Dalai Lama and President Obama, then I got other stuff about Dalai Lama.  And the word controversy came about, then blah blah I ended up here.  Just reading the postings here has intrigued me to find out more.  Like many have said, the array of information available here does make you think about both sides of the argument regarding DL and this practice called Dorje Shugden.

I must admit that before coming here I was at this other website that was rather hostile.  It's more balanced here.  Information available here in the videos and articles, seem more fair and less one-sided than the other one.  It makes you think and if one would be open/neutral, one would be quite enlightened...

I'm happy I stumbled onto this website.  Now I have a better/fair perspective on the Dalai Lama and his actions.  But what's more interesting, I understand more about Dorje Shugden.  And I feel that is the most important asset of this website.     


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Re: What is
« Reply #9 on: February 26, 2010, 09:53:27 PM »
that's a good point that Alexis Ball makes actually about other websites.
It's nice that this website is more about promoting the goodness of Dorje Shugden and practice than merely about all the wrongs that DL has done. I understand that  it is important for us to raise awareness of what is going on and not merely paint a rosey picture, but I also do really appreciate that there's more of a balance here and there is a greater focus on Dorje Shugden himself, his practice, sadhana, lineage masters prayers etc than on the political issues.

after all, Dorje Shugden is MUCH MUCH more than there recent DS / DL controversies... it's 300 over years of sincere practice, great masters and an incredible lineage of teachers which have so kindly transmitted the practice and teachings down to us.

I like the matured approach to forum discussions here also, the exchange of views and resources that are shared. It's helped me a lot in my understanding of things so thank you to everyone for always posting and participating!


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Re: What is
« Reply #10 on: February 26, 2010, 10:05:23 PM »
This being my first time on this website, it was just appropriate to find this topic of What is  I was looking for news about Dalai Lama and President Obama, then I got other stuff about Dalai Lama.  And the word controversy came about, then blah blah I ended up here.  Just reading the postings here has intrigued me to find out more.  Like many have said, the array of information available here does make you think about both sides of the argument regarding DL and this practice called Dorje Shugden.

I must admit that before coming here I was at this other website that was rather hostile.  It's more balanced here.  Information available here in the videos and articles, seem more fair and less one-sided than the other one.  It makes you think and if one would be open/neutral, one would be quite enlightened...

I'm happy I stumbled onto this website.  Now I have a better/fair perspective on the Dalai Lama and his actions.  But what's more interesting, I understand more about Dorje Shugden.  And I feel that is the most important asset of this website.     

Dear Alexis,

I like all that you have said. I am so glad that the information has given you a balanced view of the the Dalai Lama-Dorje Shugden saga. I am not here participating in this website to promote hate against the Dalai Lama. I don't agree with the ban, but I don't hate him at all. I wish the ban to be lifted.

Welcome to join all of us to speak, learn, share, and enhance our practice together. There are subjects that may or may not pertain to you, me or others, but we can extract what benefits us and incorporate that into our lives. What does not pertain, we can patiently read it and let go.

Good luck,



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Re: What is
« Reply #11 on: February 26, 2010, 10:32:22 PM »
I’m really glad to have found this website. I agree with what has been said by the other members. This one-stop portal provides very comprehensive information in all forms. I love the photos, many of which are high quality images which I could make prints from, videos to watch, and very knowledgeable people who share in this forum.

The views presented can be very different but it does make me THINK and contemplate on what I believe. This online community is slowly becoming part of my daily life. I’d like to take this opportunity to thank the people who work so passionately to provide us this platform available to us.

much thanks
« Last Edit: February 27, 2010, 07:36:34 PM by DSFriend »