Author Topic: Dalai Lama reveals warning of Chinese plot to kill him  (Read 12588 times)


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Dalai Lama reveals warning of Chinese plot to kill him
« on: May 12, 2012, 01:14:41 PM »
The Dalai Lama is now saying that the Chinese are going to kill him. But no mention of the Chinese in cahoots with Dorje Shugden practitioners now? Perhaps since he is receiving the Templeton Prize for non-violence and humanitarianism, it would be contradictory for the Dalai Lama to raise the Shugden issue and the oppression that many Tibetans are suffering due to the Dalai Lama's ban on this sacred practice.

I find the murder hypothesis a bit fanciful. Surely if China wanted to assassinate the Dalai Lama, it would be quite easily done. On the other hand, would it be like how the assistants of the Great Fifth Dalai Lama tried to poison Tulku Drakpa Gyeltsen when pretending to ask for blessings? How interesting karma is. But then if the Dalai Lama does not have the karma to be killed in that way, like Tulku Drakpa Gyeltsen, then he has nothing to fear? But i digress.

What I found interesting in this article was that:
1.   The Dalai Lama mentions again that the Karmapa could be a possible spiritual head of the Tibetans. This is something that has become more possible since the Karmapa has been exonerated of the foreign currency issue.
2.   That China could be more democratic in his lifetime for economic reasons. Personally I don’t care what the reasons are but I hope this will be the case and that China as a whole becomes more open to Tibetan Buddhism in China, and not just keep Tibetan Buddhism in Tibet.

I’m going to grab the paper tomorrow and read the whole interview!

Dalai Lama reveals warning of Chinese plot to kill him
By Dean Nelson, in New Delhi12:24PM BST 12 May 2012

The Dalai Lama has revealed his fears after being warned that Chinese agents have hatched a plot to kill him.

In an exclusive interview with this week's Sunday Telegraph, the 76-year-old Nobel Peace Prize winner, revealed he had been passed reports from inside Tibet warning that Chinese agents had trained Tibetan women for a mission to poison him while posing as devotees seeking his blessings.

The Tibetan Buddhist leader said he lives within a high security cordon in his temple palace grounds in Dharamsala, in the Himalayan foothills, on the advice of Indian security officials.

Despite being one of the world's most widely revered spiritual leaders he has enemies in China and among some Buddhist sects.

His aides had not been able to confirm the reports, but they had highlighted his need for high security.
"We received some sort of information from Tibet," he said. "Some Chinese agents training some Tibetans, especially women, you see, using poison – the hair poisoned, and the scarf poisoned – they were supposed to seek blessing from me, and my hand touch."

Relations between China and the Tibetan government-in-exile in India are poor and mutual suspicion high following more than 30 self-immolations in the last year by Tibetans in protest at Chinese moves to marginalise their language and culture.

He said suspicion of Chinese interference in finding his reincarnation following his death meant he may be the last Dalai Lama and that Tibetans could decided to abandon the institution.

A number of young Buddhist monks, including the Karmapa Lama, could emerge as the spiritual leader of Tibetan Buddhism, he said.

Despite frosty relations with Beijing, he said he believes China will change its hardline stance within his lifetime and adopt democratic reforms to safeguard its economic growth.

He said Chinese leaders should use Buddhist logic to overcome their suspicion and anger, but confessed he struggles to control his own temper.

He said: "Advisers, secretaries, other people around me, when they make some little, little mistake, then sometimes I burst. Oh yes! Anger and shout! Oh! And some harsh words. But that remains a few minutes, then finished."

Although he sometimes regrets such behaviour, he believes it is occasionally good for "correction."

Read the full interview in tomorrow's Sunday Telegraph

Kate Walker - a wannabe wisdom Being


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Re: Dalai Lama reveals warning of Chinese plot to kill him
« Reply #1 on: May 12, 2012, 08:03:42 PM »
If the Dalai lama where to be killed China would get some very serious bad press and relations with India would deteriorate very quickly. Its more likely in their interest to wait till His Holiness passes away.


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Re: Dalai Lama reveals warning of Chinese plot to kill him
« Reply #2 on: May 12, 2012, 10:10:30 PM »
I find that HHDL is dropping hints here and there that are very inconsistent.. Recently, I read the article and watched the youtube clip that HHDL himself said that he will live till he is 90+ years old. If that is the case, then why is he now suddenly saying that the Chinese has a plot to kill him? And what I'm surprised is..Why NOW?!

