Author Topic: Dalai Lama will live up to 113 years. How will this affect Dorje Shugden ban  (Read 13684 times)


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From this article, it seems that His Holiness the Dalai Lama will live till 113 years old - 33 more years.  Considering the current situation, will this affect the end of Shugden ban?  Do let us know your thought.


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The evil dalie may live as many years as his disgraceful karma allows; the longer he lives, the worse for himself, as he accumulates even more disgraceful actions.

As to the ban, what matters is not how long the evil dalie lives, but rather how long will Shugdenpas show subservience to and accomplicity with the criminal, calling him “my father”, “His Holiness”, and even saying the Doje Shugden is “just a small part of me”, only in order to please the abominable entity “dalie”.

According to Buddhist teachings, the source of all of our problems is always inside ourselves, never outside. Therefore, Shugdenpas should first and foremost look at their own abject subservience to and accomplicity with the criminal dalie, and thus immediately give up this depraved, politically motivated attitude.

Once Shugdenpas abolish their own inner slavery to the evil tyrant, the ban will fall into irrelevance by itself. Concern with the ban is in itself a sign of subservience to and accomplicity with the corrupt despot; a sign of the dirty, politically motivated attitude of craving like hungry ghosts a small share of the mundane power of the ridiculous CIA puppet.

A slave is someone banned from freedom. Shugdenpas ban themselves from their own freedom when they enslave themselves to the evil dalie.

James Bond

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In my opinion I think that this would not see any good for the rising of the ban. If anything i think it would delay the rising of the ban for Dorje Shugden practitioners. The reason i say this is because even now the Dalai Lama has the power to do something about the ban, and he has had this power for a long time now, but he has not done anything to try to raise the ban. Its because of his lack of actions that i think that him living longer would have a negative effect on the rising of the ban.

Jason Statham

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I really do believe that the Dorje Shugden ban will be lifted very soon as there are many new DS practitioners, more of us are beginning to stand up for ourselves and soon, more people will realise that Dorje Shugden is not an evil spirit. We, Dorje Shugden practitioners will definitely lift the ban up so that our fellow DS practitioners in India, Nepal and around the world will be able to practice Dorje Shugden freely and happily without any threats. Dalai Lama always talks about religious freedom but he does the other way when it comes to Dorje Shugden, doesn't this fully describe an action of a hypocrite? I am not a Dalai Lama hater, I just want to make things crystal clear. Monks and Nuns are not allowed to tell lies, so shouldn't the Dalai Lama be the same?


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I honestly believe that this will not affect the ban and it's time span because the ban does not rely on this man's life, it depends on the argument and the beliefs involved. We are making massive and good advances on HHDL and we can do it because we can lift the ban while he is still alive. We must just push hard enough and we can lift the ban. It does not depend on whether he is dead or not. It is about the argument.


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I totally agree with Veronica Smith.  The lifespan of the ban is independent of how long the Dalai Lama will live.  Actually, I believe it is better if Dalai Lama during this lifetime clarify about the nature of Shugden to eliminate future confusion.


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Will the ban go away after the passing of the Dalai Lama? Will the world forget that it eve was there int eh firs place? or will the karma of humans on this earth be forever changed if we do not work hard enough to lift the ban? is there a possibility that long life for the Dalai Lama, though sometimes i gag in fear, will give the Shugdenpas time enough to realize and to work to lift the ban during his lifetime? Just thinking aloud.


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I think it is up to Dorje Shugden practitioners to have a common goal to put their effort in helping to lift the ban instead of depending on HHDL. For all these years, HHDL still refuses to announce the lifting of the ban and he may not do so during his lifetime.  As it is, more and more people are beginning to understand the truth about Dorje Shugden through reading, learning, and understanding. Dorje Shugden practice is growing as can be seen by the many Dorje Shugden monasteries mushrooming all over the world. I feel its people power to help lift the ban.


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One of the claims by the Tibetan leadership to justify the ban is that it shortens the Dalai Lama's life. However, today, with the controversy, more and more people not only embrace the practice, they are standing up to protect and preserve it as well as spread it. Dorje Shugden is a practice in various parts of the world way beyond the borders of Tibet, finding a place on the altars of practitioners in Europe, America, Africa, Australia and Asia.

Hence, it would be logical to deduce that more people practice Dorje Shudgen in the lifetime of the 14th Dalai Lama compared to his previous incarnations.

The 14th Dalai Lama is now 80 years old and is going to live up to 113 years old. Hmmm, this statement directly from the "horse's mouth" certainly invalidates the excuse for the ban above.

I hope this would prompt logical people to demand for an end to this ban!

DS Star

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Exactly dharmacrazy79, justification for the ban will be invalid if the Dalai Lama live up to 113 years old. This means, instead of shorten his life, practicing Dorje Shugden had actually lengthen the 14th Dalai Lama's life !

Hence, the ban on Dorje Shugden practice should be lifted immediately so that more people can practice and contribute to the long life of Dalai Lama.

This is consistent with the real accounts of Dalai Lama's safe escape from Tibet to India in 1959. Despite the official story by exile Tibetan leadership giving credit to Nechung oracle, it was Dorje Shugden, through the 6th Palung Oracle in trance, that advised him to escape and even gave the safe escape route.] [url] [/url]

Dorje Shugden saved Dalai Lama's life, so there is no basis that Dorje Shugden, or His practice would harm or shorten Dalai Lama's life.

