Author Topic: 6th sense, déjà vu, dream turns real into life  (Read 8280 times)

christine V

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6th sense, déjà vu, dream turns real into life
« on: December 30, 2012, 05:30:57 PM »
Has anyone experienced your dreams or nite mare coming true? Or having 6th sense on some one or some matters that turns to be real ? I have few friends whom have experiences some "dreams come true". Some they like it because it seem they can see the "future", some, to them was very disturbing especially it is a nite mare. Or in their dream, they "see" the situation or met with some person, eventually the dream turns to be real.
I read some Dharma books that the lama believes in dreams and always seek for auspicious sign in their dream when they have done a retreat.
My questions : What if it is possible how it is related to the karma?  Why some people have these abilities, are they curse or a gift? Can the 6th sense or dream be stopped?  Could it be possible that the 6th sense or the dreams was not naturally by him / herself but it is a disturbance from external force ,e.g: spirit? If it is so , how can a person over come this 6th sense or dreams? Some of my friends were very "addicted" to this 6th sense and sign in a dream, to the extend in whatever activities they do , they will "refer" to the 6th sense or sign in dreams, how to guide this friend of mine? If a person dream of a disaster that is going to happen to a person, if he /she remain silent and eventually the disaster happens, did the person have negatives karma on this matter? What do you think?

Big Uncle

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Re: 6th sense, déjà vu, dream turns real into life
« Reply #1 on: December 30, 2012, 06:36:26 PM »
Everything is karma including clairvoyance and although I may not know what is the cause that leads towards the karma to develop clairvoyance but I do know that there is a cause and perhaps, clairvoyance is brought on by spiritual disciplines like meditation. However, if one do not know how to handle this gift of clairvoyance and the interpretation of this 'extra-sensory perception', it may cause confusion especially if one is born with this ability.

Having the ability to tell the future or to perceive things others can't see can be a gift or a curse depending on how the person handles it. If the person is well-trained and prepared, he can use his/her abilities to benefit others or it can be a curse because one may be besieged with unwanted information and the person doesn't know what to make of it. If one reminds silent and does not speak up to help someone, one would definitely commit negative karma because we could have done something to help that person but didn't.
« Last Edit: December 30, 2012, 06:41:08 PM by Big Uncle »

christine V

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Re: 6th sense, déjà vu, dream turns real into life
« Reply #2 on: December 31, 2012, 03:39:22 AM »
Dear Big Uncle, thanks for the reply. To me, having the ability of this, is like a curse sometimes. Because if a person able to "see" the future or sense something , he or she might be treated as a person who are full of superstitious and might be treated as some one who are crazy. As for him and herself, he or she is always struggles to believe his or her dream or not to do so. 

Jessie Fong

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Re: 6th sense, déjà vu, dream turns real into life
« Reply #3 on: January 01, 2013, 06:28:19 AM »

The term déjà vu is French and means, literally, "already seen." Those who have experienced the feeling describe it as an overwhelming sense of familiarity with something that shouldn't be familiar at all. Say, for example, you are having dinner with a group of friends, discussing some current political topic, and you have the feeling that you've already experienced this very thing -- same friends, same dinner, same topic.
The phenomenon is rather complex, and there are many different theories as to why déjà vu happens. Swiss scholar Arthur Funkhouser suggests that there are several "déjà experiences" and asserts that in order to better study the phenomenon, the nuances between the experiences need to be noted. In the examples mentioned above, Funkhouser would describe the first incidence as déjà visite ("already visited") and the second as déjà vecu ("already experienced or lived through").

As much as 70 percent of the population reports having experienced some form of déjà vu. A higher number of incidents occurs in people 15 to 25 years old than in any other age group.

Déjà vu has been firmly associated with temporal-lobe epilepsy. Reportedly, déjà vu can occur just prior to a temporal-lobe seizure. People suffering a seizure of this kind can experience déjà vu during the actual seizure activity or in the moments between convulsions.

Since déjà vu occurs in individuals with and without a medical condition, there is much speculation as to how and why this phenomenon happens. Several psychoanalysts attribute déjà vu to simple fantasy or wish fulfillment, while some psychiatrists ascribe it to a mismatching in the brain that causes the brain to mistake the present for the past. Many parapsychologists believe it is related to a past-life experience. Obviously, there is more investigation to be done.

Having experienced deja vu myself, as would have other people, it is a situation where you get caught off-guard, experiencing a situation that you feel you have been through before.  It happened to me when I was a teenager. My mum could not explain to me why and it was rather bewildering.


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Re: 6th sense, déjà vu, dream turns real into life
« Reply #4 on: January 06, 2013, 10:33:27 AM »
Unless the person is a highly attained being such as a high lama, most people do not actually possess "real" clairvoyance.