So wait, practising Dorje Shugden shortens HHDL's life, but his death also lies in the hands of the Chinese? High alert...should HHDL now put a ban on all Chinese from attending his talks and teachings, just because they might shorten his life too? I find it very ironic, how in the article, it mentioned about poisoned scarf..

"Some Chinese agents training some Tibetans, especially women, you see, using poison – the hair poisoned, and the scarf poisoned – they were supposed to seek blessing from me, and my hand touch."

My brains automatically associated that, for some weird reason, with the way the assistants of the 5th Dalai Lama plotted to kill Tulku Drakpa Gyeltsen. WisdomBeing - I agree with you, how interesting karma is. Anyways I really don't know what HHDL is thinking about...I wonder what the significance of the article is.

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Re: Dalai Lama reveals warning of Chinese plot to kill him
« Reply #3 on: May 12, 2012, 11:04:50 PM »
I Chinese were to kill Dalai Lama it can happen long time ago and I don’t see the reason now. Everyone know the relationship between the Chinese and Dalai Lama and I can’t get it why the Chinese want to do it now?
Just like WM and Manjushri , the plot of poisoning Dalai Lama seem reminded me how Tulku Drakpa Gyeltsen was killed. I don’t believe that Dalai Lama scared of this for his own interest as a spiritual leader Dalai Lama know better if this is his karma and always believe Dalai Lama always plotting for something bigger spiritually. (I don’t know what but surely for a bigger purpose)

Glad to hear that Dalai Lama believes China will adopt democratic reforms. If China can be open for democratic even initial intention is for the country economic growth but it’s a great start. When result shown eventually I hope so to spirituality where I strongly believe Dalai Lama advice on Chinese leader to use Buddhist Logic to overcome their anger must be seeing some sign on it.


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Re: Dalai Lama reveals warning of Chinese plot to kill him
« Reply #4 on: May 13, 2012, 03:57:08 AM »
With the China "invasion" (or whatever else you may want to call it) of Tibet in 1959 and HH Dalai Lama fleeing Tibet, it has caused many awareness in the western world, and because of this, Buddhism has been spread to the world in a much bigger way. I must admit this is not a humane way (because so many people are killed and hurt because of this), but no doubt it created many curiosity and has helped in a significant way.

As such, I would say that with HH Dalai Lama making that statement, He would have great meanings behind it. May be he is again creating some curiosity? :)

Anyway, I would say that HH Dalai Lama has no karma to be killed by the Chinese, IF there is such plot :)

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Re: Dalai Lama reveals warning of Chinese plot to kill him
« Reply #5 on: May 13, 2012, 04:10:51 PM »
I cannot help but be really skeptical about this. Seriously, if anyone wanted to plot the death of anyone as high publicity as HHDL, would he be given warnings? I think that to have this said about the Chinese government in the open like this is really stirring up a hot brew of trouble and political issues.

Then again, the HHDL has been skillful and having means beyond normal logic to do what he does. I use this in analogy to what is commonly believed here on the Ban, that it is his skillful means to continue the practise of Dorje Shugden. So, could it also be that by saying this about his plotted death, is to tell people "If I died today it is the Chinese government." This could then put such an attempt in check. Perhaps? Interesting...

Is it also possible that he is using his own death threat to bring more attention to the Tibet issues? I am sure of this. However, I do think that such news would strain political ties more between China, Tibet and even India. Whether it is true or whatever is his plot, HHDL never fails to make people contemplate... and learn.


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Re: Dalai Lama reveals warning of Chinese plot to kill him
« Reply #6 on: May 14, 2012, 05:58:09 AM »
I like the idea of the current incarnation of Karmapa Lama taking over the role of Tibetan Buddhist spiritual Leader.  It appears to be the most logical choice.  Ever since Karmapa Lama ran away from Tibet occupied China to India, he has been maintaining good relations with HHDL.  Thus, making it possible for him to obtain all the necessary  jenangs and initiations from the authentic sources.

I saw an interesting development here.  HHDL comes from Gelugpa lineage, Karmapa is from Kagyu lineage.  Although I think the differences among the Tibetan Buddhist lineages will be less visible in the future, I wonder how the Gelugpa will accept a Kagyu as their Tibetan Buddhism spiritual leader as a whole?



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Re: Dalai Lama reveals warning of Chinese plot to kill him
« Reply #7 on: May 14, 2012, 07:26:32 AM »
Interesting. Whatever His Holiness said here leaves us thinking; after all he is the emanation of Avalokiteshvara so he won't have the karma to be killed.  In this case, why does he even talk about it?

