Author Topic: How do we know what we do helps to lift the ban?  (Read 9674 times)


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Re: How do we know what we do helps to lift the ban?
« Reply #15 on: November 30, 2011, 05:32:34 PM »
The truth is the truth.  We are not doing anything illegal.  It might seemed like we are, even a small sneaky move like just mentioning Shugden's name; with a clear motivation, we are actually planting a seed of Manjushri in people.  Just like whathysteric gypsy wrote, just have to wait til the right condition, that seed will grow and they will meet the dharma.  We can not hide the truth because we believe in something, something which has proof and history to track back to.  So even with the current ban, it doesn't do much to us because our motivation is clear and believe in our protector and guru.  As long as we don't talk back, bring people down and continue to speak good, do good for our protector, im sure all these small little actions count.  People will find out more about the truth, more people will find out the truth.  And more and more people will get benefited.  Then, lesser people support the ban.. then the ban will subside and become un-notice.  Imagine that time, how many people will know the truth?


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Re: How do we know what we do helps to lift the ban?
« Reply #16 on: November 30, 2011, 06:56:11 PM »
I believe that everything we do to promote DS now will contribute towards the lifting of the ban. Among other things,  participating in this forum, sharing your knowledge on DS or yours view on matters related to DS and it's practices, distributing authentic DS literature such as brochures, leaflets, DVDs, books and comic books so that many more people will get correct information about DS and be aware of the how beneficial DS is.  In time, naturally, the support for the ban on DS practice will subside.

The time will come when as a result of all the efforts to promote DS now, many people will develop faith in DS or understand how beneficial DS is that they will come to realise the senselessness of the ban. The truth will eventually prevail and when many people speak in one voice to lift the ban, the CTA will have no choice but not to enforce the ban and allow DS practice.  They probably would not lift ban officially as a mark of respect to the Dalai Lama.


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Re: How do we know what we do helps to lift the ban?
« Reply #17 on: November 30, 2011, 06:56:28 PM »
As long as we don't talk back, bring people down and continue to speak good, do good for our protector, im sure all these small little actions count.

Course they do, else karma doesnt exist! ;D


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Re: How do we know what we do helps to lift the ban?
« Reply #18 on: December 01, 2011, 09:08:06 AM »
Good question.
I think another way to gauge is to see whether people who are against DS start getting quieter and quieter - are their voices getting drowned out by the strength of Dorje Shugden's practitioners? Is their strange and twisted logic about Dorje Shugden being quieted and drowned out by the logic, Dharma and knowledge that we are bringing to the attention of others? Do they talk less about Dorje Shugden and start to focus on other (more important) matters? Does the Tibetan government focus less on these religious issues and more on secular issues instead (for example?). Are people who are against Dorje Shugden more able to listen to other opinions and views, and perhaps even begin to accept them?

Hey Beggar, I must agree with you on this. Long-term actions will speak for itself.

This ban reminds me of when people were fighting for Gay Rights. It was illogical to suppress people for their sexual preference. There was no basis to treat people badly, or in many cases, to kill gay, lesbian and bisexuals.

Without proper education on the subject, those who didn't know better followed the herd, and hated gays.

In the same right (although for a much higher purpose), this website is incredibly fundamental towards the education people will receive that will help lift the ban.

We will know what we do helps to lift the ban if, FOR NOW we are strongly convinced that what little we do is part of the many little spokes that are integral to turning the wheel. Once moved, a tiny rock (e.g. TGIE official - heh) can not stop the wheel from turning.

This is as long as what we do doesn't create more negative karma (e.g. vandalizing the streets with 'Dorje Shugden Rocks' graffiti, shouting profanities at HH Dalai Lama etc)!

If we don't know what to do, or how to start education people on DS, we should start by promoting this website on Facebook. YEAAAAAAAAAAH :)


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Re: How do we know what we do helps to lift the ban?
« Reply #19 on: December 03, 2012, 01:16:26 PM »
Good question.
I think another way to gauge is to see whether people who are against DS start getting quieter and quieter - are their voices getting drowned out by the strength of Dorje Shugden's practitioners? Is their strange and twisted logic about Dorje Shugden being quieted and drowned out by the logic, Dharma and knowledge that we are bringing to the attention of others? Do they talk less about Dorje Shugden and start to focus on other (more important) matters? Does the Tibetan government focus less on these religious issues and more on secular issues instead (for example?). Are people who are against Dorje Shugden more able to listen to other opinions and views, and perhaps even begin to accept them?

What I do see as a sign that our work is lifting the ban are less and less people on the net going blindly against Dorje Shugden. Now they just remain neutral about the fact instead of going all the way and saying that Dorje Shugden is a demon etc. I have seen the comments of many Buddhists these days on the net that say that they would not like to get involved into this mess and they would much rather have a neutral stance in this rather than taking sides with either for or against Dorje Shugden, and they prefer to have compassion for Dorje Shugden practitioners.

The ban is not Buddhist by a mile, and people can see and sense it and eventually, it will only nothing but empty words and nobody will care about it.

Gabby Potter

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Re: How do we know what we do helps to lift the ban?
« Reply #20 on: March 20, 2015, 09:54:39 AM »
I think that one of the easiest way is to share any Dorje Shugden related articles, news, videos etc on social media platforms and make it spread as far as possible. We need to get more people to know about Dorje Shugden and His sacred practise, we need more people to know about the truths behind the ban and discrimination.


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Re: How do we know what we do helps to lift the ban?
« Reply #21 on: March 21, 2015, 01:37:38 AM »
I guess, in many way, we cannot see the effect of all the protests and education of the public with regards to Dorje Shugden. But as with any education, it will take time. Measuring anything like this is subjective until the actual, final act of lifting the ban. If we just do our little bit, like the ants, then like the ants we can become giants. and, hopefully a peaceful, peace-loving giant, at that.


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Re: How do we know what we do helps to lift the ban?
« Reply #22 on: March 21, 2015, 04:21:37 PM »
@Grandmapele There is a momentum growing day by day, if we practice the dharma, bring Dorje Shudgen to others, as for most people only Dorje Shudgen can help them. It chips away at the karma that is still holding the ban together and intact. We must keep trying to share about the benefits of Dorje Shudgen how it helps people through their spiritual practices and correct incorrect views that others may have developed about Dorje Shudgen.

If Dorje Shudgen were indeed a malevolent force, then all the practitioners especially influential ones will start to develop their own particular breakaway sects, stuff that Jim Jones has done. Yet everytime peaceful Dorje Shugden/Duldzin takes trance in an oracle, there is dharma teaching , what cult talks about how to end suffering not by taking poison or blowing one's brains out. So every opportunity there is we must take it to help correct the incorrect views of others that may have arisen for me I think that helps a lot too.

Stalactites and Stalagmites were formed when drops of water imbued with calcite slowly collects, so like that all our actions we do in the furtherance of Je Tsongkhapa lineage will add momentum to lifting this ban.