From my understanding, psychic abilities are usually an external force from the formless realm who does possess clairvoyance feeding the person with information. (Formless realm normally refers to the deva realm and spirit realm). Dreams turn into reality could be a message transmitted while the person is asleep.

Does anyone know why the formless realm possess clairvoyance? Is it because they are not limited by a physical body? I heard that spirits travels at the speed of thought. Perhaps that is how they get the information from the devas and other people which enable them to pass on the information to the human being. Any thoughts to those who shares the same understanding on psychic powers?


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Re: 6th sense, déjà vu, dream turns real into life
« Reply #5 on: January 06, 2013, 03:23:58 PM »
I've experience dejavu on many occasions. I'm still lost as how these experiences occured. I'v experienced many instances if dejavu like when suddenly i have the feeling that whatever i was doing at that time has happened before in the past like in a dream or like I've experience before but the experience are instance and therefore there is no way to know before the experience. Any of you experienced it before?

DS Star

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Re: 6th sense, déjà vu, dream turns real into life
« Reply #6 on: January 06, 2013, 04:23:19 PM »
Can "déjà vu" be classified as a clairvoyance ability? 6th sense is, I guess, a special ability. Having dreams that tell the future or giving a sign can also be considered as a kind of  clairvoyance ability.

Like sonamdhargey, I too sometimes experience déjà vu but I don't see it as a special thing. It just feel weird to me when it happens, I was like: "Hey, why is this happening again?", or, "Emmm... this is so familiar". However, I don't think déjà vu is a special ability and I believe everyone can have this déjà vu experience.

As for 6th sense and 'prophecy dreams', I think these are special abilities developed from mind's concentration. Those who have it should use their special skills for helping people. I don't see any relations to karma. More like the people with these abilities can help more if they have stronger connection, in term of karma, with the people they are helping.


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Re: 6th sense, déjà vu, dream turns real into life
« Reply #7 on: January 06, 2013, 04:28:39 PM »
Yes , deja vu is a very common experience , I have experienced it many times when I was around the age gap as described in the study shared by Jessie Fong.

To me I say it is common because most people are creatures of habit and routine , and we do somthing one too many times you get this feeling like it has happened before and get yourself all confused about whether you have for saw the future.

This is especially true when that person knows about this so called phenomenon of deja vu , and some even want to regard it as clairvoyance or an ability to forsee the future . To me this is just the egoistic and self cherishing mind at work. As Jessie Fong shared : "Several psychoanalysts attribute déjà vu to simple fantasy or wish fulfillment, while some psychiatrists ascribe it to a mismatching in the brain that causes the brain to mistake the present for the past."


christine V

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Re: 6th sense, déjà vu, dream turns real into life
« Reply #8 on: January 14, 2013, 05:01:15 AM »
Unless the person is a highly attained being such as a high lama, most people do not actually possess "real" clairvoyance.

From my understanding, psychic abilities are usually an external force from the formless realm who does possess clairvoyance feeding the person with information. (Formless realm normally refers to the deva realm and spirit realm). Dreams turn into reality could be a message transmitted while the person is asleep.

Does anyone know why the formless realm possess clairvoyance? Is it because they are not limited by a physical body? I heard that spirits travels at the speed of thought. Perhaps that is how they get the information from the devas and other people which enable them to pass on the information to the human being. Any thoughts to those who shares the same understanding on psychic powers?

I do agree with on this. Able to predicts or even Dreams come true is not something to be proud of. If what as Aurore said, is a spirit causes all these, this mean the person have a spirit or spirits that surrounded her or him. To think of it this is truly scary. 
To me, to have this senses unless you know how to deal with it, else it can be a real disturbance. Imagine you live your life with prediction or 6th sense 24 hour a day, it is something not that good especially in terms of spirituality practices. Sometimes i even think that this will cause bad karma as the person have to react towards the prediction or Dreams which might cause the condition more worst. But if you not, and you are able to helps and you are not helping, as what have Big uncle said, it will cause bad karma. Sometimes, you know but you are helpless to save. E.g. I have a friend whom her dreams will showed signed of some big disasters, before Tsunami came to Indonesia she kept dreamed about the ocean was drying up, only until the Tsunami happens she understand this is what in her dream. Recently, she kept telling me she dream about The rainbow cloud or the cloud surrounding people and eventually people died. This time, she told me a disaster is coming - she guess is air pollution. Look at recent news, china have begun the worst air pollution in their history. If you are her, what you can do? Report the dream before happens to the countries? People will think she is insane.
Sometimes i think, can any of the Dorje Shugden mantras helps her.