I am just guessing it is out of compassion to give hints to the Shugden practitioners that Shugen practice is growing tremendously in China.  Since his last statement about Shugden practice can shorten His Holiness's life, the growth of the practice is an indication that His Holiness is paving his way to clear light.  After His Holiness's passing, the ban will slowly fades...  The Chinese will pick up the practice and claim as their own but through that dharma flourish, just take a good look at the list of high lamas who fall under the Shugden category.  But this is my guessing of what this statement of His Holiness is all about.  Which means whatever that the Shugden practitioners are doing, is correct.  Simply because throughout the whole statement, His Holiness DID NOT ask people to stop the practice...  He was just giving hints here and there.

But it is interesting to see the bigger unfolds soon, someday.. very soon i hope.


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Re: Dalai Lama reveals warning of Chinese plot to kill him
« Reply #8 on: May 17, 2012, 12:54:25 PM »
Why does the Chinese want to kill the Dalai Lama now? If they want to kill him, they would have killed him long time ago and not wait till he is 76 years old. Why should they give him warning if they want to kill him? Anyway, if the Dalai Lama is Chenrezig, does he have the karma to be killed? The Dalai Lama said he will live until 90 over years so will it take the Chinese 15 years to plot killing him? All these are illogical. I dont think the Dalai Lama has any fear of being killed. So this statement again is contradicting. Let us hope that the ban be lifted soon so that the truth will prevail.


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Re: Dalai Lama reveals warning of Chinese plot to kill him
« Reply #9 on: May 18, 2012, 05:20:25 AM »
China may have plot to Kill Dalai Lama, well, with all these suffering that caused, I’m sure many people will want to kill Dalai Lama.

Even if that’s so, who can kill a Buddha? Just like Tulku Drakpa Gyeltsen, no matter how many the assistants tried, they still failed until Tulku Drakpa Gyeltsen gave them clue.  Don’t you think this issue has become more and more dramatic? And Seriously, If I want to kill you, will I go announce to you about my plotting?

I found this on bbc world news:
It says that China has denied claims that it hatched a plot to kill the Dalai Lama by sending female agents to poison him. This is getting more interesting now.

From -
China has denied claims that it hatched a plot to kill the Dalai Lama by sending female agents to poison him.

A foreign ministry spokesman said the accusations were "groundless".

The denial came after the Dalai Lama told a newspaper that he had received unconfirmed reports of an elaborate assassination attempt on his life.

China has long accused the Dalai Lama of trying to split Tibet, with its separate culture and language, from the rest of China.


Speaking at a regular press briefing, Chinese foreign ministry spokesman Hong Lei said the Dalai Lama was spreading rumours to attract public attention.

"His sensational allegations are not even worth refuting," he said, before calling them groundless.
The spokesman added: "Wearing a religious cloak, the Dalai Lama has been engaged in international anti-China separatist activities."

The Chinese newspaper the Global Times went further, calling the allegations mind-boggling.

"The assassination plot told by the Dalai is more like something you would find in a martial arts novel. Revealing such unreliable information, the Dalai appears to have become mixed up in his old age," it wrote.
The allegations come from an interview the Dalai Lama gave to a British journalist in which he was asked about a plot orchestrated by China to kill him using female agents.

He replied: "Oh yes. In the hair poisoned and scarf poisoned. So they say they're sick, supposed to seek blessing from me. And my hand touch. That kind of information we received."

He added that this information could not be cross-checked.

The Dalai Lama, the spiritual head of Tibetan Buddhism, fled his homeland in 1959 after a failed uprising against Chinese rule.

He now lives in Dharamsala in India, travelling the world to seek support for more rights for Tibetan people. China regularly vilifies him.


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Re: Dalai Lama reveals warning of Chinese plot to kill him
« Reply #10 on: May 18, 2012, 07:15:18 AM »
If the claim of a plot to assassinate HHDL using poison soaked in hair or scarves worn by women is true it remains just a plot. I sure would like to know how this assassination attempt could be done, using cyanide? Whatever poison to be used may affect the wearer/carrier.  Wouldn't it be easier with a bomb? OK, maybe the area would have been scanned prior but what about a sniper? Most high profile personalities do have death threats but this thing of using poison is innovative. If these were attempted, would HHDL survive? I am sure unless he willed it to be.


