Author Topic: Dalai Lama will live up to 113 years. How will this affect Dorje Shugden ban  (Read 13685 times)


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I agree with Dondrup Shugden's view that his living until 113 years will not lift the Shugden ban. Its our collective effort in bringing awareness to the world and creating the right conditions & support for the ban to be lifted.

Agreed, SabS amd Dondrup Shugden. The Dalai Lama's long life means that Dorje Shugden does not harm the Dalai Lama's life. It also does nothing for the ban. It is up to the Dalai Lama to lift the ban and he can do that if he so decides, to even just lift it tomorrow.

The main thing here is, we should just keep our samaya clean for our own sakes and hopefully collectively, we can all have the karma to practice Dorje Shugden without obstacles. Maybe then, the ban may be lifted.


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This is just such great news that the Dalai Lama will live up to 113 years old. From this it is already evident that Dorje Shudgen does not harm HHDL's life. it is something that he has full control over.

I do not know the impact and effects it will be on the ban of Dorje Shugden, but what I hope is that HHDL will be announcing the end of the ban very soon. I do not hope that the ban will end only when HHDL passes away. I wish long life to him and also the end of the ban soon.

This ban is something that is ridiculous and should be stopped. At the same time, I do not want HHDL to be harmed in order for this ban to end.


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If the Dalai Lama can live until 113 years that shows Dorje Shugden  does not harm the Dalai Lama and the Dalai Lama as an enlightened being cannot be harm by a so called “demon”. So why still insist on the ban.  Lift the ban, Dalai Lama. Because of your wish to live to a ripe old age, you have inflicted so much harm for others.  Please be compassionate.


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Yes, Rinchen, the Dalai Lama is an attained master and has full control of his moment of entering clear light. Any less than that is a sign that he is not an emanation of Chenrezig nor is he attained. As an emanation of Chenrezig he cannot be harmed by any mere demon or spirit.

If Chenrezig can be harmed by a demon, then what we we doing, praying to Buddhas that do not have powers of protection. Also it will mean that the Dalai Lama is a mere human. If he is a mere human, why are the Tibetans worshipping him and clinging onto his every word? 

Is the Dalai Lama trying to tell us that  Buddhism is hogwash? after 2,000 years?


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Re: Dalai Lama will live up to 113 years. How will this affect Dorje Shugden ban
« Reply #19 on: September 01, 2016, 12:22:59 PM »
One thing for sure, such clear indication of prolonged lifespan directly refutes the justification of Dorje Shugden practice would harm or shorten the Dalai Lama’s life. This actually reveal such justification for what it really is, political intimidation.  Not that it was logical in the first place, for Chenrenzig to be able to be harmed by a “spirit” or such “spirit” shortening his life. In any event, agree with the view that the focus should be working towards the continued effort to lift the ban and not so much of convoluting it with the Dalai Lama’s lifespan or its impact.