Author Topic: WISDOM REALIZING EMPTINESS  (Read 18716 times)


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« on: November 08, 2013, 04:49:31 PM »

In my communications with many people over the years, and reading in forums, I've noticed that the subject of wisdom realizing emptiness, which is actually the only final solution to every problem, is rarely mentioned. That is particularly odd on a website devoted to the Wisdom Buddha. It would be wonderful to see more use of the subject here. It is so healing!

In Kangso when we dispel obstacles through clapping, this is the same as in the Prajnaparamita Heart Sutra practice, where we are dissolving objects into their emptiness. In discussing our subjects, and in dealing with everyday issues, I believe it would be very useful to consider their emptiness more. After reading some things it sometimes happens that our mind becomes agitated. I highly recommend dissolving the object or experience into their emptiness at that time, or looking for the self that is agitated. We need to meditate on emptiness ALOT MORE!

Rest in Emptiness Now


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« Reply #1 on: November 08, 2013, 11:41:43 PM »

In my communications with many people over the years, and reading in forums, I've noticed that the subject of wisdom realizing emptiness, which is actually the only final solution to every problem, is rarely mentioned. That is particularly odd on a website devoted to the Wisdom Buddha. It would be wonderful to see more use of the subject here. It is so healing!

In Kangso when we dispel obstacles through clapping, this is the same as in the Prajnaparamita Heart Sutra practice, where we are dissolving objects into their emptiness. In discussing our subjects, and in dealing with everyday issues, I believe it would be very useful to consider their emptiness more. After reading some things it sometimes happens that our mind becomes agitated. I highly recommend dissolving the object or experience into their emptiness at that time, or looking for the self that is agitated. We need to meditate on emptiness ALOT MORE!

Rest in Emptiness Now

I would agree with you psylotripitaka, although Emptiness is one of the more intricate subjects that should only be thought to those who are ready. So powerful was it that the wisdom of Emptiness as taught by Shakyamuni was hidden as a terma treasure guarded by powerful nagas. Nagajurna discovered it (with permission from the nagas) and Je Tsongkhapa elucidated Nagajurna's Madyamaka so perfectly that it became crucial to protect, so that Dharma practitioners in future aeons may benefit from it. Without this wisdom, it is impossible to gain enlightenment.

And it also this vital treasure that Dorje Shugden is the uncommon protector of - Je Tsongkhapa's teachings on the Madyamaka. Many have not realized how significant Dorje Shugden's role is and the oath he agreed to be bound by. When practitioners of Dorje Shugden fight for his practice to be preserved against attempts by the CTA and the Dalai Lama's to render it extinct, they are fighting for the wisdom of emptiness as illuminated perfectly by Je Tsongkhapa for practitioners of our time. Dorje Shugden is the protector of the key to enlightenment.

Just imagine if the ban against the Protector of this tremendously significant teaching had been successful!?


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« Reply #2 on: November 09, 2013, 07:47:11 AM »
Hi psylotripitaka,

Wisdom realizing emptiness is what everyone on the path to liberation wants to accomplish ultimately. Many can understand Emptiness intellectually but not many can gain a direct realization of Emptiness as it is not easy in this degenerate time to realise it!

I am sure many in the forum would like to hear more about your sharing and understanding of emptiness especially on how emptiness can be applied to our daily lives.

Vajratruth had said it well. Dorje Shugden holds the key to our enlightenment. We need Dorje Shugden! Everyone needs Dorje Shugden! The ban must be lifted!

Big Uncle

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« Reply #3 on: November 09, 2013, 01:43:29 PM »
Well, the very reason that Dorje Shugden came to existence was to protect Lama Tsongkhapa's special view of Emptiness. From what I read, Lama Tsongkhapa based his view on the Madhyamika Prasangika view that was expounded by Chandrakirti according to his interpretation of Nagarjuna's view of Emptiness. Lama Tsongkhapa interpretation of that view was elaborated according to his many consultations with Manjushri that appeared to him in a sacred vision. Hence, Dorje Shugden wear the round yellow hat to signify the supremacy of this view as it places it on his head. Hence, his prime objective is to preserve this sacred tradition.


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« Reply #4 on: November 09, 2013, 04:12:44 PM »
Totally agree with what Big Uncle and Vajratruth has said. Dorje Shugden is the protector of our time to guide us to enlightenment. On this path, our Lord would help us understand the different teachings that are important to us as well. Just like the importance of understanding emptiness.

Although emptiness is not being taught or discussed by many on the internet, but it is definitely something that would change our lives once we understand and apply it in our daily lives.


