Author Topic: An interesting question  (Read 5196 times)


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An interesting question
« on: August 02, 2012, 10:47:41 AM »
Ever since I was on this forum, i have wondered about this point: where have all the Dorje Shugden detractors of other websites went? They can and they dare to post so much crap about Dorje Shugden everywhere else online, but none of them dare to open a thread here, or challenge anyone here about Dorje Shugden and his validity. Where are they? Some of them have posted so much "factual information" about how Dorje Shugden is bad, but why are none of them coming here and trying to convince us otherwise, other than Tenzin Gyatso? why are they so brave elsewhere on the net where most of them just dont know any better so they can sound convincing by quoting facts that have been distorted, or presenting their opinions as facts, but they cannot even post one post to challenge us and our view points?  this is so hilarious and funny in more ways than one. because it proves yet another thing -- that the anti Dorje Shugden crusaders do not even know why is Dorje Shugden bad in the first place.

The main thing that they would say on why Dorje Shugden is bad is, that he shortens the life of the Dalai Lama but they are unable to provide any proof or logically explain how and why does it shorten HHDL's life. they only have HHDL's word to fall back on with that statement and nothing else because there is NO WAY to logically explain how that can happen in the first place. If that is the case, shouldnt HHDL be dead by now as the number of Dorje Shugden practitioners in China are as strong as ever and there are more and more Dorje Shugden practitioners in NKT, Rabten Choling, Shar Ganden, Serpom and so many other places and organizations. They are afraid to post here because they know they do not have real points, and that they will appear to be wrong.

So, i'm still waiting for the first anti Dorje Shugden crusader to appear, so that we can have a nice talk.

Big Uncle

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Re: An interesting question
« Reply #1 on: August 03, 2012, 08:50:31 AM »
Ever since I was on this forum, i have wondered about this point: where have all the Dorje Shugden detractors of other websites went? They can and they dare to post so much crap about Dorje Shugden everywhere else online, but none of them dare to open a thread here, or challenge anyone here about Dorje Shugden and his validity. Where are they? Some of them have posted so much "factual information" about how Dorje Shugden is bad, but why are none of them coming here and trying to convince us otherwise, other than Tenzin Gyatso? why are they so brave elsewhere on the net where most of them just dont know any better so they can sound convincing by quoting facts that have been distorted, or presenting their opinions as facts, but they cannot even post one post to challenge us and our view points?  this is so hilarious and funny in more ways than one. because it proves yet another thing -- that the anti Dorje Shugden crusaders do not even know why is Dorje Shugden bad in the first place.

The main thing that they would say on why Dorje Shugden is bad is, that he shortens the life of the Dalai Lama but they are unable to provide any proof or logically explain how and why does it shorten HHDL's life. they only have HHDL's word to fall back on with that statement and nothing else because there is NO WAY to logically explain how that can happen in the first place. If that is the case, shouldnt HHDL be dead by now as the number of Dorje Shugden practitioners in China are as strong as ever and there are more and more Dorje Shugden practitioners in NKT, Rabten Choling, Shar Ganden, Serpom and so many other places and organizations. They are afraid to post here because they know they do not have real points, and that they will appear to be wrong.

So, i'm still waiting for the first anti Dorje Shugden crusader to appear, so that we can have a nice talk.

That's a good point. It looks like the other detractors are talking up a storm on other forums. I wonder if they know of the existence of our forum and I also wonder if they do come in or not.  Perhaps, they just don't dare to say anything because we know our stuff and we are confident of it. Perhaps, they don't know much and are daunted by the knowledge we possess here on this forum and on the website. With just a bit of reading, anybody can counter any argument hurled by any dodgy anti-shugden personalities out there.

I don't think it is arrogant, we should know a lot and are expose to the quite a lot of the latest happenings especially within the Tibetan world. In some ways, we are very fortunate because we are being fed with all the latest information all the time. Ensapa, perhaps you would like to share with us what the people on other forums talk about. Sometimes, it would be good to be featured as a good discussion.