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Re: Dalai Lama reveals warning of Chinese plot to kill him
« Reply #11 on: May 19, 2012, 04:39:40 PM »
I wonder why the Dalai Lama always says that someone is going to kill him? First it's the shugdenites, now it's the Chinese. Who's the next suspect? Is the CTA so ineffective that the Dalai Lama is in so much danger? You don't hear President Obama telling the world that this and that person are trying to assassinate him, although I'm sure he is in danger too.

What I find more interesting is what the Dalai lama said about the Karmapa possibly being the next spiritual leader of Tibet. The Dalai lama rose to power during the time of the great fifth, but is it so simple that he can just hand the leadership reigns over to the Karmapa so easily? Not only is the Karmapa the head of a different sect, but how will the other schools accept him? Don't they have a say too? Will the Karmapa be non-sectarian? And how is the issue of the 2 karmapas solved?

Perhaps the Dalai lama is trying to foil china's plans for when he passes. But I don't think he can just proclaim the Karmapa as the next leader so easily. It will be interesting to see how events play out.


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Re: Dalai Lama reveals warning of Chinese plot to kill him
« Reply #12 on: May 20, 2012, 08:17:49 AM »
I wonder why the Dalai Lama always says that someone is going to kill him? First it's the shugdenites, now it's the Chinese. Who's the next suspect? Is the CTA so ineffective that the Dalai Lama is in so much danger? You don't hear President Obama telling the world that this and that person are trying to assassinate him, although I'm sure he is in danger too.

What I find more interesting is what the Dalai lama said about the Karmapa possibly being the next spiritual leader of Tibet. The Dalai lama rose to power during the time of the great fifth, but is it so simple that he can just hand the leadership reigns over to the Karmapa so easily? Not only is the Karmapa the head of a different sect, but how will the other schools accept him? Don't they have a say too? Will the Karmapa be non-sectarian? And how is the issue of the 2 karmapas solved?

Perhaps the Dalai lama is trying to foil china's plans for when he passes. But I don't think he can just proclaim the Karmapa as the next leader so easily. It will be interesting to see how events play out.

My take on this is that HHDL is creating news by dramatising events. Claiming that the Chinese Govt is planning to assassinate him creates a lot of attention and media hype. HHDL is a mastermind of the human mind. HH knows what his target audience is interested to know.

Whether or not Karmapa will take over, we will not know for now. HH mentioned a few year ago that he may reincarnate as a girl! There are so many maybes that HH is suggesting. Perhaps he's trying to confuse the Chinese Govt and send them a message that they'll never know because he's in control and the master mind.

You are right, Thor. It will be interesting to see what happens at the end of the day. So in the meantime, we should continue to educate the masses about Dorje Shugden and his practice.


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Re: Dalai Lama reveals warning of Chinese plot to kill him
« Reply #13 on: May 20, 2012, 08:54:44 AM »
China may have plot to Kill Dalai Lama, well, with all these suffering that caused, I’m sure many people will want to kill Dalai Lama.

Even if that’s so, who can kill a Buddha? Just like Tulku Drakpa Gyeltsen, no matter how many the assistants tried, they still failed until Tulku Drakpa Gyeltsen gave them clue.  Don’t you think this issue has become more and more dramatic? And Seriously, If I want to kill you, will I go announce to you about my plotting?

I found this on bbc world news:
It says that China has denied claims that it hatched a plot to kill the Dalai Lama by sending female agents to poison him. This is getting more interesting now.

From -
China has denied claims that it hatched a plot to kill the Dalai Lama by sending female agents to poison him.

A foreign ministry spokesman said the accusations were "groundless".

The denial came after the Dalai Lama told a newspaper that he had received unconfirmed reports of an elaborate assassination attempt on his life.

China has long accused the Dalai Lama of trying to split Tibet, with its separate culture and language, from the rest of China.


Speaking at a regular press briefing, Chinese foreign ministry spokesman Hong Lei said the Dalai Lama was spreading rumours to attract public attention.

"His sensational allegations are not even worth refuting," he said, before calling them groundless.
The spokesman added: "Wearing a religious cloak, the Dalai Lama has been engaged in international anti-China separatist activities."

The Chinese newspaper the Global Times went further, calling the allegations mind-boggling.

"The assassination plot told by the Dalai is more like something you would find in a martial arts novel. Revealing such unreliable information, the Dalai appears to have become mixed up in his old age," it wrote.
The allegations come from an interview the Dalai Lama gave to a British journalist in which he was asked about a plot orchestrated by China to kill him using female agents.