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« Reply #5 on: November 09, 2013, 04:33:52 PM »
Well, the very reason that Dorje Shugden came to existence was to protect Lama Tsongkhapa's special view of Emptiness.

Which might well explain the hostility towards Dorje Shugden

  • from the side of the Dalai Lama (who wants to mix this special view of emptiness with Nyingma tenets, for his own personal profit),
  • from the side of some of the Nyingmapas themselves, who oppose this view, and last but not least,
  • from the side of Western scholars paid by materialistic Abrahamic (did I say Jewish?) bankster money stolen from the people, through selective scholarships.

And let's not forget that Dorje Shugden is the protector not only of Tsongkhapa's special view of emptiness, but also of the pure monastic Vinaya morality, which excludes the mix of Dharma and politics, thus attracting the antagonism of the very same above mentioned folks.


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« Reply #6 on: November 10, 2013, 06:05:39 AM »
Great replies, thank u.

These days, as we near the end of the teachings life, it is generally uncertain who is ready to be taught about emptiness, just as we don't know who is really ready for highest yoga tantra empowerment. There are strict views, but times are very interesting now and the blessings to realize the teachings are especially potent! We have very special karma to even hear or read the words 'emptiness' or 'ultimate truth' and to have all the other conditions mentioned by Manjushri for realizing emptiness. It is very important we seize the opportunity to make it a more central focus of our mind.

Certainly, the Great King protects these teachings, but that has many meanings. He has arranged and protects the outer conditions for us to receive, study, and concentrate on them. Internally, he protects our contemplations, insights, and experiences of the subject, and dare I say the nature of this inner protection is very destructive! He will work very closely with you to completely dismantle and destroy your self-grasping, but we need to put in our 50%. This is ultimately how he 'protects Lama Tsongkhapa's view of emptiness', by helping us to manifest the lineage within our own consciousness. Without that happening, the scriptural and oral traditions become worthless, that is why I wanted to encourage people. We need to spend alot more time identifying very precisely within our own consciousness how we are conceiving phenomena to exist, how to distinguish this from what does exist, and so forth.

Practically speaking, I gave a synopsis of a few points in the thread on Geshe Kelsang teaching in Portugal. For those new to the subject, the first step is to read about the subject and receive oral transmissions. On that basis, you must begin with identifying the way things normally appear; how we normally perceive and conceive them to exist.

It cannot be overemphasized that this first stage is the most critical because you have to be clear what your searching for in the 3 stages that follow this first step. Many people, including myself of course, continuously have difficulty with the subject due to not becoming clear in this first step. When it does become clear, the next stages have a profound effect on the mind.

Through familiarity we can accomplish anything!


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« Reply #7 on: November 10, 2013, 06:37:42 AM »
Also, if we trust the Guru is telling the truth about our samsara and that emptiness is the door out, then we can know in our own mind how badly we want to escape samsara and how badly we want to liberate others by considering how much time and energy we put into understanding and concentrating on emptiness and the union of the two truths. If we really wanted out, boy, we would be more mindful of emptiness for sure. Time is running out and the world is becoming very dangerous. We really need to be fed up with the fucking deceptive hallucination our self-grasping keeps throwing up. We are in a nightmare and its time to wake up.


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« Reply #8 on: November 10, 2013, 07:59:10 AM »
I think it's very good to remind people to think of wisdom realizing emptiness.
  To be honest, I rarely discuss emptiness, though, except with people who seem to have a direct realization of it:) because either I will confuse someone else or someone else will confuse me.:)


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« Reply #9 on: November 10, 2013, 09:10:59 PM »
The great thing about having access to so many qualified teachings on emptiness, teachers, and experienced practitioners is that as long as we are checking our understanding through these meanings, there's very little danger of us becoming confused or confusing others. Even if someone we assume has a direct realization says something, we should still check it against the commentaries and our own meditations.

I was not proposing we necessarily have an in depth discussion of the many facets of the subject, we can read books for that. It just seems a good idea not just to remind and encourage but to discuss some elements with our sangha friends as the Guru will work through each if us to help shed light on it for us. Also, as I said the subject matter in this site can sometimes disturb our mind and remembering emptiness is excellent.

Like the left side conduct, we should always be finding ways to bring emptiness to mind. The computer, the letters, the meaning, our interactions, the ban, the various players, and so forth are not other than their emptiness. Realizing how everything is equalized in this way will not only bring an equanimity to our interaction with this site, but we will deepen our experience. If we are protecting the lineage through realization, are we not an emanation of Dorje Shugden?