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Re: An interesting question
« Reply #2 on: August 03, 2012, 09:25:04 AM »
Ensapa, LOL. You will get your chance to have a nice talk with the anti Shugdens. Trust me, they ARE watching and reading everything on this forum but they are just worried that they will be attacked by Shugden's faithful believers.  :o Yes, they do not have much prove because they know we have the answers to their every question. Of course I don't wish for the Dalai Lama to have any unfortunate event but hey... look... Dalai Lama is still healthy and giving initiations and Dorje Shugden's practitioners are GROWING!  ???

And yes, Big Uncle, we are fortunate to be in this IT generation where everything is just at our finger tips. No more hearsay... facts on the internet for all to SEE. We are super fortunate!


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Re: An interesting question
« Reply #3 on: August 03, 2012, 01:35:55 PM »
Seriously i just hope that the ban will be uplifted IMMEDIATELY so that no more Shugden-pas have to suffer from discrimination and mistreatment. I have seen, read and heard enough of all the sufferings Shugdenpas have to endure in their loyal pursuit of propitiating Lord Shugden. I do not understand why even till this day of a modern world (which promotes religious freedom practices all over the world) there are still such unfairness on clamping down religious freedom. If i may add on to that, i cannot even come to terms that one human being can kill/torture another human being because their religion is not being accepted by the Dalai Lama.


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Re: An interesting question
« Reply #4 on: August 03, 2012, 02:13:28 PM »

That's a good point. It looks like the other detractors are talking up a storm on other forums. I wonder if they know of the existence of our forum and I also wonder if they do come in or not.  Perhaps, they just don't dare to say anything because we know our stuff and we are confident of it. Perhaps, they don't know much and are daunted by the knowledge we possess here on this forum and on the website. With just a bit of reading, anybody can counter any argument hurled by any dodgy anti-shugden personalities out there.

I don't think it is arrogant, we should know a lot and are expose to the quite a lot of the latest happenings especially within the Tibetan world. In some ways, we are very fortunate because we are being fed with all the latest information all the time. Ensapa, perhaps you would like to share with us what the people on other forums talk about. Sometimes, it would be good to be featured as a good discussion.

Actually, if you have not noticed, the anti Dorje Shugden people seem to be able to talk so loud in the other forums, but not at all in this forum. If they were really passionate about enforcing the ban on Dorje Shugden and on their belief that Dorje Shugden is really as evil as they think and they have absolute proof, then they should come to this forum instead of targeting forums that are filled with clueless people who have no idea who Pabongkha Rinpoche really is in the first place. My point? Why are these people targeting people who dont know any better about this issue, and injecting poison into their minds, but when they come face to face with the real deal they tend to avoid. I have seen exchanges between some NKT members who tried to defend Dorje Shugden, and these attackers start to question the source of the information and all kinds of personal attacks to make the poor NKT person sound like a fanatic. What is interesting is, I have seen this many times between different people and it was almost as if it was a coordinated attack and it was always the same methodology as if it was from a manual or something.

I find it very odd that they would attack people who dont know any better and people with very weak minds, and the way they post and write very clearly shows that they are not Gelugpa as they would always attack Pabongkha Rinpoche, the way the CTA did, but these people are supposed to be foreigners. I am thinking -- could it be that these people were hired by the CTA to write in various places, and they are professionals in social media who are trained specifically in psychological warfare (from the way they write, it is very clear and obvious as it was always the same modus operandi, the same pattern) but none of them ever comes here because they know it wont work on us or anyone in this forum. It cannot be that every single follower of the Dalai Lama can be so smart to use the same techniques repeatedly, and these are different people over the net using this exact same technique, but with different sets of facts and viewpoints (all distorted of course) So, if it is true that CTA is paying people to do this, why cant they use the money for something else?