Author Topic: Disturbed by 'spirit'  (Read 17001 times)


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Re: Disturbed by 'spirit'
« Reply #15 on: December 30, 2011, 08:23:56 PM »
I've never had any "physical" disturbances before. However, I do feel a strong negative unwelcoming energy in my previous residence. I would get a throbbing headache the moment the sun sets. What I found effective was protector incense offering (sangsol), any form of prayers and mantras. It will take some time before things gets more settled though. I remember once I managed to get hold of some rice blessed by DS himself through an oracle. It was said to be very effective for clearance of negative energies. One night, I experimented and burned a grain of this rice which is to invoke DS's presence. I had the most peaceful sleep that night! I haven't been able to get hold of anymore rice since then though  :-\

Dorje Pakmo

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Re: Disturbed by 'spirit'
« Reply #16 on: June 25, 2012, 06:47:50 PM »
I had a few 'close encounters' with the unknown forces - every incident happened when I was sleeping. I felt presence next to my bed and could feel the 'person' sitting on the mattress. The next would follow by heavy hands holding down both my shoulders and I couldn't shout, couldn't move... I felt very helpless!

Before I got to know dorjeshugden, i would always chant om mani pemeh hum when the 'hands' were on my shoulders... I had to chant many many times before the force disappear. Lately, i would chant dorjeshugden's mantra and the force disappeared right after the first mantra !!!

And the frequency of the 'encounter' were markedly reduced since I started dorjeshugden practice!

Are the invisible hands from negative energy?
Is there anything else I could do to make sure my family members are protected from the negative forces?

I have personally experience this before a few times. The last time I felt this was many years ago, during that time I didn't know about protector practice nor did I follow any particular religious practice. I was pretty much a free thinker. I can remember this experience vividly because I was actually awake and was fully in control of my body until suddenly a gust of wind blew in from outside my room. The wind was so strong, the curtain was blown up all the way. The next moment, my face was twisted to my right, I felt a strong grip on my face and I couldn't move nor let out a sound, as I was pin down by this unknown being.

But from the corner of my left eye, I could see a black figure that resemble a human being. Without any practices or belief at that time, all I felt was FEAR. The grip on my face was so tight my gum was painful. This lasted for around 15 minutes. My fear became something else, it was more like what does it want from me? As I became more annoyed and angry, the grip somehow began to loosen. Then, just as sudden as it came, it went out the same way.

Till today I've never got an explanation for this happening. But I feel much safer now knowing that the DS is watching over me.


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Re: Disturbed by 'spirit'
« Reply #17 on: June 25, 2012, 07:26:52 PM »
Reciting dorje shugden mantras is an effective way. However, if the person doesn't like to recite, then carrying or wearing chakras such as dorje shudgen, dukkar or yamantaka would help protect the person from spirit disturbances as well.

The best is always to recite the mantras ourselves. Other mantras we can recite are dukkar, heart sutra or singdoma. If you have a guru, please consult your guru for the most effective results.

My friend had spirit followed and disturbed her, her guru taught her singdoma mantra and she set up an altar for singdoma since then she never  encounter with this bad experience again.

Another friend of mine had a problem with spirit disturb during the night, his guru advised him to recite Dukkar mantra and he is fine after that.

For me i encountered with nightmare and something forcing on me and i could not move and felt uncomfortable almost everyday or nights when i fell sleep for years until the point i was scare to sleep, i was advised to recite heart sutra mantra everyday and it become lessen until i met my guru and he kindly  introduced me his sacred practice of Dorje shugden. My guru taught me Dorje Shugden mantra and asked me to recite  his mantra every day since then i can have a good sleep and it never happen again. I'm grateful for my guru kindness and compassion.

So if you have friends encounter such problems, please teach them Dorje Shugden mantra. Its kind like you are giving them a new life which have forever protection. 



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Re: Disturbed by 'spirit'
« Reply #18 on: June 25, 2012, 09:36:37 PM »
Yes, when we encounter spirits or any other negative forces chanting mantras of the enlightened beings with strong faith would be powerful protection. Some holy beings eg. Dukkar, DS, Singdoma etc are especially effective for such purposes.

After taking refuge with the 3 jewels, it is important we keep all our vows and commitments. Why? The function of these vows and commitments is to protect us.

DS is an enlightened being vowed to protect the teachings of Lord Tsongkhapa. It is therefore best for disciples of Tsongkhapa lineage to do its daily practice. When we encounter any obstacles be it spiritual or worldly , call upon the King and it will not fail us.