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« Reply #10 on: November 27, 2013, 07:18:24 AM »
remember it now


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« Reply #11 on: November 27, 2013, 04:02:18 PM »
Emptiness is my opinion is one of the hardest thing to understand and perhaps not even supposed to be understood by only realized. One can read so many explainer ion of emptiness and actually quote and explain exactly like Heart Sutra or LAMRIM but in my opinion as much as people explain it and describe it in text it is simply impossible to comprehend. I'm have my reservation about having emptiness being discussed or studied as an "academic" subject. I think it is only meant to be meditated upon and realized. I have read testimonials from monks/nuns who have done prolonged retreats that knowing too much about emptiness academically may actually become a hindrance to actually understand what emptiness is.


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« Reply #12 on: November 27, 2013, 06:14:50 PM »

In my communications with many people over the years, and reading in forums, I've noticed that the subject of wisdom realizing emptiness, which is actually the only final solution to every problem, is rarely mentioned. That is particularly odd on a website devoted to the Wisdom Buddha. It would be wonderful to see more use of the subject here. It is so healing!

In Kangso when we dispel obstacles through clapping, this is the same as in the Prajnaparamita Heart Sutra practice, where we are dissolving objects into their emptiness. In discussing our subjects, and in dealing with everyday issues, I believe it would be very useful to consider their emptiness more. After reading some things it sometimes happens that our mind becomes agitated. I highly recommend dissolving the object or experience into their emptiness at that time, or looking for the self that is agitated. We need to meditate on emptiness ALOT MORE!

Rest in Emptiness Now

Thannks psylotripitaka for highlighting this subject about emptiness! After reading everyone's comment, I like how Vajratruth and BigUncle linked the subject with Dorje Shugden! While and some are debating it should not be discussed. Well in my opinion, this subject can be discussed with those who is at the level of learning it with a qualified practitioner who has already realized this, or with one's Guru. If someone who is very new to the subject and wishes to learn, they may do so through the many books available and if in doubt, they could ask their Guru to clarify? I know that in the Root Bodhisattva Vows we are not discuss this subject openly because if we ourselves have not realize this subject, there is a possibility of misunderstanding, misconception and hence confusing the learner... so if we do and with those who are not ready and confused them, then one would broken one's vows, no?

 (11) Teaching voidness to those whose minds are untrained

The primary objects of this downfall are persons with the bodhichitta motivation who are not yet ready to understand voidness. Such persons would become confused or frightened by this teaching and consequently abandon the bodhisattva path for the path of personal liberation. This can happen as a result of thinking that if all phenomena are devoid of inherent, findable existence, then no one exists, so why bother working to benefit anyone else? This action also includes teaching voidness to anyone who would misunderstand it and therefore forsake the Dharma completely, for example by thinking that Buddhism teaches that nothing exists and is therefore sheer nonsense. Without extrasensory perception, it is difficult to know whether others' minds are sufficiently trained so that they will not misconstrue the teachings on the voidness of all phenomena. Therefore, it is important to lead others to these teachings through explanations of graduated levels of complexity, and periodically to check their understanding.

Anyway, Psylotripitaka, you seem to be well verse on this subject and perhaps gain some realizations... how would you describe in layman's language on how emptiness can be applied easily in our every day life and especially during "aggression" and negative emotion such as anger, irritation, arrogance and the ego comes in to play? How do we break from academically understanding it to applying it in out daily lives? Give examples... perhaps that would help  ;)

From what I understand about this subject is that whatever we perceive is "true" to us, is never 100% "true" because if it is "true" then everyone would also agree to it. E.g. If I was angry with someone for not following my views and I think ill of that person and saying he/she is "arrogant", if my opinion was true and so right, then everyone should agree to it that that person is "arrogant". Well, not everyone think so, thus my judgement of that person is considered "false" and a merely my own "projections" placed on to that person. So that being the case, what is there to be really "angry" about since it is a false "projection". Would you say this is how we could apply teachings on emptiness. Or perhaps I am just talking rubbish! haha.


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« Reply #13 on: November 28, 2013, 05:12:11 AM »
Emptiness is my opinion is one of the hardest thing to understand and perhaps not even supposed to be understood by only realized.

While different Buddhist schools may have different views on this topic, the view presented by Je Tsongkhapa and his followers is that first one should develop an intellectual understanding of the meaning of emptiness, and then one should meditate on that meaning, until one realizes it in a direct and non-conceptual way.

One can read so many explainer ion of emptiness and actually quote and explain exactly like Heart Sutra or LAMRIM but in my opinion as much as people explain it and describe it in text it is simply impossible to comprehend.

