Author Topic: Lama Tsongkhapa's holy tooth relic  (Read 19990 times)


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Lama Tsongkhapa's holy tooth relic
« on: January 29, 2012, 04:07:25 PM »
Lama Tsongkhapa's holy tooth relic in Drepung Monastery (first pic)


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Re: Lama Tsongkhapa's holy tooth relic
« Reply #1 on: January 29, 2012, 04:22:47 PM »
more pics

Big Uncle

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Re: Lama Tsongkhapa's holy tooth relic
« Reply #2 on: January 29, 2012, 05:08:40 PM »
Wow thank you very much. It is lovely that relics of Lama Tsongkhapa still exists on earth. There are many exceptional masters in Tibet but Lama Tsongkhapa is perhaps one of the greatest for having achieved amazing scholarship of the teachings, meditational feats through innumerable retreats and inspired tremendously competent students. Incarnations of his students continue to carry the torch lit during his lifetime. His students like the Dalai Lama, Panchen Lamas and so forth continue to inspire the world with their enlightened actions that hint of the greatness of their master of centuries past.


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Re: Lama Tsongkhapa's holy tooth relic
« Reply #3 on: January 30, 2012, 01:23:12 AM »
Thank you Namdrol for sharing these holy relics.  To be able to see these holy relics is really most fortunate.  How wonderful if we can exhibit them to the public to plant the seed of enlightenment.


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Re: Lama Tsongkhapa's holy tooth relic
« Reply #4 on: January 30, 2012, 01:11:27 PM »
Wow, thank you for sharing these holy relics. It takes tremendous merits to see holy relics.  Just by seeing, making offerings to holy relics, we can purify so much negative karma and open up our past life good karma in order for us to do practice more this life time to benefit ourselves and others. Holy beings are very compassionate and they will show signs for us to generate merit.

There are two more articles on this forum on holy relics:

"AH" character that appeared on the previous Zong Rinpoche's skull relic:

Holy Relic in Lhasa:


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Re: Lama Tsongkhapa's holy tooth relic
« Reply #5 on: January 30, 2012, 02:21:28 PM »
Wow so auspicious to see the tooth of a Buddha, may it bless me to practise and get some results in my short life.

In fact to even come across Lama Tsongkhapa's teachings and works already requires countless merits, tremendous merits from past life actions and prayers. And having protectors like Dorje Shugden makes it much more easier on sentient beings to connect to lama Tsongkhapa. How skillful it is for Dorje Shugden to manifest during the time when being have so little merits to speak of. Dorje Shugden will connect billions of beings to Lama  Tsongkhapa.


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Re: Lama Tsongkhapa's holy tooth relic
« Reply #6 on: January 30, 2012, 03:04:21 PM »
Seeing the holy relics always reminds me of the enlightened blody, speech and mind of the holy beings. The eons they have spent in eliminating the self cherishing mind and ego to achieve ultimate liberation. It tells me that enlightenment is truely possible.

It is amazing to see the holy tooth relic of Lama Tsongkhapa, even a glimpse of it plants seed of enightenment.

Thank you Namdrol for sharing.


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Re: Lama Tsongkhapa's holy tooth relic
« Reply #7 on: July 12, 2012, 07:51:14 PM »
I remember reading an interesting story about tooth relics that Lord Tsongkhapa gave to his disciples and today I found the article again so I am posting it here.

This story, passed down through the centuries, tells how Khedrup Je became entrusted with Je Tsongkhapa’s tooth-relic, providing an illuminating take on the mystery of why relics of holy beings multiply.

A tooth relic of Lama Tsongkhapa which was offered to Lama Zopa Rinpoche in Lhasa, Tibet in 1987 by Wesar Rinpoche, who is from Sera Monastery in South India.

At Gawa-dong, at the time when the Majestic Lord [Tsongkhapa] was granting prophecies, the Lord [Khedrup Je] asked, “Majestic Lord, how long do I have left to live on this earth?”

The Majestic Lord replied, “Your dying day is right now.”

As the Lord pondered his being bound to transmigrate to a different field, he had a vision of the protector Amitayus [Boundless Life] who gave him an auspicious omen about prolonging his life.

When he was informed of this, the Majestic Lord said, “This being the case, [I now remember that] at Chlung, I lost a tooth. If I give it to you publicly, Khedrup-pa, your death will be postponed until the tenth month of the Pig Year. You should guard it well. Indeed, after the passing of three hundred years, a pandita, one predicted by the deities, by the name of Dharma-raja, will ceremoniously invite this sacred object to Magadha and the Vajra Throne. Thereby, on this earth, the tooth will produce relic pills.”

The Majestic Lord Tsongkhapa thus continued to give predictions for a long time. Later, he traveled to Chlung, and whilst in deep meditation had visions of the assembled deities of the four classes of Tantra and, in particular, of the Thirty-five Buddhas [see page XX]; and received their blessings.

At that time, Khedrup-pa supplicated the Omniscient Tsongkhapa: “Last night I dreamt about the prophecy given by the Father Guru. Please explain the Stages of the Path of Vajradhara, the abbreviated meaning of the four classes of tantra to me.” The Lord [Tsongkhapa] replied: “Fine!” and granted him a profound teaching. The rays of the sun were very strong that day, but from the Lord’s face a light appeared that pervaded all of space. Some perceived it as rainbow light.

Gyaltsab Je had seen the Precious Lord’s tooth, as had the Vinaya-holder, and Khedrup-pa. The Lord [Tsongkhapa] spoke:

“Residing in front of Mt. Meru like a mountain of gold – To you, incomparable Gelek [Khedrup Je], I offer it as a gift!”

And with these words he handed the tooth to Khedrup-pa.