Jessie Fong

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Re: Disturbed by 'spirit'
« Reply #19 on: June 27, 2012, 07:42:36 AM »
I have not had the experience of being in the presence of spirits (I could have been, but I was not sensitive to their presence) so I would not be able to account for which mantra should help.  But judging from the postings here, many people have kindly suggested many mantras to chant and it definitely is DS mantra.

I do not like to walk in the dark but there are times when I am forced to e.g. when I need to go to my car parked somewhere dark, short of asking a male colleague to accompany me.  There were times when I felt uneasy as if there was an evil force around; there was nothing else I could do, I told myself.  Apart from walking faster to reach my destination, I would chant DS mantra along the way.


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Re: Disturbed by 'spirit'
« Reply #20 on: June 27, 2012, 08:04:13 AM »
I have always remember once my Guru says that whenever we encounter any difficulties be it spirits or any negative forces, feeling uneasiness, etc. think of him and Dorje Shugden as one.  Of course by keeping one's clean samaya with the Guru and taking refuge with the 3 jewels along with our vows and commitments play the crucial importance in generating the required protection at all times. Even chanting own Guru's mantra or DS mantra is the most effective and powerful protection.

Tenzin Malgyur

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Re: Disturbed by 'spirit'
« Reply #21 on: July 14, 2012, 04:43:03 PM »
I have gone through this experience of 'things' pressing on me during my college days, especially when I stayed up late studying. Some of my mates also had the same experience. One of them who is a Moslem said, in her belief, these spirits usually is out to disturb people who are doing 'good' deeds, in our case, studying. Wished I knew about DS then, sure would save me a lot of scary, helpless nights. With that in mind, I would always give away DS brochures to students so that they don't go through the bad experience I went through when I was a student. It is also with the hope that they get to know the Protector.

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Re: Disturbed by 'spirit'
« Reply #22 on: July 14, 2012, 05:21:38 PM »
We have to have compassion on the spirits because they live in a trapped world where their miserliness, attachment and loneliness is magnified many times over. Because their suffering is so great that they sometimes crossed from their world into ours and 'disturb' us. However, we must understand that they are doing that because they themselves are suffering.

Therefore, the first step is to understand their situation and develop compassion for them. Then when we recite the mantra, the blessings of Dorje Shugden will come forth stronger because of our motivation and Dorje Shugden would be able to bless them and bless us too. All of us have the seeds of miserliness and attachment that will bring us to that state of rebirth. So, don't have this fear of such interfering beings but have not fear of the causes of that state or rebirth is in us as well.

Each time we are selfish, miserly and attached, we create causes to take that rebirth. Hence, we do Dharma practice to transform those negative qualities to something higher and better. These seeds are in us and remains dormant unless we activate them at the moment of death. Everything we did accumulates at the moment of death and one of these seeds is bound to open, which is dependant on your emotions.


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Re: Disturbed by 'spirit'
« Reply #23 on: July 15, 2012, 07:24:30 AM »
We have to have compassion on the spirits because they live in a trapped world where their miserliness, attachment and loneliness is magnified many times over. Because their suffering is so great that they sometimes crossed from their world into ours and 'disturb' us. However, we must understand that they are doing that because they themselves are suffering.

Therefore, the first step is to understand their situation and develop compassion for them. Then when we recite the mantra, the blessings of Dorje Shugden will come forth stronger because of our motivation and Dorje Shugden would be able to bless them and bless us too. All of us have the seeds of miserliness and attachment that will bring us to that state of rebirth. So, don't have this fear of such interfering beings but have not fear of the causes of that state or rebirth is in us as well.

Each time we are selfish, miserly and attached, we create causes to take that rebirth. Hence, we do Dharma practice to transform those negative qualities to something higher and better. These seeds are in us and remains dormant unless we activate them at the moment of death. Everything we did accumulates at the moment of death and one of these seeds is bound to open, which is dependant on your emotions.

Well said big uncle.. As most of the times when i got disturbed by spirits at middle of the night with the uncomfortable feeling and my fear so my reaction is just want to recite Dorje Shugden mantra to get rid of them in this situation without thinking about how suffering the spirits has gone through and end up in this state and generate compassion towards them to help them so my reciting mantra is purely selfish just to protect myself.

Unlike in my normal day when i finished my prayers and do dedication and i think about them and generate compassion towards them. Its make me realize that how importance of training our mind as everything can be happened any time and only the mind which being well trained will response in the right way.