I believe that one should not be discouraged in case one does not manage to immediately make some sense of one or more explanations about emptiness. Thinking about the immeasurable benefits of understanding reality, one should patiently and persistently try to make sense of whatever teachings one could obtain, and gradually their meaning will become clearer.

Sometimes the problem may not be a lack of wisdom, but just a lack of patience and of persistence!

I'm have my reservation about having emptiness being discussed or studied as an "academic" subject.

The Buddha himself and the great Buddhist teachers, such as Je Tsongkhapa and his followers, offered a great many detailed and precise explanations about the meaning of emptiness, and as Buddhists we have the precious opportunity to listen to, or to study, such explanations, and then to ponder on them by ourselves, and to discuss them with others, in order to clarify our understanding, until eventually, through meditation, we achieve a direct and non-conceptual realization of emptiness.

For as long as this endeavor is motivated by love, compassion, and bodhichitta, there is no chance that it will degenerate into some dry, academic or merely intellectual useless exercise. Therefore, we should always check the purity of our motivation!

I think it is only meant to be meditated upon and realized.

In general, all of the Buddha's teachings are supposed to be listened to, then pondered on, and only then meditated on, and the teachings on emptiness are no exception. One cannot ponder on what was not previously listened to or studied, and one cannot meditate on what was not previously clarified and understood through pondering.

If one needs to meditate on emptiness, this is precisely because one still lacks direct and non-conceptual realization of emptiness, that is, one's understanding of emptiness is still merely conceptual; now, if such conceptual understanding, besides being merely conceptual, is also mistaken, or rather a misunderstanding, trying to cultivate it through meditation will only reinforce such misunderstanding and increase one's ignorance!

Therefore, one should spare no effort to develop a correct intellectual, or conceptual, understanding of emptiness, listening carefully to reliable teachings, pondering on them by oneself, and discussing them with others, always with a pure motivation of love, compassion, and bochichitta, and then, once the meaning of emptiness becomes clearer, to meditate on it, until one achieves a direct, non-conceptual realization of emptiness.

I have read testimonials from monks/nuns who have done prolonged retreats that knowing too much about emptiness academically may actually become a hindrance to actually understand what emptiness is.

In general, analytical thought is a hindrance to the meditational achievement of tranquility, or calm abiding. Therefore, when one emphasizes the meditational achievement of tranquility, such as in a retreat, one should indeed avoid too much analysis.

However, if one wants to achieve tranquility or calm abiding on emptiness through meditation, one needs, as a prerequisite, a correct understanding of the meaning of emptiness, which is the object to be meditated upon, and such a correct understanding is only obtainable through listening to correct explanations about emptiness, and then pondering on them, which is an analytical activity.

Once through listening to and pondering on correct explanations about emptiness one has obtained a correct understanding of its meaning, one places the mind on such meaning, and then progresses through the nine stages until one achieves tranquility or calm abiding on emptiness, which is the basis of every further development, such as special insight, until one achieves direct realization of emptiness.

As followers of Je Tsongkhapa, we are fortunate to have all such steps clearly explained to us, so that we can progress safely and smoothly step by step on the bodhisattva path, knowing precisely what to do and what not to do on each step.

Understanding this, we increase our confidence in and devotion to the Buddha, Je Tsongkhapa and our personal gurus, which is the beginning, middle and end of our bodhisattva path.


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« Reply #14 on: November 28, 2013, 05:45:16 AM »
Teaching voidness to those whose minds are untrained.

This root transgression of the bodhisattva vows probably does not apply here. None of us, as far as I can ascertain, is “teaching” voidness or emptiness, but rather merely discussing, or exchanging views, about it, for the sake of clarifying them.

Besides, most of us probably have had the opportunity of receiving some lamrim and lojong teachings, and of then putting them into practice, at least to some extent. Therefore, our minds are not completely untrained.

Probably this transgression would happen only if one would proclaim emptiness to someone lacking any training in the basic steps of the path, such as reliance on a guru, precious human rebirth, death and impermanence, actions and their effects, the sufferings of samsara, love, compassion, and bodhichitta.

If I remember well, there is the story that originally the lojong teachings started with ultimate bodhichitta (emptiness), then followed by conventional bodhichitta, until the day a king ordered his lojong guru to be decapitated, because he misunderstood the teachings on emptiness in a nihilistic way, such as “since nothing exists anyway, then I can decapitate you”, and had not yet received teachings on love, compassion and conventional bodhichitta.