He replied: "Oh yes. In the hair poisoned and scarf poisoned. So they say they're sick, supposed to seek blessing from me. And my hand touch. That kind of information we received."

He added that this information could not be cross-checked.

The Dalai Lama, the spiritual head of Tibetan Buddhism, fled his homeland in 1959 after a failed uprising against Chinese rule.

He now lives in Dharamsala in India, travelling the world to seek support for more rights for Tibetan people. China regularly vilifies him.

I agree with most of the people who have posted that if the Chinese Government wanted to assassinate the Dalai Lama, they could have done it long time ago and do not have to wait until now when he is even more famous. So this statement released by the Chinese Government stating this is claim is baseless has significance. Where is the proof? If the Dalai Lama is going to get so suspicious now, then he would need to screen all the people who wants to see him. The best solution is to lift the ban and there would not be any conflict anymore. There would not be any plot to kill the Dalai Lama.

The Karmapa now is probably the famous Buddhist personality after the Dalai Lama. So, for him to take over from the Dalai Lama when the Dalai Lama passes on, it seems to be very suitable. He has a huge following and will definitely help in the spread of Buddhism in the world arena. Whether the Gelugpas can accept the Karmapa as their leader, we have to wait and see. But I do not see a problem because the Dalai Lama now is the leader of the Gelugpas but not for the other schools. So, in the future, the Karmapa can be a leader representing Buddhism for the different schools but within the different schools, there are their own leaders. Does it make sense?


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Re: Dalai Lama reveals warning of Chinese plot to kill him
« Reply #14 on: May 20, 2012, 09:49:36 AM »
In this article published today, the CTA's Minister for Security Ngodup Dongchung mentions that the Dalai Lama’s life is also threatened by the “rival” Shugden sect (my red highlight below). What I don’t get is why the CTA thinks that Dorje Shugden practitioners are a rival to the Dalai Lama or the CTA. What possible threat can we be? Before the ban, there was no challenge to the Dalai Lama’s throne. After the ban, the only demand which has been made to the Dalai Lama is to lift the ban. So what’s with the rival epithet?!

Chemical detectors to be added to Dalai lama's security
Himachal Pradesh,Diplomacy,Defence/Security, Sun, 20 May 2012

Dharamsala, May 20 (IANS) The Central Tibetan Administration (CTA), the elected government of exiled Tibetans based here, said Sunday it would add chemical detectors to the Dalai lama's security.
'We are working to add chemical detectors to his security,' Minister for Security Ngodup Dongchung told reporters here.
The spiritual leader had spoken of a threat to his life from Chinese agents, and that Tibetan women were being trained to harm him.
In an exclusive interview with Sunday Telegraph in Britain May 8, the 76-year-old Nobel Peace Prize winner revealed he had received reports that Chinese agents had trained Tibetan women for a mission to poison him while posing as devotees seeking his blessings.
On the presence of Chinese spies in this town, in the Himalayan foothills, Dongchung said: 'We can't rule out the possibility of the presence of agents of Chinese and even rival Shugden sect.'
'We have our own mechanism to keep tab on suspicious activities of the exiles and the guests. But we can't claim that it's 100 percent fool proof. We are doing our best,' Dongchung added.
Minister for Religion and Culture Pema Chhinjor said: 'Although the Dalai lama takes security threat (at the interview) to his person lightly, there are a variety of threats to his well-being that the security agencies are obliged to take it seriously.'
Citing reports received from Tibet in June 2010, Chhinjor said in a statement: 'Chinese intelligence agencies are making concrete plans to harm His Holiness by employing well-trained agents, particularly females.'
'It's also learnt that they are exploring the possibility of harming him by using ultra-modern and highly sophisticated drugs and poisonous chemicals,' Chhinjor said.
Chhinjor, who is officiating as the prime minister-in-exile, said in another report received in October 2011, that Chinese intelligence agencies have stepped up their clandestine efforts to collect intelligence on the status of His Holiness's health, as well as collecting physical samples of his blood, urine and hair.
'They are reportedly co-opting Tibetans inside Tibet to visit India with the intention of seeking an audience with him to this end,' he said.
According to Chhinjor, in recent years the Chinese government has launched an unprecedented offensive campaign against the Dalai lama inside Tibet and has issued instructions to organise protests by overseas Chinese communities against him during his visits outside India.
Currently, India is home to around 100,000 Tibetans.
Kate Walker - a wannabe wisdom Being