Gyaltsab, the Vinaya-holder, and the others asked, “Why didn’t you give it to any of us?”

He answered, “It is not that I refuse to give it to you; but in this matter you are less fortunate than Khedrup-pa.”

The Majestic Lord continued, “There is even a prophecy about this, one which tells of the individuals who will pass it on. If all of you offer supplications for a seven-day period, I will grant that [each of] you will obtain it.” Khedrup Je took the tooth to his quarters, supplicated it, and it radiated light which filled his room.

After seven days had passed, the Lord told [Khedrup Je], “Bring the tooth here.” He then arranged an excellent display of offerings in front of it. As he opened [the relic box in which it was enclosed], the tooth itself transformed into an image of Manjughosha [Manjushri, the Bodhisattva of Wisdom], the head and hands of which were as if encrusted with tiny relic pills.

The one from the crown of the head, of this Manjughosha, was the color of a conch shell, and it was given to Pawo Dorje.

The one on the forehead was the color of crystal and it was given to Gyaltsab.

The one at the throat was the color of gold and was given to Punya-shri.

The one at the heart was like lapis and was given to the Vinaya-holder.

From Majestic Lord [Manjughosha]‘s body and limbs, two thousand relic pills came forth and these were given to every resident there. Thereafter, the majority of the relics that had thus come forth multiplied further and these were widely distributed, amongst those with the karma to receive them, as objects of veneration.

The above is to give an idea of the prophecy and the specific signs that became manifest; as this [oral] tradition, even in name, is lost in Central Tibet. The wise and erudite Majestic and Saintly Lord, Sangye Rinchen, unable to bear [that this oral tradition become completely lost] greatly exerted himself in writing and sending this from Cho-ne in lower Amdo. May it cause the stainless teaching to increase greatly.

From: How Khedrup Je Became Entrusted with the Tooth-relic, Mandala Magazine, February / March 2007


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Re: Lama Tsongkhapa's holy tooth relic
« Reply #8 on: September 01, 2013, 05:11:36 AM »
Thank you Namdrol for posting this and Vajraprotector in providing more information. Such relics left behind from great masters of the past are proof of their high attainments in their dharma practice. Great masters of this era had also manifested such relics cementing my faith in dharma practice and that such achievements can also be achieved by me. It will be a very long and very tough road ahead but it leads to the end of suffering.


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Re: Lama Tsongkhapa's holy tooth relic
« Reply #9 on: September 12, 2013, 07:09:26 PM »
Big thanks to both Namdrol for posting the holy pictures of the relics and Vajraprotector for providing us with this information. It is indeed very sacred, and through this we could really tell that through meditation and doing our practices, we will be able to become enlightened and end sufferings.


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Re: Lama Tsongkhapa's holy tooth relic
« Reply #10 on: September 18, 2013, 04:50:44 PM »
Goodness.. Vajraprotector, thank you for sharing this story... i've not come across it before and I love it. Especially so with the reference to Vinaya holder, which i presume is our very own Duldzin Dragpa Gyeltsen! It is rare to come over references to Duldzin since the anti-Shugden people have tried (though unsuccessfully) to erase him from history, yet now and then, these esteemed holy beings will magically appear in disguise and bless us!
Kate Walker - a wannabe wisdom Being


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Re: Lama Tsongkhapa's holy tooth relic
« Reply #11 on: December 12, 2013, 04:58:01 PM »
Wow. Really so blessed and auspicious to be able to see the Lama Tsongkhapa's holy tooth relic. Thank you for sharing the story behind this. May all who see it will be bless by Lord Tsongkhapa.


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Re: Lama Tsongkhapa's holy tooth relic
« Reply #12 on: December 12, 2013, 05:27:36 PM »
The living Je Tsongkhapa in the space before us right now in this very moment, I bow low with a mind unified with your grace!


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Re: Lama Tsongkhapa's holy tooth relic
« Reply #13 on: December 13, 2013, 06:13:49 AM »
Thank you for the pictures. The pics are around in the web for some times. Gaden in tibet also have packet of tormas with prints of the tooth relic and gave out to devotees. But now since the relic is enshrined, they no longer do that.


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Re: Lama Tsongkhapa's holy tooth relic
« Reply #14 on: December 13, 2013, 07:02:06 AM »
Thanks Namdrol for sharing the holy rare and precious tooth relic of Je Tsongkhapa!
And that you Vajraprotector for sharing the story on Je Tsongkhapa's tooth relic. How blessed we are in this day and age to be able to witness this type of miracle. It reaffirms our faith and conviction that all these enlightened minds are real and their teachings real.

It goes to show that if we practice the Dharma well and for real, we will be able to achieve the same enlightened state and to never give up no matter what happens.

Thanks Vajraprotector for sharing the info of Je Tsongkhapa's tooth relic story. Again this reiterates how important it is to have Guru Devotion and to be able to have the merits to receive anything from the Guru, one must have tremendous merits from pure motivation. The relics multiplying is a sign of clean samaya of the students and their devotion to the Guru, Buddha and Dharma. Without the Guru nothing is possible in our aim for our spiritual attainments. We must realise this otherwise we are kidding ourselves in saying we're Buddhist or we're in Dharma. We become another superficial spiritual practitioner which gets no where, and this is how Buddhism can degenerate because no one really does any practice. Everyone just talk the talk but not walk the talk. We have empty shrines and do empty prayers for the sake of looking "good" that's it.

This is why we do not hear of many mahasiddhas in this modern age where the poison of the snake, rooster and pig are most potent in us. This post helps to remind me of how precious the Dharma is, as precious as gold, but do we have the merits to see it as gold and receive it, is another question. Thank you.