Now, with the announcement that the 14th Dalai Lama will live up to 113 years, it is the right thing and the right time for the ban on Dorje Shugden to be lifted without any conditions.

Your Holiness the 14th Dalai Lama and the CTA Leaders, what is your excuse now? There is no more excuse to ban the practice of Dorje Shugden, do the right thing now.

Dondrup Shugden

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When I first read that the Dalai Lama will live to 113 years old, all I could think of was then what about lifting the ban? After careful contemplation, I rejoice that the DL will live so much longer and turn the wheel of Dharma but it will not be related to the ban.

The lifting of the ban will happen when we, Shugdenpas make a stand for it.  We work to have the ban lifted through logical debate and reasoning and most of all the purification of our negativities so that we may benefit from the great Dharmapala.

This is my humble opinion of the long life of Dalai Lama which really has no relationship to the ban. Nothing is permanent.  The time is now for Dorje Shugden. 


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How would the Dalai Lama's living up to 113 years after the Dorje Shugden ban? Well, for one it will prove that Dorje Shugden does not harm the Dalai Lama which was a point of contention by the Dalai Lama that the ban should be placed on Shugden practise. As such the Dalai Lama can't use Dorje Shugden as a scape goat that will shorten his life. Living long means the Dalai Lama will continue promoting Tibetan Buddhism to the many in all corners of the world, although he does not practise what he teaches in regards to Shugden practitioners.

I agree with Dondrup Shugden's view that his living until 113 years will not lift the Shugden ban. Its our collective effort in bringing awareness to the world and creating the right conditions & support for the ban to be lifted.


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How would the Dalai Lama's living up to 113 years after the Dorje Shugden ban? Well, for one it will prove that Dorje Shugden does not harm the Dalai Lama which was a point of contention by the Dalai Lama that the ban should be placed on Shugden practise. As such the Dalai Lama can't use Dorje Shugden as a scape goat that will shorten his life. Living long means the Dalai Lama will continue promoting Tibetan Buddhism to the many in all corners of the world, although he does not practise what he teaches in regards to Shugden practitioners.

I agree with Dondrup Shugden's view that his living until 113 years will not lift the Shugden ban. Its our collective effort in bringing awareness to the world and creating the right conditions & support for the ban to be lifted.

Dear SabS

I agree with you I think we should not worry too much about how long the Dalai Lama will live, but continue in our effort to bring awareness about the Shugden ban. I rejoice if the Dalai Lama do live till 113 years.  It proofs that Dorje Shugden does not shorten the life of the Dalai Lama and hopefully he will clarify Dorje Shugden's name so there will be no future doubt regarding Dorje Shugden practice in the future.



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From this article, it seems that His Holiness the Dalai Lama will live till 113 years old - 33 more years.  Considering the current situation, will this affect the end of Shugden ban?  Do let us know your thought.

Interesting... well one thing's for sure, Dorje Shugden does not affect Dalai Lama's life... so all the others reasons given is just as BS as this one, because hey Dalai Lama does not need to live up to 113, the fact that He is still alive today is aready a clear enough indication that those reasons mentioned to stop DS practice was just plain BS. This statement is like a confirmation of their BS!

Secondly i would agree with what Veronica wrote...   
I honestly believe that this will not affect the ban and it's time span because the ban does not rely on this man's life, it depends on the argument and the beliefs involved. We are making massive and good advances on HHDL and we can do it because we can lift the ban while he is still alive. We must just push hard enough and we can lift the ban. It does not depend on whether he is dead or not. It is about the argument.

IN FACT it would be EVEN better for us if HHDL lives till 113 because it is BETTER to resolve this Dorje SHugden issue while Dalai Lama is ALIVE. So the PRESSURE from our side to make them see this is an injustice ban must be heighten. Our efforts needs to INCREASE and the PRESSURE must be PEACEFUL & POSITIVE one, one that EDUCATES the world, CREATES AWARENESS, too bad the protest from ISC has stopped. I would have cheer them on but request them to modify their placard a little bit... we do not need to condemn or be rude or say nasty things about the Dalai Lama, we can use the approach of kindness, compassion, where more people who are "neutral" would be receptive to see, find out and investigate further.

So hence, YES if we can we should get all over the news, billboards, social medias to campaign against this injustice ban while Dalai Lama is still alive because the ban being removed while He is still around creates a bigger impact. All His Holiness needs to do is please treat us all Shugden practitioner like humans not like aliens please, and to share the same tolerance He shows for other religions to His own people! That we must highlight... WHY is the Dalai Lama tolerant to other religions but not Shugden? Hey even the Santanic worshippers are allowed in His initiations/teachings but not Shugden people! Now that's quite weird don't you think?


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Hopefully with the Dalai Lama's life being extended, he will be able to end the ban verbally. I really want to this unethical ban to end soon. There are so many people that are suffering due to this ban. I really hope that through education about what is going on will end the discrimination.

What is going on is unfair and no one should be treated in ways of how the Dorje Shugden people are suffering. It is not right and people should never be treated that way. If they protest against how people are treated in Tibet by the Chinese government, then why do they not see that the Dorje Shugden practitioners are suffering as well?