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Re: Disturbed by 'spirit'
« Reply #24 on: July 15, 2012, 08:49:09 AM »
I never had any "physical" encounters with spirits but I have felt their presence of my body been pressed down when I am sleeping and I became immobilized. It was quite a frequent occurrence. Since I started reciting Dorje Shugden's mantra I do not encounter this bad interferences. Nowadays I will dedicate my merits to them and pray that Dorje Shugden will blessed them so that their sufferings may be lessen and that they may be able to take a better rebirth.


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Re: Disturbed by 'spirit'
« Reply #25 on: August 07, 2012, 09:16:49 AM »
I believe that dorje shugden can help us in clearing our obstacles like black magic because sometimes when I am alone in my room i feel uneasy and disturbed by some spirit and there was also one time when i was half asleep i felt like the wind blew my legs down to the floor then i woke up i thought that it was a dream but my legs was actually on the floor and same things happened another time i felt like something knocked me and i wake up felling as if nothing that i would recite dorje shugden's mantra.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          Also, Dorje Shugden can help anyone as long as you trust and believe in him he can surely benefit everyone.


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Re: Disturbed by 'spirit'
« Reply #26 on: August 07, 2012, 11:14:26 PM »
This is my view on the spirit.  Just like humans and animals, they are sentient beings that deserve our compassion.  Some of my friends refused to recognize the existence of spirits.  However, it does not really matter what they think.  Just because we did not see spirits with our human eyes, it does not mean that they are not exist.  My attitude towards spirits are to recognize their existence and to pray for their welfare using Shantideva’s dedication prayer and rely fully on my protector, Dorje Shugden to protect me from harm caused by spirits, humans, animals, or other beings.


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Re: Disturbed by 'spirit'
« Reply #27 on: August 08, 2012, 02:20:19 PM »
On paranormal experiences, I experienced it twice. The first time was when i was on the 4th floor in my primary school out of a sudden, the head of a girl popped out in front of the window that was facing the highway. It was as if the girl jumped up and her head was just above the window and she let out a little squeal before she came down again. Me and another friend who saw it rushed to the window, looked left, right and down but saw no one. Nobody would be able to run that far and there is no way anyone could climb up there and jump as it was very dangerous and there were walls and barricades everywhere. It was freaky as nobody could explain what or who she was and how did she get up there and how did she manage to disappear so fast till this day, it remains a mystery to me.

The second time was when i was doing exams during my middle school. The classroom was at the ground floor and it was facing a field. On the far corner of the field were some bushes, and at the bushes was a very clear and distinct shape of a man, walking, but his body was transparent, the way one would see a glass of water. Although transparent, the image within his shape appears distorted like methane. he was walking into the bushes nearby and disappeared. The first time i saw him, i thought that my eyes were playing tricks on me and I rubbed them a little. The figure was still around. Not too long after, the dog that was sleeping in the middle of the field howled and he went to the side of the classroom to sleep.

I have not have any more encounters since, and for now, I do not wish to as I am not well equipped enough to deal with them.


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Re: Disturbed by 'spirit'
« Reply #28 on: August 12, 2012, 03:05:43 PM »
I Have the same effect as Triesa where when I recite Lord Shugden mantra it's have a calming effect and I it help me a few time when I was disturbed by negative energy.
My experience was having a very bad head ache and it's sudden when I feel this negative energy around me. Not frequent but I'm able to differentiate the feeling of normal head ache.
Once I recite the mantra and visualize my guru as one with Lord Shugden (strongly focus), my pain slowly gone.
Agree again with triesa faith is very important in our practice towards our Guru and protector.

I experience the same effects as you do. Every time I am enter a premise which has negative energy which does not welcome you, I will feel a certain headache which is more like a heavy energy pressing me. I am certain there's spirits everywhere. However, when I feel this way I feel it's because they are not pleased. I guess I am not alone in this! :)

Btw, I hd that spirits love to hear Om Mani Padme Hum. Perhaps that is why it require some time for them to release Tammy? The other reason I could think of is Dorje Shugden appears as a dharma protector form moreover a wrathful form which also mean he is closer to us than Chenrezig who is in a Buddha form.


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Re: Disturbed by 'spirit'
« Reply #29 on: August 12, 2012, 03:13:13 PM »
i have not encountered any sort of spirit disturbances before (and i do not want this to happen) but through what i learned from my friends who encountered it, they mentioned quite a lot of scary things that includes following you wherever you go. i was just wondering if my altar will help me by protecting me and my family. Will spirits shy away whenever they see an altar especially when they see Dharma Protectors are around. My take is that spirits are unlikely to shy away from altars because most of my friends who told me of such things do have altars in their respective homes.